Grayson's Veil

Chapter 42

Avice crouched along the tree line, her white fur camouflaging her from the other predators.

She lifted her nose to the air. The smell of blood, fur, and sex was clouding the scents she was trying to track.

Stifling a sneeze, Avice lowered till her belly just barely touched the snow and crept forward.

She had not abandoned Grayson. Although, she was incredibly angry with the prideful narcissistic bastard.

After she slithered away from Grayson, she decided to fly hard and fast to Alice’s home. Her intuition told her that she was going to need certain items.

Flying to the house that she discovered was a pile of ruins was easy. Returning with the magic filled snuff jars, clutching them with her talons, was difficult to say the least.

When she arrived, Avice wept. She wept for the home she knew. She wept for Alice whose body was now a pile of ashes mixed in with her house. She wept because she will never come back to that place again.

She wept for the path that she was following now.

Once she had cried her last tears, she flew back to the snow-covered field, watching the dark clouds roll in with the promise of snow and lightning to follow.

Now there she was, in her white fox form and the vials in her mouth, trying to figure out what happened to her group.

She followed the tracks until she saw the group of Lycans. They were circled around something, dancing, shifting, and fucking to the beat of a drum.

She rolled her eyes at the Lycan’s ritual. It was barbaric, an excuse to let their animal instincts take over and not feel guilty if anything tragic happens.

Avice slinked closer, the drummer nearest her. She was worried that he could sense her, but he was too into his beats to notice the little white fox.

Familiar smells wafted into her nose when the wind blew across her face.

Her ears perked up at the sound of a voice she heard not too long ago.

Within seconds of the voice, the drum and the Lycans stopped. They were all standing still, watching someone.

Avice crept closer, merely a few inches away from the drummer now.

A naked human female was standing in Avice’s line of sight, but she could see Grayson, Phoebe, and Noel.

Grayson and Phoebe were detained, while Noel was naked and entangled in a group of Lycans.

Avice fought the urge to vomit at the sight.

Taking deep breaths through her snout, she turned her attention back to the mystery person.

He was tall. And he was in a suit with perfectly combed hair.

Avice’s eyes widened when he turned away from Grayson.

Blood rushed to her ears, making the conversation difficult to hear. Anger clouded her sight except for the man. Her breathing quickened, causing puffs of air to escape her mouth.

It was him.

It was the man who shot Alice.

Avice’s lips pulled back in a silent snarl. She wanted to kill him. She wanted to feel her teeth clamp down on his carotid artery, gulp down the blood that would pour from it.

She wanted to watch the life leave his eyes like they left Alice’s.

Avice was about to step forward to attack, when he nodded at the Lycan holding Phoebe.

The Lycan dug into Phoebe’s neck with its claws.

The air permeated with her blood scent.

Many of the Lycan’s mouths began to salivate, including Avice’s.

She felt sick from the fact, but her animal instincts were stronger than her human ones.

Grayson yelled loudly, finally being released from the man holding him.

He held Phoebe’s dying body awkwardly, rocking her back and forth.

This was a side Avice never thought he possessed.

He genuinely cared for his wife’s friend.

Anger slammed back into her, taking over her fear of being caught.

But before she could take advantage of it, the man snapped his fingers and the Lycan’s tore at Phoebe’s dead body.

Avice could not see Grayson, nor could she feel her link with him. Along with the anger, Avice felt panic grip her heart, causing her to drop the vials and shift uncontrollably.

She became a giant, white bear.

She stood on her hind legs and roared, showing off her glistening sharp teeth.

Spit flew over the drummer and the humans. Several of them ran away, clearly fearing her sheer size.

But others, like the man, stayed in their place.

Avice could finally make out that Grayson was passed out on the ground, his sword next to him.

“Finally!” A voice shouted from the side.

Avice turned her bear head, focusing her black beady eyes on a very sexually satisfied succubus.

She placed her hands on her hips, “I was wondering when I could stop pretending and start sucking the energy out of these filthy dogs.”

Confused, Avice looked around Noel.

The sight nearly made her smile.

Noel had drained the life force of six Lycans, who were all currently lying around her in a circle.

Stretching, Noel smiled.

“You’re not the only one with tricks up her sleeve, you witch’s bitch,” She winked before turning back to the Lycans who were beginning to line up behind the man.

Avice could not see her face, but she was sure the succubus was smiling wickedly.

The man cocked an eyebrow at Noel, silently taunting her.

A noticeable shiver ran down Noel’s spine, rippling out to her limbs.

Her skin rolled, like something was underneath it and wanted to get out. It pulled away from Noel, forming a head and body underneath the skin.

A rip sounded through the air, making Noel cry out.

The man snapped his fingers.

Three Lycans charged at Avice and Noel.

Avice fell on her front paws and ran in front of Noel, allowing her time to transform.

She stood on her back feet and swung a large paw at the first Lycan’s head.

