Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 34

Staying rooted to the spot, I gape at my ex. I hate the fact that she showed up unannounced, and that my brother let her in. It’s my fucking house. He should’ve told me before bringing anyone here. It’s that simple.

“Did you miss me, Hunter?” Amelia murmurs, smiling at me.

I scoff and stroll past her to the living room. “Not in a million years.”

“Some things never change,” she chuckles, following me, unbothered by my hostility. She knows she’s not welcome here, and she doesn’t care. Her question is nothing more than an attempt to taunt me.

Plopping down on the couch, I see her do the same. Amelia sits across from me, her light blue eyes glimmering with mischief. This woman loves playing on my nerves, and she’s incredibly good at it. I think on some level that was what held us together for so long. I find it boring when my partner never challenges me, never puts up a good fight, and my ex-wife will never miss an opportunity to rile me up.

“What are you doing here?”

“Our daughter’s birthday is in ten days,” she answers, hooking one leg over the other.


“Did you think I’d come to LA for a day or two and leave as soon as her party is over?”

“Of course not. I just hoped you’d give me a heads-up instead of showing up on my doorstep as if it’s the most natural thing to do.”

“You’re my daughter’s father. It is the most natural thing to do, Hunter.” Amelia speaks softly, her eyes roaming over my face. “I should’ve mentioned it when we talked last week, but…I thought surprising you and Story would be better. That way, I’d get your most honest reaction.”

“Most honest? Did you want to confirm that you’re the last person I want to see in my house?”

“Honey, you secretly love me, just admit it,” my ex-wife purrs. I focus my attention on her. She’s wearing black sweatpants and a black hoodie, and she’s wearing them well. Just like she does with the designer clothes she wears for her movie premieres. We’ve been through a lot of shit, said so many hurtful words to each other during our separation, but I’ll never deny how beautiful she is.

“Love to hate you, maybe,” I tell her, realizing I’m not angry with her anymore. There’s no point in holding a grudge against Amelia. She always does what she wants, and I know that better than anyone. “How long have you been in LA?”

“My flight got in yesterday. I booked a hotel room since I knew you wouldn’t be back till today.” She shrugs, leaning back into the couch. “Then I remembered Hayden, and I called him. He picked me up and brought me here…maybe thirty minutes ago.”

I sigh in relief, knowing she hasn’t been here alone. “Good. Where are you staying?”

Amelia blinks, her eyebrows knitting together. “What do you mean? I only booked a hotel room for one night. I’m planning to stay with you and Story for the eleven days that I’m here. I miss my daughter, and I want to spend as much time with her as I can.”

She’s gotta be kidding me. I tsk, averting my gaze. Is that reasonable? Yes. Is it something Story will want? Yes. Is it something I want? Hell no. She’s going to mess up my whole routine, and I’m not even remotely happy about it.

“Hunter, I know you don’t want me here, but…” She speaks quietly, and I look back at my ex-wife. “Can’t you deal with me for a few days? For Story’s sake?”

I’ve been wondering when she was going to use our daughter to her advantage. She always does. She knows I’d do anything for Story. Including tolerating my ex’s presence. “Fine. You can stay,” I tell her. “Story will be happy to have you here. She misses you.”

Amelia’s face softens, and she beams at me. “Thank you, Hunter. I appreciate it.”

“I hope you won’t make me regret it.”

“Who knows?” She laughs heartily. “What are our plans for tonight?”

“Our plans?” I ask, and Amelia nods. She’s trapped me, and I didn’t even notice it. “I think we should wait for Story to wake up. We can do whatever she’s in the mood for.”

“I’m sure she’d love to spend time with both of her parents. Maybe we can play Monopoly? Order some food?”

“Maybe.” I smile back at her, mentally admitting defeat and not allowing myself to feel bad about it. I’m doing it for Story, and no one else. “We can⁠—”

“Story is still asleep,” my brother announces, stepping into the living room. He heads to the couch and sits down beside me. Hayden glances between Amelia and me, and then his face breaks into a huge grin. “I kinda expected shouting, maybe some broken furniture…but you’re handling this divorced shit like real pros.”

