Greedy: A Spicy Novella

Chapter Greedy: Epilogue

I’m not the biggest fan of surprises, so when Jax told me that he had a surprise for me tonight, it filled me with anxiety at first, not knowing what he could have in store for me. He told me it was nothing bad, and that I would enjoy myself, but I’ve been pushing away my anxiety all day, and nothing has worked. Instead, different scenarios have been running through my head, trying to figure out exactly what is going to happen tonight.

We have been going out for a few months now, and it’s been a fucking dream. I thought I had it good with Greg, but with Jax, everything feels like it fits into place, like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, like he is the thing that was missing in my life for so fucking long. It sounds so fucking corny, and I can’t even believe I’m talking like this, but it’s true.

Greg has tried to talk to me a few times since he found out we started dating, and it is always with some weak attempt to get me back. The thing is though, I know he just hates that I’m with Jax. He doesn’t actually want me, because if he did, he wouldn’t have cheated on me in the first place, and I would probably still be with him, accepting a tenth of the happiness I’m receiving now.

I hate to say it, but getting cheated on was probably the best thing to ever happen to me. It led me here, to take leaps in my life, to asking for what I want and actually fucking getting it.

I pull up to the shop, anxiety running through me, trying to figure out what the hell Jax has planned for me, especially when I know for a fact the shop just closed. All of the lights are off except the few emergency lights, leaving just enough light that I convince myself to get out of the car.

Instantly Jax walks out the front door, looking at me with a sly smile, and it shouldn’t comfort me. It should make me even more uneasy, but it doesn’t. I trust him, and I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. He may be giving me a heart attack with the surprises, but I know it’s going to be good.

So when he pulls out the blindfold, I accept it, placing it over my eyes, putting all of my trust in my boyfriend because I guess I have lost my goddamn mind.

I feel my heart race in my chest, but I push it away, desperately wanting to know what my boyfriend has planned for me, hoping and fucking praying it is something sexual. He leads me into the shop, speaking to me softly and leading me in the right direction with his hand pressed into my back. I pretend that hearing his soft words, his commands for where I’m supposed to go don’t turn me on, and just keep moving forward, listening to every word he says.

We walk through the shop as I try to figure out where the fuck we are going. I know we aren’t going toward his chair. I know we aren’t going toward the back. It almost feels like we are going toward the front, to the front windows, but I’m starting to get all turned around, not knowing which way is which.

“You ready?” Jax asks, his voice hoarse in the way that only happens when he is planning to fuck the shit out of me. I feel my body respond instantly, desperate for him to finally tell me what is happening, and hopefully get a reward for listening so well.

“Yes,” I say, clearing my throat lightly, my voice coming out rough, already needier than I wanted it. He laughs lightly behind me, knowing exactly what my voice means, knowing exactly what I’m thinking about, knowing exactly what I want already, without me needing to say a single thing.

He takes the blindfold off of me, and it takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the light, but we are exactly where I expected, right in front of the shop, facing the full wall windows, looking into Greg’s shop across the street. Greg is the only one in there right now, doing stupid manager stuff, which I know is just his excuse to fuck around at the shop, wasting time so that he can tell people that he stayed super late the night before.

“I’m confused.” I glance back at Jax, not getting where he is going with this. Instead of answering me, he moves me a few feet forward, leading me until I am only about two feet away from the windows, only confusing me more.

I look back at him again with an unsure smile, waiting for him to explain, waiting for some kind of clarification on what the fuck is happening, anticipation running through me at an all-time high.

“Ya know, I’m getting really fucking sick of Greg coming up to you, trying to convince you to go back to him,” he mutters, his eyes looking over my body with hunger, with a possessiveness I have never seen before. I gulp lightly, my body already preparing for what he has planned for me, already desperate to feel his cock inside of me, his tongue against my clit, his cock hitting the back of my throat.

“Me too,” I reply, still staring at him, waiting.

“I know you are, but it’s different for me,” he replies, his eyes turning icy. “He is coming up to something that is mine, trying to steal it, and that just doesn’t sit well with me,” he replies, stepping closer, turning my shoulders around so I’m facing the windows again, watching Greg fuck around on his phone in his shop.

“What are you doing?” I ask, my voice quiet but excitement runs through me. I love when Jax gets like this, possessive, desperate, greedy. Instead of speaking, he pushes my back, so that I’m bending over at the waist, and I just follow his lead, desperate to figure out where this is going, desperate to listen because I know when I listen, I tend to get rewarded. He pushes me until my hands are against the glass, my cheek pressed up to the cold surface, forcing a shiver to run through my body, the sensation a complete contrast to the heat of his body against my ass.

