“The tour. Stay for the house tour.” Alexander’s mind raced to come up with a reason for her to stay longer.

“Are you sure? Aren’t you tired of me?” she questioned, unsure of his intentions.

“Never,” he replied confidently, grasping her hand in his. She felt a warm sensation spread through her at the words, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Alexander.

Paris grabbed onto his hand. “I would love to.”

As they walked, he gave her a warm smile. He was usually distant with others, but with her, he showed a side that was caring and kind. It was only a matter of time before Paris fell for him, and she couldn’t deny it.

They started in the royal garden and strolled through the lotus pond. Eventually, they entered his lavish Mansion, walking through the grand corridors together.

“This mansion of yours has so many rooms...” She couldn’t help but wonder, “If I were to hide, how would you find me?”

“Why would you want to hide from me?” he asked instead of answering her. He didn’t smile nor was there a gentleness in his tone, just a sharp curiosity in his stare.

“Don’t ever hide from me, Paris...I’ll find you in a heartbeat.”

Her mouth softened as she asked, “How?”

“Your scent.”

“And how do I smell?”

He replied with confidence, “Absolutely divine.”

Surprised by the compliment, she confirmed, “Divine?”

He confirmed with emphasis, “Absolutely.”

She turned around and grinned broadly as they continued the tour.

She strolled through a wide hallway, passing walls adorned with numerous paintings. Each one captured her attention and she couldn’t help but wonder about the untold stories behind each frame, hidden from human knowledge. They continued their walk, Paris carefully examining each painting with her eyes.

“Alex, you bear an uncanny resemblance to your grandfather in this picture, as well as your great-grandfather in that one,” she exclaimed, pointing at various frames. It seemed like every man depicted in these paintings was a spitting image of him.

“All of those men...they’re actually me,” Alex replied casually, shrugging his shoulders. Paris’s jaw dropped in surprise.

“How is that possible?” she asked in disbelief.

“First, I’m much older than you think,” he revealed. “I’ve been alive for over three hundred years. In order to maintain a low profile and avoid suspicion, I change my appearance, identity, and location every seventy to eighty human years. But that’s a long story for another time.” He turned his head to look at one of the pictures hanging on the wall.

“Although Terence is an amazing make-up artist, but your observation skills are quite sharp as well,” he commented, catching her staring at him.

Suddenly, he asked her a question. “Paris... am I too old for you?” His expression showed genuine concern about the answer. Paris struggled to contain her laughter but managed to keep it inside.

“I think you look sexy, no matter what age.” She flirtatiously winked at him before walking away, leaving Alexander stunned and speechless.

“So, have you had any special romantic interests in your immortal life?” Paris asked slyly.

“No,” he replied quickly, raising an eyebrow in surprise. “However I did have a chaser, but that was a long time ago.”

“You’ve never been in love with anyone?” Paris asked incredulously.

“Well, when you have eternity ahead of you, it’s hard to commit to just one person, Paris,” Alexander explained nonchalantly. “I prefer to indulge in limitless passion, desires, and boundless sex with whoever I choose.”

Paris couldn’t help but feel a pang in her heart at his words. “So, you’ve never loved anyone?”


“Have you ever come close to loving someone? Or at least thought about it?” Paris pressed on.

“I find all women in the world beautiful, and I only think of sex when I’m with them.” Alexander admitted with a shrug.

It had been far too long since he had been intimate with someone. The thought crossed his mind

“Do you feel the same way about me?” she finally managed to say.

His mind answered with a resounding ‘yes’, but there was something different about her that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

“You’re beautiful and sexy, but unique, Paris,” he carefully chose his words.

“ in food?” She waited for him to deny it, but the word ‘no’ didn’t come fast enough.

Alexander scrambled to think of a plausible explanation but fell silent as the tense atmosphere settled between them.

“Relax, Alexander,” she reassured him, patting his chest. “I was just teasing you.” She lied, trying to lighten the mood.

As she began to walk away, Alexander felt the need to correct her and express himself more clearly, but he found himself at a loss for words. He stood there in utter bewilderment as she walked away.

