Grumpy Romance : A Romantic Comedy (Billionaire Dads)

Grumpy Romance: Chapter 23


Sunny points to a curtain. “Is yellow a good color for writers? I don’t know. Doesn’t feel inspiring enough.” She scratches her chin. “Maybe something calmer? Ocean waves. Blue? Turquoise or navy?”

“Babe, I have no idea. This is your territory,” I mumble, slightly bored.

“I’m finally getting to makeover another office at Fine Industries. The boss’s office. And Alistair told me he wanted the room to look welcoming in case you end up writing in there with him.”

As if I can ever get any writing done when Alistair’s in the room. He’s so gorgeous he turns my brain to mush. And don’t get me started on what his hands do to me.

“This is huge for my portfolio. I put Fine Industries on my resume and people went nuts. I’m overbooked, honey.” She tosses her shiny hair over her shoulder. “You’re lucky I squeezed you in.”

“Hey, I have best friend privilege.”

She chuckles.

In the distance, I spot a familiar face. The department store has a children’s section filled with a cute showroom and lots of character-themed furniture.

“Darrel?” I notice the giant man nosing around, looking totally out of depth.

Sunny pushes the cart behind me as I hustle over.

Darrel startles. Green eyes slam into mine and then swerve to Sunny. They widen just a bit before he quickly glances away.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Looking around,” he says in a low, agitated voice.

“For Belle?” I glance around. Belle’s in her princess stage. None of these boy-themed gifts will work.

“Uh no. Two guests are moving into my place. Just for a while. While their grandmother recovers.” He slants a look at Sunny again.

I catch him watching her and realize I haven’t introduced them. “Oh, this is Sunny, my best friend. Sunny, this is Darrel, Belle’s uncle.”

“Nice to meet you.” She holds out her hand.

He stares at it and turns away. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Sunny’s jaw drops.

My eyebrows hike.

I watch in shock as Darrel storms away like we just set his house on fire.

Sunny’s mouth sinks into a frown. “What is wrong with him?”

“I have no idea. He’s not usually like that.”

“Like what? Rude as hell?”

My shocked gaze returns to Darrel’s back. “Seriously, he’s never done anything like that before.”

Sunny huffs and smacks her hand against the cart.

“Have you two met?”

“I’ve never seen him before in my life,” she spits. “Even if I did, does that give him any right to be a jerk?” She scoffs. “No wonder he’s related to Alistair.”

“Hey, Alistair wouldn’t just ignore your hand. He’d smack it away. Darrel is still calm compared to him.”

“And you sound so proud,” she says sarcastically.

“He’s not like that anymore.”


“It’s true. He’s working on being kinder. Especially now that he’s cutting back on those ridiculous hours. He has less time to bark at people.”

“You can take the jerk out of the office but you can’t take the jerk out of the man.”

“That’s not how the saying goes.”

She scrunches her nose and glances in Darrel’s direction. “Remind me to avoid any party that Darrel guy attends. Unless it’s your wedding.”

“Whoa. We’re already at a wedding?”

“You think Alistair will keep playing along with you? He’s ready to put a ring on it, girl.”

I loop my hand through hers and laugh. The thought of being Alistair’s wife is sweet, but I do enjoy dating him. A lot. And I’m not in a hurry to get married.

“Let’s keep shopping.”

Sunny smiles again. Nothing like the promise of interior designing to get her in a good mood.

We complete our purchases and then she drags me to a fancy coffee shop.

“Isn’t this place a little… rich?” I ask, glancing nervously around.

“Girl, your boyfriend paid me hella well.” She smirks. “I need to reward the woman who allowed me to have a billionaire for a client.”

I smirk.

We order coffees.

It’s good, but definitely not as good as Ezekiel’s.

Sunny stirs her coffee. “How does it feel to work in a publishing house that you own?”

I laugh softly. After Alistair presented me with a publishing company—like the crazy over-doer that he is—I decided not to tell anyone about it. I’m still working for my tyrannical managing editor.

It’s funny. Every time she mistreats me, I think about the fact that I can have her job in an instant. There’s a power in it that no amount of money can buy and I absolutely love Alistair for agreeing to keep my controlling shares a secret.

