Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 37

“I wanted to go all out for Story’s birthday, but her parents said no,” Hayden mutters as we stroll toward the house.

“She was really sick a few days ago.” I shrug, pressing her gift to my chest.

“It was always supposed to be small,” Riley says. I glance at her. “Story told me before you went to Spain that she only wanted her family…and us.”

“You’re part of the family, kid.” Hayden leans forward to catch my sister’s gaze. “It’s time you remember that.”

“Really? Who is Piper married to? You or your brother?” My sister laughs, and my heart beats faster. His brother hasn’t spoken to me since he dropped me off at my mom’s house four days ago. Not even a text. Total silence, and it makes my skin itch.

“You don’t need marriage to create this kind of bond.” Hayden meets my gaze and grins. I nod, grimacing, as if from sudden pain. I’m having a hard time returning his smile. I have no idea what would happen to our friendship if the truth about Hunter and me were to come out…or if things between us were to fall apart. Right now, the second option seems possible.

“Marriage still sounds better.” Riley chuckles but instantly falls quiet once she catches me glaring at her. “Just kidding.”

“Of course you are.” Hayden snickers, knocking on the door. “Pip deserves the best.”

“I love that you’re so critical of yourself,” Riley mumbles under her breath. “But who said Hunter isn’t⁠—”

“Can you two stop?” I snap. My neck is getting hot.

Hayden shoves his hands in his pockets, and Riley looks away, focusing on a bush near the porch. They are both pissing me off. My mood is already fucked-up enough. I don’t need them riling me up.

A smiling Willow opens the door and lets us in. “You’re right on time. Story’s been asking about you.”

“Sorry it took us so long,” Hayden says, kissing his mom’s cheek. “We needed to pick up this little monkey after her dance class.”

“You’re such an—” Riley says, and I clap a hand over her mouth.

Willow laughs, shaking her head. “Sweetheart, that’s quite alright. My son deserves whatever name Riley wants to call him. She’s far from a little monkey.”

I give her an awkward grin and drop my hand from my sister’s face. “It’s still Story’s birthday. I don’t think she should hear words like that. Right, Riley?”

Riley’s face turns red as she lowers her head. “Sorry. I should’ve thought about that.”

I shift my gaze and peer at Hayden, as he’s the one who started all this. He rolls his eyes, heaving a sigh. “I’m sorry too.”

He’s not, and he’s not even hiding it. I’m not surprised, just disappointed. Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot, and I truly believe my best friend needs a reality check. He’s been acting like a total douchebag and not bothering to say he’s sorry, even when he knows he’s in the wrong. Calling my sister a little monkey was definitely a joke, but his behavior afterward speaks for itself. He’s used to getting away with everything, and I’m not okay with it.

“Everyone’s in the living room. The birthday girl is playing Monopoly with her dad and granddad.” Willow walks into the living room, and we all follow her after taking off our jackets. I hand our gift to Riley so she can carry it.

Stepping into the house, I’m cautious. I don’t know what to expect. The only thing I’m sure about is that I need to be professional. Willow and Colin might know about Hunter and me, but I don’t want to add Hayden and Amelia to that group. And definitely not Story or Riley.

“Piper!” Story rushes over to me, ignoring everyone else. I kneel just in time to catch her in my arms, and she winds her hands around my neck. “I missed you so, so much.”

“Me too, honey,” I murmur, pressing her close to my chest. “How do you feel?”

“Good. Mom and Dad were with me, and I got better in no time.” She leans away, studying my face. Her round eyes glimmer with warmth. “Come see my cat. I want you to help me name him.”

“I was sure you already chose a name with your parents.” Story shakes her head no, and my insides warm. The butterflies in my stomach do a happy dance. It means so much to me, I have trouble hiding it. “I’d be honored to help you name him.”

She plants a kiss on my cheek, and I put her down. As I stand back up, I feel someone’s gaze on me. I know it’s Hunter’s without even looking in his direction, and still I whip my head and lock eyes with him. He’s sitting on the couch with his father. There’s a little black kitten curled up on his lap, and he caresses its fur absentmindedly. I have so many questions for him, but I’m not sure I have the right to ask.

Playing with one of my curls, I look away and focus on Riley and Story. My sister hands over our gift, a little backpack full of puzzles, perfume, and a soft plush kitten, telling her she hopes all her birthday wishes come true. Riley kisses her cheek and stands up, sneaking a glance at me. I drape an arm over her shoulders and press her to my side.

