Gone (Book Two of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Eight: An Attack

"What?" I growl, making sure I heard right.

"The was an attack by the Silver Bloods Pack, they didn't make it much farther than the border," Jace reiterates for me.

"How many casualties?" I ask him.

"We don't know, that was all the information they gave us," he sighs. I shake my head with a growl.

"Damn it, he probably did it in revenge for me kidnapping Derek. And he waited until I was gone too, the sneaky bastard," I curse.

"Isn't he your mate?" Jace asks.

"Not anymore, my mark is gone," I say showing him my collar bone. I discovered this a few weeks ago, and I didn't understand how this could happen.

"How?" He asks in disbelief.

"I have no idea, but I don't plan on dwelling on the matter," I reply shortly.

"I will try to get in contact with the pack, but all of my previous attempts have been useless," Jace tells me.

"We will leave to go back to the pack tomorrow or even sooner if possible. I want to deal with this as soon as possible," I tell him. He gives me a curt nod and turns away.

I head back to the guest house to let Hailey and Derek know about the attack. Hailey is trying to clean the couch, but Derek refuses to move from where he is watching TV.

She growls and tries to move him, but to no avail.

"Get your lazy ass off the couch and help her clean," I say to Derek, making Hailey smirk. He growls lowly and I raise an eyebrow.

"Do you really want to go down that road?" I ask him pursing my lips.

He growls again in frustration but helps Hailey clean the blood off the leather couch, before returning to watch TV. Hailey sits down and turns her attention to me.

"There been an attack," I announce. Derek snaps his eyes away from the TV screen and stares at me.

"By whom?"

"The Silver Bloods Pack, and that is all the information we have. We haven't been able to regain contact with the pack since, so we are returning either tomorrow or sooner," I fell them with a heavy sigh.

"Okay, well I have to go check on Shadow again," Hailey says. I give her a nod and she leaves.

I sit down and watch some Criminal Minds, when Hailey suddenly bursts through the door.

"Shade is coming," she says slamming the door shut. I growl in annoyance and I smell Shade's scent nearby.

I wait in front of the door and tap my foot with a pissed off face. The door opens to reveal Shade, covered in bandages.

She smirks and walks past me.

"What? I wanted to come see you, can't a cousin see a cousin?" She asks innocently. I roll my eyes.

"Well you are supposed to be in the hospital." I narrow my eyes at her. She rolls her eyes and smiles.

"The least I could do was get you an early flight home," she says raising an eyebrow. My eyes widen and I curse under my breath.

"You weren't supposed to know about that," I say quietly, throwing a pointed look at Hailey. She looks away and peretends to be interested in the TV. Shade just smiles at me.

"Well, after all that you have done for me, its the least I could do," she smirks.

"I am going to schedule the flight right now, hope you can be ready in an hour or so," she says and turns to walk out the door. I nod as she closes the door.

I go to the bedroom I shared with Hailey, and we start to pack.

"I'll pack your stuff, can you figure out what to do about the blood stain?" I ask her. She nods and leaves to start cleaning that up.

I pack Hailey's suitcase first, and I hear Shade walk in as I am packing mine.

"One hour and counting," she says with a smile. I nod and continue packing.

I hear her tell Hailey that she will get the blood cleaned up and to not worry about it. Hailey comes over and goes through her suitcase to make sure it is all packed.

I crouch down to put things in my suitcase, and I hear Shade wince.

"You should not have done that," she says. I look up at her confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You should not have saved me," she states blankly. I got very angry at her statement, and my eyes turn red. Shade takes a startled step back, and I stand up.

"No, you should not have been so careless with your life. If you had not survived, everything i n this forest would have died, do you understand?" I growl furiously.

"But you got hurt," she whimpers and I roll my eyes.

"This is the least of my worries right now-" I motion to my injured arm and leg,"-I have a lack I need to get back to," I say grabbing my sports bras and spandex from my dresser. I shove them into my suitcase.

Shade nods slowly and backs out of the room. Hailey is still messing with her suitcase and pretending to not hear anything.

She quickly learned that I have great control over my emotions, but when I get angry, there is no limit to the damage I could do.

I finish packing and walk out my bedroom to smell blood. Hailey and Derek smell it too, and are right behind me as I throw open the front door.

Shade was trying to fix the bandage on her head, and her wohnd had started bleeding again. When she sees me, she lets the bandage fall across her face and throws a little wave.

I sigh and take off the rest of the bandage.

"Hailey can you get some more?" I ask and she nods quickly. When she returns I push Shade down so Hailey can rebandage it.

Shade thanks us before returning to the hospital. When we were inside watching TV, Hailey suddenly turns to me.

