
Chapter Chapter Forty Nine

At the Out House, Stef sits in the back yard with Dinks. They’ve been talking for a while. He’s bandaged up pretty good and wearing glasses. Brizzbee leaves the porch to meet them half way. Stef walks with her arm around Dinks and holds him tight.

“Okay,” Brizzbee says, walking up to them, “Good news. No charges. You’re free to go, Dinks. Agent Foster and I pulled some strings for ya.”

Dinks is both relieved and concerned at the same time. “Thank you, Agent Brizzbee.”

“That ain’t all of it,” Brizzbee says. “I saw your handy work at that compound. How’d you like to work for the warden’s service, as a carpenter? We have a few structures around here we

need to get built. The first one would be finishing off that small barn over there. I understand you don’t have any place to go.”

Stef squeezes his shoulder, excited for him.

“No sir, I don’t.”

“I got that covered for you too,” Brizzbee says. “Welcome aboard, Dinks. You earned it.”

“How? I did some bad things to those animals.”

Brizzbee steps up close to him, arm on his shoulder, “You made some mistakes but that’s all in the past. You were there for Stefanie... we’re here for you.”

This is hard for Dinks. He’s speechless. Stef kisses him on the cheek and pats his shoulder. “Welcome to the family, Dinks.”

Brizz hands him a set of keys. “Go to the warden’s station and get your stuff. The guys are expecting you.”

“Thank you,” Dinks says. “Thank you very much.”

“Are you okay to drive?” Stef asks, checking his bandages.

He can’t speak. He’s choked up and holding back his emotions.

“What’s the matter?” she asks.

“You’re all so nice to me. It’s a strange feeling. It, it, scares me. Scary.”

“I know just how you feel, Dinks. We’ll get through that together. You’re one of us now. And we treat each other differently here. You’ll see. Do not lose my number. Steffy get very mad at Dinks.”

He smiles and promises he won’t. He leaves, wiping tears from his eyes.

Foster steps down from the porch to talk with Dinks. “Everything good? Do we have a new carpenter on board or what?”

“Yes sir and thank you.”

“I’m sorry you took such a beating for her, Dinks. But I’m glad you were there. You probably saved her life.”

Foster extends his hand to Dinks. This doesn’t happen that often for him. He places his hand, firmly in Foster’s hand and shakes it, proudly.

Stef, Foster and Brizzbee cross to the front yard as Dinks pulls away. Elise and Lillian exit the cabin with tea and cinnamon rolls covered with melted frosting.

“She has a pet kitty named Moby,” Lillian says. “You’re gonna love him.”

Foster’s antsy and stirs on the porch waiting for something or someone. Stef can’t help but notice. She hands him a roll wondering if he’ll say something about it but he doesn’t. He only smiles, letting her know he has something up his sleeve. She takes a seat with Elise and Lillian, suspicious of what he’s up to.

A truck pulls into the half-moon driveway and stops. Foster steadies himself, watching the truck like a hawk. Stef hands Elise off to Lillian and Brizzbee, unsure what to expect. She’s a little concerned but Foster puts his hand out for reassurance. She watches the truck, waiting and curious.

There appears to be three but the window glare makes it difficult to be sure. The driver is wearing a cowboy hat.

“It’s Ralf,” Foster says.

Stef can see the silhouettes of them now. There’s a woman and two men starring back at her. Stef spins on Foster, expecting an explanation but he just smiles.

The driver’s door is the first to open and Ralf steps out, knocking his hat to the ground. He picks it up and stares back at Stef, smiling.

Stef mouths, “Ralf?”

He crosses to the passenger side and opens the door. The man steps out and holds his hand out for the woman. He appears to be in his mid-sixties. Stef notices him immediately and takes a step forward albeit hesitantly.

The woman slides out of the passenger seat, eye’s glued on Stefanie. She’s elegantly dressed in

jeans, blouse with an earthy toned shawl over her shoulders.

Stef’s eyes meet hers and she gasps. Lillian hurries to her side taking her arm. Stef grabs hold of her, shocked. Stef can’t take her eyes off of the woman. She’s elegant, graceful and exudes strength. As she steps away from the truck Stef knows in an instant who these two are. But she can’t speak. She can’t think. She’s frozen in both joy and fear.

The woman stands facing her, regretful of what they’ve had to do for her and to her. The man starts to step towards Stef but the woman gestures to wait. She needs Stef to accept them. Stef steps towards them. Lillian lets her go but Stef reaches out to her for support, eyes locked on the couple. “Mom?” Stef says.

“I’m so sorry, Stef. So sorry,” Mom-Elise says.

Stef runs to her and they embrace. Stef pulls the father in as well.

“Oh, Stefanie,” he says. “You were so hard to find, honey. We’re never letting you go again.”

Stef can’t speak. She can’t believe it’s them. Lillian steps up alongside her, letting her know she’s there and equally surprised.

“We’ve been looking for you for years, honey,” Mom-Elise says. I’m so . . .”

“. . .No!” Stef says. “I understand. I do. You did what you had to. I get it. I do.”

“I can’t believe it’s you,” Mark says.

Lillian returns to the porch and Elise. Foster has just informed her as to who they are. Lillian takes Elise by the hand and walks her over. Mom-Elise watches as she approaches. Tears fill her eyes as Elise approaches. She holds out her hand but Elise dives into her for a big embrace.

On the porch, Brizzbee notices the cinnamon rolls and helps himself. He offers one to Lillian. She

smiles, taking one, watching Stef’s reunion with her parents and Ralf.

Ralf approaches the porch, drawn to the rolls.

“Did you find Jay?” Foster asks, Ralf.

“Yeah. He’s a hurting pup. He’ll be back – when he’s ready. I think he’s doing the right thing. The question is, is Stef going to be alright with it?”

“I think she’ll be just fine with it,” Foster says, looking at Lillian for approval. She nods yes.

Stef gestures for Lillian. Lillian leaves the porch and crosses out to meet them.

“I got a question for ya,” Brizzbee says to Ralf. “If Ominous, Jay, her brother, infected you, who infected him?”

“They infected him,” he says, indicating the parents. “It was accidental and bound to happen. Now if you’re wondering who infected them? That’s an onion you’re going to have to peel way back.”

“Interesting,” Foster says.

“Excuse me for a second,” Ralf says. “I have to go get me some Steffy love.”

Ralf joins the family and Stef pulls him in for a big hug.

“How ya doin, Stef?”

“Look at you. You’re so handsome.”

“Still got the Ankh,” Ralf says. “And boobs. Twerp.”

“How’s your mom and dad?”

“They’re fine. Took them a little while but they came around.”

“I have so much to tell you, Stefanie.” Mom-Elise says. “Our heritage, your extended family . . .”

“. . . Just tell me about you. That’s all I want to know – for now.”

Mark and little Elise walk to meet Foster, Brizzbee and Lillian on the porch. Stef

and Mom-Elise walk off, talking and listening to each other. Stef calls out for Lillian to join them. The three take a short walk arm in arm in arm.

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