Guardian of Her Heart - Dragon King 2

Chapter 6 ~ They Call Us Animals

Evander’s POV ~

This pack is something else. The amount of intolerance they have shown.. they blame her for being abducted.. tested and tortured. I am appalled at their ignorance. She came home different.. but she came home! How can they not be proud of her resilience and strength?

Everyone stood in the clearing by the Lake, as Adrianna spoke to her head warrior. I could see her agitation and I told Blake to step to his Luna. He walked straight over, and placed his hand on her shoulder..

I heard her say “Where are the rest of the warriors, Ronald? Are they coming? Because being late is at least, tolerable.. not showing up.. is unacceptable! So, let them know.. the thirty who haven’t shown, are to be gone from this pack before I return. I wasn’t kidding last night! They will be banished! You accused me of working WITH the humans.. yet, all around me.. this entire pack is accommodating them!”

She stomped over to me and I lifted her to wrap her legs around my waist and whispered “Breathe, baby. We don’t need them! We will bring your father home, without them.”

She said “I am tired of being angry! I love my father. I adore my brother. These people?! I am beginning to despise them!”

I turned to my men and ordered “Dragons, transform!” Turning to Adrianna, I told her “Two warriors to a dragon. They can carry three.. but I don’t want to bother waiting for the rest of these so called warriors of this pack.” I said it loudly enough to be heard.. knowing it would be relayed.

I shifted into Argon and roared out.. as soon as Adrianna was on my back.. I roared again.. alerting my men to take flight. As the all ascended into the sky, Argon leaped and soared to around a thousand feet.. Leading the Vee formation.

We arrived at our decided location and quickly landed, as quietly as we always did. Adrianna and I shifted into Sadie and Braxton.. he rubbed his scent all over her.. licking her muzzle in greeting.

Running the rest of the distance to the enemy camp.. we broke apart.. crawling on our bellies.. we observed a heavy steel door, carved out of the side of the hill. She nudged her nose to show me what she was looking at. A keypad coded entry.. two guards on either side.

I alerted my men to take out the guards.. and her warriors were told to eliminate the ones inside the barracks. We needed stealth, in order to prevent alerting the interior.

Adrianna climbed a tree, off to the side, and reached down to me. I handed a rifle with a scope and silencer attached. She skillfully and methodically started taking out the security cameras, making sure our approach would not be detected.

Once her warriors indicated the guards were neutralized, we made our way to the keypad. Erik pulled out our electronic decoder and plugged it into the side.. within seconds, it beeped and the code popped up. I punched in the numbers.

The doors slid to the side silently.. revealing a steep staircase leading into the bowels of the building. Luckily our eyes adjusted to the darkness without hesitation and we silently crept down the stairs. Twenty of my men behind us.. Adrianna had her warriors above ground, awaiting her signal.

The first level was laboratories and monitoring.. we snuck in to each one.. there were four guards in the security center that we killed silently, by snapping necks.

My men split up.. searching every room. Three scientists were working over a shifter.. a bear, by the smell. He was screaming and thrashing against his restraints. Adrianna leaped over the table.. with a hunting knife in hand. She stabbed the first one in the heart, the second, she sliced his jugular.. the third lost his head completely.

She released the bear.. apologizing to him for what had been done to him. A thorough search was conducted of that floor.. we ran into four other scientists and two researchers.. eliminating them as we went. The second level held sleeping quarters.. we located five people sleeping. Waking them up we herded them in front of us.. shoving them to the bottom level.

Cells lined one wall.. cages on the other. Close to twenty shifters were huddled inside.. Adrianna asked one of the researchers “How many died?” No response and she punched him “How fucking many!?” He coughed out “Thirteen” and she snapped his neck. She told the other four “You’d best pray to whatever God you believe in, my father wasn’t one of the thirteen!”

We opened the cells and cages.. Adrianna searching.. in a cage.. far away from the others she found him.

Abram was in bad shape. Adrianna checked him over.. she said “I have to get him topside.” I nodded and asked “What do we do with them?” Pointing to the humans.. she said “Kill them. They don’t care how many of us they kill! Then, we need to collect their research.. data, computers.. I want to know their plans, and if there are any more facilities like this one. Then we destroy this place.”

Turning to my men, I grinned “You heard the boss.. Let’s get to getting it!” And my men tore the humans apart. I headed to the top level.. started pulling files, and disconnecting hard drives. I don’t need the entire computer.. just the drives. I found a drawer with fifteen flash drives, all labeled with the shifter species they had worked on.

They call us animals!?

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