"You notice how Shade keeps getting hurt here, and that her wounds keep opening up?" She says in a curious voice.

"No one here can keep her in one place, and none of them can protect her," I shrug.

"I wonder if she would be safer with you," Hailey says looking back at the TV. A grin spread across my face at her words.

"I'll be right back," I tell her before rushing out the door. I search for Blackthorn's scent and follow it to his house.

I knock on the door and he answers immediately.

"I want to talk to you about Shade," I say. His eyes widen in panic.

"What happened? Is she okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Nothing, she's fine, well actually no she's not. Shade isn't safe here, I want to take her to my pack with me," I announce.

"No," he growls immediately.

"She is not safe here, you couldn't even keep her from running off and nearly killing herself," I yell. He clenches his jaw in frustration and glares at me.

"At my pack we can keep her safe. It is a pack of Lycans, and you know that Lycans are stronger than normal wolves. Plus, I will be able to keep a constant eye on her, like I did when we were kids," I try to explain.

His shoulders slump and he sighs.

"Okay, I guess you are right. But if anything happens to her while she is there, I will have your head," he growls.

"Yeah, good luck with that," I snort rolling my eyes.

"We leave in an hour, so you should say goodbye," I tell him before walking away. I stop by Camryn and Aiden house to ask if they want to join the pack as well.

They agree after I tell them I am taking Shade with me. I head towards the hospital next.

I see one of the pack doctor, Rosa, that Hailey told me is a Lycan as well. I convince her to join as well so she can teach Hailey the rest of the way.

I leave the hospital and go back to the house.

I get the rest of my stuff packed and make sure everyone else is too. I hear the plane land, and we head outside.

Shade is waiting by the stairs to get in. She gives me a thousand watt smile before stepping aside so I could get in.

We all get our stuff on the plane and I stick my head back out. I hold out a hand to Shade.

"Well?" I ask her. She loosk at me in shock for a moment, before smiling and taking my hand.

"Looks like I am the only one who can keep you safe, none of these other wolves eem to be able to keep up with you," I smirk pulling her into the plane.

She playfully punches my arm as we walk inside. I see Shade such in relief when she realizes that Camryn, Aiden, and Rosa were coming too.

I sit down and watch Shade start to go over to the others. I grab her arm and yank her back into the seat next to me.

She yells in surprise and rubs her arm.

"What was that for Alpha?" She asks. I roll my eyes when she addresses me by my title.

"Don't call me that, it feels weird," I say frowning. Shade blinks at me and I feel the plane start to take off.

Shade starts to grip the seat until her knuckles turn white, and I start laughing at her.

"Where you like this when you flew back to the Shattered Pack?" I ask between laughs. She growls at ms with a glare.

"No, I was too focused on getting back," she hisses. This only makes me laugh more, and Shade rolls her eyes.

"So can you tell me about the attack?" She asks suddenly. I immediately stop laughing and I clear my throat, a shadow cast across my face.

"I honestly don't know much, I don't know how many are dead, if any at all, why or how," I shrug, leaning forward to put my elbows on my knees, my hands clasped together.

She nods and leans back in the seat. The flight attendant cones by and I get a beer, while Shade gets a soda.

She gets up and walks to the back of the plane by Camryn, Aiden and Rosa. Hailey comes over and sits next to me.

"Thank you," she says.

"For what?" I ask turning to her.

"For bringing Rosa, we are food friends, and she has already agreed to teach me," she smiles. I smile back and she starts to get up.

Shade walks over and tells Hailey she can stay, and that she was going to talk with my brother.

Hailey tells me about how much she has already learned, and she falls asleep a few hours later. I sigh and pull her into my arms.

I carry her bridal style towards the back of the plane, and pass by Shade and Derek.

"Do you want me to take her to a room?" She akss standing up.

"No, I'll do it. Go back and sit down," I tell her and I walk under a curtain to one of the beds in the back of the plane.

I come back to see a sick looking Shade, and my eyes widen in horror.

"Not on the carpet!" I scream, but she just waves me away. When she felt better we sit down and stare out the window.

It was dark out, and I see Shade fall asleep quickly. I sigh sadly, when I see that everyone else on the plane is also asleep.

Why do I have such trouble sleeping? I ask my Lycan.

Because it's in your blood to be constantly alert, especially at night when the moon is out. The very first Lycans, your great grandparents, were actually nocturnal, Ira informs me.

That makes sense, do you have a reason as to why you are such a bitch? I ask with a sneer.

The personality of the Lycan is almost identical to the personality of the person. So because you are a bitch, I'm a bitch, she cackles.

I roll my eyes and growl at her. The only way I would probably ever get a good night sleep again would be if I had my mate. But Blake was no longer my mate, now, he is my enemy.

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