Hale: A Single Dad Sports Romance (Hale Brothers)

Hale: Chapter 12

Standing under the steaming water, I stare at the wall, not seeing anything. My hand is wrapped around my dick, and I feel numb. I’ve been doing so well, keeping my distance, staying nothing but professional. We argued a few times, but it was short-lived and didn’t affect my resolve in any way. Piper is my daughter’s nanny, and she’s off-limits. Easy, like kicking the ball into an empty net. Not easy when she waltzes out of the house wearing nothing but a short summer dress over her bikini. Her clothes and her sass sent me over the edge, like a flick of the switch, making me horny.

I thought you liked me angry.

Damn right, girl, I fucking like you angry. What I like even more is thinking about all the ways I could make you drop the attitude. On your knees, on top of me, or on my bed on all fours.

I’m getting dangerously close to not caring about any of my rules. What’s stopping me is the realization that it would ruin everything, and I can’t stand even the thought of her leaving. Story already loves Piper, and separating them would lead to my daughter hating me. I have no doubt about that.

The most frustrating part? I have my first game in two days, and I can’t shake off my irritation. Having Piper around is torture. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I hired her. Of course, it was for Story, but I should’ve put more thought into the decision.

“Fuck,” I groan, dropping my hands to my sides and leaning against the glass wall of my shower. I’m emotionally spent, and that wasn’t what I wanted when I went outside to swim. I wanted a refresher but got a boner. Excellent.

I stay in the shower, washing my body and trying to figure out my plan of attack. I need one before I completely lose my cool and do something stupid. Hunter Hale has a reputation as one of the most levelheaded people in the game. The only spontaneous decision I ever made was asking Amelia on a date. I would prefer for it to stay like that. I don’t want to be known as the guy who had an affair with his daughter’s nanny.

What affair though? I pull on my tee, clenching my jaw hard. Okay, it’s not an affair, but it’s still wrong. I’m her boss, and I’m not looking for a relationship. Fucking Piper sounds tempting, but it’s not worth destroying what she has with my daughter.

Once I’m fully dressed, my phone starts buzzing. I glance at the screen and smile. My best friend has the best timing ever. “Hey, Angelo. What’s up?”

“Hey, Hale,” he mumbles, yawning loudly. “Cissy is trying to turn the whole place upside down.”


“Because my daughter is evil reincarnate,” he whines, making me chuckle. “She wants to play, and when I say it’s time for a nap, she starts crying and saying she wants her mommy back.”

“When does Luna get back from her parents’ house?”

“Tomorrow. I swear, man, this is the last time I’m going to agree to this. Either she takes both kids with her to visit or waits until I’m off.”

“Well, she deals with two of them when you’re on the road. You can’t look after one?”

“Fuck off. I called you for support, not a lecture!” My friend scoffs as I walk out of my bedroom. “Not everyone is as good with kids as you are, Hale.”

“I’m only good with my own kid.” I laugh heartily, feeling the tension leave my body little by little.

“Nah, you’re shitting me. If you were only good with your own daughter, you wouldn’t want to coach kids,” Angelo counters. He’s one of the few people who knows about my plans to open my own football school next year. Dream big and make it happen. Always.

“You’re not wrong,” I tell him, heading to the couch, where I plop down and prop my feet up on the coffee table. “We’ll see if I can actually pull it off.”

“I’m sure you will; I believe in you, Hale. And mark my words: I’ll be the first to fly to LA when you open. I promise.”

“Thanks for believing in me, man.”

“How’s the sex life? Did you find yourself a hookup?” he asks nonchalantly.

“Russo, this is⁠—”

“Or wait, is it the nanny?”

“Shut the fuck up,” I hiss, balling my fist so hard my knuckles turn white. I just fucking got off thinking about my daughter’s nanny, so his question hits too close to home.

“So defensive again.” Angelo sighs, then clears his throat. “You have your first game on Wednesday, and I hope you win…but you gotta do something about your needs too. We both know how grouchy you can be when you’re⁠—”

“God, Angelo, I want to hang up on you.” Growling, I close my eyes. “I’m open to conversation, but right now, that’s not what I want to talk about.”

“Sorry, Hale. I’ll try to tone it down. For now.”

“What a fucking shocker,” I mutter, and he laughs.

I talk to my best friend for another twenty minutes before he has to finish the call because his daughter broke a vase. Thanks to Angelo, my irritation has dissolved into nothingness, and I’m grateful to him for that.

“Hunter?” I turn my head toward the sound of my name and find Piper standing in the doorway. Her hair is in a high ponytail, and she has lip gloss on her rosy lips. She’s wearing a light pink crop top and a black leather jacket over it. My eyes zero in on her bare midriff, devouring every inch of her golden skin, her flat stomach, and moving down her legs in jeans. Perfection. “Hunter?”

I blink and return my gaze to her face. A faint smile plays on her lips, and a fire dances behind her irises, adding a honeyed shade to her chocolate brown eyes.

“Yeah, sorry, I have a lot on my mind today. I kinda hate press conferences, and it plays with my mood.”

“Uh-huh,” Piper murmurs. “I’m leaving to pick up Story in ten minutes. Should I stop by the grocery store on our way home? Your brother will be here for dinner.”

“I have a feeling my brother is going to move in soon. He’s here almost every day. All because of your food.”

“It’s not my fault I’m a good cook.” She shrugs, grinning. “And you can always say no to him. It’s not like you’re obligated to have him over whenever he pleases.”

