Green Eyes

Chapter 4

“Did you hear the news?” the woman next to Selene in the market asked the proprietor as they sifted through vegetables.

“That the Viceroy is coming here to celebrate the anniversary of the king’s ascension?” the seller returned. “Yes, I heard.”

“It’s been almost thirteen years since the Viceroy visited us,” commented the woman. “I wonder why he’s coming here now.”

“I heard that he’s coming to investigate Lord David’s loyalty,” another customer piped up.

“Ehhe,” shuddered the owner. “For his sake I hope not. If half the stories I’ve heard are true, the Viceroy is not somebody you want to cross. He has unnatural powers.”

“They say he can shoot lightening from his fingertips,” another person spoke up, joining the conversation.

“I’ve heard he can blow things up with his mind,” added someone else.

“I’ve been told he can rip your thoughts out of your head like a splinter,” someone else put in. “And when he does, it destroys your mind.”

“I sure wouldn’t want to be in Lord David’s shoes if there is the slightest hint of disloyalty to the crown,” the proprietor shook his head.

“And I sure wouldn’t want to be in your shoes if you were questioning our lord’s loyalty,” Mallon’s rough voice cut in.

Several heads turned to see the Blood Guard captain in full uniform with a half dozen others standing behind him. Chainmail clanked underneath his serpent-damasked tunic and he wore a black helmet with a bright red plume. A long sword hung from his side and he held a spear in his hand. He was an intimidating sight to say the least, certainly to these people.

“I’m sorry sir, I meant no disrespect,” quailed the proprietor. “We were just wondering why Viceroy Brutus was visiting our tiny town after so many years, especially for such an important holiday.”

“I would suggest you keep speculation to a minimum. Such speculations can cause problems if they get out of hand,” warned the captain.

“I understand sir,” the shopkeeper bowed slightly.

“But your questions are certainly understandable,” Mallon acknowledged. “After all it is quite rare that a person of the Viceroy’s standing pays us a visit. So to put your concerns to rest, Lord David is not under investigation for disloyalty or anything else.”

“Then why is the Viceroy coming?” the first woman questioned.

“Again I understand your fears,” Mallon held his hand up. “The Viceroy is a powerful man, in more ways than one. While the king has many concerns, he does not want us to think that he doesn’t care for us and thus he has sent the Viceroy to see if we are doing well. So you have nothing to fear from him unless it is your loyalty that is in question.”

A murmur of denial and shaking of heads rippled through gathered crowd. No one was going to admit to anything less than absolute fealty to the crown, especially with the Viceroy visiting in just a few days.

“Is it true what they say about him?” a man piped up from the back.

“As I said, the Viceroy has many powers,” confirmed Mallon. “He is indeed a sorcerer, the most powerful one in the entire kingdom. A fact you would do well to keep in mind when he is here.”

“As you know, the Viceroy’s visit will fall on the king’s anniversary,” Mallon announced in a loud voice, drawing the attention of everyone in the market. “So this year I strongly encourage everyone to attend. It will be of special magnificence.” Again a ripple of nods and murmurs of agreement went through the crowd.

“Excellent,” Mallon nodded and then made a motion to one of his men. The man nailed a notice on the central post of the square which essentially said the same thing. “I trust you will inform those who are not here.”

During this whole time, Selene had edged herself to the back of the crowd. The talk of the Viceroy had made her very uncomfortable, especially given that her father and Jared seemed to regard him as a serious threat to her. Glancing across the square, she saw a dark shape vanish into an alleyway.

Jared, she recognized. Even though they had spoken little in the last two months, the occasional greeting in the street or brief conversation at the ruins, he always seemed to be around, watching her. It was always from a distance, but close enough he could be at her side in case anything happened to her. Whether he was her guardian angel or stalker Selene couldn’t quite tell.

Not that it particularly mattered. After the beat down he placed on Arioch, no one had dared bothered her. People treated her with more dignity, though she could tell it was more out of fear of what the ex-mercenary might do than any respect they might have for her. Still, it made her life a little easier.