“It’s a little like an undercover boss, noh?” Sunny tilts her fork, slipping into her Belizean accent. “You’ve got all the power but you’re letting the employees tell you what to do.”

“I’ve just started learning the ropes. I barely know how to edit manuscripts, proof books and deal with copyrights. It would be foolish of me to take control of a ship I don’t know how to steer. I love Lit. I love books. I love words. I want to do them justice. That means starting from the bottom and earning my way to the top.”

She sips her coffee. “Girl, you’re better than me. I’d bust that company open and hang my picture everywhere. All the people who bullied me? I’d put them to clean my office.”

“You so would.”

“You know it.”

We finish chatting and then leave the coffee shop.

Just then, I notice a black car parked next to the cafe. Alistair emerges from the backseat.

I’m slowly working on convincing him to give driving a try. I’m not trying to put Bernard out of a job, but I hate the thought that Alistair is held prisoner by his trauma in that way. He deserves to be free. And I want to be the one to help him.

Alistair steps toward us, confidence personified. He’s wearing a simple white button-down and black slacks. His hazel eyes pin me down and his steps are slow and languid.

I feel like I’m watching a movie star.

Excitement bubbles in my chest.

“Hello, beautiful.” Alistair’s firm baritone voice sends a thrill through my body.

I take a deep breath and set my face in an irritated frown. “Were you spying on me the entire time?”

“I was driving by and saw my girlfriend in the window. I figured you’d be moaning over good coffee without me.”

Sunny rolls her eyes. “Can you two not be obnoxiously cute right now? Geez.”

I laugh.

Sunny stands in front of Alistair and plants her hands on her hips. “By the way, Hot Shot, what’s up with your brother?”


“Darrel,” I supply.

“Oh, my brother-in-law.”

“He was a total jerkwad to me today.”

“I thought you were over that?”

“Seeing his—” she points at Alistair—“cocky mug reminded me of it, and now I’m annoyed all over again.”

Alistair turns sober. “Darrel’s taking on temporary guardianship of his client’s children. Their grandmother got sick and the mother can’t be found. It’s stressing him out.”

“Really?” I slant him a concerned look.

Sunny loses a little of her steel. “Oh, but it… I don’t know. It felt like it was more than that. Like he had a problem with me.

“I’m sure you’re overthinking it.” I massage her shoulder.

She shakes her head. “Whatever. Alistair, are you taking your woman now?”

“We can drop you home,” I say, gesturing to the car.

“And force my pure, innocent eyes to watch while you two are all over each other in the backseat? Thanks but no thanks. I have no idea how Bernard doesn’t demand a raise the way you keep assaulting his eyes with your PDA.”

Alistair catches my eye and winks.

Heat flushes my cheeks. We have gotten… carried away in the car before, but it was always with the shade up.

Alistair juts his chin at her. “Does she know where we’re going?”

I nod.

Sunny rolls her eyes before I can speak. “I know and I totally disagree with it. Which is why I’m pretending it’s not a thing.”

Laughter pours out of me.

Alistair smirks.

“I’m leaving now, lovebirds.”

“We’ll wait until you catch a cab then.”

“I’ll flag one for you,” Alistair says.

“It’ll be tough. It’s rush hour. No one will stop…” Sunny’s words trail when Alistair simply walks to the edge of the sidewalk, raises a hand and flags a car down. Turning around with a cocky smirk, he gestures. “There you go.”

“He’s irritating,” Sunny whispers.

“I know. But I love it.”

Sunny leaves and Alistair comes up behind me. His arms slide over my waist and I close my eyes, melting into his embrace.

He takes a big breath of me, as if trying to commit my scent to memory. I really don’t understand why he’s so obsessed with my perfume. All I know is, the factory that makes my scent is now property of Fine Industries and I’ve been inundated with a lifetime supply.

It’s my favorite fragrance but, again, Alistair just has to go overboard.

“You want to slow down, buster?” I tease him when he drops a trail of kisses down the column of my throat.

“Not unless you say please.”

I laugh.

