God of Pain: A Grumpy Sunshine College Romance (Legacy of Gods Book 2)

God of Pain: Chapter 5

“Are you sure we can do this?”

I stare back at Cecily and grin. “Nope, but we can definitely try.”

“You’re going to get us killed, aren’t you?” she whispers as we sneak along the mansion’s garden.

“Don’t be a bore, Ces. This is, like, our only chance to see inside the Heathens’ place.” Ava bumps her shoulder against mine and I nod, agreeing with her.

“I thought this was supposed to just be a party,” Cecily whisper-yells even as she keeps her head down. Her steps are a lot more silent than ours. Like a ninja.

I peek around the corner of the mansion and then quicken my steps to the annexed house. “I know this will sound like blasphemy, but parties can get boring sometimes.”

“Unless you’re getting dicked down by a hot prick like Glyndon is.” Ava waggles her brows.

“Are you sure you want to call someone hot when Eli has ears in the damn sky?” Cecily asks.

“Bitch, please. I couldn’t care less about him.”

“Shh, you guys. If any of the guards see us, they’ll report back to Jer and we’ll be done for. As in, expelled from the Heathens’ mansion for life. Or you will be. I’ll just go back to being a prisoner à la Rapunzel.”

“Okay, okay. Is this where the fire happened?” Ava, who’s wearing a gorgeous lacy pink dress that matches my purple one, leans closer to my side.

We’re at that point in our friendship where we wear matching clothes in our favorite colors.

I throw a hand in the general direction of the annexed house. “Yup.”

“It looks all clean, though.”

“It’s been more than a week. Besides, it wasn’t a big fire.”

“Oh!” Ava exclaims. “Show us where they do all that violent stuff. You know, where they chase people and hunt them down.”

Cecily jams two fingers against her childhood friend’s temple and pushes her. “There’s a loose screw in your bloody head. Why would you want to see that?”

“Because it’s fun, duh.”

I lift a shoulder. “I don’t really know the exact location for that. It can happen on the whole property.”

“No, I heard the last one happened in the forest surrounding the mansion.”

“You want to go to the forest at night?”

“Yes! That should be so fun.”

“You’re crazy.” A rush of adrenaline seeps beneath my skin. “I love it.”

“No, no.” Cecily stops in front of us, hiking a slightly shaking hand up onto her hip. “We’re not going to some doomed forest in the dark. That’s where all the predators are.”

“Oh, come on, Cecy, you’ve been studying so much psychology that you see the worst before the best. Besides, this is private property. No predators are allowed, isn’t that right, Anni?”

“If you don’t count the ones inside, sure. I mean, I’m not a big fan of the dark myself, but I’m open to adventures.”

“Yes to adventures! Come on, Ces. It’s going to be loads of fun.”


“Nuh-uh. Two to one, democracy wins.”

Cecily looks like she wants to say something, but she slides her black-framed glasses up her nose and follows us down the path to the forest.

The music and chatter from the main house wanes and eventually disappears as we wander down the dirt path.

The tall trees watch our every movement like scowly guards. Due to the cloudy sky, no light illuminates our way and we have to use our phones’ flashlights.

The leaves crush beneath our shoes with every step and this is seriously the worst occasion for heels.

“See? There’s nothing interesting about roaming through the forest at night. Except for bad vibes and weird mojo,” Cecily says fifteen minutes after we wander in. And is it just me or has she been trembling the whole time?

I’ve always known Cecily to be more badass than demons, so it’s weird for her to shake. Maybe I’m imagining things due to my own paranoia.

“The weird mojo is probably because of all the blood that was spilt here at the initiation,” Ava whispers, her tone spooked. “I heard a few participants had to go to the hospital because of how brutal it got. Maybe some even died. Do you think their souls might be here waiting for someone to possess? Boo!

I jump and Cecily flinches.

Ava tips her head back in loud laughter. “You guys are such wimps, haha.”

“You scared the bejesus out of me,” I breathe out. “Also, isn’t this scene too familiar? Oh, it’s like in those horror movies when they wander into a desolate place and get killed one at a time—”

“Who’s there?”

The three of us freeze at the older male voice coming from a short distance away.

Heavy footsteps crush leaves as they head in our direction.

“Shit, it must be the guards,” Ava whispers.

“Run,” I murmur back, and we do.

Or they do, because I’m the one with the highest heels of the bunch.

I fall behind in no time, struggling to keep up. Cecily stops and turns around, then offers her hand. “Remove the shoes.”

“No way in hell. These are Gucci.”

“You can just carry them, Anni,” Ava says.

“But I’ll hurt my feet.” The thought of suffering any sort of injury and killing my potential ballet future gives me nightmares.

Though I shouldn’t have worn heels in the first place. In my defense, heels are a rare indulgence, and I only own three pairs.

“I would rather be locked in my ivory tower for a few more days instead. You guys run. He’s one of my brother’s guards and won’t do anything to me.”