“Thank you for coming with me,” I whisper, and Riley snuggles into me, her nose in my curly hair. “It means so much.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it. I love Story.”

I kiss my sister’s temple as we watch Hayden with his niece. Willow is standing next to them, smiling. And then it hits me. In this idyllic picture, one person is absent. Where is Amelia?

As if on cue, she enters the room, holding a glass of wine. She’s wearing a simple white dress, and her hair is in a high ponytail. Even so casual, she looks like the movie star she is. I shift uncomfortably as our gazes clash.

She sashays over, stopping in front of Riley and me. “I just realized we’ve never been properly introduced.” Amelia extends her hand to me. “I’m Amelia.”

“Piper. Nice to meet you.” I shake her hand quickly and gesture to my sister. “This is my sister, Riley.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Riley,” Amelia murmurs, bringing her eyes back to my face. “You have a very beautiful little sister. She’ll be gorgeous once she’s older, just like you.”

“Um, thank you. Are you enjoying your time in LA?”

“I am. I like it here.” She taps her fingertips on her wineglass. “Maybe I’ll visit more often. I haven’t decided yet.”

“Story will be very happy if you do,” I tell her, feeling someone’s presence behind me. I glance over my shoulder and see Hunter’s father approach.

“Should we sit down to eat? Lunch is getting cold,” Colin says, wrapping an arm around Amelia’s waist and ushering her toward the dining room.

My emotions are weird. I feel like a stranger in this house…and I’ve only been gone ten days. What else has changed while I was away?

I have a slight suspicion I won’t like learning the answer to that question.

Exhaling harshly, I nudge Riley, and we stroll to the table. It’s full of different dishes, and the smell is mouthwatering. But I’m not hungry; I feel nauseous. This little gathering is going to be much harder to survive than I thought.

Two hours later, all I want to do is disappear. Not only from this house—but from the face of the freaking planet. I’m sitting between Hayden and Riley, and my best friend has spent the whole time making fun of my sister with his silly jokes. They’ve been bickering for almost an hour already, and I haven’t managed to stop it. No one else has any problem with it; everyone is laughing at their antics.

I caught Hunter’s gaze on me once, but the moment was so fleeting I thought maybe it was an illusion. He ignored my texts for days, and now he’s ignoring my presence. The only thing keeping me sane is the fact that he’s been distant with his ex-wife too. He’s all about Story, making sure she ate, talking to her, asking if she likes her birthday party. It does something to my lady parts. As usual. Even if I am mostly in the mood to strangle him.

Walking into the kitchen with a few empty plates, I almost stumble over Story’s little kitten. I clumsily move around him, putting the plates on the counter. Bending down, I take him into my arms. I caress his fur, examine his little form, and smile. I know the name I want to suggest. It’ll suit him perfectly.

“Do you like Story?” I ask, my fingers threading through his fur. Quiet purrs fill the room and make me smile. “I shouldn’t have asked. She’s impossible not to love. I’m sure you’re having a lot of fun with her. The house is so big and so⁠—”

“He mostly spends time with Hunter.” A voice behind me startles me. I turn around and meet Amelia’s eyes. “The little furball loves Story, but I highly doubt he sees her as his owner. He chose Hunter.”

“Cats always choose the person who feeds them,” I state, stepping aside to let her walk past me. She puts my empty plates into the dishwasher, along with the ones she brought.

“Maybe. I just know that cats are easy to satisfy.” Amelia props herself on her elbow, leaning against the counter. “Not as easy as my ex, but you’re managing pretty well.”

“What do you mean?”

“Piper, I know what a sex-deprived Hunter Hale looks like. He hasn’t looked that way for a while.” She smiles, and it sends chills down my spine.

“You’re making assumptions.”

She tsks. The sound is loud and clear in the quiet of the kitchen. “Listen, Piper, I have nothing against Hunter moving on. Even if it is with our kid’s nanny. I know Story loves you, and that you love her in return.” Amelia pushes herself off the counter. “The problem is him. I’m talking from experience. The man will never change, and I don’t want my daughter to be disappointed and heartbroken again.”

“You were together for eight years. Why do you⁠—”

“He’s not built for committed relationships. They scare him, and he pushes people away, hurting them to avoid hurting himself.” Veering left, Amelia heads to the living room. I stay still, my fingers trembling as I hold the little kitten. Then she looks over her shoulder and meets my eyes. “Colin cheating on Willow ruined Hunter. The man is broken.”

She walks away, and I find it hard to breathe.

Colin is a cheater?

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