“Story loves him, and he’s family. I’m trying to get to know him better…like you suggested.”

Her smile grows wider as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “Glad to know you’re actually listening to me.”

“I always do.” I stand up and notice as her breath hitches in her throat. This reaction speaks louder than any of her words, and I’m suddenly aware of my surroundings, and more importantly my actions. I need to break this fucking spell she’s put on me. I need to let her know that nothing will happen between us, ever. “I’m a bit old-fashioned, and I still don’t know a lot of places here, so maybe you can help me. Where do people usually go if they want to have fun? Like, to meet someone?”

The change in her emotions is swift, like a snap of a finger. Piper isn’t smiling anymore, and her eyes are narrowed.

“Use Tinder. It’s always good if you just want to have fun and meet someone new.” She takes a step back, hiding her hands in her jacket pockets. “Hade knows everything about it. You can ask him.”

“I will. Thank you, Piper.” Awkward? Yes. Inappropriate? Yes. But it served its purpose. She’s furious, but she knows I’m setting boundaries. It’s for the best. I stop right in front of her. “And it’s okay. You don’t need to buy anything at the store. I’ll order takeout.”

She watches me from under furrowed brows, then lifts her chin and nods. “Okay. I gotta go.”

The aroma of her perfume hits my nostrils. I inhale deeply, and regret floods my mind. What I feel around her is different from every other woman I’ve ever been with. She’s not even my type. And still, the attraction is there, and it’s hard to ignore. I just need to know…what if I’m only feeling this way because I haven’t had sex in months?

My sex drive has always been incredibly high. Sometimes it even overwhelmed Amelia. I’ve tried so many things in bed, and now I’m celibate because my ex-wife shamed me for my sex life. Because she insinuated I wouldn’t be able to keep my dick in my pants and would find a new mommy for Story just to keep myself satisfied. That’s why I’m dead set on keeping my promise to myself. My daughter is my everything, and I’ll do anything for her. Only for her.

The sound of the door closing breaks me out of my daze. I blink, realizing Piper left. Heaving a sigh, I drag myself back to the couch. I should use this time to figure out what I want to order for dinner. Maybe takeout will help drive my brother away from this house, at least for a while.

“Are you kidding me?” Hayden yelps, almost spilling his beer. “Of course I’m going to your first game. How could I not? How could you even think I was going to skip it?”

“Dunno. I didn’t think you were interested in football.” I shrug, taking a sip of my whiskey. My brother and I are alone, as Story went to bed an hour ago, asking Piper to stay with her till she fell asleep. She wanted me to spend more time with her uncle. Did I expect Hayden to leave as soon as dinner was over? Probably not. But I definitely didn’t think he would stay past eleven, yet here we are. Bonding, as Piper called it.

“I’m interested in my brother, asshole.” He purses his lips and eyes me for a minute, then breaks into a smile. “Piper said you wanted to talk to me about something…relationship related.”

She did not. Fuck, that girl will be the death of me. “I’m not interested in anything relationship related.”

“A hookup then?” My brother takes a sip of his drink, barely holding back his laughter.

I roll my eyes as I set my empty glass on the table. “I already have Tinder. I’m good.”

“Do you need me to teach you how to use it?” The geeky smile on his face makes me want to punch him. He’s infuriating.

“Fuck off, kid. I’m not that old.”

“Says the man who just called his brother ‘kid.’” Piper’s voice fills the room, and Hayden and I both look at her. She lingers by the door, leaning against the doorway. She’s in black leggings and a white tee, and her hair is in two braids.

“He’s thirteen years younger; he’ll always be a kid to me.”

“Hunter, you’re ruining my image, for real,” Hayden scoffs. He exchanges a glance with Piper. “I have a better idea for you, actually. I mean, for your problem.”

“Which is?” I grab the bottle from the table and pour myself another drink. This is becoming highly entertaining, and I didn’t expect it.

“Sabotage has a show this Saturday. Why don’t you come? Listen to me play, have a great time, and meet someone new.” He gestures at Piper, and for a second her gaze flicks to me. “Pip can keep you company if you’re afraid to go solo.”

“You’re forgetting about Story,” Piper retorts, coming closer and lowering herself onto the seat next to my brother.

“I’m not. Mom and Dad will be happy to have their granddaughter for a sleepover. I can call them⁠—”

“It’s late,” I say, and he stares back at me with a deep frown. “Besides, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“You’ve never heard me play in person,” Hayden mutters, and guilt drips over my body and finds its way to my heart. He’s not wrong, and it makes me a shitty brother. “Forget it.”

“I’ll come. I promise,” I blurt, and he grins, draping an arm over Piper’s shoulder. “Hopefully Piper isn’t against spending time with me outside of this house.”

“Don’t worry. I can even introduce you to some of my friends,” she mumbles. Then she covers her mouth with her hand, stifling a yawn. “Sorry, I’m going to bed.”

“What time is it?” Hayden fishes his phone from his pocket and instantly curses when he sees the screen. “Dammit, I need to get going too.”

Forty minutes later, I’m alone in my bedroom, getting ready to climb into bed. I pull back the covers and pause, deciding to go get a glass of water in case I wake up feeling thirsty.

When I step into the kitchen, I hear a squeal. My eyes widen as my gaze snaps to Piper. She’s standing in front of the cupboard with her mouth open, staring at me in total bewilderment. I swear I’m feeling haunted in my own house.

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