Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 5

“So, um, I want to thank you for going with Hayden and Story to Griffith Park. She couldn’t stop talking about it when she was getting ready for bed that night. I appreciate it.” I smile at Piper, looking her in the eyes as we sit on the couch. Her face lights up, and she nods.

“I’m glad she enjoyed herself. We had a great time together, even if at first I wasn’t so sure about the place Hade had chosen,” she says, leaning back against the couch. Her leg finally stops swinging.

“I still don’t understand what’s wrong with Griffith Park,” my brother mutters, plopping down beside her and draping an arm over her shoulder. “You’re just being obnoxious, Pip.”

“I love Griffith Park,” I exclaim slowly. “If I hadn’t been so busy these last two weeks, settling into this house, getting Story registered for school, and negotiating my contract, I would’ve taken her there myself.”

“Looks like the Hale brothers have me outnumbered.” Piper nudges Hayden with her elbow, and he laughs. I smile, watching them. The memories emerge in my mind. It’s exactly how I remember them—always together, making fun of and then defending each other, shouting themselves hoarse. Their friendship reminds me of my own lack of friends.

I do have friends, but none of them are from my childhood. Those times were pretty darn lonely.

“Looks like it, Pip.” He squeezes her shoulder, and I lift an eyebrow. I know they’re just friends, always have been. Do they act like that around other people? If I were interested in this girl, I would want her best friend to stay away from her. Or I wouldn’t have approached her at all. Who wants to compete with another man?

“When would you expect me to move in?” Piper’s voice draws my attention back to her. I blink, shooing away all my other thoughts. I like quickly how she changed the subject. She means business, and it’s something I respect.

“Tomorrow evening,” I answer, and she instantly bites the inside of her cheek. “If it’s okay with you, of course.”

She sighs, glancing at Hayden and then focusing on me. “You start practice on Monday, so it makes sense you want me here tomorrow. Just…I have a sister. Riley. She was invited to a birthday party, and I promised to take her and bring her home.”

“When does the party end?”

“Around eight. It’ll take about an hour to get her home and then drive here. Is it okay if I get here around nine?”

“Sounds great,” I assure her, and her lips stretch into a genuine smile. “Hayden told me a little about your sister, so if you want to, you can bring her here from time to time. I’m sure Story will love her.”

Her eyes dart between my brother and me. She looks so damn cute, I can’t help but grin.

“You have no idea what that means to me. Honestly. Thank you so much, Hunter. Oh…I’m…um…” Her cheeks flush red, and she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “What should I call you? Is Hunter okay? Or maybe Mr. Hale?”

And I suddenly feel old. Her question isn’t about our thirteen-year age gap, but about me being her employer. Yet it still gives me an ick. “Hunter is fine.”


“I would’ve been surprised if you said Mr. Hale,” Hayden says, and I look at him. “Your fans call you Hale, and I think that’s more suitable.”

“Good thing I don’t have fans here.” I shrug and catch Piper’s gaze on me. The doubt in her eyes is evident, and I snort loudly, just as Story enters the living room. “Since I’ve been in LA, only one person has recognized me. But it was vague. Like, ‘Oh, look, the soccer guy.’ I’ve never been happier, walking down the street, going to the store without being noticed.”

“You’re the weirdest celebrity I know,” my brother adds and moves away from Piper. He leans forward and grabs my daughter, pulling her onto his lap. Story giggles and winds her arms around his shoulders, pressing her head into the crook of his neck. “You were on the Olympic⁠—”

“That doesn’t mean anything. Of the most popular sports in the US, soccer takes fifth place, according to some research. I’m not Tom Brady, and I’m not LeBron either. I’m fine with it.”

“I love it here,” Story says quietly. She meets my gaze and smiles hesitantly. “You can just be my dad when we go out.”

My skin warms. Moments like this are exactly why I moved back home. I can finally be Story’s dad and play my favorite sport without being afraid that I’m failing as a father or failing my team. I can have both with no sacrifices and more anonymity. Exactly what I longed for.

“Your dad is not just your dad,” Piper murmurs, inching closer to my daughter and tapping her nose with the pad of her finger. “He’s your superhero. No matter where you are.”

Story’s eyes are shining bright as she grins at my brother’s best friend. “And you’re going to be my best friend,” she exclaims, leaning away to get a better look at her uncle. “Hear that, Uncle Hayden? Piper will be my best friend forever in no time.”

“Looks like you have some competition, Hade.” Piper laughs loudly, pressing her palm to her belly. My gaze falls to her chest, and I feel fucking weird. My eyes hone in on the outline of her lacy bra under her tee. Licking my lips, I swallow my nerves. “Er⁠—”

I tear my gaze away from Piper’s chest and focus my attention on her face. Play it cool, Hunter. There’s no way I’m admitting to ogling my daughter’s nanny’s tits. Very nice, round tits…oh, fucking awesome.

“I already asked my lawyer to prepare a contract for you,” I drawl.

“Lawyer?” She blinks, her lips parting, and I suddenly realize she caught me staring at her. “That’s great. When can I sign it?”

“I have practice and a few team meetings on Monday, then I’ll meet with Mr. Smith. So as soon as I get back home, you’ll be able to sign it.” This time, I keep my gaze glued to her face. She nods, and a smile blooms on her lips. “Is there anything you want to know about the contract? I don’t really know what Hayden told you.”

“I told her everything about Story’s schedule, about⁠—”

“Hayden.” My voice is dry and full of warning. Why can’t he just let her speak for herself? It’s frustrating. “I’m hiring Piper. Not you.”

Piper laughs heartily and puts her head on my brother’s shoulder. “I never thought there would be someone capable of putting you in your place.”

“My big brother does it with ease,” Hayden deadpans and slowly stands up from the couch, still holding Story in his arms. “Let’s go to your room, kid. I remember you wanted to show me your toys.”

