Good Grades & Mystery Games (North University Series Book 2)

Good Grades & Mystery Games: Chapter 45

If there’s one thing us Voss’ like, it’s a big party. But not just any party. It needs to be a blowout party with a DJ, a buffet, and a dance floor, or nothing at all. We always hold our best parties out of state, usually in L.A, where most of our family live as well as where our headquarters is located. The second my dad got back on his feet, he put together one of the best ‘Welcome Back’ parties he could.

With Lucas put away and the people infiltrating the committee out, I’ve felt so much better. It also helps that Evan and I have submitted our final report and we’re due to hear our grade within the next few weeks. I thought we could all use the getaway and celebration, so I brought Wren, Miles, Evan, and Kennedy with me on the flight to LA.

Only problem? Having to explain the room situation. I booked three rooms and I’ve been trying to tell Kennedy that I’m not sharing a room with her since we got to the runway, but she’s not been making it easy.

“This is going to be exactly like the good old days,” Kennedy says, clutching her iPad to her chest like a kid. We’ve been waiting on the runway for almost half an hour. Wren and Miles are standing in front of us, Evan beside them. He keeps turning back, glancing at me and it’s making me blush. I hate it.

“Yeah, Ken-”

“Oh my God,” she exclaims. “Did you pack the face masks? Because I didn’t get any. I mean, it’s LA, we can find some anywhere but still. Do you think the room will-’’

I cut her off with my hand on her shoulder. “Actually, I’m sharing a room with Evan.” He turns around now, the satisfied smirk on his face. Wren and Miles are caught up in their own world as she lists things to him, making sure he packed them while he kisses all of her face, leaving her in giggles.

“What?” she screeches. “Did he bribe you?”

“No, Kennedy. We’ve been, sort of, definitely dating.”

Wren and Miles still don’t turn around to that. I was sure it would set off some trigger in her brain, but she’s too caught up. He’s still kissing all over her face and she’s letting him.


It’s their world and we’re just living in it.

“It’s about time that you two broke,” Kennedy says, beaming. “It was getting sickening watching you guys pretend to compete with each other.”

“Oh, we still do,” Evan says.

“Yeah,” I add. “The sex is better that way.”

When the plane finally arrives, I take my seat next to Evan as everyone else gets comfortable to sleep for the two hour flight. I don’t think I could sleep if I tried. I’m constantly hyper-aware of him. Our seats are the normal distance apart, but with his heavy hand on my thigh, it feels like every part of us is touching.

“You know what, Branson?” I ask into the comfortable silence, the second the thought pops into my head. “I think you’re good for me.”

“Finally,” he groans. “I’ve been telling you that for ages.”

“I know,” I giggle. I giggle? What the fuck is wrong with me? I shrug, trying to play it off. “I don’t know. I think you challenge me, push me to go that extra mile and I do. The same way I challenge you, but not in a way that means you’re trying to do or be better than me. I like that about us.”

“Yeah?” I nod, looking up at him. He places his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. “I’m on your team, Scar. I always have been. I always play by your rules. If you want to hate me, fine. If you want to hate-kiss me or beat me up, fine. I’d give you the world if you let me. God, I’d give you anything you want.”

“I don’t want the world, Ev.”

“Tell me what you want, Angel, and I’ll give it to you.”

“Right now? I think I just want you,” I admit. “Just you.”

“I’m yours.”


*  *  *


By the time we get down to the lobby, the party is raging outside while people dance around with champagne flutes, the music carrying from the lobby right outside. I hold onto Evan’s arm as we walk through the crowd, feeling claustrophobic and at home all at the same time. I’ve been to parties before. I’ve been to millions of them over the last few years but for some reason, this feels special. Different. A good different.

Because I have a job in the company that I’ve been dying to get for years. My friends are here, enjoying themselves and best of all, I have Evan Branson on my arm. Just thinking about that sentence makes me want to throw up a little. I never thought I’d end up here, actually enjoying his presence, it being the thing that comforts me. In a way, part of me knows that it was inevitable.

“Do you think they’ve seen us yet?” I whisper to him, glancing down towards the pool where my parents stand. My dad’s being greeted by one of our partners, while my mom links her arm in his, most likely drowning out their boring conversation.

