Good Grades & Mystery Games (North University Series Book 2)

Good Grades & Mystery Games: Chapter 41

This is our last time having a chance to run through our presentation before we have to hand in our final report. We’ve managed to keep up with the progress of the app. Watching it come to life has been incredible. The last thing we need to do is perfect our presentation before we have to present it in front of the class.

Scarlett came over to my house this morning to start working on it. My dad isn’t home — thank God — so I haven’t had to worry about speaking to him. Since Lucas’s arrest, we’ve hardly spoken about him going behind my back and betraying me when I told him to stop digging. He could have got us all killed if he didn’t stop. I’m not ready to hear him out yet and I don’t know when I will be. Still, having Scarlett here, safe, seemingly happy, is enough for me right now.

“Are you listening to anything I’m saying?” she asks, turning towards me. We set up a projector onto a huge whiteboard so we could go through the presentation in my office. She’s standing in front of it in a pencil skirt and a blouse, giving a hot teacher look as she flicks through the cue cards. After hearing those delicious moans come out of her mouth in the bathroom and she asked me to fuck her, it’s all I’ve been thinking about.

“I’m looking,” I say.

She smirks. “I said ‘Listening’ not looking, you perv. We don’t have a lot of time left and we need to make this as close to perfect as possible.”

“Okay, run through it one more time.”

And she does. She explains to me how we’re going to start giving a pitch about Hard to Tell and how we would advertise it. She goes on to vaguely explain the details of the app with notes from the software developer before handing it over to me.

Whilst I’m doing my run through, flicking through the slides, she stands next to the window, staring out into my bleak backyard. I try to continue talking, to keep practising, but she’s distracting me without even doing anything.

“Are you even listening?” I ask playfully, stopping my rant. She doesn’t respond or move to suggest she’s even heard me. I stalk closer to her. She has one of her arms wrapped around her middle, the other resting next to her mouth, biting her nails. I place a hand on her waist, coming behind her. “Scarlett?”


“Did you listen to anything I just said?” I ask. I rest my chin on her shoulder, tightening my hand on her waist. She nods. I kiss her neck lightly, inhaling her perfume and she hums. “What are you thinking about?”

She swallows, dropping her hands from her mouth. “Is this where you used to play as a kid?” she asks and it’s the last thing I was expecting.

The field that we call our backyard goes on for miles, eventually leading into a forest containing a small pond and deck. It was every little boy’s dream. It was my dream. For a while anyway.

“Yeah,” I say. I twist us slightly, pointing east towards where my old tree house used to be. “I used to have a treehouse there. I called it the EvCave.”

She laughs a little. “That’s cute.”

I wrap both of my arms around her waist now and her hands rest on mine on top of her stomach, her head resting against mine on her shoulder. Holding her like this, where we’re not arguing, where we’re both watching the same thing, makes me feel like we’re more than what we really are. That we’re capable of more than we give ourselves credit for.

“What’s the matter, Angel?”

“Didn’t you ever get lonely?” she asks. “I mean, I had a yard as big as this and even with four brothers, I still felt alone. I couldn’t imagine what you must have felt like. Didn’t you get lost?”

“I got lost all the time, but it didn’t mean anything. My mom was the greatest until she left. She and my dad tried to make me feel special and loved, even though they swore off having any more kids,” I admit, thinking about all the days it was just the three of us.

“Do you think you would want siblings?” she asks quietly.

“Not if it would have changed who I am. People around you shape you, they make you who you are without knowing. I like who I am now. Who I am now brought me to you and I would hate to have that ruined because of the way I was brought up,” I say. She twists in my arms, turning to me as her eyes search my face. “What?” I ask, feeling suddenly nervous under her gaze.

“Nothing,” she replies, shaking her head as she looks up to me. “That was just a perfect answer.”

Some of the things that come out of this girl’s mouth completely messes up my insides. As much as she can tell me how much she hates me, she can also say sickly sweet things like that or hold my hand when I don’t ask her.

Completely overcome with the joy of being in her presence, I press my mouth to hers, letting her soften into my touch before going in harder. More frantic. Her body moves with mine, her hands curling in my hair as I take a strong hold of her delicate face, slipping my tongue into her mouth. When the warmth hits her, she moans before smiling against my mouth and I almost die. I want more of her. I need more of her all of the time. And she lets me have her.

She lets me run my hands over the curves of her waist around her back, until I can press her body flush to mine, until it feels like we’ve become one. She lets my hands search across her soft thighs, squeezing and kneading. She lets me swallow every whimper and soft moan that leaves her mouth. I pick her up as she wraps her legs around mine and I place her on the windowsill, my hips grinding into her.

“How do you make everything feel so good?” she murmurs angrily when I kiss across her neck, biting her there softly. When she’s caught up like this, she compliments me more and I love it.