“And I want you to play Monopoly with me. Will you?” my daughter asks.

“Why not? Let’s go play while the adults talk,” my brother says snidely.

Once Hayden and Story leave the room, I meet Piper’s gaze.

“He doesn’t handle it well when people criticize his behavior,” she tells me.

“Oh, I know. He’s my brother, after all. I’d hoped he outgrew that habit, for his own good.” I smack my lips together. “He’s not a teenager anymore, but he still acts like one.”

“You’re wrong.”

I frown. “Why?”

“Hade is not how you remember him, and it’d be amazing if you both used this time to get to know each other again. Start from scratch. You’ll be surprised.”

“Maybe, but I know my brother.” That’s not really true, but I’m too stubborn to admit it. “Since the moment I returned, he’s yet to prove me wrong.”

“You’re a little arrogant, don’t you think?” she challenges me, and my frown grows deeper. “You act like he’s constantly making mistakes and bad decisions, while you’re the perfect big brother, a real example to follow.”

“That’s not what I said.”

“That’s how it sounded.”

Fuck. She’s not afraid to talk back, is she? I like it, but at the same time I hate being lectured. Just like Hayden.

Now I’m the one to say, “You’re wrong.”

Piper sighs, moving her hands up and down her thighs. “I think it’s better if we stop there. Hayden is family, and I’ll never let anyone talk badly about him. Not even his brother.”

Point taken. She’ll go all mama bear for the people she loves. “Okay. Did Hayden talk to you about your salary? Days off?”

“Salary, no. And he mentioned I’d be able to take days off when you’re not at practice or other soccer related activities.”

“Yup, I’ll have at least two days off a week, so you’ll be able to do anything you want. As for your salary, it’s five thousand a month.”

Her rosy lips part, and her eyes widen. “What?”

“Is that not enough? You’ll live here rent free, plus you won’t need to buy food or anything, so I thought it would be okay…but if not⁠—”

“It’s more than enough. I didn’t expect that,” she mutters, grasping her necklace with the little butterfly pendant and toying with the chain. “Thank you so much for this chance, Hunter. I appreciate it. You won’t regret hiring me.”

“I’m sure I won’t,” I answer, and we stare at each other for an awfully long time.

I know she’s exactly what I was looking for in a nanny. She likes my daughter, and Story is drawn to her. The problem is me. Keeping my emotions under control around someone like her will be incredibly hard, because I haven’t gotten laid in months.

Damn, I need to talk to Angelo. I need perspective.

“Hey, man. How are you?”

“Hey, Hale. Took you long enough to call.” Angelo laughs loudly. “I started to wonder if you got lost on your way to LA, maybe with some sexy chick you met on your flight.”

“Very funny,” I say, stopping near the floor-to-ceiling window in my living room. I stare at the water in the pool, glimmering under the moonlight. Water always has a calming effect on me. Watching it, being in it—anywhere around it, literally. It helps me sort out my thoughts, relax my muscles, and it brings solace to my worries if something is on my mind for too long. “The only chick I have is Story.”

“Haven’t you hired a nanny for her yet? Your practices start next week,” Angelo states, and I roll my eyes. This guy remembers everything, even the little shit I tend to forget. He’s kind and funny, and he’s one of the best goalkeepers I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. For seven years, he’s been my best friend, and even if we haven’t played for the same team in two years, we still stayed in touch, and our friendship only got stronger. I’d do anything for him, and he’d do the same for me.

“I finally did. I met with a ton of candidates, but I hired Hayden’s best friend.”

“Hade’s best friend?”

“Um, yeah, his best friend is a girl.”

“I know, I remember him talking about her.” Of course he does. “Isn’t she, like, twenty and in college, just like your brother?”

“Piper is twenty, and she’s not in college. She’s taking a year off.”

“Wow, you’ve got yourself a hot young nanny. I didn’t expect that. Good job, man.”

“Russo, you’re getting on my nerves,” I grit through my teeth, heading out to the terrace. Story fell asleep not long ago, and I don’t want to wake her up. “I hired a nanny for my daughter, not me.”

“Isn’t she going to live with you? In your house?” he taunts me.

“I’m not going to fuck my nanny, if that’s what you’re implying.”

Angelo heaves a sigh and lowers his voice. “Chill, Hale. I’m only joking, and you know it.” I do. That’s how he is, and I expected him to act like that. But his words, combined with the thoughts I had while Piper was here, agitate me to no end. “All I’m saying is, if you’re still keeping your promise to swear off women, it might be hard to have someone beautiful around all the time.”

“I’m aware.”

“You don’t owe Amelia anything, Hunter. Rumor has it she’s dating her costar right now. Why are you depriving yourself of something you love for someone who was a total bitch to you?”

“I want to prove her wrong.”

“It’s been seven months, right? I think you’re already winning. Stop this.”

“You don’t get it, Angelo. It’s important to me. Amelia doesn’t even know about my promise to myself,” I exclaim, sitting down on a lounge chair near the pool. “But I’ll need to figure out what to do about my needs for real. Piper is far from my type, and she’s young, but also very beautiful. She triggers thoughts I haven’t had for a while.”

“Buddy, a hand job does wonders. Did you forget that already?” He snickers, and I roll my eyes. He can’t stay serious for the life of him. “But in all honesty, Hale, your ex can go to hell. Get on Tinder and find a girl who doesn’t need anything more than a hookup. It’s easy.”


“You’re not going to do that,” Angelo says, and I chuckle loudly, “so I wish you luck. You’ll need it…to keep your dick in your pants.”

“Fuck off, Russo,” I snap while my best friend dies of laughter. “My dick will be staying in my pants just fine. I have everything under control.”

At least, I hope I do.

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