“We’re better off divorced, that’s all,” Amelia chirps. “We don’t have any lingering conflicts, nothing left unsaid. We’re good. Right, Hunter?”

I hold her gaze, watching her intently. We’re good for now, but it’s not always like that. She knows what buttons to press to piss me off. “Yeah, we’re good.”

“So Amelia will be staying here? With you and Story?” Hayden looks at me with an arched eyebrow.

“Yes. It’ll be better for Story.”

“True. I thought that too.” His smile grows bigger. “My best friend will finally have time for me. She hasn’t gone out in what feels like eternity.”

The second he says it, it dawns on me. With Amelia in the house, there’s no need for Piper to be here. I keep silent, my gaze glued to my brother. A shit ton of thoughts swirl in my head, and I don’t like any of them.

“Yeah, she will…” I trail off, noticing Piper in the doorframe.

“I’m sorry to bother you,” she mutters. “I’m not sure what to do…Hayden said I could take some time off, but I⁠—”

“Story’s mom will be staying here, so yeah,” I say slowly, watching her pupils dilate. “You have eleven days off.”

Piper steps back, straightens her spine, and flashes me a smile. “Sounds good. I’ll go collect my things…”

“You should.” My palms are sweating already. “I hope you’ll come to Story’s birthday party.”

“I’d never disappoint her,” she mumbles. This isn’t fucking good.

“Well, I better go and help Pip.” Hayden stands up. His gaze darts to Amelia, and then he focuses on me. “I’ll leave you two alone. I’m sure you have things to discuss.”

Things to discuss? The only person I want to talk to right now is Piper, but I can’t do that. I don’t need my ex-wife figuring out that I have something going on with our daughter’s nanny right off the bat. Amelia is way too smart, and I don’t want to make it easy for her. I just hope Piper will understand my reasoning. It might backfire on me.

“Sure.” I nod and look at my ex. “Will you help me make dinner?”

“Of course,” she murmurs, standing up from the couch. “How about we go see what you have in the kitchen?”

“I was about to suggest the same.” I stand up as well, casting another glance at Amelia. “Once Story wakes up, I can go to the store for anything we need. It’ll give you two time to gossip without me around.”

“Don’t think we don’t do that, Hunter,” she says. “Our daughter talks a lot, about everything.”

All I’ve been doing the past five days is playing happy family with Amelia and Story. And I’m ready to climb the walls. The only thing that’s keeping me sane is my daughter’s smile. Otherwise, I would’ve flipped already.

“Hunter, can you please bring me a towel?” I meet Amelia’s gaze. She puts her hands on the edge of the jacuzzi, smiling at me. Rolling my eyes, I walk back into the house.

God, I want a break from this shit.

Back outside, I find Amelia standing in front of the jacuzzi in her bikini. I sweep my gaze over her face and down her body. A year ago, I would’ve been hard just from the sight of her, even after our divorce. Now? It doesn’t affect me in the slightest.

“Here,” I say, extending the towel to her.

Amelia narrows her eyes. “Thanks.”

“Why are you upset?” I fold my arms over my chest.

“I’m not used to you acting like this with me.” Wrapping the towel around her body, she stomps toward the house.

“Don’t you have a boyfriend, sweetie?” I follow her closely, a smirk playing on my face. I finally have the upper hand, and it brightens my mood. She’s not the only one who knows how to play games.

“Derek isn’t my boyfriend. You of all people should know better.”

“Another PR stunt?”

“It’s good for the movie. Helps create buzz, builds anticipation.” She shrugs, climbing stairs as I follow her, step by step. “I don’t want a relationship right now.”

She looks over her shoulder, catching my gaze on her. Her lips curl into a smile, and the towel falls to the stairs. Stopping in her tracks, she unties her top and tosses it down as well. Slowly, my ex-wife turns around to face me, and my eyes zero in on her bare breasts.

Barely stopping myself from snorting out loud, I shake my head. Her attempts to seduce me are adorable. I don’t feel anything for her anymore, and it’s time she understands it.

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