Green Eyes

Chapter 9

“This isn’t going to work,” Mallon protested as he and Jared approached the door to the main keep of the castle.

Getting through the main gate was easy as it was mid-morning and there was some traffic moving through the open gate. The real hurdle was getting inside the keep, which is where Selene was being held.

“For your sake, you’d better pray that it does,” Jared growled behind him, digging his concealed dagger deeper into Mallon’s back.

“Halt,” stopped one of the guards of the keep. “What business do you have inside with the lord?”

“My business is none of your concern, soldier,” snarled Mallon, looking the guard squarely in the eye.

“Captain Mallon,” stammered the guard. “We were told that you were dead.”

“It takes more than some two-bit mercenary to kill me,” Mallon retorted, getting a slight poke from Jared. “Although he put a strong fight,” he added hastily.

“I trust he’s dead then?” questioned the guard.

“You may,” nodded Mallon. “Now let us pass.”

“Who is that with you?” interrogated the other guard, gesturing to Jared, who was dressed in Blood Guard apparel, with his spear.

“One of my men,” Mallon answered. “He was badly hurt in the fight. Let us pass; we need to report to Lord David and the Viceroy immediately.”

The guards looked at each other and shrugged. They opened the door and Mallon and Jared slipped inside. The captain let out an audible sigh of relief.

“I was sure that wasn’t going to work,” he whispered.

“We’re not done yet,” Jared replied. “Where are they keeping her?”

“How should I know?” returned Mallon. “I was tied up at your camp. I got you in now let me go.”

Jared pressed the dagger hard enough to prick the skin. “Not until I have Selene back,” he rasped. “Where would they keep her?”

“Probably the dungeon,” guessed Mallon.

“Take me,” Jared commanded.

Sighing, Mallon guided him down several corridors until they came to small door with two Blood Guards standing watch. Immediately they barred the way.

“None may pass,” spoke one of the guards. “Orders from the Viceroy himself.”

“I need to see the prisoner,” Mallon replied. “Personal reasons. As your captain, I command you to let me through.”

“I’m sorry sir,” the other shook his head. “You cannot counter the Viceroy’s orders.”

“I am your captain,” threatened Mallon. “If you do not let me pass, I can assure you I will make you suffer.”

The guards shared a look. “Frankly sir,” the first one replied, “we’re a lot more frightened of him than you.”

“What about me?” Jared challenged, locking eyes with both.

“The mercenary!” the guards yelped simultaneously.

Jared drove his knife into Mallon’s spine, severing it. Instantly the Blood Guard captain lost all feeling in his legs and dropped the floor.

The Blood Guards lowered their spears and charged Jared but he had already drawn his sword. He batted away one spearhead and stepped inside their reach. Before the guards could pull them back, Jared slashed one guard’s thigh, dropping him to his knees and on the down stroke cleaved the other from his clavicle to his diaphragm. The first guard received a sword through his neck before he could scream.

“Come on,” Jared snarled as he grabbed Mallon by the neck and began dragging him to the dungeon.

“What did you do to me?” wailed the captain.

“I paralyzed you from the waist down,” answered Jared as he took the keys from one of his deceased foes. “Couldn’t risk having you switch sides on me.”

“But you promised that you wouldn’t kill me,” Mallon protested.

“Unfortunately,” Jared retorted as he checked the keys for the correct one, “you’re still breathing.”


Selene was woken up by a crashing sound. Surprisingly her pain was entirely gone, along with the tingling sensation. Stiffly she sat up in the freezing cell and retreated to the back corner to await whatever new devilry the Viceroy had cooked up now.

The sounds of scuffling came closer until it stopped in front of her cell. Clanking of keys being tried on the lock echoed across the stone walls. Finally the lock clicked and the door rattled open.

In walked a man bearing a single torch in his right hand and dragging something or someone in his left. The man raised his torch to scan the room, illuminating her.

“Selene?” Jared’s familiar voice asked.

Selene had never thought she would be so thrilled to hear that condescending monotone as she was right now. Jumping to her feet, she threw her arms around him, engulfing him in a fierce hug.

“You came to rescue me!” she exclaimed almost in disbelief.