He kisses my neck in broad daylight because he’s a jerktastic billionaire who does whatever he wants. But he’s my jerktastic billionaire and I secretly love being the center of his affections.

His wicked hazel eyes hold mine. “Did you have a nice time?”

“I did. Sunny’s going to go crazy with your office.”

“Good. I want you to feel comfortable and she knows you the best.” He cocks his head. “Aside from me.”


He grabs my hand and brings my fingers to his lips. “Ready to go?”

I follow him to the car.

Bernard is in the driver’s seat. He looks over his shoulder and gives me a large grin.

“Miss Jones.”

“Hi, Bernard.”

“Your clothes are in the back. I’ll be playing very loud music.” He winks.

“I appreciate that.” My lips tremble from how hard I’m smiling.

The window goes up and Alistair hands the dress bags to me.

“Need my help?” he whispers in my ear.

I start unzipping my skirt.

There’s no distance between us because he destroys it all. And the hot beat of my pulse rides with the rhythm of my heart.

I am so in love with this man.

There’s no doubt. Not a speck of unease in me.

The car moves off.

And Alistair makes use of the privacy.

It takes twice as long to get changed but, by the time we slow down in front of the hotel, I’m dressed in an expensive red gown and high heels.

I have to do my makeup again and Alistair has to wipe his face clear of my foundation. When we’re presentable, he opens the door and rounds the car to my side.

I take his hand and step out. The wind lifts my curly hair and it dances in the breeze. My lips, coated in red lipstick, stretch into a grin.

“Wait.” Alistair stops me before we walk inside. “There’s one more thing.”


He produces a jewelry box from his pocket.

I gasp when he opens it for me. “It’s beautiful.”

“It takes years to produce this stone, but it’s stronger than diamond. Just like you.”

My eyes water. “You’re going to make me ruin my makeup. And it was so hard doing my face in the car.”

“You’re beautiful even with mascara running down your face.” He kisses me sweetly. “Even when you’re snapping at me.” His fingers curve over my side. “And especially when you’re kicking down my ferns.”

I laugh.

He clasps the necklace around me and then holds out his elbow.

I take his arm as we stride into the hotel and walk straight into the banquet room. There are blue balloons everywhere and a giant cake with a pacifier. Diapers holding chocolate pudding (whoever came up with that idea needs to be thrown out immediately) are lined up on the table.

A hush envelops the room when we walk in.

Alistair leans over and whispers, “There’s still time to back out.”

I lift my chin. “No freaking way.”

A proud glint shines in his eyes.

I stalk over to where Sasha, Drake, Felice and dad are seated around a table. Sasha is wearing a tight blue dress. Her stomach is so swollen, she looks like she’ll burst at any moment.

Her eyes widen. “Kenya.”

“Surprise.” I wiggle my fingers. “I missed your wedding, but I thought I’d attend the baby shower.” I nod at her stomach. “My nephew didn’t do me anything wrong. It was his lying, cheating parents.”

Felice’s jaw drops.

Dad squirms.

Alistair chuckles. “This is a gift from us.” He sets an envelope on the table that contains a very generous check. Enough to make me feel less guilty for being rude at Sasha’s baby shower.

I’m learning a little from Alistair too.

“Oh!” I point to the side. “Holland, there’s champagne.”

Alistair wraps his arm around my waist, tilts my chin back and plants such a hot kiss on my lips that the room starts spinning.

He pulls back while I’m dazed and growls, “How many times have I warned you about calling me that in public? I can’t control myself when you do.”

I blink rapidly and try to regain my composure, but my knees are about to give out.

Alistair knows me well and wraps his arms more firmly around my waist. Then he turns to my dad. “Sir, if you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to you later. There’s a personal matter I need to discuss with you.”

Dad just blinks.

Alistair grabs my hand and hauls me away from their table. As we go, he tucks me under his arm and asks in a concerned voice, “You okay?”

“I can’t think. You just kissed me deaf and blind.”

He chuckles. “I probably shouldn’t have done that in front of your father. Now how do I ask his blessing for your hand in marriage?”

I shove him.

Alistair just grabs my hand and whirls me onto the dance floor. As we dance, he keeps asking if I’m okay, if I need to leave, if I’m uncomfortable.

