Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 44

“Well, she’s finally asleep,” Amelia says quietly, slumping down on the couch. “I can barely stay awake. The flight was long and exhausting.”

“You should’ve gone to bed. We can talk tomorrow.”

She huffs. “We’re going to talk now, Hunter. I wasn’t even gone for a week, and you summoned me back because you want me to take Story to London. What happened?”

I press the palm of my hand to my mouth, staring in front of me. The past two days have been horrible. Story didn’t want to talk to me, giving me only short yes and no answers when I asked her anything. She stayed in her room, even when my mom stopped by yesterday. She said she wasn’t in the mood, scooped up her cat, and closed the door in my face.

“I screwed up.”

“I know that already.” Amelia chuckles, shaking her head. “I need more information, Hunter.”

Sighing, I tell her everything from the start. And when I finally explain what happened two days ago, the room is full of deafening silence.

I lock eyes with Amelia. “Story won’t be happy if she stays here. This house will be a constant reminder of Piper, and I don’t want that for her. She’ll be better off with you.”

“What does she want? Did you ask her?”

“It’s not up for discussion,” I say sharply, narrowing my eyes. “I love our daughter more than anyone or anything in this world, and I don’t want her to suffer because of my mistakes.”

“But she already is, Hunter.” Amelia speaks softly. “It’s hard for her because she doesn’t understand. She thought Piper was perfect for you, and she doesn’t understand why you let her leave.”

“I’m not capable⁠—”

“Stop that!” She slaps my knee, knitting her brows together. “You just admitted you love her.”

“I’ll screw it up, and she’ll hate me. And I can’t even think about her hating me; I’d lose my goddamn mind.” I hang my head low, staring at my feet. “Story needs to go with you. It’s for the best.”

Amelia is silent, but I feel her gaze on me. She doesn’t move; only her fingers rap on her thigh. Then she lets out a long breath.

“I’ll take Story with me, but only under one condition.”

“Which is?”

“You’re going to start therapy again. This”—she waves her hand in front of my face—“isn’t you. You were ready to do anything to win my heart. You fought for me. For us. And now you’re letting Piper go? This isn’t you.”

“I’ve never loved you⁠—”

“The way you love Piper,” Amelia finishes for me, her eyes narrowed to slits. “I’m aware, Hunter. Just like I’m aware of how much your insecurities are messing with your life. I can be a manipulative bitch, and some of my behavior further damaged your relationship with her, so I’m sorry for that. And I’m sorry for not realizing you needed help, and guidance. So please, Hunter, do me a favor and go back into therapy. You’ll have a chance to win Piper back; I have no doubt about that. But you’ll need to be okay—you need to learn to trust yourself. And you need to fucking get it into your thick skull that you’re a great man, and you deserve to be loved and happy. Do we have a deal?”

I stare at her, my skin warming up. She’s my ex-wife, and I’d be damned if I say our marriage wasn’t bumpy. But right now, I’m reminded of how incredible she can be.

“You’re pretty good at pep talk. Maybe I should hire you?” I tease her, and she breaks into laughter.

“Go to Hell, Hale.” She stands up and towers over me, stifling a loud yawn. “Do we have a deal?”

“Yes. I’ll go back to therapy. I was going to anyway. I owe it to Story.”

“And Piper. If something is meant to be, it’ll happen, Hale. And if she’s meant to be yours, she’ll be yours. You just need to make sure you don’t screw it up again. And that’s why, honey, you need to work on your issues.”

I stand up. Amelia turns around and heads toward the hallway. I follow her, smiling to myself. Despite my shitty mood, she managed to make me smile. And what’s more, we really talked to each other. It felt nice.

She steps onto the first stair, putting her hand on the railing. “Night, Hunter.”

“Night, Amelia.”

I slowly go to my room. It’s time to let my mind rest. Getting Story ready to leave won’t be easy.

My eyes snap open, and I look around to see people exiting the plane. Dammit. I didn’t even notice I fell asleep, dreaming about my talk with Amelia. The conversation that pushed me back into therapy, that finally made things right between me and my ex-wife.

Grabbing my things, I zip up my leather jacket and rush to the exit. I put on my hat and pull it low over my face. People on the plane recognized me, but thankfully were respectful enough and didn’t bother me.

I’ve seen the articles about me. They think I’m bored and want to return to the Premier League, especially because my daughter is here in London. In reality, all I want is to continue playing for the LACFC and preparing my school, which is set to open in September. This is something I’m passionate about, something I want to succeed. Something I desperately want Piper to know about. I want to thank her for listening to me that day and giving me advice. I already said it in one of my emails, but I want to thank her in person.

Outside the airport, I see the car I hired to pick me up. The driver helps me with my bags, and I slide inside, taking a deep breath. I miss my daughter so damn much. I can’t wait to finally hug her. To listen to her stories, to spend time with her. I got permission to skip one game, as I plan to stay in London for two weeks.

My phone rings, and I quickly answer. Angelo’s voice fills my ears. “Hey, Hale. How have you been?”