“We just walked out the door, so probably not,” he whispers back, leaning down to me. I twist us in the opposite direction, finding a corner to the side of the building to hide behind. When we’re out of view, I push his back up against the wall. “We’ve been here two minutes and you already want to rip my clothes off. This is new, even for you.”

“Oh, shut up,” I murmur angrily, but he grins. I start to smooth out his tuxedo. It looks perfect. He looks perfect. His bow tie is actually tied, but I’m just nervous. “Do you know what you’re going to say?”

He shrugs. “Talk about how amazing I am?” I frown. He places his hands over mine, my blue ribbon still tied around his wrist. I take in a breath. “Just relax, sweetheart. I’ve already met your mom and I’ve halfway won your dad over.”

“I can’t relax,” I say back. “My mom is easy to please, but my dad…I’ve never had a boyfriend before. Not a real one, anyway. He’s either going to hate you or love you. There’ll be no in between.”

“Do I make you happy?”


“Do I make you happy? Do I constantly try to make sure you’re comfortable, happy, safe, and satisfied?” I nod. He said he would be the best boyfriend I ever had if I let him, and he is. “That’s all a dad would want for their daughter. I’d want the same thing for my kid if I had one.”

The thought of Evan having a kid makes the butterflies in my stomach go feral. From the way he takes care of me, looks after me, I can tell he would be perfect at it. Even with all of his anxieties, he would be the best parent ever. Especially to little girls. Holy shit, I’m getting flustered just thinking about it.

“You want kids in the future?” I ask.

“Of course, I do. I’d need something to break the cycle and give someone more than I had,” he admits easily. He holds my hands to his lips, kissing them. It’s cheesy, but I let him do it. “Come on. We’re going to be fine.”

And of course, because Evan says we’re going to be alright, I believe him.

When we make our way over, I keep my cool and hold my head high. He’s right. My dad would want nothing other than my happiness. My dad’s tanned face breaks out into a huge smile as he looks at me and Evan. I swear my mom is already on the brink of tears.

“Scarlett,” my dad greets, nodding at me. Everything feels too emotional already and nothing has even happened yet. He flicks his gaze to Evan who is still holding my hand.

“Dad, this is Evan,” I say, turning to Ev, who has the sweetest smile on his face as he extends his hand to my dad. “My boyfriend.”

Those words are seriously coming out of my mouth right now. This feels like some sort of alternate reality. It feels so right, yet so unreal. Being with Evan is like seeing all the good and the bad things with the world and still loving them effortlessly. Nobody makes me feel more cared for or as beautiful as I do when I’m with him. And now he’s shaking my dad’s hand.

“It’s nice to finally put a face to the name,” my dad says through a smile before dropping his hand.

“Likewise,” Evan says. “It’s nice to meet you.” He grins down at me and then back to my dad. “I hope you know what an amazing daughter you have, Mr. Voss.”

I elbow him in his rib at his comment as he looks at me adoringly. That’s just the thing about Evan; he’s constantly lifting me up without me knowing.

“I know,” my dad replies, locking his eyes with me.

His gaze drops from mine, moving to Evan and I have to take in a deep breath, so I don’t start to cry. This is all I ever wanted from my dad. I just wanted him to see me. To understand me. To let me know that he can see how hard I’ve been trying to get him to realise that I’m capable of more than he thinks.

“Thank you, Evan,” he says. Ev and I blink at him, neither of us knowing what to say or what he means. “Thank you for showing me what’s been in front of me my whole life. I was too scared to get her involved and I didn’t want to ruin her. It shouldn’t have taken all this for me to realise that, but hearing about the way you have cared for her and looked after her, doing what I was unable to, made me realise that she is a lot tougher than I give her credit for. So, thank you.”

I didn’t even realise I was crying softly until I felt the salty tear drop onto my upper lip. I wipe at my face quickly, dropping my eyes to the ground. I don’t know how much more my heart can take from this. It feels too full. Almost too much.

“You don’t need to thank me, Mr. Voss,” Evan says quietly. He reaches for my hand, and I give it to him, letting him hold me. I lift my head up and he’s watching me, like always. “No matter how hard she makes me work to get it, I’m going to do anything to keep her happy and safe.”