He yelped loudly as his body went flying to the side. He landed with a thud and slid farther away.

Roaring loud, Avice swiped the other Lycans as if they were nothing but bugs.

Falling back onto her front paws, Avice glanced behind her.

Noel had completed her Demon form. She was no longer a she, but a they.

Both Noels were together, wrapped around each other as if in a lovers embrace. Their faces were welded together, one eye open on each side. Their mouths were wide with several sharp teeth covering their darting tongue.

Their arms, chest, and stomach were fused together down to their hips. Their legs were similar to goat legs, with the hair, hooves, and shape.

Their wings were large, forming a circle asround their heads. The membrane dark purple and thin. The fingers long and thin with sharp talons at the end.

The wings were not for flying, but for wrapping up the victims to enjoy later, or for stabbing them to inject their poisonous serum into their bodies. The serum causes the energy of the victim to turn into a ball of mist which is easier to suck in since they cannot have intercourse in their original form.

The human form is banned on their side of the Veil. All Demons are in their punished form, which makes it difficult to feed.

That was why so many wanted to be up here, and on the human side of the Veil.

They were hungry. Desperately hungry.

Avice focused again on the Lycans just as another leapt at her, aiming for her neck.

Swinging her heavy body, the Lycan bit down on her thick coat. Shaking his head violently, Avice’s skin tore open, spilling red blood on her beautiful white fur.

The Noels launched themselves over Avice’s giant body, grabbing the Lycan and wrapping him in their wings. They rolled together and Avice imagined they had already pierced the tough skin and injected their poison.

Avice subtly stumbled from the Lycan being torn away from her.

She looked around only to find more Lycan’s surrounding them. The Noels were already up and attacking another Lycan, however another bit into their wing, causing them to shriek.

The Lycans circled Avice. They nipped at her paws and barked at her, taunting her.

Three Lycans attacked at once.

Avice was becoming weak, her blood loss showing on her fur and the snow under her heavy paws.

With the thundering BOOM and the flash of lightning, Avice roared again, trying to will herself to fight harder.

Using the weight of her body, Avice rolled onto her back. She heard several yips and spines crack from those that were on top of her.

She looked up to the sky to see the snow falling at a faster rate. Lightning continued to dance along the clouds, reminding her of the nights she would be tucked away with Alice during a rainstorm.

Quickly, she rolled back onto her paws and began to body slam more Lycans.

Many of the smaller ones would fly several feet before landing, while the bigger ones would only stumble.

She circled Grayson’s still limp body, and charged towards the man.

He blinked and a Lycan jumped and bit into the side of her neck.

Avice cried out, stumbling until she fell on her side.

Several more Lycans jumped on her, biting into her, holding her in place.

The man slowly walked over to her.

Avice glanced over to the Noels, only to see they were injured badly. Their wings had bite marks all over them, one wing was broken and bent backwards, and scratches decorated their welded skin.

They currently had a Lycan in their grip, but with the one wing only able to hold, they could not inject its serum into its body. So, instead they were kicking with their goat legs to try and break some bones.

Bringing her attention back to the man, she curled up her snout to reveal her teeth in warning.

“Hello familiar, I am Richard. I believe we have met before but never got the chance to exchange names,” He stopped in front of her face. Crouching, he reached out to run a hand through her fur, not minding that it was damp from blood, snow, and sweat.

Avice tried to move but pain raked her body from all the teeth and bodies holding her down.

Richard looked over at the Noels. “I want these two alive, they are valuable for research. As for the other one,” he looked down at Avice, “I will be taking his head.”

The only thing Avice could do was flare her nostrils in anger and growl.

Patting her head, Richard stood up.

He turned to go claim his prize when he was met with Grayson standing up.

His head down, a sword in one hand and the other patting his pockets. The wind and snow swirled around him, adding to the ominous scene.

Grayson finally found what he wanted, his flask.

Avice could not help but roll her eyes at his instant reaction to quench his thirst.

They all stood still and watched as Grayson threw back his head and drank from it. He took long gulps, draining the container to its last drops.

Releasing a huff when the flask emptied, he let his head fall to his chest as he pocketed it.

He leaned one way, then another, almost like the drink had already gone to his head. A few of the Lycans cackled, amused by the man’s stupidity.

Stumbling forward, he stopped. His feet were wide apart and the stance appeared uncomfortable. He was about to fall forward, when his head snapped up.

His eyes no longer held any color, instead they appeared pearly white with black jagged lines connecting to the pupil. He smiled wide and insane-like showing his six sharp teeth on top, no doubt there being razor sharp teeth on the bottom too.

A scar with three lines that ran across his face was now visible, making Avice wonder how she had not seen it before.

Wings popped out of his back, large and dark and oddly beautiful with the falling snow. Avice found him to be terrifyingly beautiful in this new form.

Letting out a low chuckled growl, Grayson launched forward at Richard.

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