Good Grades & Mystery Games (North University Series Book 2)

Good Grades & Mystery Games: Chapter 32

“You’re doing it wrong,” Scarlett warns.

We’ve been walking around the library at school for almost an hour, picking up books to use for references in our final report. Not only do we have to craft the app, but we also have to create a written report, outlining how we came up with the idea and how it would work, as well as another essay about the project as a whole and how it would function as a marketing device.

Scarlett came up with the idea of scouring through the business library and taking pictures of pages of books we’ll read later. She’s convinced this is the most foolproof way to find resources efficiently. Still, each time I pick up a book she has a problem with whichever I choose.

Each time she brushes past me, her soft silk shirt smooths against my skin, I feel her touch like electricity. We haven’t touched each other since that kiss in the rain outside of my house four weeks ago and I’m still confused as to where we stand.

Every time I look at her, I just want to catch her lips with mine, slip my tongue into her mouth while my hands do whatever they can to make her feel good. I just wish I could see into her brain if she’s feeling it too.

She leans against the bookshelf, looking all innocent again with that black shirt and matching skirt, her blouse unbuttoned enough for me to see the slight swell of her breasts. Her ankles are crossed, looking at me accusingly, her fuck-me eyes staring right into mine that I almost forget how to speak.

“What am I doing wrong?” I ask playfully, looking at the hardback book in my hand.

“Everything,” she says, stalking towards me and she pulls it out of my hand. “Move.”

And I do.

I step out of the way so she can look at the shelf I was scanning. She runs her slender fingers across the dusty books, the white ribbon in her hair bobbing as she pulls out a book to read the back. She slides it back into place, sighing.


 Love Is A Bitch – Two Feet


“When will you stop telling me what to do?”

“When you stop letting me,” she mutters. She moves down the aisle and I follow behind her. “Maybe learn how to read first and I’ll consider it.”

“I can read perfectly fine,” I retort, and she chuckles. I bet if I could see her face, she’d be rolling her eyes at me. “You’re just a perfectionist.”

She turns to me now, stopping, pressing her back to the bookshelf. She lifts her chin up. “Oh, I’m the perfectionist?”

I step in closer to her and I watch the way her breathing goes shallow. The closer I walk into her; she backs up further into the shelf and it wobbles slightly with her weight.

“Yes,” I say, my voice still low. There’s basically no one here. The only people I’ve seen have noise cancelling headphones on, tucked into a darker corner of the library. More privacy for us. For what? I don’t know. But I’m dying to find out.

“You took two weeks to decide between crocodile green and pickle green even though they’re the same fucking colour,” she says, holding her gaze with mine, but I don’t miss the slight tremor in her voice. She’s trying not to be affected by my proximity, but I want to see her unravel.

“They’re not and you know they’re not,” I say sternly.

“They are.”

“They’re not.”

“They are.”

“They’re not.”


I cut her off by swiftly snaking my hands around her hot neck, feeling her pulse hammering, pulling at her hair, tilting her head further up to mine. She’s shorter than me as it is, but this is taking it to another level. She blinks up at me and she licks her pink lips, making my dick twitch. I try my best to suppress a groan.

“Say it one more time and I’m going to drop you to your knees, work you up just right until you’re begging for me and see how much you’ll like to argue then,” I whisper, bringing my face closer to hers. Those brown eyes never leave mine and I can see the arousal on her face, those perfect cheeks turning the cutest shade of pink.

She swallows. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Branson,” she chokes out.

I wouldn’t be able to help it anymore if I tried, so I press my mouth to hers, stealing the gasp that left her lips as I gripped onto her hair. Her body instantly responds to mine as my tongue finds a home in her mouth, feeling the warmth right down to every pressure point in my body. I hear the greedy hum in the back of her throat at the same time her hands find their way into my hair, pulling and yanking as if I’m the only thing keeping her alive.

That first kiss we had was insane. The second one? Even better. But this? This is like fucking outer space. I’m a cynic when it comes to astrology but fuck me if it doesn’t feel like the stars aligned just for me and Scarlett at this moment.

I need more of her.

I use both of my hands to firmly grip the side of her face, feeling how small it is in my hands as I tilt her head back, deepening the kiss. I try to get more of her, and she lets me, each touch of mine gaining a spark reaction from her. Her hands loop around my neck, pulling me closer into her and I let her as she presses her chest against mine. Fuck. Our shirts are both so thin that I can feel the tips of her nipples pressing against my shirt.