Cecily grabs my hand and pushes me forward, a weird expression on her face. It’s how I look when I try to be brave. “We can’t just leave you here.”

“Jer might tolerate you now because I beg and stuff, but he will really ban you from entering the property if he finds out about this.”

“I don’t care.”

“Well, I do. Heathens’ parties are the shit. But they’re not more important than Anni.” Ava grabs at my other hand and I almost cry.

Due to my gilded cage and mafia princess status, most girls are simply scared to get too close to me. Not Cecily, Ava, and even Glyndon. Yes, they’re scared of Jer, but not to the point where they’d avoid me because of him.

Renewed energy pulses through me and I run the rest of the way with their help. Cecily takes the lead in guiding us back to the house. She’s so good with directions that she can find the way after one trip to the forest.

That and she’s the only one wearing sneakers, so her movements are easier than ours.

The moment the music fills our ears again, we breathe in relief in unison. No more forest for a lifetime.

We sneak back into the main mansion and mingle with the crowd.

The King’s U’s students are hardcore party people with a distinguished taste for debauchery. REU students love to party, too, but not in this extravagant way.

Almost everyone has shown up to this party held by the Heathens. It’s even considered a privilege to be get in. Usually, Jeremy doesn’t even allow me access, let alone invite my friends, but he’s been somewhat lenient ever since I started showing depression signs.

I’ve had some growing up. Whenever I felt too suffocated, too sheltered I’d get these gray days where I can’t see colors no matter how much I try.

Usually, ballet or a chance to wander outside is enough to lessen that burden.

The three of us huddle near a wall, catching our breaths, and that’s when I catch glimpse of Jeremy across the room talking to Nikolai and his most trusted guard.

I hold my breath in preparation for when he’ll barge in, disclose that he knows all about our sneaking about session and ground me like I’m twelve-year-old. However, he doesn’t move. The gray of his eyes narrow, darkening on me.

No, not me.


I stare back at her and she’s still slumped against the wall, breathing harshly, and completely oblivious to how my brother is looking at her as if she’s at the top of his shit list.

Oh, no.

The look disappears as fast as it appeared and Jeremy climbs the stairs with his guard and Nikolai. That’s when I actually release a breath.

We’re safe. For now.

“No more wandering in the forest at night,” Cecily grumbles. “I swear I lost a few years of my life.”

“We’ll do it in secret,” Ava whispers to me.

“I heard that and it won’t be happening.”

Ava makes a face and Cecily just stares back. “Very mature.”

“Sorry I want to live my youth to the fullest, Mum.” Ava huffs and takes a glass from a passing waiter.

Yikes. That was probably a guard, considering the glare he threw her way. If I weren’t around, he would’ve grabbed her by the neck and threw her out for the insolence.

She drinks a little, then stops and groans. “Holy shit. This is strong. What is it?”

“Probably pure vodka meant for Jer or Nikolai.”

“I knew Heathens had the best stuff.” She gathers me in a side hug. “We’re lucky we didn’t lose partying privileges.”

“More like reckless,” Cecily lets out under her breath, leaning against a pillar. Her shirt for the day has I would rather be reading. “Can we go back to the dorm now?”

“Hell to the no. You promised to come along, Cecy.”

“Did you forget that we kind of have classes in the morning?”

“Yeah, so? Being a uni student doesn’t conflict with having fun, you know. In fact, everyone but you does, Miss No-Fun.”

“Don’t come begging me to wake you up tomorrow when you’re proper hammered.”

“Pfft. Glyn will.”

“Glyn, who’s with her boyfriend doing God knows what?”

“It’s called fucking, Ces. Repeat after me. F-U-C-K.”

She gives her a blank look and Ava bursts out laughing and goes back to drinking. They all tease Cecily about being a nerd and a prude, but I find her super cool for having clear boundaries for what she likes and what she doesn’t.

I wish I were as confident as she is.

“So…” I clear my throat. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you guys about something.”

“Ooh, sounds juicy.” Ava focuses on me. “What is it?”

“Remember that arranged marriage thingy that I was destined to do ever since they found out I have a vagina?”

“Those patriarchal pricks.” Cecily’s eyes shine with defiance.

“What she said.” Ava bumps her friend’s shoulder. “And? Did they pick up a husband for you at seventeen? Want us to riot in front of the US embassy? Maybe the Russian embassy, too?”

“No on all counts. Mom said she wouldn’t allow it.”

Cecily’s expression eases. “I knew I liked your mum.”

“What she said again. So is your mum going to cut a bitch in your name or should we do it?”

“I don’t think any of that is needed. Mom said Papa won’t let anyone force me into marriage if I have someone I love.”

“Yes! Bitch, why didn’t you say that before and why aren’t we celebrating?”

“Hello? Because I have no one I love?”

“Well, you can find someone.” Ava sighs. “Falling in love is actually easier than it sounds. Overrated, too, just saying. Not that I’m talking from experience or anything.”

“Security, this one right here is a pathological liar,” Cecily says.

“Am not!”

“Are, too!”

