He lay in the same bed where Paris had once slept, feeling her presence lingering in the sheets. His mind was filled with memories of that night when he had touched her, kissed her, and drank her. But now, even after just one kiss, his desire for her was only half-sated.

As a Vampire, he never sleeps, but tonight he tossed and turned, unable to find peace. He had never dreamed before, but now his mind was plagued with nightmares of Paris, terrified and fleeing from him.

In a desperate attempt to hold onto some semblance of her, he clutched the bedsheet tightly and breathed in her fading scent. It was driving him mad as it slowly dissipated from the fabric.

“If only I could have you,” he whispered to himself, his voice laced with longing and regret.

Despite drinking from other willing donors, none could satiate his thirst as she did. And while he struggled with his desire for her, Paris continued to ignore his calls and messages, leaving him in a state of restless torment. Unable to bear her indifference any longer, he decided to take matters into his own hands.


Paris felt a sense of joy today, as she often did when her mother was coming to visit. She always made sure to wear pink on these occasions. When there was a knock at the door, Paris immediately thought it was her mother. But when she opened the door, it was, “Bob,” Paris said.

After fifteen minutes—

“Thanks for fixing the garbage disposal again, Bob.”

“It’s just part of my job, no need to thank me.”

“Maybe I should learn how to fix it since it happens so often.”

“Oh, you trying to take my job away from me?” the older man joked, and Paris laughed.

“Actually, I packed you some lunch as a thanks for coming on a Saturday.”

“This is why I don’t want you to learn plumbing. You’re too good at cooking.”

“Do you have a hot date or something? The table is set for two,” Bob teased.

“No, my mother is coming over,” Paris replied.

“That’s nice. Well, have a good weekend, kid.”

“You too. Thanks again, Bob.”

Just a few minutes later, there was another gentle knock at her door. This time it has to be her mother, she thought excitedly. She swung the door open it was him standing there instead.

As soon as his eyes fell upon Paris, the vampire’s breath caught in his throat. She was a vision of beauty in her pink dress, with dazzling blue eyes and long chestnut locks cascading down her shoulders.

The vampire was at a loss for words as he gazed upon her. His heart thudded wildly in his chest, yearning to hold her in his arms and taste those plump lips once more. He had missed them dearly since their last encounter.

“You!” Her sharp voice snapped him out of his trance. Anger by his visit, she slammed the door shut.

“Wait, Paris.” He reached out to stop the door from closing, but his hand went right through it.

Paris gasped.

“Oh my god, y-you broke my door!” She stared at his hand in disbelief.

She quickly opened the damaged door and realized what had happened.

“Did I hurt you? Let me see.” Paris’s tone was full of concern and care as she examined his hand.

He couldn’t help but laugh internally at her worry. After all, he was a Vampire; how could he possibly get hurt? But her touch felt hot, like fire.

“I’m fine.” He said, pulling his hand away to control the beast inside of him that was ready to unleash and cause chaos.

“Paris, please. I only want to talk to you.” The desperation in her voice was evident.

“Since when did a bloody monster become so humble?”

Paris immediately regretted saying that. She didn't really mean it.

He loathed that word, it was a label that did not fit him. Despite his appearances, the scars and rough exterior made others shrink away in fear. But he was not a monster. He never took a life or coerced anyone for their blood. He was a kind-hearted Vampire.

To him, being called a monster only highlighted society’s unfair judgment and lack of understanding towards those who were different. He may have been fierce and intimidating on the outside, but inside he was just a person trying to find his place in the world.

To add insult to injury, the fact that Paris was using the same words had put him in a foul mood.

He entered the room, she instinctively took a step back. Roughly, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled at her hair, causing her neck to stretch uncomfortably.

"Don't forget, I could not only harm you but tear you apart," he warned her. "Call me a bloody monster again and I'll make sure you see him."

His grip on her was strong, but he tried to temper it since he was dealing with a woman. He couldn't help but notice the pulse throbbing in her throat.

Is he going to drink my blood? she thought wryly.

The Vampire trailed his tongue along her delicate neck, teasingly brushing his fangs against her skin. Paris let out a moan and her body instinctively arched towards him.

“Don't,” she whispered.

“Why not?” he asked.

“I don't like it.” She had wanted to push him away.

“But I don't see you fighting against it,” he pointed out.

He pulled back from her neck and caught a glimpse of something in her brown doe eyes - a spark of fondness - but it disappeared quickly and was replaced by worry. He didn't like that.

“I promised, I won't hurt you,” he reassured her.

The scent of another male invaded his nose, he squinted and suddenly became tense. 'She was with another man,' his heart pounded at the thought.

A transformation occurred within him, and he quickly pushed her against the wall, trapping her with his hands on either side. She was taken aback by his sudden aggressive behavior. His head was lowered, but when he looked up, his eyes were blazing red.

"Why were you with another man, Paris?" His voice changed as well, deep and commanding with an air of authority that sent chills down her spine.