“Hey, Russo. I’m fine. How are you?”

“I’m good. Buzzing for the Champions League game on Wednesday. You’re coming, right? I saved a few seats for you and your family.”

“If I miss it, you’ll fucking eat me alive next time you see me,” I mutter, and he bursts out laughing.

“Well, that’s a little radical, even for me. I’d just stop answering your calls and pretend your pretentious ass doesn’t exist anymore,” he jokes.

“I already have Piper for that. So yeah, I’m good.” I laugh, looking out the window at the traffic jam. “I’ll come watch you play, don’t worry.”

“Good. Any news about your gone girl?”

“No, still nothing. I know she’s good and happy, I just don’t know where she is.”

“That sucks, but I hope you’ll get to see her again soon. And I hope she’s still single.” Angelo lowers his voice. “Seeing you so heartbroken in January wasn’t fun at all. I don’t want to repeat that experience.”

“You have no idea how grateful I am that you came to visit me. I needed it.”

He flew to LA right after New Year’s, just to keep me company and talk. The amount of time I spent spilling my guts to my best friend can only be compared to my sessions with my therapist. Angelo is the reason I was able to keep my shit together and not fall apart. I owe him for life.

“I know. But that’s the reason we all need friends. Even loners like you.”

“Even loners like me,” I repeat. Then I change the subject, asking him about Luna and Cissy, about his parents and his upcoming games. This man’s friendship is one of the best gifts my career has given me.

I ring the doorbell and shift my weight from one leg to the other. I’m nervous, and I don’t even know why. They’re waiting for me. When I talked to her last night, Story couldn’t stop mentioning all the places she wants us to visit. Amelia is also in London, and she has a little break before the press tour of her upcoming movie starts. It’s all good, and yet I can’t stop myself from worrying about my plan to get my daughter to tell me where Piper is. If I fail, the only option is to wait for her to return in August. That shit is scaring me for real.

The door swings open, and my eyes land on my ex-wife. Amelia is in light blue jeans and a knitted pink sweater. Her hair is cascading over her shoulders, a few locks framing her face. Her lips stretch into a smile as she lets me in.

“Hey, Hunter. I’ve been wondering when you were going to show up,” she says, leaning against the door.

“I sent you my flight details. Didn’t you get my message?” I ask, frowning and stepping inside.

“I did, but you’re forgetting you’re not in the US anymore. People know you here, and I thought maybe there would be paparazzi trying to get pictures of you, fans asking for your autograph.” Amelia shrugs, slipping her hands in her pockets.

“The hat does wonders. No one recognized me when I was getting in the car.”

She looks me up and down, scrutinizing me. “You look skinnier.”

“I don’t have much else to do but practice and play,” I answer, picking up my suitcase. “The gym is the only place I go these days. I’m not skinnier, I’m leaner.”

“Whatever you say, Hale.” Amelia shakes her head, heading down the hallway. “Your room is on the first floor. I’ll show you⁠—”

“It was my house too, remember?”

Amelia looks at me over her shoulder. “I know, but I kinda like pushing your buttons. To see how long it’ll take for me to piss you off.”

“What a shocker,” I say, and she giggles as we go down the hallway. “Where is Story?”

“She and Meddie went to pick up something delicious for dinner. They’ll be back soon.”

“Meddie? I get it when Story calls Madeleine ‘Meddie,’ but you?” We stop near the guest room, and I lift my eyebrow at Amelia. “I don’t remember you being friendly with her back then.”

“Story’s nanny needs to be my ally if I want the atmosphere between her and our daughter to be amazing. So I’m trying to be an awesome boss, and so far, so good.” She flashes me a smile and opens the door. “Make yourself at home. I’ll be waiting in the kitchen.”

I step inside and start to unpack my suitcase, putting my clothes in the closet. After a quick shower, I dry my hair and body with a towel.

Memories rush back, and I instantly see Amelia and me arguing about the design of our guest rooms. We ended up splitting them between us, and this one was completely decorated by me. Dark blue tiles and white bathroom countertops, with a single sink and a big round mirror. I loved it back then, and I still do. Just like the bedroom, with its dark blue, gray, and white colors. Comfortable and soothing.

I put on a white tee and gray sweatpants and thread my fingers through my hair, checking if it’s dry enough. When I open the bedroom door, I hear Story’s laughter, and then Amelia joins in. My lips involuntarily curl into a huge smile. I can’t wait to see my little princess.

I saunter into the kitchen and stop abruptly. It’s like I was just smacked in the face with a ball. Story is sitting at the table, and her mom is leaning on the kitchen counter with a glass of wine. They both peer at me, but all I see is her. Her long blond hair is in a loose ponytail, and she has bangs now. Her pink Minnie Mouse tee is long, covering her ass, and her long legs are in black jeans, crossed at her ankles. She holds my gaze, and I can’t look away.

Piper is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen…and she’s here, in London. In my ex-wife’s house. She stands next to Amelia with a glass of wine in her hand.

What the actual fuck?

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