“You’re delusional,” Ava says, then focuses on me. “Back to the subject at hand. I’m telling you, Anni, you’re like hot and smart, and I’d totally become gay for you if I had a choice. Point is, anyone can fall in love with you. All you have to do is love them back.”

I lean on the pillar beside Cecily to ease the ache from my ankles and release a long sigh. “That’s easier said than done. I was thinking about convincing someone to fake date me until my parents think I’m in a stable relationship. But then again, they’d see straight through my lies. Also, I would be putting the poor boy at the top of Papa and Jer’s shit list. Also known as the hit list.”

“You don’t have to think that hard about it,” Cecily says. “I’m sure if you explain it to any of your guy friends, they’ll be willing to help. Jeremy won’t kill them or anything.”

“You obviously don’t know how overprotective my brother can get.”

“If the one you pick is a brilliant chap and has great conversational skills, he’ll be able to win over your brother.”

“And where do I find this Prince Charming, Ava?”

“Brandon! He’s quite the looker, charismatic, and most importantly, he likes you. I think only as a friend, but that’s enough to convince Jeremy and fly under his radar.”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to get him hurt.”

“Talk to him and see.” Cecily smiles. “Remi would be willing to help, too. He’s an infuriating prick, but he has a great sense of loyalty. And he can become an eloquent conversationalist when the situation requires it.”

I did think about that option when I first came up with this plan, but I’m hesitant about getting someone hurt for my benefit.

“Oh, Creigh!” Ava stares ahead behind us. “What are you doing here alone? Where’s your designated shadow, Remi?”

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and wildfire explodes on my skin.

I don’t dare look behind the pillar or even take a breath.

But just because I’m hiding doesn’t mean the world pauses.

Creighton strides to our small circle, one hand in his pocket and the other grasping a bottle of water.

His black T-shirt and jeans do nothing to conceal his muscular build or the power shimmering beneath the surface.

Nor does the signature blank look on his face or the coolness in his expressionless eyes.

“Remi’s shagging,” he announces coolly, easily.

He nods at Cecily and spares a glance in my direction. But it can’t actually be called that. It’s a tenth of a glance.

A mere inch of a glance.

“Ugh. That pig.” Cecily shakes her head. “We’re crossing Remi off the potential candidates list.”

“We can add Creigh instead!” Ava grins, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. When he gives her a look, she goes on, “Anni needs a fake boyfriend to convince her family not to arrange her with some evil mafia chap. Bran is our number one candidate because he’s like the best. You are, too, Creigh, but your lack of words can be a deal breaker for some.”

“Yeah, not him.” I force a smile and rub my foot against my calf. “That just leaves Bran. I’ll go beg him on my knees.”

Something flashes through Creighton’s eyes. Not sure what it is, but it’s raw enough to send a chill down my spine—like his text two days ago.

For the first time ever, I, Annika Volkov, found no words to type back. Not even an emoji or a GIF. I was stunned into silence.

Partly because I knew not to push when someone set clear boundaries and partly because I’m starting to think Creighton is nothing like the façade he shows to the outside world.

And while that intrigued me, it terrified me to the core as well, and I have enough self-preservation instinct to stay away from muddy situations the moment I sense them.

That feeling is repeating again, and it tunes out all the noise around us as if we’re trapped in a bubble.

“We’ll help,” Ava says. “Bran is like my bestie.”

“Everyone is your bestie,” Cecily points out.

“And you’re at the top and you love me.” She blows her kisses to which Cecily shakes her head again.

“Why not me?”

We all pause at Creighton’s calmly spoken words. He’s staring at me.

Dead on.

With those darkening heterochromia eyes and that stone-cold face.

I’ve never been under his scrutiny to this point of suffocating intensity.

The way he looks at me now is different.

He used to regard me with annoyance, blankness, or pure indifference.

There’s certainly no indifference now. It’s interest, but not the good type. Hell, it might as well be the dangerous type.

“Do you want it to be you?” Cecily asks slowly, almost carefully.

“Why not me?” he repeats, still staring at me, drilling holes in my face.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t be interested.” I’m surprised I sound collected, considering the war raging inside me.

“What if I am?”

I almost choke on my own drool. What is wrong with him tonight? He obviously did his best to scare me away, but now he wants to be my fake boyfriend?

“No,” I speak with more determination. “Bran is a better fit.”


“Because he says more than a few clipped words per month.” I smile at Ava. “I’m going to get something to drink. Want to come?”

“Sure.” She interlinks her arm with mine, and once we’re walking away, she whispers in my ear, “That was such a low blow. He’s glaring.”

I glance behind me, and sure enough, Creighton’s cold gaze follows my movements, his jaw set, his wicked lips thinned in a line and his arms taut.

I can’t help feeling a sense of apprehension or the lash of his anger that rolls over my skin.

It’s not like I did anything wrong. I only gave him a taste of his own medicine.

Still, I cut off eye contact first, willingly losing the battle.

Something tells me I poked the monster in his cave and he might come after me.

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