Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 48

The darkness of my bedroom is suffocating. It’s closing in on me, making me shiver though I’m not cold. My laptop is sitting on my bed, and its screen is the only thing illuminating the space. I keep staring at the unread emails as if it will miraculously solve my problems.

What problems, though?

Well, being in love with my best friend’s brother might be considered a problem. Coupled with the fact that he confessed his feelings for me right in front of a reporter from a big sports channel. And now my face is everywhere, with headlines I would love to never see again. They’re all surprisingly respectful, it’s just the narrative I hate. A sexy twenty-year-old made a soccer star fall in love with her while nannying for his young daughter. It’s frustrating. Especially since it’s already all over the news in the US.


OMG! OMG! OMG! Please tell me you forgave him?


Piper, please. Hunter would be an incredible brother-in-law.


Pip? Did you black out? Why aren’t you answering my texts?

Can I block her? My sister is so annoying. The way she instantly assumes Hunter and I will be together infuriates me. Wasn’t she the one who told me the guy needs to grovel? That he needs to do something big to prove his love for me?

But he did. And I have a feeling his emails are the missing piece of the puzzle. I need to read them. It’s the only thing that’s stopping me from going to his room and telling him how much I missed him. How much I love him. I want to say all that while looking him in the eyes. In his deep green eyes with hints of blue. It’s almost invisible, but when I look closely at his smile—it’s all there.

I take a deep breath, click on the first email he sent me back in January, and start reading.

From: [email protected]

Hey Piper,

I’m probably the last person on the planet you want to hear from. You turning off your phone and your family not telling me where you are is the best evidence of that. And you’re more than justified in your decision. I messed up. I watched the woman I love leave my house…and I did nothing to stop her. I let you leave while my heart was shattering into billions of tiny shards. Because I’m a coward. I broke your heart because I couldn’t find the strength to tell you I’m in love with you.

I should’ve screamed my feelings for you at the top of my lungs…but I let silence win. I let my fears destroy me…and I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t want to talk to me ever again.

I don’t deserve you.

At least, this version of me doesn’t.

I promise I’ll do better. I know what I need to do to become worthy of you. I just hope I’ll get a chance to show you.

Wherever you are, I hope you’re happy. That’s all I want for you. To be happy and loved.

Till next time,


Closing my eyes, I try to steady my breath. I inhale and exhale until my heart starts to beat more calmly. Not the violent drum it was just a few minutes ago. That was only the first email. I still have so many to read.

Email after email, confession after confession. He tells me about his days, about his visits with his therapist, about his conversations with Story and how she refused to tell him where I was. My heart swoons and sings, and despite all the tears, I’m smiling. Hunter Hale has a way with words. I’ve read a lot of romance books, but his emails are everything. Maybe because they’re written for me?

From: [email protected]

I don’t think I’ve ever hated Valentine’s Day more than I hate it now. Or I’m just sad and feeling pathetic because my girl got away from me. I deserved it, and I know it. But that doesn’t make it any easier.

I miss you every fucking day. Your room doesn’t smell like you anymore, and I’m mad at the cleaning lady I hired for ruining it. I swear I looked unhinged when I realized she cleaned your room too. She probably thinks I’m a jerk, and I deserve that too.

I’m sure you don’t know it since you don’t talk to Hayden either, but he and I are closer now. He comes over, and we talk. About life, about our plans for the future, and about you.

Your best friend is a mess. And even if I do feel bad for him…I don’t really feel that bad. He pushed you too far, even after I told him over and over again to back off and let you breathe. He should’ve never interfered. Some days he knows it, and some days he tries to put the blame on me. But I honestly don’t care what he thinks. I’d do everything all over again, without the slightest hesitation. But this time, I wouldn’t fuck up. I would never allow you to even think I didn’t want to be with you. You’re all I want. And I always will.

Story says you’re happy, and you’re loving your new place. I hope she’s right.

I love you, Piper.


Hayden and Hunter are close now? They finally had a chance to repair their relationship and become real brothers? Because of me? That’s some of the best news ever. Something I never expected to happen, but I’m so happy it did. They always needed each other way more than they knew. And them finally bonding and becoming friends as well as brothers is priceless.