Each time I try to press her further into the bookshelf, she pushes back, her back arching straight into mine. She’s fighting me for it. Good. I’m starting to get dizzy just by kissing her. Is it hot in here or is that just us? Her angry, hard, and wet kisses light a fire within me, and I can’t stop wanting more of her. I open my eyes for a second.

Big mistake.

Her eyes are closed, and her cheeks are completely red, her soft eyelashes resting against them. I’ve never seen her so caught up, messy and just turned on. She can’t deny the pull between us as much as I’ve tried to. I lean down so I’m able to kiss along her throat, feeling her heart fluttering against my mouth.

‘Is this what you want me to do, Angel? Do you want me to keep touching you, teasing you, feeling every inch of your skin until one of us can’t take it anymore and give in? Because if you want to play that game, you’ll be the first to lose.’

‘No, I wouldn’t,’ she pants.

‘No?’ I repeat, biting the soft flesh on her neck before smoothing it out with a kiss. Her grip on my hair tightens. ‘Tell me stop, Scarlett.’

‘I- I can’t,’ she stutters.

‘Exactly,’ I murmur. ‘Are you ready to play this game?’

She nods enthusiastically. “Get on your knees,” I say into her skin, and she moans quietly. My determined hands roam across the curves of her waist, down to her hips and back up again until I reach the underside of her breasts.

“I’m good from here,” she whispers. Of course, she has to make this difficult.

“Scarlett,” I warn.


“I said get on your knees,” I say again, tilting my head until I’m face-to-face with her. She looks confident – proud of herself even. She’s going to make me work for it, but I’m not a stranger to competition.

“I heard you,” she replies, almost laughing. She leans up off the shelf as she steps closer into me, while I stand frozen. She tugs on my loose tie, pulling my face into hers. I brace my hand on the shelf behind her to keep me from falling into her. “Tell you an even better punishment?” Her voice is low, but thick and heavy with lust. “You on your knees for me. Because the way I see it – if you do your job right, you’ll be the one begging me to stop moaning your name before we get kicked out of here. Would you like that? Does the thought of us getting caught excite you, Ev?”

This woman is going to kill me, and I think I’m going to let her.

I don’t say anything other than trailing my hand up her bare thigh as she slowly releases the grip on my tie, a satisfied grin across her face as she relaxes back into the shelf. She wants me to make her feel good and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

She’s a fucking dream.

Every inch of her feels perfect. Like it was designed specifically for me. Her body is so smooth that I ache just by touching her. She feels like she could just melt into my hands.

I grip onto her inner thigh, knowing it will drive her crazy before skimming the outside until I reach her round ass. I knead her ass with my palm as I press a kiss to the side of her neck and she sighs, finally relaxing more. She needs this just as much as I do.

“God, you’re fucking perfect,” I whisper.

“I know,” she replies, laughing.

I love that she’s confident. She doesn’t need me to tell her she’s pretty or that she’s doing a good job because she knows it. But I know it turns her on to be praised, to feel like she’s doing something right. I could tell from the second I helped her play pool.

“You’re going to have to be quiet, Scar. Do you think you can do that for me?” I ask as both of my hands search around her ass, her arms resting on my shoulders.

“I’m starting to think I won’t have a problem keeping quiet at this-” Her words cut off when I slipped my hand around from her ass to her panties where she’s already wet and waiting for me. I’ve dreamt about this for fucking years, but nothing is compared to the real thing. “Oh my god,” she whines, her voice trembling.

“What was that, pretty girl?” I murmur into the side of her neck, my fingers light against the fabric of her panties. “It’s funny, actually. You were about to shit talk me, but you’re the one who is this wet and I’ve not even done anything yet.”

“On. Your. Knees. Now,” she demands, her breathing choppy. I tease her again and she gasps, tilting her head back and it gives me the perfect view of her pretty throat, all flushed and hot that I can’t help but kiss her there.

“You know what? I think my view from here is pretty good,” I say, repeating her words back to her.

“I’d prefer my view to be of your face between my thighs with your mouth glistening. How about that?” she argues, urging my shoulders down as I slowly sink to the floor. I run my hands down her thighs as I go down until I’m kneeling in front of her.

I want to die in this position.

“You really have a way with words, Angel,” I murmur, stroking my thumb on the inside of her thigh. “You’re a smart girl, Scarlett. Very smart, in fact. But you’ve got to promise me you’ll be good and keep quiet, so we don’t get kicked out.”

I lift her skirt up, using her panties to rub against her pretty pussy as I swallow, trying to keep my composure.