“Teaching him a lesson,” he says, his voice low, practically a growl against my ear, his body lined up with mine, his cock pushing against my ass, already hard as a rock. I feel myself start to get wet, desperate thoughts of all the things we could do in the empty shop running through my head, consuming me.

I’m so consumed with the what-ifs, that I don’t feel his hand dip under my shirt, undoing my bra. I don’t feel it until my tits are spilling out as he takes my bra off, sliding it from the arms of my shirt. I’m in a small crop top, a loose one, one that does very little to conceal my large chest, and I glance back at him, completely confused now, my mind not able to connect the dots, and I feel stupid for it.

“Jax, what are you doing?” I huff, my hands still pressed against the glass, my breath clouding it in front of me. “Greg is going to fucking see us,” I gasp, and then it clicks, and the second it clicks, I feel my eyebrows raise, a shock of pleasure running down my spine.

I have never been one for public sex. I’m not against it by any means, but it has never been something that turned me, but this, the idea of fucking with Greg just across the street, the idea of Jax claiming me in front of him, showing him who I belong to, makes desire run through me, desperate for Greg to look up and watch another man fuck me, watch his business rival fuck me.

“That’s the whole point,” Jax mutters against my ear, confirming exactly what I was thinking. His breath is warm and it makes my skin prickle, my entire body feeling too fucking sensitive, too needy. I arch my ass into him, desperate for any friction, desperate for him to get the teasing over with and finally fuck me like he intended to when he blindfolded me tonight.

“Is that what you want, greedy girl? Do you want him to have to watch me fuck the life out of you, claiming you right here in front of him?” he says, his voice light, mocking almost, and I lick my lips, my throat suddenly feeling dry, desire completely consuming my every nerve ending. “Does the idea of that turn you on? Just like it does for me?” he asks, then grinds his cock against my ass, the hardness apparent. I close my eyes, pleasure running through me already. It is a simple touch, but all I want is more. I’m fucking desperate for it at this point. “Answer me when I speak to you,” he says, his voice turned icy, demanding, and I swear to fucking god I could cum from his words alone, rubbing my clit while he talks dirty in my ear, coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of me.

“Yes, it turns me on,” I plead, my voice hoarse, giving away how utterly desperate I am, how utterly needy I am. I’m completely at his disposal, my body his in every fucking way, and maybe it has always been like that. Since the moment I walked into the shop, I have felt connected to him in a way I couldn’t describe, and maybe since that moment, he has owned me, just like he tells me that I owned him.

“Good.” He removes his hands from me, and I hold back a desperate plea, wanting him to touch me more not less, but then I hear his belt buckle as he starts to unfasten it, the sound taking up the entire fucking room, the only thing my mind can focus on. He undoes his belt, taking his pants down, removing his boxers with them, until his cock is against my pants, the heat of him radiating through my clothes, making my blood run warm.

He removes my pants quickly, sliding them down, just low enough so he can fuck me. I gasp while he does it, the sensation almost too much. I feel a little pathetic, his touch doing so fucking much to me, but that’s how he wants me, fucking needy, desperate for him, so I sink into the feeling.

He pushes against my back until I am bent over completely for him, the center of my body completely on display for his eyes and his eyes alone. He rubs his cock against my entrance, wasting no fucking time, his cock probing me, just fucking barely, teasing me entirely until I’m holding back a fucking whimper by the time he pushes the first inch in.

“God, you’re already fucking wet for me,” he groans, a sigh in his voice as he sinks in another inch, my eyes start to roll to the back of my head as he fills me until he is fully seated inside of me, not needing to waste a minute with foreplay, his words getting me wet enough already.

He gives me a second to adjust to his size, my body already prepared for him, but it heightens the experience, wondering when he is going to finally give me what I want, what I have been thinking about since he told me he had a surprise for me in the first place.

He slides out of me, only the tip still inside of me, before slamming back in, making me take almost his entire length in one stroke. It pushes the air of out my lungs, a desperate plea leaking from my lips, wanting him to do it again, to fuck me like that until I cum on his cock, and I can hear the smirk in his voice when he speaks.

“What do you say?” he asks, grabbing a fist full of my hair, forcing me to look at him over my shoulder, our eyes connecting in a blaze of fire, both of us so consumed with each other, so desperate for each other that we can’t focus on anything else.