I wipe my tears away, sniffling. My smile grows bigger and bigger with each email I read. This man’s dedication is admirable. Sending me an email every day without getting anything in response. Without knowing if I read it or not. Some are short, some are long. They are all incredibly moving. They make my heartbeat skyrocket.

From: [email protected]

Thank you. That’s another thing I want to tell you when I’m looking you in the eyes. Not only that I love you, but also thank you.

Your advice about my school all those months ago is exactly the reason it will be open in September. With a fucking bang! The LACFC general manager was following the kids’ practices with great interest, and now he wants to be a partner. He sees potential in my idea, and let me tell you…he almost choked on his coffee when I suggested preparing younger kids to later join the club’s academy. He said I was a genius…but it’s all you.

You helped me see things from another perspective, to clear my head of doubts and worries. You reminded me why I wanted to open my own academy in the first place. And why I wanted it to be on my terms.

You’re brilliant, and I so want you to be mine. Damn, Piper, wherever you are, I truly hope I find you soon. Every new day without you feels like some kind of medieval torture. It’s fucking terrible, but I need to bear it. It’s my punishment for letting you go.

I love you more with each passing day. I can’t believe it’s March already. I’m nowhere near finding out where you are, but I’ll keep trying. With Hayden’s help.

Till next time,


I cover my mouth with my palm. I’m no longer crying. My veins are warm, and my heart gallops. He’s going to open his school in September, and I bet it’ll be huge. With the LACFC’s help, everyone will be bringing their kids. I can’t believe he listened to me that day, that he did everything I suggested.

From: [email protected]

If there’s anyone I miss as much as I miss you, it’s Story. She’s my little sunshine, my beautiful princess, and I’m unhappy without her. I talk to her on the phone and FaceTime whenever I can…but it’s not enough. Even if I know I did the right thing asking Amelia to take her back to London.

She’s with her mom, but I’m sure you know that. She says you two talk all the time. Can you believe I’m jealous of my own daughter? I’d do anything for a chance to talk to you. I kinda do with these emails…but it’s April already, and I still don’t know if you’re getting these, if you’re reading them. Or maybe you just delete them immediately.

I’m going to London tomorrow. Story is super excited, and so am I. I can’t wait to spend time with her again, to learn about her routine, about her school and her new friends. And also…I hope she’ll tell me where you are. There’s a high chance she won’t, but I need to try. I’m ready to fight for you. For us. For my family.

My therapist has helped me sort out my issues, and I feel like a new person. You deserve the whole world, and I finally know I can give you that. I can be your everything…and I desperately hope you want to be mine.

I love you, Piper.

Hope to see you soon.


I love you, Piper…how is this possible? Hunter is my best friend’s brother. Someone I barely saw when I was younger. Someone I knew nothing about. Someone who hired me to be his daughter’s nanny. Someone who stole my heart all those months ago in his kitchen.

The moment he set me on the countertop, I folded. Even if he acted like a douche after. I fell for him at that exact moment. I fell in love with a great man…and I’m so glad he came through. For me. He got into therapy and asked for help. He fought the demons of his past and the fears his father’s infidelity sowed in his heart. He’s a better man now…and I love him even more.

Hunter Hale is my end game. He’s my happily ever after, and I’m not letting him go. I deserve the kind of love I read about in books, the kind I see in the movies. I deserve the world, and for me, Hunter is it. He’s all I need now, all I will always need.

Closing my laptop, I quickly get up from my bed. Before I go see Hunter, I need to talk to someone else first. It’s three a.m.—around seven p.m. in LA. Taking my phone from the covers, I find my best friend’s number and dial.

“Hey,” I say the second Hayden answers.

“Piper?” he asks hoarsely, and my heart squeezes. I’ve missed hearing his voice. I’ve missed him…despite everything that went wrong between us.

“Yeah, it’s me. I thought I should⁠—”

“I’m sorry, Piper. I’m so, so sorry,” he rasps, silencing me. “I was such a fucking jerk to you, always thinking I knew what was best. Always treating you like you needed guidance and protection, while in reality you’re a thousand times smarter than me. You see people for who they are, and I doubted your judgment. I robbed you and my brother of your happiness, pushing you to make a decision you weren’t ready to make. I don’t deserve your friendship; I never did.”