“Ev,” she whimpers. Not the answer I was looking for, but the sound sends waves pulsing straight down to my dick. We could get caught any minute, but for some reason that thought only makes me want this more because I’ll be the one pushing her over the edge, and I want to see how far she’ll go.

“Scarlett,” I press, my tone light and teasing as I look up at her. She’s not looking at me, though. Her head is tilted up, her hands gripping onto the lower bookshelves behind her as her ass presses into it. I rub the fabric against her again, urging her to look at me. She sighs, shuddering, finally looking down Her tongue darts out, running against her bottom lip, her chest heaving.

She’s a fucking sight.

“I’ll be good,” she pants. “I promise.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” I reply. I tug on the waistband of her panties. “Can I take these off now?” She nods eagerly and I take my time easing the material off her until it falls to her ankles.

I’ve not fooled around with many girls and Scarlett has a lot more experience than me, so I try not to let my anxieties show as I swipe my thumb over her swollen clit. Her thighs shake at the sensation, her whole body being completely responsive to me. So sensitive. I run two fingers over her flesh again, loving the soft, needy, and sweet sounds coming out of her mouth.

She needs me to do more and I’m sure as hell going to give it to her.

I tap on my shoulder. “Put your leg up here, sweetheart.”

“No,” she pants. “I can’t.”

“Why not?” I ask, still teasing her while goosebumps spread across her legs.

“Because it’ll feel too good,” she admits. Pride warms my chest. I’m hardly doing anything to her. Fuck. It turns me on just how easily she can come undone. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, Evan, but…Oh my God.”

I laugh a little. “It’s because you’ve been dreaming about this, Angel. I can tell. You’ve wanted me as much as I want you and now, you’re finally having it,” I explain. She doesn’t argue. She does hook her leg over my shoulder though, her underwear hanging on the foot on the ground, giving me the perfect angle and view of her bare pussy.

I can’t help myself anymore, so I collect her arousal with my finger, circling her clit before slowly pushing one of my fingers inside of her.

We both freeze.

This is it. We’ve officially crossed that line and I couldn’t be happier about finally doing what I’ve been thinking about for years.

I know how big my fingers are and I can tell just how much I fill her by the way she clenches around me, her body lurching forward a little. I pump my finger in and out of her in a practised motion, watching the way her body reacts to mine.

Her leg trembles on my shoulder and I use it as ammunition to press my mouth to her.

Our reactions are both the same.

Pure and utter pleasure.

Everything about her tastes so good to me. So fucking sweet. I lay my tongue flat against her, her whole body trembles as she grips onto the shelf, causing it to shake. She’s doing as I told, keeping quiet, but what’s worse is that she’s letting out these soft, half-moans, whimpering and gasping, which only spurs me on more.

I continue pumping in and out of her, hitting the spots that I know will tip her over, dying to find out how her body will react when she finally does. My tongue moves seamlessly with my fingers, sucking and licking like I’m starved. For her, I have been. Wanting someone – no, needing them – and then finally having them is a different kind of euphoria.

And she gives everything to me. Every moan. Every whimper. Every tremble of her body. Every shake of the bookshelf because she’s gripping it too hard. Every fucking thing. And I take it all happily.

“Evan, I don’t think I can…’” she cries as I push in and out of her mercifully, her body arching forward. She’s not being vocal, which is good, but she keeps shaking the shelves which is just as bad, if not, worse.

“You can, baby. Just relax,” I whisper into her flesh, the sound vibrating against her. As the words leave my mouth, I hear her slap her hand across her mouth, her other hand gripping onto my hair as she climaxes with a groan into her hand.

Her body shakes as she comes down from the high and I gingerly pull my fingers out of her as she moans softly. Jesus, she’s a masterpiece. She slowly lowers her leg from my shoulder, and I help her slip her panties back on as I stand to my feet.

She avoids eye contact with me as she straightens out her blouse as if I didn’t just wreck her and give her the best orgasm of her life. Her face is sweaty, hairs sticking to her forehead and her cheeks are the reddest I’ve ever seen. I can’t help myself, so I stroke her cheek, her face resting in my hand. She melts into it for a second, her chest still heaving as she lets me hold her.

“That was just…” She sighs, her eyes closing slightly. She doesn’t need to finish her sentence because I know exactly what she means.

“Yeah. It was,” I reply. She tilts her head out of my hands, and I smooth her sweaty hair out of her face. “I knew you’d be a good girl for me.”

She rolls her eyes, but I catch the satisfied smile on her face. She swats my hand from her face, turning away from me. “Let’s just pick out a book and get out of here.”

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