“Of course I did,” snorted Jared. “I promised Max I would protect you and that is a promise I intend to keep. Now come on.”

Selene started past the bundle that Jared had deposited on the floor. It moaned and rolled over, looking her in the eye.

“Mallon!” she exclaimed. “What is he doing here?”

“Helping us, though decidedly against his will,” Jared explained.

“What did you do to him?” Selene asked.

“Paralyzed him when he became a threat,” Jared dismissively answered. “Now we must get go—” He stopped short when he looked at Selene. His eyes went wide suddenly Jared was staring intently at the ceiling.

“What is it?” she questioned.

“You’re, uh, naked,” he stammered.

Selene patted her breasts and realized in horror that Brutus’s fire had burned away all of her clothes, leaving her completely exposed. Instantly her hands and arms flew to cover herself. When they did she caught sight of her naked arm in the torchlight.

It was perfectly healed.

No burns, blisters, blood, scabs, scars, or even scratches. Just perfectly whole, healthy new skin. Quickly Selene examined her entire being only to find that she was perfectly healthy, right down to her waist-length blond hair, as if nothing had happened

“Jared look at me,” she exclaimed in astonishment.

“I’d rather not,” he muttered, still studiously examining one crack in the ceiling.

“You have my permission to see me in all my glory,” Selene rolled her eyes. “Because you are not going to believe it.”

Reluctantly Jared let his eyes roam over her. She was, he noted for the first time, truly, astonishingly, beautiful.

“You’re gorgeous, I get it,” Jared forced his eyes to look into hers.

“Really?” Selene seemed kind of surprised.

‘Really,” Jared confirmed. “Now let’s get you some clothes and get out of here.”

“No, that’s not the point,” Selene shook her head. “Just a few hours ago, Brutus lit me on fire! I should be dead or at least be a walking scab. But I’m not; I’m healed like nothing ever happened.”

“So?” Jared shrugged it off as if it wasn’t a big deal.

“Jared, I perfectly recovered from being incinerated alive in just a few hours!” Selene was practically spelling it out. “And all you have to say is ‘so’?”

“You’re a Navi,” Jared shrugged again. “What’d you expect? Now we’ve got to get you something to wear because we can’t have you running around in your birthday suit, although the male population certainly wouldn’t mind.”

“What does it mean?” Selene was still going on about her healing. “What’s a Navi? What am I Jared?” she pleaded, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.

“Selene, please calm down,” Jared gently placed his hands on her shoulders and looked her right in the eye. “I promise that I will explain everything I can when we get out of here. But right now I need you to focus on us getting out, starting with getting you some clothes. Okay?”

“Okay,” Selene nodded.

“Mallon, I don’t think you’ll need your clothes anymore,” Jared pointed out, stripping down the captain. “Here,” he handed them to Selene, “Put these on.”

Selene wrinkled her nose as the aroma wafted by. “These are men’s clothes and they stink,” she protested.

“Would you prefer parading around the castle in just your skin?” Jared snapped. Selene shook her head and began donning Mallon’s old uniform.

“You spent so much time trying to get into her pants,” Jared sneered to the captain, “it’s kind of ironic that she’s wearing yours.”

“Noted,” moaned Mallon miserably.

“Ready,” Selene informed. “They don’t really fit and red isn’t really my color.”

“We’ll leave a note of complaint about the lack of variety,” Jared promised sardonically. “Now let’s get out of here.”

“Hey, what about me?” Mallon asked, still lying on the cell floor. “You can’t leave me here!”

“Actually we can and we are,” Jared grabbed Selene’s hand and headed for the exit.

“Please take me with you,” pleaded Mallon. “The Viceroy will do terrible things to me if he catches me. You promised not to kill me.”

“Exactly,” Jared turned and stared down the forlorn man. “I promised not to kill you. I never promised that I’d stop someone else from killing you. So as we part, you are still alive and I have held up my promise.”

“But he’ll kill me!” wailed Mallon.

“Yes, he probably will,” retorted Jared. “For a man who has cheated, lied, stolen, murdered, destroyed the virtue of who knows how many maidens, I believe letting him deal with you is the best form of justice I can imagine.” Jared led Selene up the steps and out the door, slamming it shut behind them, leaving Mallon in utter darkness.