Paris had been expecting a quick tour, but as they entered the next room, she realized it was more like a museum. The walls were lined with weapons, ancient costumes, and other treasures She felt grateful for the opportunity to view them all privately.

On one side of the room, there was a display of stunning jewelry in glass cases. Paris’s eyes were drawn to a particular ring that seemed to be calling out to her. She shook off the feeling and followed Alexander, who was already making his way to the exit.

“Alexander, this tour was incredible. I’ve always avoided crowded places, but being able to experience your rich history spanning eons was truly special. Thank you so much for showing me.”

“I’m glad you liked it. You’re the first person I’ve brought here, I had a feeling you would appreciate it.”

She smiled softly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Alexander couldn’t resist reaching out and pulling her close to him. His thoughts were racing and he couldn’t hold them back any longer.

“As you know, Paris, I need your blood to survive, and I need to be fed in two to three days at least. I was thinking instead of you coming here or me coming to you... there is another option,” Alexander paused, hesitant to ask her what he was about to suggest. “You could move in with me.”

“What?!” Paris was taken aback.

“Think of it as part of your compensation. You don’t have to give me an answer right now; take your time and think it over,” Alexander reassured her.

‘It’s too soon for something like this,’ Paris thought.

“Alexander, I don’t know what to say. I barely know you, and the same goes for you.”

“But if you stay here, we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

‘That’s true, but...’

“Just think about it.” For now, he stayed away from urging her.

Alexander insisted on driving Paris back to her apartment, secretly wanting to spend the forty-five minutes alone with her. As they climbed the stairs to her door, they both gazed at each other with longing.

Slowly, Alexander wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Their foreheads touched, and their breaths mingled together in anticipation. Paris’s heart raced as she waited for him to steal a kiss from her lips.

Without hesitation, he pressed his lips to hers in a loving kiss. Paris eagerly responded, intensifying the heat between them, causing Alexander’s desire to spiral out of control. He pushed her against the wall, his fingers entangled in her hair as he deepened the kiss. They both lost themselves in the passionate embrace.

Her lips tasted like sweet honeydew and he craved more of her. He wanted to taste every part of her, feel her skin against his, and be completely consumed by her.

His mind and body were consumed with desire, causing him to pause before even asking. “Can I come in?”

Paris was out of breath and desperately wanted him, but she shook her head in response. She valued honesty above all else and didn’t want him to see her as just a physical object.

It wasn’t about playing hard to get for Paris; she had kissed many but saving herself for someone special was important to her.

“I apologize,” she stated, feeling guilty but knowing it was the right choice to make. Paris was the first woman to reject Alexander’s advances, while others would have eagerly complied at just a single look from him.

Paris stood out from all his other conquests; she was special and he now held her in high regard.

“I understand, it’s okay.” Alexander gently placed his hand on her cheek and planted a kiss on her forehead, assuring her that he respected her decision. He couldn’t help feeling guilty and conflicted, but seeing Paris happy with his acceptance made it all worth it.

As he embraced her, he noticed the redness on her neck from where his fangs had left their marks. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, you kept your promise,” she replied.

“Good.” Alexander held her tightly against him, nuzzling into her neck.

“Can I call you tomorrow?” he asked, playfully nibbling on her skin.

She let out a soft moan and breathed out, “Y-yes.”

The sound of her pleasure only seduced him further, and he couldn’t resist kissing her once again.

The self-centered beast couldn’t resist indulging in her sweetness repeatedly, and every time he claimed her only intensified his craving for more.

‘He is the one who didn’t want to get affected by her, but he was the one who was infatuated by her.’

After a few more kisses, they said goodnight to each other. It wasn’t planned as a date, but it had turned into one and Paris couldn’t have asked for a better time. And she could only hope that Alexander felt the same way.

As he made his way down the stairs, Paris rushed to her window to catch a glimpse of him getting into his car. Their eyes met and she couldn’t help but feel her cheeks flush with warmth.

The attraction between them was undeniable, sparking a strong sexual tension. But then she remembered: Alexander had never been in love before, nor had he loved anyone. That fact hung in her mind, silent yet steadfast.

She knew deep down that Alexander would never fall in love with someone like her...


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