“Because I know you,” I say. Her head tilts to the side, allowing me to kiss across the base of her throat while my hands inch further and further up her skirt. Her fingers curl in my hair, grabbing and pulling tightly, pressing my head further into her.

“Listen,” she pants, gasping as she pulls my head slightly to face hers. Those pretty lips are glowing pink, swollen from kissing me too hard. “I’m still learning to trust you.”

“I know,” I sigh, letting my shoulders relax. I knew this was going to come at some point. “What else is it going to take for you to trust me? Do you want me to get on my knees and beg you? Because I’ll fucking beg, Scarlett. I’d do just about anything.”

She drops her arms from my face, her hands resting on the windowsill as she studies me. She holds her chin up in challenge. “Crawl to me.”

“What?” I choke out.

“If you’re going to get on your knees and beg, you might as well do it the right way,” she says, gulping. This girl is full of surprises. “I want you to take off your shirt too.” She rubs her hands over my shoulders before dropping her gaze to where I’m hard and waiting for her. “And your pants.”

I do as she asks, stepping back from her and she drops from the windowsill, standing straight. She keeps her wild eyes trained on my chest as I shove off my white shirt, throwing it onto the floor to the side of the room. She swallows as I start to unbutton my trousers, but I pause before zipping my fly down.

“Are you sure you want this, Angel?” I ask, double checking because once we cross that line, it’s over.

“Positive,” she says, watching my hand and I zip down my trousers, my dick already hard and waiting for her as it’s finally able to breathe from the restraints of my pants. I shove them to the floor, kicking them off to the side, my socks and shoes following them until I’m in nothing but my boxers. She swallows audibly.

I walk backwards until I’m closer to the door and I get down on my hands and knees, the carpeted floor rubbing against my bare skin, and I start to crawl to her.

She watches me intently as if I’m the best fucking film she’s seen in her life. She’s smirking, clearly enjoying this, but she’s shifting too, her thighs obviously rubbing together in that skirt. Just the thought of her already wet for me makes my dick ache.

When I get to her, she watches me as I lift her heel up, undoing the straps before setting her foot down and she loses a few inches. I do the same to the other one before kissing her there and she sighs happily. She stumbles against the radiator a little as I sit back on my heels, holding her leg to kiss along her calf and up her thigh.

I continue my journey up, getting soft and sweet whimpers of my name in return. Her thighs are already sweaty and slick with her arousal and I lick every last drop that she gives me, until I get to her panties where she’s glistening for me.

“Let me show you how good it would be if you let me be nice to you. How good it would be if you stopped calling me every awful name you could think of. Let me be good to you. Let me be good for you,” I whisper as I press a kiss to her heat above her panties where she’s soaking.

“Okay,” she breathes. I lay my tongue flat against the fabric, tasting her and she shudders. “Fucking hell, Ev. I said ‘Okay.’”


“Yes. I just want you so badly,” she whines as I suck on her clit gently.





When I’ve stripped down to nothing but my panties and a bra, I’m standing in front of Evan, wet and needy while he just…watches me. I can’t stop staring at him. His chest is sculpted perfectly, his hair already messy and his face is red. It confuses me how he can look so adorable and hot at the same time, while saying the filthiest things.

I need him.


He wraps his huge hands around my waist, his fingers dancing up my spine as he pushes my chest closer to his bare skin against mine. I need to taste him, but he doesn’t let me have him.

Instead, he unclips my bra, my chest still against his as I lean up slightly to let the material fall to the ground. When my tits press against his chest, my nipples hard peaks, he groans.

“Jesus, Scarlett,” he mutters, looking at the space between us and I feel him growing in his boxers, pressing against me. He swallows. “Everything about you is just so… Perfect.”

My whole body flushes at his words, feeling the praise right down to my fingertips as his hands roam around my waist. Only he can make me feel like this. Each touch is absolutely maddening. When my eyes connect with his, his hands shoot to my face, holding me tightly as he presses his mouth to mine.

It’s not like the other angry kisses we’ve had. This one is soft. Sweet. Timid, almost – a stark contrast to what we’re about to do. He’s being soft with me again and I want to melt in a puddle at his feet.

He pulls back from me, his cheeks glowing the most adorable shade of red before diving into my neck, sucking, nipping. His quick kisses become long, hard sucks when he reaches the swell of my breast as he holds onto my waist, my back arching.

His hot mouth covers my nipple and I moan, loving the way he’s taking care of my body like he knows it. I know he wants me to watch – and God I want to – but it feels too good, and I know that looking at him, watching him devour me, will make me crave more.

He’s like an animal.

His lips touch every sensitive part of my breasts as he swirls his tongue around it, making me call out his name. He starts to make his journey down my chest, kissing and touching me like I’ll break.

“Tell me what it says,” he murmurs into my skin at my navel, and I know he’s talking about my tattoo on my hip. It’s a small butterfly next to a couple of words.