“Here,” Jared handed Selene Mallon’s sword as the stepped past the two dead guards. “You’ll need this.”

“Um, thanks,” Selene took the weapon. It felt awkward and heavy in her arms. “So what’s the plan?”

“Get out of here as quickly and quietly as possible,” replied Jared. “If we’re lucky, no one will notice us.”

Just then two soldiers rounded the corner and stopped in front of them. “IT’S THE PRISONER!” shouted one, “SOUND THE ALARM!”

His companion nodded and ran back down the hallway, shouting that the prisoner was escaping. A moment later a loud bell echoed throughout the entire castle grounds.

“We’re not lucky,” Jared dryly commented as he drew his sword. “Stay behind me; I can handle this one.”

“Stay right where you are,” commanded the soldier, a young man Selene’s age.

“I suggest you run while you still can,” Jared warned as he approached, tapping his blade to his forehead.

The soldier flinched, but stood his ground, sword in the ready in front of him. Jared juked left causing his opponent to strike there. Balancing back right, Jared struck down on his exposed neck, decapitating him.

“Let’s go!” Jared shouted to Selene as the pair sprinted down the hallway.


The alarm klaxons woke Brutus up from a much needed nap. Although he hadn’t shown it, the interrogation of the Navi had taken a lot out of him and he needed rest. So he was greatly angered at being jerked from his sleep.

“What is going on?” he demanded of the guards stationed outside his room.

“The prisoner is escaping,” he replied matter-of-factly.

“What!?” Brutus exploded. “Then what are you doing standing here?”

“Guarding you, my lord,” the guard answered confused. “The rest of the garrison can surely handle one little girl.”

“Fools,” snarled the Viceroy, throwing a robe on. “I’ll deal with you later,” he warned as he stormed down the hall.

“Lord David!” he shouted, seeing the man strapping his sword on.

“I know, I know,” the lord held up his hand. “The mercenary that we sent Mallon to kill seems to have survived and is trying to free the prisoner.”

“This mercenary is starting to become quite a nuisance,” commented the Viceroy irritably.

“Don’t worry,” Lord David assured. “My men can certainly handle the two of them.”

“Be careful, the prisoner is very powerful,” Brutus warned. “Although she doesn’t understand her powers quite yet, there’s no telling what may make her snap.”

“Understood,” David nodded and ran down the hall, shouting to his men to follow.


“Do you know where we’re going?” Selene asked as they wound their way through the maze of corridors.

“Of course,” snapped Jared. “We’re almost out.”

Suddenly he skidded to a stop when a dozen soldiers blocked their way, spears leveled at them.

“What now?” Selene questioned eyes wide.

“Time to use your sword,” Jared replied.

“Uhhhh,” Selene stammered looking uncomfortably at the weapon in her hand.

Jared regarded her with an expression of annoyance. “You’ve got to be joking,” he groused. “Fine, stay here and stay out of my way.”

“But,” Selene was about to protest but Jared was already gone.

He ran full speed straight towards the knot of soldiers. Tapping his blade to his forehead, he cut left and ran three steps up the side of the wall before pushing off. Jared slammed his right boot into the neck of one of the surprised soldiers, crushing it like a cockroach.

Jared was now in the middle of the soldiers. He ducked under a sword slash while simultaneously impaling the attacker. Kicking back with his left foot, he deflected a spear thrust into another soldier. Withdrawing his sword, he spun around and struck off that one’s head as well.

Selene watched in awe as soldier after soldier dropped around him. She felt that she had to do something to help and so drawing the blade, she charged.

A woman turned from the fight to meet her. Selene swung her blade awkwardly at her opponent’s chest, but the woman casually blocked it and with a flick of her wrist sent Selene’s weapon flying.

A swift kick drove Selene back on her butt, which was becoming an increasingly common position for her, and the woman advanced on her, sword poised to strike.

“JARED!” Selene shrieked in terror.

Jared whipped around to see Selene about to lose her head. Kicking back the man he was busy taking down, he rushed over and drove his sword through the woman’s back.

