Halloween Party (Fear Street Book 8)

Halloween Party: Chapter 18

I can’t believe you did this!” Murphy grumbled. “Even worse, I can’t believe we fell for it!”

“Does this mean the wimp team wins?” asked Ricky.

“No way,” said Alex. “Besides, you had help from Justine.” Like all the others, he was obviously relieved.

Terry couldn’t believe his friends could be so blind. “Come on, Ricky—this is for real!” he cried.

He glanced at Niki, who was shaking with rage and frustration. “This is nuts! They all believe Justine,” she whispered. “We’ve got to convince them we’re all in terrible danger!”

“I don’t think we can,” Terry said. “But you and I know the truth. Why don’t we get out of here while there’s still time?”

Niki shook her head. “We can’t do that, Terry,” she said. “We can’t leave them alone with her. Not when they trust her. We’ll just have to hope that David gets here soon with help.”

Terry knew she was right.

“Justine,” said Niki sweetly, “if this is all just a trick, then where is your uncle Philip?”

“Don’t you remember?” Justine said, sounding exasperated. “He went out for more sodas.”

That was the dumbest answer Terry could imagine, but the others didn’t seem to notice. Terry decided to try another tack. “You told us you and Les were just talking,” he said. “But nobody has seen him. If this was all just a trick, where is he?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” said Justine, hopping up from where she was sitting. “Les is in the dining room, helping me prepare the final surprise.”

Everyone started to move toward the dining room, but Justine raised her hand. “Wait just a minute,” she said. “I want to make sure everything is perfect.” She turned and went into the dining room, leaving the door slightly open.

“Our trick worked perfectly, Les!” everyone heard her say. “Thanks for all your help.”

From the other side of the door, Terry and the others heard Justine continue to chat with Les. Terry felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle.

Then Justine reappeared at the door. “Come on, everybody,” she said. “Everything’s ready for you now.”

Everyone hurried into the dining room, with Ricky and Murphy supporting Angela as she hopped on one foot. In the center of the room was a long, polished table, with a big candelabrum in the middle. Around the table were small gift-wrapped boxes at each place.

And at the head of the table sat Les.

He was wearing big, oval-shaped sunglasses that reflected the candles’ glow.

“Find your places,” Justine said. “Each box has a name on it.”

But no one paid any attention to the gift boxes. Instead they all crowded around Les.

Murphy balled up his fist and half jokingly held it in Les’s face. “Hey, man, you scared us silly!” he said. “We were actually worried about you.”

“Yeah,” Alex agreed. “I never thought I’d be glad to see you!”

Les didn’t answer.

“It was a good trick, Les,” said Trisha. “But it wasn’t fair to pull it on your own team. Why didn’t you say something?”

Les didn’t answer.

Terry looked at him more closely. Something wasn’t right. Les wasn’t moving. Not at all. Terry touched his friend on the shoulder, and Les slowly toppled off the chair onto the floor. The dark glasses flew off, revealing his staring, and very dead, eyes.

“He’s dead,” Terry said, feeling cold all over. “I knew it.”

Someone screamed.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” Trisha said.

Terry turned quickly, just in time to see Justine dart outside, slamming the door behind her.

An instant later a key turned.

Terry knew without looking. They were locked in.

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