But now was a time that she needed his wisdom. She knew little about the Viceroy other than some of the stories that had bounced around the market but what she did know gave her the shivers. People talked of a demon-possessed man with unnatural cruelty and supernatural powers. Even her father seemed to regard the Viceroy with fear.

Paying for the lettuce and carrots, she picked her way through the crowd to the alley that she had seen Jared disappear to. She was almost there when a different voice caught her attention.

“Excuse me, Selene?” Mallon called to her.

“What can I do for you, sir?” she asked the captain respectfully and keeping her eyes down. An armed man is not someone you want to frighten, even with a mercenary hiding nearby.

“It is more what I can do for you,” Mallon removed his helmet and shifted a little awkwardly. “I was wondering if you would be my date to the celebration?”

Selene was so stunned she didn’t say anything; it was a minor miracle that she didn’t drop her basket.

“You want me to be your date?” she gaped.

“That is what I said,” Mallon confirmed.

“You know what they say about me, don’t you?” Selene questioned. “That I’m a demon-child? You wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen with someone like me?”

Mallon gave a wry chuckle. “I’m the captain of the Blood Guard,” he said smiling. “What are people going to do about it?”

“Then yes,” she beamed. “Of course, yes. I would love to go with you.”

“Great,” Mallon returned the megawatt smile. “I look forward to seeing you then.” Slipping back on his helmet, he returned into the busy square.

Selene went skipping home on cloud nine. For the first time in her life, she had a date. There was someone who didn’t care what her eyes were like or what she did; he actually wanted to be with her. Things in her life might actually be looking up for a change.

“You are not going,” a familiar, flat voice spoke up from beside her.

Selene nearly jumped out of her shoes as she whirled around to see Jared suddenly walking beside her.

“Where did you come from?” she gasped trying to recover her breath.

“The road,” Jared answered in a monotone. “And you are not going to the anniversary celebration, especially with Mallon.”

“How did you know I was going with Mallon?” Selene glared at him. “Are you spying on me?”

“Keeping an eye on you, especially where soldiers are concerned,” Jared corrected. “Going to the celebration is a foolish idea; going with Mallon is suicide.”

“So you’re not going to let me go?” Selene crossed her arms. “Who are you, my father?”

“No, but your father will tell you the same thing,” Jared replied. “And I can assure you I will do whatever it takes to keep you from going.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” groaned Selene. “For this first time in my life I have a date and you’re not going to let me go? Why?”

“For your own protection,” Jared told her.

“You know what I think?” Selene regarded him with a sly look. “I think you’re just jealous that someone besides you is interested in me and got to me first.”

“Me? Jealous of you?” Jared scoffed. “You’re a child dear; a naïve child if you think that Mallon is really interested in you.”

“He asked me to the celebration didn’t he?” Selene countered.

“Mallon just wants to sleep with you,” Jared rolled his eyes. “After that, he’ll drop you like a sack of bad potatoes.”

“How do you know that?” Selene demanded.

“I believe his exact words were ‘those tits, you just want to bury your face in them’,” Jared recalled.

Selene blushed furiously and instinctively covered her breasts with her arms. “He said that?”

“Of course he did,” Jared confirmed. “He’s just a soldier who only cares about the next booty to nail.”

Selene felt embarrassed and angry as Jared once again dashed her hopes. Who was this guy to tell her what to do anyway?

“So what if that’s all he wants?” Selene defiantly countered. “At least someone finds me attractive, which is a step up from how things have been.”

“Foolish child,” Jared shook his head. “Are you so desperate for acceptance that you’d throw your life away?”

“That’s going a bit far,” Selene crossed her arms. “It’s just one date and that’s it. If I have to sleep with him then so be it but that’s hardly the end of the world.”

“You don’t get it, do you?” Jared sighed. “This isn’t about your virtue; it’s about your life. If you go to that celebration, I can guarantee you that it’ll be your last day on this earth.”

“What are you talking about?” Selene had a sudden bad feeling.

“If you go with Mallon, captain of the Blood Guard, what do you think will happen?” Jared questioned her.

“I don’t know, probably introduce me to his friends,” Selene shrugged.

