Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Six: Blood and Tears

Everything around me stops, and I feel my vision go spotty. I shake my head and blink it away, sure that what she said was just my imagination.

"Its actually much better that you came, you can get the captured wolves out of there. Just tell my pack it was an accident that we died," I hear Shade say, shaking her head.

I clench my jaw in anger, and  take a deep breath.

"But why?" I ask, failing to keep my anger out of my voice.

"We have so much blood on our hands that we can't live with ourselves if we just go back to the way we were, we have become killing machines. We would not know what to do with our life after, I know it does not make much sense, if any at all, but it does to us," she tries to explain.

My head is down, and I can't help but start laughing for a moment.

Now you know how I have felt for years, I sneer in my mind.

Except you knew exactly what to do, Ira laughs.

Yeah, just keep on killing.

I feel my rage take over, and I slowly look up at Shade, who was trying to get my attention. Her eyes widen in fear at my red ones, and my sharpened canines.

She whips around and runs into the forest. I let out a howl and start to shift as I run after her.

"Raven! What's gotten into you!" Shade screams looking behind her.

"Nothing! Other than the fact I just found out that my cousin is going to commit suicide right before my eyes!" I yell angrily.

"I just thought I should tell you!" She calls out. I start running on four paws, and leap. My paws hit Shade's back and she falls to the ground.

I flip her over with a paw and snarl viciously. She tries to move but I put a paw over each of her limbs.

My eyes glowed red, and my fangs razor sharp.

"I'm sorry!" Shade cried trying to get me off. I put my face close to hers and bare my teeth.

"If you were really sorry you would not do it! I came here to check on you and to make sure you were okay! And now I hear you planned on dying anyway! I can't believe that after all we've been through, you would do this to me!" I yell with a furious growl.

The click of guns' being loaded had me off of Shade and growling in a flash. Hunters with guns and weapons had surrounded Shade and I.

She quickly stands up and takes out her guns. I shift back quickly and put on my extra clothes I always had on my ankle.

I hear Shade curse as an arrow clips her shoulder. I curse at myself when I remember that I forgot my weapons.

"Just like old times huh?" I say to Shade over my shoulder. She nods and smiles.

I hear her gun go off as my fist hits a Hunter in the head. His head snaps back, breaking his neck and killing him.

I whip around and deliver a spinning roundhouse kick to another man. He swung backwards and landed hard on the ground, blood flowing from his head.

I felt a hand grab my arm and I turned to see the man it belonged to. My knee came up to hit his gut and he doubled over, coughing up his insides.

I snapped his neck with my hands and turned to see another Hunter pinning Shade's arm behind her back.

She flips him around and he is laying on the forest floor in front of me, gasping for breath. I landed a fist to his temple, killing him instantly.

There were only three more left, and Shade growls, sending them running off. She starts laughing and falls to the floor.

"That was fun," she admits. I start laughing at how funny she looked, rolling around on the forest floor.

Loke, Camryn, and Aiden soon find us in the forest.

"What happened?" Loke asks.

"Nothing, what took you so long?" Shade answers.

"We heard the gunshots and decided to come take a look, though it seems you two took care of it." Shade smiles and nods.

"Seems we did," she answers. We pushed ourselves off of the ground and walk back to camp.

I was staring into the trees when I feel Shade link her arm through mine. I raise an eyebrow, but then give her a smile.

She's trying to make her last day with you count, isn't that sweet, Ira cooes sarcastically in my head. I growl at her insensitivity.

Fuck you, I snap at her. She falls into a fit of laughter as I cut off our connection.

When we get back to the camp, I find the map and open it up. I lay it out and everyone circles around so they could see. I point to the circle Shade had drawn.

"Okay listen up, the best plan of attack is as follows. The best way to get in is to take out the courtyard guards, which is different than what you have been doing by the sounds of it, then line the outer wall with explosives. These walls are much thicker than those of the compounds," I tell them, recalling my times at the other Hunter facilities.

I had to spend time around the world at different areas, all were built exactly the same. This one was new, so I had never been, but I believe it would be safe to assume that it is still the same.

"Next, we will enter at different points and meet in the middle, the goal, get the prisoners out safely before the building self destructs. Based on what I know from living with the Hunters is the walls and floors are flammable, extremely flammable," I point out.

It was designed so that they could easily destroy the building and everything in it if something happened. It would get rid of all the illegal documents and things they were doing.

At my compound, it would get rid of all the evidence of torture and mutilation they did to me. I now understand why they never did it to anyone else, I was different and they needed to know why.

"So once those explosives go off you have about thirty minutes to get everyone out before the building is burned up. Next step, gather the wolves a safe distance from the building. One person to watch over them, that will be me. If anyone tried to attack, I'll be there to keep them safe," I say drawing a diagram on the map as a visual.