I chuckle, wiping my tears with the heels of my palms. “And now you think you know what’s best again. You were with me through thick and thin; there were days I wouldn’t have made it through if it wasn’t for you. I need my best friend, Hayden. I need you.”

“Good Lord.” He exhales loudly. “You really want to be friends with me? After everything⁠—”

“I do…but on one condition.”

“Anything you want.”

“Promise you’ll never meddle in my life again.”

His laughter fills my ears, making me smile. “I swear. I’m miserable without you, and I’ll do anything to earn back your friendship. You deserve the best best friend in the world…in addition to the best boyfriend in the world,” he murmurs. “I saw the interview. You look good together, Pip.”

“We do,” I whisper.

“Are you happy with him?”

“You have no idea how much.”

“Then I’m happy for you. That’s the only thing that matters to me.”

I grin. “Hade, do you mind if I call you tomorrow? I kinda need to talk to your brother.”

“Talk.” Hayden snorts. “Sure. I’ll be waiting. We need to catch up.”

“Talk to you tomorrow. Bye, Hade.”

“Bye, Pip.”

I end the call and quietly tiptoe out of my bedroom and down the stairs. Quickly, I knock on his door and wait. My heart is going berserk in my chest. What if he’s so deep asleep he doesn’t hear me? I lift my hand to knock again, but the door slowly cracks open. Hunter looks at me with one of his eyes half closed. He’s sleepy, and he rubs his palm over his face, trying to hide his yawn.

“Piper? Is everything okay?”

I blink. So many thoughts are running through my head. I won’t be going anywhere till Story’s school year is over. That’s something I know Amelia and Hunter discussed. It means I’ll need to stay in London till July, away from the man I love and want to be with.

Am I nervous? Hell yes, I am. Do I think we will be alright? Absolutely.

Taking a deep breath, I step closer and wrap my arms around his neck. “I read your emails.”

He sweeps me off my feet the very second the words leave my mouth. I hook my legs behind his back as he closes the door. His lips are on mine without any hesitation, taking my breath away. It feels like heaven. Everything about him is addicting, unraveling. He reads me with such ease, as if my thoughts are his own. As if there’s nothing more important for him than to please me.

We land on his bed, his body blanketing mine with his warmth. He places one of his hands on the bed, balancing himself, as his lips leave a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses on my throat. I moan, pleasure rippling through my veins. And yet, I stop him. I want him to hear me out.

“I love you,” I tell him, and Hunter looks up, his eyes meeting mine. “And I want to be with you.”

“Am I still dreaming?” he murmurs, caressing my skin. “If you only knew how much I’ve wanted to hear that. It feels better than I imagined.”

I cup his face, my palms pressed to his scruffy cheeks. “Everything feels better with you.” I sigh and go for it. “But I want us to take things slow. You’ll go back to the US next week, and I’m staying here with Story till July. If I give in now, you’ll be the only thing on my mind till I see you again…and I don’t want it to be like that.”

Hunter studies me with a light smile on his face. He leans down and plants a kiss on my nose. “Whatever you wish.” He plops himself down on his back and pulls me close, until my head is on his chest. “So what does that mean then?”

“It means you’re mine.” A low chuckle vibrates under my ear. “And I’m yours. We’re together.”

“Story would love to know that.”

“She’ll be over the moon,” I confirm smiling, and I hear him yawn again. We’ll have time to talk about us, about things we both need to do. Now? I just want to cuddle with my man, to finally fall asleep with his body wrapped around mine once again. “Can I stay?”

“Did you even need to ask?” He kisses the top of my hair, hiding his face in it. “I just need to warn you—once I get my hands on you, you’re not going to leave our bed until I say so. Am I clear?”

“Yes,” I whisper, kissing his chest. “Do you remember our first time? In the shower?”

“How could I forget? I was a goner for you back in the club, but that shower? Fuck, baby, you’ve owned me ever since. Why do you ask?”

“Because I’m counting on you to make me pass out again when we finally get to that…and maybe more.”

Hunter shifts, and I look up, meeting his gaze. So many emotions. Then he bends and kisses me again. “Whatever you wish, Piper.” His whisper scatters all over my lips.

Falling asleep in his arms, I feel full and content. Hunter is my everything, and I can’t wait to start our journey together. As a couple. As a family.

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