“Is that a promise you’re making to me, Evan?” my dad asks seriously. My mom’s gaze flickers between the three of us and I do the same.

He swallows. “Yes. That’s a promise.”

“Good,” my dad replies.

“She could handle herself just fine without me, though,” Evan says, smirking down at me. I’m glad he’s finally got that in his thick skull. My dad smiles proudly. “She’s vicious.”

“Oh, I know,” my mom laughs, and I stick my tongue out at her. She shakes her head at me before her whole face lights up as she looks at Evan. “And, Evan, the song you requested is on next, so you should probably head to the dance floor.”

“You… What?” I ask, gawking at him. He ignores me, that slight smirk playing on his lips.

“Thank you Mrs. Voss,” he says to my mom, nodding at her before twisting my hand into his chest and pulling me to the dance floor. It’s already crowded, but we weave our way through, getting a spot where we can dance together.

The only lights are coming from the fairy lights above the shelter and from inside the hotel. Still, his dark green eyes glow with something I’ve never seen before. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he wraps his around my waist, pulling me into him, waiting for the song to start.


 Fade Into You by Inhaler


I swear I almost pass out when I hear the open chords of the song start to play. It’s one of those songs that you can’t tell is a breakup song or a love song, but it can exist as both. This cover especially does something to my heart.

It’s slow and peaceful and it makes me want to sleep. It’s the perfect song to play in the background when I’m doing my homework or when I want to get out of my head for a while. And he chose this.

“Why did you choose this song?” I ask, resting my head on his chest as we sway to the music.

“It makes me think of you,” he whispers, “it just feels like you. Like us.”

I don’t have to ask him what he means. I just understand it so perfectly that all I can do is keep my head pressed against the steady beat of his heart. He holds me close to him, his hands never leaving my body, even as we start to get shoved to the side with more sappy couples entering the dance floor.

Oh my God.

That’s exactly what we are. We’re a sappy couple. We’re the kind of people I would see holding hands in a supermarket and wish that was me. We’re basically Wren and Miles, unable to keep our hands off each other. We’re everything I have wanted, but also everything I fear.

I want to be happy. I want to be that girl who blushes when her boyfriend texts. I want to be that girl who giggles over ridiculously stupid things for no reason. I want to feel everything he gives me right down to my core, no matter how much it hurts or feels different.

“Sorry to barge in.” I open my eyes to see Kennedy and Wren stood at the side of us. Wren’s eyes are wide, flicking between the two of us. I push off his chest, tilting my head to the side. “Wren’s a little confused, as you can tell. She needs this…” She gestures between Evan and I. “…Clearing up ASAP.”


*  *  *


“Scarley, girl, I’ve never seen you smile so much,” Wren says when we get to the bar. I’ve tried explaining how everything happened, but it’s so hard to do. It ends up with me shoving my face into my hands, my face burning red just thinking about it. Wren’s face is bright with child-like joy, her eyes shimmering.

“Something’s happening to me,” I groan, wiping my hair out of my face.

“You could say that again,” Kennedy mutters from beside me. I turn to glare at her, but she just laughs, looking back out at where Miles and Evan stand in a corner, chatting. “I’m loving this for you, Scar. I told you this from the start and now look.”

I bark out a laugh. “But then, it sounded so ridiculous. Now it’s so…”

“Real?” Wren says and I nod. “Yeah, I get that. You’ll get used to it. I’ve never seen you so smitten.”

“I know,” I say, laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. “I hate it.”

“No, you don’t,” Kennedy says, blowing a raspberry. “You’re in your Lover era.”

“Your time will come too, Kenny,” Wren says.

“Oh, I know,” she replies. “You deserve this, Scarlett. After everything that has happened in the last few months, this is good for you. Enjoy it.”

I’ll try. As much as I love to tease Evan and make him work for every angry kiss he gets from me, I also want what I see in the movies, in books and shows. I want to get dizzy by kissing him just because I can. I want to dance with him on a dance floor or in the rain. I want to smile when I see his name light up on my phone. I want to have everything I’ve dreamed of but been too scared to grasp.

I want it all.

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