Though Paris didn't experience the same flash of caution as before, a prickle of unease crept up her spine. The warning bells rang in her ears, a clear indication that something was amiss.

"None of your business," she retorted, trying to brush off his questioning gaze. "You've no right to dictate who I see or not."

He swore and his frown deepened, making his features appear even more fierce. "You are my business," he declared with determination.

She snorted in disbelief. "You wish," she scoffed, though inside she couldn't deny the unsettling feeling his words had stirred within her.

If anyone else had been in her position, he would have put them in their place for talking back and behaving defiantly. However, since it was Paris he was dealing with, he crushed his lips onto hers and took control of the kiss. His hands gripped her waist with such force that she could feel his strength and possessiveness radiating through her body. The Vampire was expressing his dominance over her, making it clear who held the power in this interaction.

She fought against him, trying to break free from his grasp, but he wouldn't let her. Instead, he pressed himself closer to her, their bodies intertwined in a struggle for dominance. He gave her no chance to catch her breath, overwhelming her with his aggressive kisses.

Paris couldn't resist him any longer and surrendered to his will letting him invade her mouth with a fierce passion.

His lips were hungry and demanding, consuming hers as if he were starved for her taste. She could feel the intensity of his desire pouring into her with each touch and every movement they made together.

She had never tasted a mouth as sweet as his. The kiss felt almost as intimate as the two bodies pressed together. Her passion surged within her, causing her to wonder if it was just desire or a rise in body temperature.

She was too exhausted to decipher the difference. Instead, she let go and wrapped her arms around him, reciprocating his kisses with equal fervor. She explored his mouth with the same hunger he did hers before the intense heat simmered down into a gentle stream, like a calm river.

The Vampire started to relax, now kissing her tenderly. Finally, they broke apart but remained close, their chests rising and falling heavily as they caught their breath. The intense attraction between them was undeniable, evident in the way they looked at each other with newfound compassion in their eyes.

He couldn't make sense of the strong pull he felt towards this beautiful girl. Even the slightest hint of another man near her made his temper flare.

"What are you doing to me, Paris?" He whispered, his eyes burning into hers.

"You tell me," she replied, equally baffled by her own intense passion for him.

Her cheeks flushed with warmth at the thought of it all. The two of them were speechless, gazing deeply into each other's eyes. The way she looked at him with such longing stirred an overwhelming desire within him - enough to want to take her to bed right then and there.

Finally, he released her and stepped back, taking in her appearance. Her skin was impossibly smooth and flawless, her lips a perfect shade of pink and incredibly soft, and her thick and glossy brown hair only added to her breathtaking beauty.

"You look lovely in pink, Paris," he complimented her on her attire.

"Thank you," she responded shyly as he approached her and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'll have someone come fix your door, right away." He said before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her now blushing cheek before leaving.

Paris had been holding her breath, and as she exhaled shakily, she brushed at her neck where his lips had touched before moving to touch her own lips, overwhelmed by the memory of that kiss and his dominant personality that left her feeling flustered beyond belief.

The memory of his lips pressing against hers lingered in Paris' mind, distracting her from every other thought. She could still taste the sweetness of his kiss on her tongue, feel the warmth of his touch on her skin.

Her mother had to snap her out of her reverie during their lunch, but even then, she couldn't shake off the sensation of being lost in his embrace. Every bite of food tasted like him and every sip of water felt like a kiss. It was as if he had taken over her senses and left her completely consumed by his presence.

Over the past several days, Paris couldn't get him out of her mind. She had a feeling that he could be dangerous, but at the same time, she was strangely drawn to him.

Her curiosity outweighed any fear she may have had.

At night, she slept soundly in her bed, only to have him appear in her dreams. But it wasn't a nightmare; it was more like a forbidden fantasy: His hands were clasped above her head, whispering her name as his mouth trailed kisses down her neck, slowly sucking on her skin. His hand would wander down to touch her, igniting pleasure and pain as he caressed her body.

Paris woke up from these vivid dreams, she found herself gasping for air and unable to ignore the intense arousal she felt. The images of them making love consumed her thoughts and drove her to the brink of madness.

Despite her efforts, she couldn't fall back asleep. Thoughts of him consumed her mind as she tossed and turned in bed.

She was supposed to hate him, he was a Vamiper after all. But instead, being around him made her feel likable and less monstrous than she believed he was. She began to doubt her own sanity.

Eventually, Paris drifted off to sleep frustrated and angry.

But she had no idea of the turmoil she was causing within him. He was consumed with a restless energy, his every thought and action driven by this new and powerful force.

Being in such close proximity to her; inhaling her intoxicating scent, feeling her soft touch and tender kisses - it all left him reeling with unfamiliar sensations and emotions.

He shut his eyes to recall the magical moment they shared. His heart raced with a mixture of surprise and fascination at the intense intimacy between them. He couldn't help but wonder: "What exactly are you doing to me, Paris?"


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