He’s sweet and attentive, even if he’s barking out his questions. And I smile because I know that his tone and his intensity is how he protects the people that he loves.

I keep assuring him that I’m okay.

And I am.

Alistair was right. I kept running, crying, and complaining about Sasha’s betrayal because I was hurt. They’re my family. Of course they’d have the power to hurt me.

But over the past few months, Alistair has patiently and steadily showered me in his love. He and Belle are my focus. And their presence in my life made me want to thank Sasha for showing me what a douchebag Drake was.

If they didn’t send me into a tizzy that day, I never would have found a backbone and argued with Alistair. And he probably wouldn’t have been impressed enough with my courage to hire me for a job at Belle’s Beauty.

I wouldn’t trade him and Belle for a thing.

We keep dancing. And then we eat. And we win all the games because Alistair’s a show off and I’m super competitive in my own right.

At the end of the night, we drink Sasha’s champagne and dance together in the middle of the floor. After a while, we give up on trying to make it seem like we’re dancing and just rope our arms around each other, kissing like we need each other’s oxygen to survive.

Sasha keeps a wide berth. Whether she thinks I’m crazy, whether Felice told her to stay away or whether she just doesn’t care about me, I don’t know. I don’t care. I’m having a great time because I’m here with Alistair. And I want to celebrate my nephew’s life even though I don’t celebrate the way he was conceived.

When we stumble off the dance floor, Sasha finally confronts me.

Alistair squeezes my hand, looking down at me with a question. You want me to stay?

I squeeze back. I’m good.

He walks off, probably in search of my father.

Sasha waddles toward me. “Thank you for coming, Kenya. Even with all the…” She gestures to Alistair’s retreating back, “shenanigans. I’m glad that you finally understand the meaning of family.”

“Oh no, Sasha. I’m not here for you.” I motion to her stomach. “I came for this little one because, after meeting Alistair’s daughter, I realize that the kids are totally innocent in the adult drama. And I want my nephew to know that his aunt was there for him. I’ll keep being there for him even though his mom is a selfish brat.”

Her jaw drops. No one’s ever talked to her this way.

I never have.

Again, Alistair is a really bad influence.

“How can you say that at my baby shower?”

“Because I won’t say it behind your back if I can’t say it to your face.”

She frowns.

“I don’t want to be friends, Sasha. You broke my trust and you’re still unapologetic. But I do want you to know that if you need help for the little one, you can still come to me. We don’t have to be friendly, but we can still be family.”

Tears flood her eyes. She lets out a breath. “I’ll take it.”

I leave her behind and find Alistair.

He glances at me. “Ready to go?”

I nod.

He takes me outside to wait for Bernard and I cuddle into his chest. The stars are bright. The trees tower overhead.

He strokes my forehead and presses a kiss to my temple. “I’m proud of you.”

“What else?” I tease.

“I love you.”

My smile grows.

His eyes caress me. “I love you, Kenya. I love you a little more with every breath that passes. And I’ll make sure you never regret being a part of my family.” He cradles my face. “I promise to always support you, lift you up, fight for you—”

“And with me?”

His eyes fall over my lips. “Only if you push me.”

“I love you,” I whisper. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have had the guts to face my family tonight.”

“I cherish you.” He strokes my chin. “And so does your dad. Believe it or not. When we talked, he told me to take care of you. He seemed torn up. Said he’d like to meet with you. Without Felice.”

I sigh. “Him sneaking around to talk to me will mess up his marriage. Felice looked like she wanted to stab me in the face when she saw me.”

“It’s your call.”

“I’ll think about it.” I look up at his gorgeous face. “Just so you know, all my family members will probably be calling you trying to ask for favors.”

“I’ll put you in charge of that. I’ll help whoever you want me to.”

“What if I wipe your bank account dry?”

“You can do whatever the hell you want with my money, as long as you’re mine.”

I smile and rise on the tips of my toes to meet his lips. “That was the right answer.”

“I’m always right,” he murmurs.

I shake my head because he is still one cocky bastard.

But he’s my cocky bastard.

And then I kiss him until the world disappears.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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