Chapter 24 What's What.

The list of exchangeable rewards went on and on but Gerald only paid attention to the ones that interested him. At this stage of training, all sovereigns know about Origin essence.

Origin essence is the crystallization of pure origin energy derived from the refinement of void energy. Void energy exists outside the realm tree. It is a chaotic, destructive, and caustic energy that most sovereigns cannot even touch, the best they can do is protect themselves against it.

That's why you need a sovereign level of power to leave the lower realm for the upper realm. Only powerful creatures and origin gods can withstand void energy and attempt to refine Origin essence from it. Some powerful creatures can withstand it enough to produce origin essence without being at the origin god level, Dragons, world beasts, and void beasts.

Life essence is the next best thing after origin essence. In the entirety of the void universe, it is rarer than Origin essence. Origin essence might be rare for sovereigns and below but for origin gods it is not. Life essence isn't something that can be gotten even by Origin gods.

Life essence can only be gotten from creatures with extremely high affinity with life laws, for example, the Life trees of the High life plane. Life essence has many uses to the common mortal creature up to the level of origin god.

The common mortal creature can use it to awaken his soul and gain superior soul talent, can be used to increase fertility in low fertility races, and can be used to maintain youthfulness and elongate the lifespan of dying people.

Titans and beings of law consider these uses to be just wasteful because to them it practically counts as another life. It is very difficult for beings of law to be injured but once they are injured, it is likewise very difficult to heal their injuries.

To beings of law, including origin gods, the life essence can bring them back from within an inch of death. The effect is lower to origin gods, only a copious amount of origin energy, origin essence, and time can heal them from devastating injuries at their level, but life essence can stabilize their condition and prevent them from losing their consciousness.

The Life trees of the High Heaven realm are resources that are almost on par with universe-level strategic resources, it is because of them that the high elves have a superior standing in the upper realm.

He took a lot at the weapons and artifacts. Weapons are a very important part of a person's strength, in the path of perfection it is almost impossible for a person with a lower level of power to fight someone of a higher level, but a weapon can make it possible.

It will be difficult to defeat or kill someone of a higher level even with a very powerful Origin weapon but it is more than possible to resist. Outside the trial of heaven, it is extremely difficult to kill another person with a similar level of power, that person can still run even if he is defeated, terrifying laws and weapons make killing an opponent highly possible.

Gehald's continued to check through the reward list. His eyes landed on the law techniques library. At their level of power, spells have lost their meaning. A person can't become a sovereign without an in-depth understanding of laws. The only things that can increase a sovereign's power are techniques.

Techniques are universal methods that use obscure knowledge to improve skills. They are improvements of some tricks that were used during the weaker days of extraordinaries. For example double, triple, quadruple, or quintuple methods of casting that mana entities use.

Invisibility, cloaking, movement, and fighting techniques are just some of the techniques available. It is just that the use of techniques cannot compare to specializing in that aspect as a sovereign.

A sovereign with the movement concept of lightning will always be faster than a sovereign that has a water concept but is using a movement technique. Boosts and abilities provided by using laws are supreme, but law techniques can help to shore up a weakness.

Gehald is a sovereign with a concept from the full mastery of the law of life. He has a supreme advantage in life force, vitality, healing, and recovery. No healing technique can beat him in any of these aspects, but with this advantage comes a disadvantage in his attacking abilities.

He can make up for that by using a weapon and learning weapon techniques that improve his proficiency in using his weapons. He also has a cloaking and tracking technique which he uses with his understanding of life but it cannot compare to sovereigns with the concept of concealment and truth, he can simulate these two concepts but he cannot perform on par with them.

His sight fell on the origin realm opening reward and he shook his head.contemporary romance

The major reason grand gods and fake sovereigns participate in the trial of heaven is the chance to progress. Since fake sovereigns cannot fuse with their seed of power because it isn't theirs, they need to create another origin core.

All living things possess an origin core, this represents life. The power to create another origin core can only be achieved by using Origin essence, it can also only be done by those below the Origin god level. Fake sovereigns need this second origin core to start anew for a chance to become an origin god.

Gehald skimmed over this option just to determine its value. T him a fake sovereign that managed to acquire 200 points and certainly deserved a second chance. It is just that the new origin core will be empty, they would need time to accumulate origin energy.

Grand gods don't need a new origin core, their origin core is just fine except they cannot fuse with it because of the god fire in their souls. When a new god ascends, his soul is set aflame to refine the power of faith into divinity.

This makes their soul largely superior to those on the path of perfection but the soul fire will prevent them from fusing with the origin realm to become origin gods. If they have origin essence, they have to safely extinguish their soul flame first before they fuse with their origin core.

It is then that they can then ascend with the power within the Origin essence to become an origin god. If they don't have that and have done well during the trial of heaven enough to have 100 points, they can extinguish their God's fire. This will leave them weakened and forever unable to produce divine energy.

This won't be a problem if they immediately undergo tribulation to become an Origin god. It is just that success during the tribulation isn't sure but records have shown that grand gods do better in the tribulation than sovereigns.

"Everyone to their paths," Gehald said when he was done looking through the list. This list will be available to all the surviving participants of the trial of heaven, it is just that the points needed will be different based on levels of power.

The life essence that costs 200 points to sovereigns will cost at least 10 times as much to Titans of law and high gods, it will cost even more to those below.

Divinity is nothing to a sovereign but to a low god, it is what they need to proceed on their path to power. An exceptional transcendent may be able to procure Origin essence for his future with this arrangement, as long as he has the points for it.

If the transcendents continue to remain exceptional, he could become an origin god without coming back to the trial of heaven for origin essence.

Gehald shook his head and decided to check the library for information that might improve his grand plan for perfection. He hoped to be able to perfect his plan for reincarnation.

While Gehald was reading and catching up on some secret knowledge, some of the sovereigns were becoming origin gods within the tower of heaven. People were waiting across the entire realm, they were waiting for the ending of the trial of heaven, because with the end of the trial will come the release of their friends, parents, lovers, and enemies that entered more than 100 years ago, and the official start of the new origin cycle.

There will be crying and happiness when the results are finally made known but this hasn't tamped down their eagerness. Some people of means have been able to know the well-being of their people in the tower.

In major families across the realm, the soul lamps of some people have gone out, while some select few soul lamps have shown brighter. The broken soul lamps will result in sighs and lamentations, the brightened soul lamps will cause smiles and laughter.

The rise and fall of some families, some entire races, and some entire organizations will depend on the outcome of the end of the trial. For those that have been unable to glimpse the outcome, the wait and the anticipation are stifling. They can only hold on and hope for good tidings after the wait.

As the time for the release draws near, those in the tower are the most eager to get out, their life has changed regardless of their different experiences in the trial.

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