“Can’t you read, dumbass?” I ask playfully, putting him out of his misery as I take off my panties. Maybe I didn’t realise the severity of being absolutely naked in front of him until he fell to his knees again, his green eyes full of wonder.

I feel like a God.

“I want you to tell me,” he says, his thumb rubbing circles on the inside of my thigh. He collects my arousal with one of his fingers, teasing it against my clit and I have to clamp my mouth shut, so a moan doesn’t slip out. “What’s wrong? Can’t talk, Scarlett?”

He pushes one finger inside of me and it feels like my whole world is falling apart. I hold onto his shoulder for stability, needing something to make sure I don’t fall over or explode into a thousand pieces.

“Talk,” he urges again, looking up at me, those green eyes not leaving mine. He picks up the pace of his fingers, so that I have to try to focus on something else before I can talk without whimpering.

“It’s four words,” I say finally, panting to stop myself from crying out. “It’s the title of my favourite poem. Let it enfold you.”

“What does it mean?” he asks calmly, as if he isn’t pumping in and out of me. This man is going to absolutely wreck my life.

“It means finding the simplest moments in life. The first line is, ‘Either peace or happiness, let it enfold you,’” I get out, most of it sounding like one word.

“That’s beautiful,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the tattoo. “Just like you.”

He spins me around, so my naked body is pressing against the windowsill, my ass in his face, as his fingers leave me empty. He roams his hands over my back, kneading his palms into my ass and I gasp, loving the way it feels.

“I want to explore your body and see if every inch of you tastes as good as I imagined,” he murmurs into my skin.

“You dream about me, Branson?” I croak out.

“Every night.”

“You’re so obsessed with me,” I say, laughing.

“Don’t act like you haven’t been dying for this too.”

“Dying for it is a bit dramatic, don’t you think? Have I wanted this? Yes. Have I been dying for it? Not so much,” I say easily. I’m teasing him, edging him on, seeing how far he will go until he finally cracks and gives me what I want.

“Ah,” he tuts, “you shouldn’t have said that, Angel.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m about to prove you very wrong. When I’m done with you, you’re going to dream about the way I touch you every night,” he says through a groan. I go to stand, but he still keeps his hands on me, dancing across my stomach, his mouth on my neck.

“Prove me wrong, then,” I challenge, twisting around in his grip to grab onto his neck, pulling him into me so I can crush my mouth to his. His body is surprised by my sudden roughness, and he stumbles backwards slightly. I want him inside me. I want to feel him fucking everywhere. “Do you have a condom?”

“Yes,” he says into my mouth, smiling against it. He pulls me with him as he reaches into a drawer, retrieving the packet.

My eyes can’t leave his body as he shucks off his boxers in one motion, his huge erection making me gulp. I knew he was going to be big, but…Jesus. He strokes the head of his cock, leaking with pre-cum and I snap my eyes up to his, unable to look at it. He pumps his shaft a few times while keeping his eyes trained on me and it takes all that I am not to touch myself too with the way he’s looking at me – his gaze is hungry, dirty, and insatiable. He rolls on the condom, and I sit back up on the windowsill.

He braces one hand under my thigh, lifting it up as he positions his cock with my needy, wet pussy. “Tell me when you want to stop, okay?” I nod, needing him now more than ever. He gently eases the tip into me, and I gasp. Not much is inside me, but it’s already filling me up. He adjusts my thigh, opening my legs wider so he can push into me again, giving me more of him.

Fuck,” I moan when more of him slips deeper inside me. I loll my head back, unable to look at where we’re connecting, knowing it will take me over the edge. Once he’s pushed in as much as he can and I’ve adjusted to his length, he braces both of his hands on my hips as I try to keep my legs as high as possible, wrapping them around him.

“Jesus, you’re so tight,” he groans into the skin on my collarbone.

“I’m not, you’re just fucking huge,” I say back.

“You trying to compliment me, sweetheart?”

“No,” I bite out, moaning again. I look down to where we’re connected – my pussy stretched perfectly for him. I bite back the moan in my throat as he drives into me. “You’re going to ruin me.”

“Good. I was planning on it,” he says. He pushes just in and then just out again, each stroke slower than the last. He’s trying to punish me. He has to be. This is torture. Each time he pumps into me, another desperate moan leaves my mouth, reverberating through the room.

He breaks the hold on my hip, only to use one hand to gently play with my clit, rubbing at the same slow pace he’s using to fuck me. We’re both nothing but frantic moans and pants, gasping each time he hits me in the right spot.

The pain mixed with the pleasure drives me over the edge multiple times without fully getting there because he changes his pace. Again.

I’ve had enough.

“Stop treating me like a porcelain doll and just fuck me like you mean it, Branson.”

“You have a really dirty mouth. You know that, Angel?” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the space behind my ear. I tilt my head away from him, needing to catch my breath.