"The Hunters' buildings don't differ too much from one branch to the next, the main one is where I was stationed, so my guess is, it will be very similar. The prisoners are going to be in the lower levels, the less sunlight the weaker the wolves, and that is exactly what they want. Like I said, this buildings is going to go up in flames. The most important thing will be to get out alive," I give a pointed look towards Shade.

"If we find more people then get them out. You all know the time limit we have. My guess is we are going to need at least five inches of C4 around the whole outer wall yo get in. The outer wall itself is about that thick so as to keep wolves from clawing their way to the outside. But what they didn't plan, was having Lycans in the mix," I say showing off my claws. They were six inches long and razor sharp.

They all nodded and look at the map, I drew a rough sketch of the main building to give them an idea of the layout.

"Loke you'll be stationed here, Camryn here, and Aiden here. I'll be here and Raven you'll be about a half mile away from the blast," Shade says pointing to the stations.

They all nod, and I frown. She put me far away on purpose, I think with a growl.

Oh, boo hoo, she's so mean, Ira fake cries. I snarl at her and block her from my mind.

My Lycan has to be the biggest bitch ever.

Shade rolls up the map and puts it away. Everyone starts to go to sleep, and I sit up in a tree like usual.

I watch from the branch, and wait until everyone but Shade is asleep. I jump down and shove Shade by her shoulders into a nearby tree trunk.

"Is there anything I could do to keep you from doing this?" I growl. She stares at me wide eyed.

"What do you mean?" She asks, playing dumb.

"Stop it, I know you know what I'm talking about. Is there anything?" I snarl pushing her shoulders into the bark of the tree.

"Take good care of your pack and the wolves we will be able to get out, we have made up our minds," she sighs shaking her head.

I feel tears start to well up in my eyes, and I let go of Shade's shoulders, pushing myself away from her.

"Alright then, I wish you luck inside the Main Frame," I whisper in defeat. I turn my back on her and climb back up into my tree.

With my back to her I lean against the trunk of the tree, and stare up at the night sky. Tears fall down my face, and I feel myself start to sing the sing from my nightmare.

"I'll sing you a song, the song of darkness.

Open your eyes and block out the light.

Follow the winds into the void.

Listen to the song of the night.

The breath in the wind of which secrets are told.

Call to your soul when you stray from the path," I sing with tears sliding down my face. Anger quickly replaces my sadness, and I tear off my clothes.

I leave them on the branch and leap from the tree, shifting in the process. I land silently on four paws, and tear through the dark forest.

The trees fly past me, and Itry to let mydelf relax. Ira suddenly takes advantage of my lowered guard, and takes control over my body. She starts to lead me somewhere, and I feel confused.

Just as I am about to ask her where we are going, we slide into a clearing full of Hunters. I curse at my Lycan and leap at the first one.

I rip out his throat and hear a gun click. I quickly whip around and snap his neck with my massive paw.

I tear the men apart, making sure their guns don't go off. I am very far away from the camp, but there is still a chance they could hear the gunshots.

I don't really want them coming to see that I lost control over my Lycans in the middle of the night.

When they all lie dead, I am soaked in blood.

I absolutely hate you, I growl at Ira.

No you don't, I bet you enjoyed that just as much as I did. I can practically hear a smirk in her voice.

Piss off, I snarl and push her to the back of my mind.

I jog through the forest looking for water so I can clean my fur off. The smell of fish hits my nose, and I follow it to a river.

I dive in to the cold water, and relish the feeling of it in my fur. I haven't bathed in several days, and it was starting to bother me.

I rinse the blood from my fur, and shake out my coat. I sit on the riverbank, staring up at the moon.

I let out a long howl, putting all of my sorrow and pain into it. It was such a beautiful, but sad sound.

I turn my head and look into the water. My reflection is shone, and I look at my eyes.

The red has turned to gold, a very dim gold. I change my eyes to red, and suddenly I realize why everyone is scared of me.

I look like a black devil, even more so now with my scar. The claw marks across my eye had no fur growing on them, and it was trippy.

My eyes catch on the fur at my side, and they narrow in confusion. I stand and turn so I can get a full view of my body.

My fur is black, but there are red stripes running vertically across my body. I stare in shock as I make out thin white stripes as well.

"What the hell?" I say aloud. I looked exactly like Shade, except hers had silver and gold stripes.

I blow a breath out of my mouth, not sure how my fur had changed. I decide to just forget it, and I start running back to the camp.

I had run out a few miles, and it took me a half hour to get back at a jogging pace. When I get back I leap back onto the branch and shift back.

I put my clothes back on and lay staring at the sky. There is no way I will be able to sleep tonight, so I'll just wait for the sun to rise.

I don't know what I am going to do tomorrow. If Shade dies, I'm going to kill myself, or else I will lose control completely over my Lycan.

I just know one thing, I can't let Shade kill herself, or else every other thing in this forest is going to die.

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