Green Eyes

Chapter 29

Jared shoved his blade into its sheath while Mara finished strapping her swords to her back. Both threw their black cloaks around them and headed for the door. The mercenary was suddenly stopped by a quick tug on his cape. Turning, he saw Jael standing there, her chocolate eyes wide.

“Don’t go,” she suddenly requested.

“What?” Jared looked confused. “I thought you wanted the Bats out of your life.”

“I do, I mean I did,” Jael fiddled with her hands. “But this is too dangerous, going straight into their lair. You could get killed.”

Jared laughed humorlessly. “Have a little more faith in our skill, my dear,” he shook his head. “This isn’t the first time we’ve done something like this. Neither, for that matter, is it the worst situation we’ve gone into.”

“But something still could happen,” Jael pleaded.

“I suppose,” Jared agreed. “Something can always happen. But it won’t. Besides, if you want a life of peace for your daughter, this is what we have to do.”

“We could leave,” Jael suggested. “We could just leave, go to another town or even go with you to Ammon.”

“No,” Jared firmly refused. “We need speed. You and your little one would only slow us down. Also, this is where you belong and where she belongs. Besides, Mara and I have started this and we’ll see it through.”

“Then I can’t convince you not to go?” Jael’s voice was tainted with disappointment.

“No,” Jared answered as he turned to the door. “We’ll be back this evening.”

“Ok,” Jael accepted. Then, on impulse, she ran up to him, stood on her tip-toes, and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Good luck,” she added, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks.

“Thanks,” Jared looked suddenly grim.

“Come on,” Mara called from the steps of the inn. “We have to get the living daylights beaten out of us in 20 minutes.”

“On my way,” Jared called back and hopped down the steps to his sister.

“Please come back,” Jael whispered to them as the pair disappeared into the traffic.

“They will,” Selene assured from beside her. “If there is one thing I’ve learned with those two, and there are many, it is never, ever bet against them.”

“Why didn’t you go?” Jael questioned. “With your power, you would be a great deal of help.”

“Several reasons,” Selene answered. “One, I’m still getting used to my powers and as a result they can be a bit, uh, erratic. Two, if the Bats had all three of us they would just outright execute the twins. With just those two, the Bats will probably keep them as bait for me. Third, Jared and Mara wanted someone around to keep an eye on you and the inn in case Zebulun tries to double-cross us.”

“In other words, they want you out of the way,” Jael deduced.

“Probably,” Selene shrugged. “But I like to think of it as them trusting me with your protection.”

“I just hope they know what they’re doing,” Jael continued staring out into the street.

“They do,” Selene encouraged. “They always do. By this evening, you will be a truly free woman.”

“And then you guys are gone, I suppose?” Jael sadly said.

Selene felt sorry for this woman who had had some many bad experiences with men. Now she had finally found an honorable man and he was going to leave her.

“You love him, don’t you?” Selene guessed.

“Is telepathy one of your powers?” Jael acidly answered, wiping a rebellious tear from her left eye.

“I’m not sure. Probably,” Selene considered the random images she had been getting from people recently. “But I don’t need any special powers to see the obvious.”

“He won’t stay, will he?” Jael sighed deeply.

“No,” Selene shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’ve tried to convince him, but one of his greatest strengths is also his greatest weakness. The man is as stubborn as they come.”

“Thanks,” the older woman squeezed Selene’s arm. “Thank you for everything. I’ve got my life back thanks to you.”

“Hey, it’s what I do,” Selene gave Jael a warm smile. “Let’s go see if Deborah is awake.”


“You know she likes you, right?” Mara abruptly said while they were waiting in the alley for the attack.

“Huh?” Jared, who had been lost in thought, snapped his head up.

“Jael, she likes you,” Mara repeated.

“What makes you say that?” Jared evaded.

“Oh please,” Mara rolled her blue eyes. “You’re not that dumb.”

“Let’s pretend that I am,” Jared crossed his arms and glared at his sister.

“Fine,” Mara decided to play along. “There’s the adoring looks, the kiss on the cheek, and let’s not forget her offer to bed you.”

Jared felt his face getting hot at the memory, which was one of the most uncomfortable moments of his life. “Fine,” he gave in. “So she likes me; so what?”

“Well, do you like her?” Mara pressed. “Come on, you can’t tell there isn’t something there.”


“There they are,” a voice the twins recognized as Zebulun’s shouted. “Get them.”

“To be continued,” Mara warned as they braced themselves for the onslaught of 20 some-odd ruffians.

“Maybe,” Jared snarled in return. “Remember, we’re not using lethal force and we’re supposed to get beaten.”

“I know,” Mara growled. “Play nice with the kiddies and let them win. Unlike you, I’m not an idiot.”

The next several minutes were filled with fists and clubs and knives flying everywhere. Jared and Mara had the unenviable task of fighting off a horde of angry ruffians without the luxury of lethal force. In addition, they were supposed to lose. Jared managed to disarm several people of their blades, while Mara simply ducked out of the way.

“Remember, the boss says to take them alive and unharmed,” Zebulun shouted amidst the fray. At this point, most people disarmed themselves and simply used fists, as it was apparent that neither Jared nor Mara were going for their swords.

This was the part that Jared hated the most. He started letting the blows land, particularly to his head. It had been a very long time since anyone had been able to land a solid hit on him. The mercenary winced as he felt the first punch in the stomach. Stars danced as he took two successive shots to the head. He pretended to fight, but it was only an act and therefore not much good.

Mara felt largely the same. The ex-slave had resigned herself to her fate as she got pummeled. She started to feel more and more dazed as the world began to spin. The next thing she felt was her body hitting the cobblestone, then nothing.

Seeing that Mara was down, the rest of them turned on Jared with a vengeance. He too felt himself get woozy and collapse to the ground. Right before darkness took him, he felt a cold, metal object pressed into his wrist. Then, the familiar feeling of iron shackles clamped around his wrist, pinning the first metal object. After that, Jared knew no more.

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