Green Eyes

Chapter 31

“What happened to you guys?” Jael gasped as Mara and Jared stumbled into the inn.

“The plan happened,” Jared replied. “It worked to perfection, by the way.”

“I would hate to have seen what would’ve happened if it hadn’t,” Jael commented.

“Miss Mara, what happened to you?” Deborah’s little voice drew her attention as the little girl came running up. “You look really bad.”

“I feel bad,” Mara allowed as she grimaced when the little girl jumped into her arms.

“You guys truly do look awful,” Selene commented as she followed Deborah into the entryway. “I’ll take care of that for you.”

“Head to the room?” Mara guessed.

“The common room might be better,” Selene said. “Don’t worry,” she held up her hand, cutting off Jared and Mara’s expected protestations. “Jael’s cleared the inn for us tonight.”

“Alright then, let’s go,” Jared nodded and he and his sister hobbled after Selene.

“Hold still,” Selene ordered.

Starting with Jared, she released her energy into his body, healing his bruises and wounds. A bright white light emanated from her hands, bathing the mercenary in a glow.

“It tingles,” Jared tensed as his body was rapidly repaired. “Is that how it always feels for you?”

Selene nodded in reply, biting her bottom lip as she concentrated. A moment later she released him and brushed the sweat from her brow, panting. With a gesture, she motioned that Mara was next.

“Sure you’re up to it?” the older woman questioned.

“I’m good,” Selene answered. “Now hold still.”

Healing Mara took a little bit longer than Jared because it was a struggle for her to keep the energy focused on pouring to Mara. After a minute or so though, Selene managed to repair Mara, who looked normal again. Panting hard, she collapsed into a chair, beads of sweat dripped unnoticed down her face.

“Want something to drink?” Jael offered as she came up with a tray of ale.

As a general rule Selene avoided alcohol, but she was so utterly drained that she needed the calories. Gratefully she accepted the drink and started to down it.

“You two?” Jael offered.

The twins looked uncomfortable. Neither of them drank much alcohol, if at all.

“Come on,” Jael pressed. “You said that you were successful?”

“Correct,” Jared dipped his head in a nod. “You are a free woman and will soon get generous compensation for the troubles you have received.”

“Then we have something to celebrate,” Jael declared. “You made it back in one piece, more or less, and Selene’s patched you up. Come on, let’s enjoy the night.”

Jared considered the implications of what she was saying and declined. Mara on the other hand decided that one couldn’t hurt and took the drink.

“You sure?” Jael was a touch disappointed.

“Sure,” Jared replied with a firm shake of his head. “Alcohol isn’t really my thing.”

“Suit yourself,” Jael shrugged as she drank down a glass.

It was over. Five years of being terrorized by thugs and ruffians was finally over thanks to these three brave fugitives. They could’ve just left her when things got rough; in fact they had every reason to. But they didn’t; they had chosen to stay and help. And now she was free.

“Come dance with me,” Jael grabbed Jared’s hand.

“I’m not much of a dancer,” Jared tried to refuse. “And besides, there’s no music.”

“You don’t need music and you’re a fine dancer,” Mara shoved her brother into the middle of the floor. With a shrug, he and Jael started to move around each other in the fluid, rhythmic maneuvers that made up a Kalashonian dance.

Even without music, the two people knew the dance well. Tired as she was, Selene could see the smile on Jael’s face as she danced with the mercenary. Jared, she knew, was never going to return Jael’s feelings, which made her sad. They could be so happy together if only he would stop being so stubborn. But she knew that he wouldn’t; it was simply the way he was.

“Ooh,” Selene suddenly sucked in breath. A sudden and chilly wave had washed over her. Jared and Jael stopped dancing and looked over at her.

“What is it?” Mara asked.

“I don’t know,” Selene said, breathing hard. “I feel really cold all of a sudden.”

“Well, it is winter,” Jael pointed out.

“No, this is different,” Selene shook her head, clutching her stomach. “I feel like I swallowed an iceberg.”

“That’s strange,” Mara observed, casting a worried look at Jared. He returned the concerned look.

There was something very familiar about the feeling Selene was getting. It was far more intense than she had ever felt before, almost painful. Where had she felt this before?

“Are feeling you alright?” Jared placed a hand on her shoulder.

“It hurts,” Selene’s breaths were coming in short gasps. The cold in her belly was expanding. “I’ve felt this before, though not nearly as intense.”

“Where?” Mara asked.

“I don’t know,” Selene groaned. “I can’t think…Wait,” her eyes went wide as she suddenly placed it.

“The last time I felt this was when I met Brutus.”

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