“Please,” I beg, my voice weak, fucking brittle, but I don’t care. I like feeling pathetic, like I can’t fucking control myself, like I’m such a slut for his cock and I would do anything for him. I like the feeling of being used, of him fucking me until he drains his balls inside of me, having his way with me until he is completely spent, giving me all of him.

“Atta girl,” he mutters, his voice so fucking condescending, but I fucking love it, I fucking want it. He starts fucking me, showing zero fucking mercy, using my body, every fucking inch, for whatever he wants, fucking my pussy like he won’t ever get to again, like this is how he wants to spend his last second on earth, buried inside of me, in pure fucking bliss.

My tits bounce in front of me, still inside of my shirt, just fucking barely, while he fucks me, my reflection starting to show in the window as the sun goes down, the sight in front of me making my knees fucking weak. He let go of my hair, but now both of his hands are on my hips, giving me everything he has, fucking me with such force that it would hurt if I wasn’t so desperate to be well and truly fucked.

I watch as his face morphs into pleasure, my body milking everything he has from him, my body using him just as much as he is using me. Suddenly the top of my shirt is brought up, his hand exposing me to the outside, but there’s only one person out there, only one person who is going to witness what is happening, and although most of my focus is on Jax, God it feels fucking good to be claimed right in front of Greg like this, showing him exactly who I belong to, exactly who owns this body.

Jax grabs my hair again, forcing my head forward, my eyes looking into my own reflection, taking a moment to look through the glass. I can see Greg in his shop, still staring at his fucking phone not paying any mind to us, but then suddenly, he glances up for just a moment, and then does a double take, his face not believing what he is seeing across from him, his eyebrows bunching together, as he watches me get fucked by his business rival.

“Yeah, make him fucking watch this,” Jax mutters behind me, seeing the same thing I am, probably enjoying it more than me too. “Whose pussy is this, Olivia?” Jax asks, his voice the only thing I can focus on, the image of Greg in front of me starting to blur as my eyes roll back, the pleasure running down my spine, my orgasm starting to bloom inside of me, taking over my entire fucking body.

“It’s yours.” My voice is weak, my throat dry. I moan with his thrusts, my body tuned into him, my body consumed by him completely, losing sight of the man across the street, not really caring if he is looking anymore, my mind completely consumed with the pleasure that Jax is giving me.

Jax grabs my hair again, forcing me to stare into his eyes while my tits bounce against the window, probably giving Greg a good show, but I don’t care, because the person I care about, the person I want to be with, is behind me, fucking my tight cunt with all that he has.

“I want to see you when you cum,” he mutters, his voice hoarse, his eyes connecting with mine, a longing inside of them, an adoration, as if he is so fucking happy to be with me. His eyes communicate with me, his eyes whisper sweet nothing in my ears, telling me exactly what I want to hear, while his body destroys mine, taking everything I have to offer him.

“I’m gonna fucking cum,” I moan, my body coming apart in front of him, his relentless pounding milking an orgasm from me. I moan as I fall apart, my moans filling the space, mixing with his as he falls with me, his cum leaking inside of me, coating my pussy.

We come down slowly, taking a while to get our breathing under control, to come back down to earth. He lets my hair go, my scalp a little sore from his hold, but I smile, enjoying feeling like I’m something worth claiming.

He readjusts my shirt, covering my tits from view, stopping the show altogether, but I

don’t even bother to check if Greg is still looking, not giving a shit about him, all of the hurt and pain inside of me evaporating, too consumed with the fact that I’m dating the perfect man now, the man who I should have been dating this entire time.

“That’ll show him,” he mutters, his voice full of humor, the air around us light, both of our emotions running high. I know what he wants to say just by the way he looks at me, by the way his eyes run down my body, appreciation in his gaze.

We both adjust ourselves so that our clothes are back in order, Greg being a faint memory as I spin around, Jax’s arms looping around my waist, the look in his eyes making my cheeks pink with a blush, my body feeling overwhelmed with the emotion running between us.

“I think I fucking love you,” he whispers, bringing his face to mine, his lips claiming me in a kiss. I smile into it, unable to take the grin off my face, unable to kiss him back fully, my heart feeling too fucking full, my body too overwhelmed with emotion.

I pull back, needing to look into his brown eyes, into the eyes of the only man who has ever treated me with care and kindness in the way that he has, the only man who actually makes me feel loved even before he said it, the only man who deserves the words sitting on the tip of my tongue.

“I love you too,” I whisper, the words feeling heavy in my mouth but I say them anyway, throwing caution to the wind, not caring where I end up, because at the end of the day, the scariest thing I ever did was propositioning him in his tattoo shop, and look how that turned out. I’ll take my chances.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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