But it distracted him enough for his other opponent to gather his wits and stab at Jared’s back. Jared sensed the blow coming and was able to mostly dodge the strike.


The edge of the spearhead sliced across Jared’s left upper arm, eliciting a roar of pain from the mercenary. Dropping his sword, Jared grabbed the spear with his right hand and wrenched it out of the soldier’s grasp. Pivoting 180 degrees, Jared flung the weapon with such force that it lifted its target off the ground and threw him back half a dozen feet.

“STAY OUT OF THE WAY!” he thundered at Selene pulling his sword from the deceased woman’s back.

Only four soldiers remained and they had very little interest in fighting this one-man army. Dropping their weapons, they fled down the hall.

“Come on,” he growled, pulling her to her feet.

“You’re hurt,” she said gesturing to the blood seeping from the cut.

“I’ve had worse,” he snapped. “We’ll deal with that when we’re out as long as you stay out of my way.”

Mutely Selene nodded as they continued running down the hall.

They turned the last corner to the exit, only to find a half dozen Blood Guards barring the way with David himself at their head.

“Gentlemen,” Jared addressed, “we can do this the easy way or the hard way.”

David nodded to his men and half a dozen spears flew towards Jared. Calmly Jared did a back-flip about five feet in the air, catching one of the spears in the process. Landing in a three-point stance, he looked up at his enemies with a vicious gleam in his sapphire blue eyes.

“Hard then,” he commented.

He threw the spear back at its owner, slamming into him so hard that he flew back into the door and blew it open. His companions stared after him in astonishment.

But Jared was already moving. He slit one throat and ran another through before they had time to react. Deflecting a stab, Jared whipped his blade around and cleaved the woman in two. Suddenly reversing the grip on his sword, Jared impaled another from behind. The final Blood Guard he simply decapitated with a juke right and backslash.

“You will find me more of a challenge than them,” David taunted as he stood his ground.

“And you will find me a greater challenge than any you’ve ever met,” Jared returned as he looked the lord in the eyes.

David’s mouth dropped open and his sword clattered to the ground. “That’s, that’s impossible!” his screamed as he went white. “You’re supposed to be dead!”

“Then I am back from the grave to wreak my vengeance!” thundered Jared as he moved to strike.

David quailed and he fled screaming down the corridor.

“What was that about?” Selene questioned as she picked her way among the bodies.

“Long story,” Jared answered. “We’ve got to let him go, for now.”

The duo ran out into the courtyard. Around them soldiers came rushing in, trying to intercept them. But every time one came within striking distance, Jared dispatched him with ruthless efficiency. And then they reached the gate.

Fifty soldiers in phalanx formation stood between them and freedom. Although Selene didn’t doubt that that many would give Jared trouble, it was who was leading them that frightened her.

Viceroy Brutus. Even Jared seemed unsure as he skidded to a stop in front of them.

The Viceroy regarded them with amusement. “A valiant effort, but ultimately futile,” he told them. “I doubt that even you could defeat all of us.”

“Want to bet?” retorted Jared, placing the flat of his blade on his forehead.

Apparently that gesture meant something because the Viceroy visibly blanched for just a second.

Regaining his composure, the Viceroy locked eyes with Jared. “So you’re the mercenary that has caused us so much trouble,” he observed. “My how the mighty have fallen.”

“Prepared to finish the job?” Jared challenged. “Or are you going to fail, again?”

“I may not have succeeded twenty years ago,” hissed the Viceroy. “But this time I assure you that I will not stop until you are pile of ash!”

He raised his hands in an all too familiar gesture. Selene felt fear build in her chest so cold that she thought she was freezing from the inside out. It built and built until she couldn’t breathe. Her hands flew up on their own and with a loud cry, released the icy pressure.

Snow and ice exploded from her palms, coating everything but her and Jared in a thick layer of winter in a hundred foot radius. She kept up the storm until all the fear and pressure had drained from her.

Soldiers were shouting and running at them from the keep, but Selene could barely hear them. Suddenly she felt a wave of nausea and dizziness wash over her as she started to collapse. Vaguely she was aware of Jared catching her and then racing off. The last thing she heard was pounding hooves.

Then everything went completely dark.

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