“What do you expect? You’re the one who insists on calling me ‘Angel’ when you know I’m not,” I choke out after another slow stroke.

“Over the desk. Now.”





She scrambles to her feet, her perfect ass and tits bouncing as she does what I ask. Still, she wants me to work for it, so she sits at the edge of the desk, not where I told her, crossing her ankles, her chest heaving.

“Do you not like to listen or do you just like being punished?” I ask gruffly.

“Both,” she replies, grinning. I grip her waist, turning her around, gently easing her down until her chest is flat against the desk. I pull her up lightly by her ponytail, curling it in my fist.

“I told you I was going to fuck you exactly like this, Angel. But you’ve got to tell me if it gets too much for you. Okay?”

“Okay,” she breathes as I rub my cock between her ass.

I nudge the head of my cock into her slowly at first, seeing how much she can take and when a whimper leaves her mouth, I push in harder on instinct. This angle gives me the opportunity to hit every spot inside her until all she sees is fucking stars and all she feels is me.

Once I’ve filled her up and she situates, I start to pump in and out of her, slowly at first as she gets used to my size again. I pull her head up, wanting to see those tits bounce for me as I push into her, her ass bouncing against my lap. The wet, sloppy noises we’re making, mixed in with the sounds coming out of our mouths is obscenely glorious. As I try to tilt her head towards me, so I can capture her lips, she keeps her eyes closed, completely consumed with pleasure.

“Don’t get shy for me now, Angel. You’re perfect,” I murmur. All that comes out is a soft whimper at the praise. I drive my cock into her again, making the desk shake. “Does this feel good?”

“Mm hmm,” is the only thing that comes out of her mouth, and I tilt her head towards me, stealing the sound from her lips, kissing her senseless.

“Use your words, pretty girl,” I whisper against her mouth. Her eyes roll back in her head, her face twisting with pleasure as I continue my merciless strokes, giving her everything.

“I- I can’t,” she stutters.

“You can,” I encourage, wiping the hair from her forehead before grabbing her ponytail again. “Try for me.”

“It feels so good. Too good,” she moans. That’s exactly what I want to hear because this feels like fucking heaven to me. Her warm pussy is so tight around me, and she won’t stop clenching, milking me, pushing me closer to the edge. I slip out of her, leaving her panting on the table. “What are you doing?”

“I think it’ll feel better if you come all over my mouth. Don’t you think?”

I flip her around with one hand under her waist until she’s on her back. Her whole body is red now, full of pleasure. Her sex is already soaked, every inch of her upper thighs covered with her arousal. I lower myself to position my mouth with her desperate pussy and she leans up on her elbows, watching me.

I keep my eyes locked with hers as I press my mouth to her extremely sensitive clit, my tongue circling it as she cries out, her legs instantly closing on my face.

She needs to get used to my touch. She needs to get used to the way I make her feel. Every time I touch her, her body becomes so sensitive to me.

“Spread your legs for me, sweetheart,” I murmur, pressing her thighs apart. She rolls her head back and she does what I tell her to. I suck harder on her clit then, rewarding her for listening to me.

Evan,” she whines. I can’t help but fist my dick as I eat her out, needing to come with her.

“I’ve got you, baby, don’t worry,” I say into her skin. She tries to roll her hips against me, but her body gets taken over with pleasure that she doesn’t get very far. “You’ve got to keep your fucking legs apart,’ I demand when she tries to clench them across my face again.

“Evan, I can’t…”

“Do you want to come or not, pretty girl?”

“Yes,” she cries. “Yes.”

“Great, then act like it.”

When she finally listens to me, opening her legs just right, I suck and lick over her flesh, driving her to the edge while pumping my dick in my hand. It’s a fucking mess when she finally comes, her whole body trembling and shaking beneath me as white streaks burst behind my eyes, the cum spilling out of me onto the desk.

After we both get over the initial shock and the after-sex bliss, I take her into my shower, cleaning up every part of her body and she lets me, trapped in some sort of haze. I hold her close to me as I wash the soap suds across her body, finally being able to have her in my arms. I can’t stop touching her, holding her.

It feels like, for so long, I’ve been searching for this thing – not necessarily a person, but more of a feeling – to finally complete me. To quieten the noise in my head and the tremble in my hands. And slowly, easily, Scarlett has become that for me – my absolute everything.

In realising that, I’ve also realised that I just need her close to me.


When we get to my bedroom, she doesn’t freak out like I expected. Instead, she shrugs off the towel I wrapped her in, shoving me on the bed before straddling my lap and riding me like a fucking goddess, while I worship her like one.

“That was really good, Ev,” she whispers against my chest when we’ve both come down from the high. “Like, I’m surprised at how good that was.”

I laugh a little, running my hand down her spine. “I told you it would be worth it.”

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