“Including his bosses such as Lord David and the Viceroy,” Jared explained. “And the moment the Viceroy sees your eyes, he will kill you.”

“He couldn’t,” Selene replied her voice shrinking.

“Remember those stories you heard in town today?” Jared reminded her. “They’re only the beginning. Not only is Brutus a powerful sorcerer, but he has no sense of morality. The only thing that guides him is power and he will see you as a threat to that power. He wouldn’t think twice about burning you to a crisp or blowing your brains out.”

A sudden chill settled over Selene as Jared’s words sunk in; her life was in serious danger.

“I know how much it means to you for someone to be interested in you,” Jared surprising placed a hand on her shoulder. “But it isn’t worth getting killed over, especially for someone who cares nothing for you.”

“What do I do?” Selene hugged herself feeling helpless. “I already said yes and you heard Mallon; everyone is required to attend. If I’m missing especially with Mallon expecting me, then people will be asking questions and I’ll be discovered.”

Jared looked thoughtful for a moment. “Be ready to go,” he told her. “I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Go? Go where?” Selene queried.

But Jared had disappeared into the forest that lined the road, leaving Selene alone, confused, and scared.


“We have a problem,” Jared suddenly accosted Max as he was walking home from visiting another family.

“Good heavens!” Max took a couple deep breaths. “You scared me half to death. Don’t do that to people my age.”

Jared merely raised an eyebrow.

“Not all of us are blessed with your lifespan,” Max growled. “So what’s the problem?”

“Brutus will be here in less than a week,” Jared informed him.

“For the anniversary celebration? Thought so,” Max guessed, shoulders sagging. “I was always afraid this day would come.”

“It is time for Selene to leave,” Jared told Max.

“We can’t now,” Max shook his head. “It’s the middle of winter; we’d never make it.”

“You know what Brutus will do to her when he discovers her,” Jared reminded.

“It doesn’t change the fact that I can’t make it,” Max protested. “Not until spring.”

“But I can,” Jared pointed out. “Let me take her to Jerel.”

“You can’t either,” Max firmly rejected. “You’re a fugitive yourself. If we’re going send the two of you off together, we should probably save time and go straight to Jermelek!”

“I’ve avoided Manasseh and Brutus for twenty years,” Jared derisively returned. “I think I can handle a few months.”

“You avoided them by leaving the country,” Max countered. “And when you came back, you came here, the most remote and removed part of Kalashon. What will happen when you have to go through Beth Jehran or Beth Haven? What are the chances that both of you get through without somebody recognizing you?”

Jared had to admit that the older man had a point.

“It’s best if we stick with the original plan,” Max sighed. “We’ll keep her out of sight as much as possible until the snow melts and then we’ll get out of here.”

“And the celebration?” Jared wondered.

“What of it?” Max shrugged. “Selene can vanish for a day and no one will notice. They might even be relieved of her absence.”

“It’s too late for that,” Jared informed. “Selene already agreed to go as Mallon’s date.”

“She what?” exploded Max.

“Calm down,” Jared rolled his eyes. “She’s 25 and responsible for her own choices. It just a single date, even if Mallon is a miserable skirt-chaser. But it does mean that her absence will raise questions.”

“Unfortunately so will our inexplicable disappearance,” Max observed. “Which would make your task of getting through to Ammon just as hard.”

“At least we’d have a head start,” Jared pointed out.

“It doesn’t matter,” Max shook his head. “Manasseh would know your route and be waiting for you.”

“Either way we have the same problem,” Jared remarked sourly.

“Attendance to the festival isn’t required, is it?” Max questioned.

“Not that I saw,” Jared answered.

“So what if Selene didn’t go?” Max theorized. “I could make up some excuse for Mallon about her being sick and she could spend the whole day with you in the ruins? It’s safe enough there and you could protect her in case something happened.”

“Not if Brutus comes looking for her,” Jared pointed out.

“If Brutus figures out the truth, then it doesn’t matter what we do, does it?” Max countered.

“I suppose not,” Jared agreed. “Very well; you are her father and therefore I will submit to your judgment. But know this: if I get a hint of something going wrong, Selene and I are gone. Understood?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” replied Max.

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