God of Pain: A Grumpy Sunshine College Romance (Legacy of Gods Book 2)

God of Pain: Chapter 23

When someone wrenches Annika from my arms, my first thought is murder.

My second thought is to pound them until their features are unrecognizable and they’re begging for death.

I come to a halt, clenched fist at my side, when I make out the person behind the interruption.


Annika trembles slightly, the rosy blush in her skin slowly vanishing until her face is all white.

She looks so small beside her brother, and it’s not only physically, but also in her aura. It’s almost like his presence overshadows hers. Annika told me that she’s always liked girly things and loved being a girl, because at least in that way, she’s different from Jeremy.

And she desperately wants to be different from him, because even though she loves him, she realizes what type of path he has to take—becoming a mafia leader.

Annika has never liked that part of her family, which is proven time and again whenever she avoids the subject with every trick under the sun.

The manifestation of that life on the island is none other than her brother.

“Jer,” she whispers, staring up at him with big, innocent eyes.

Despite his firm grip on her elbow, he doesn’t look at her. His full cutthroat attention falls on me, dripping with every intention of causing pain. His face is closed off, his eyes unreadable.

I don’t know Jeremy Volkov except for when I saved him from that fire, and only because his sister was ready to die for him. Obviously, that shit wasn’t going to happen on my watch.

Before that, Jeremy and I had only crossed paths at the fight club, but not against each other.

He seldom participates, and when he does, it’s only in fights leading to the championship.

This year, it’ll be me against him in the finals since he eliminated Landon in the semifinals.

I watched it from the sidelines, and it was proper brutal. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve sworn that Jeremy was taking it personally, and Landon was enjoying every second of antagonizing him.

My cousin ended up losing anyway, and now, everyone won’t stop talking about the final that will take place in a few weeks.

And while I haven’t thought about it much, maybe it’s time to. My interactions with the Heathens have been through defeating both Killian and Nikolai in the ring, so Jeremy won’t be any different.

“You have the audacity to touch my sister?” His inflection is flat, meant as a veiled threat.

“Jer…it’s not what you think,” Annika tries to explain in a soft voice with that infuriating fake smile of hers.

“It’s exactly what you think,” I interrupt her.

Annika is more readable than a book and if she thinks that I’ll allow her to draw his attention away from me so that he’ll direct his wrath at her, then she’s sorely mistaken.

“What did you just say?” Jeremy enunciates.

“You heard me. Annika and I are together.”

He starts toward me and Annika’s eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. Her polished nails dig into his leather jacket and her whole body jerks with his movement.

It’s panic.

She’s about to hyperventilate at the thought of a fight breaking out between us.

Always against conflicts, my Annika. Always so…elegant, even in her panic. That’s what attracted me to her at first—her elegance and softness.

Her beauty and even her purply, violet-scented presence. I have no clue when it started, but at some point, I wanted to confiscate everything about her and keep it to myself.

“Jer…please. Let’s go back to the mansion and I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Go back so he can lock you up again?” I take my own step forward so that I’m toe-to-toe with Jeremy.

She purses her lips and shakes her head at me. She might be a pacifist, but I’m most certainly not, and I will not, under any fucking circumstances, allow him to take her away from me.

“And what is it to you what I do with my sister?”

“She’s not a kid anymore. She’s eighteen and can and should have the freedom to make any decisions that concern her life.”

“Tell you what, King. I’ll give you leeway since you saved my and my sister’s lives in that fire. Go find another girl to mess with, because she’s off-limits.”

“Thanks for the courtesy, but I’ll have to decline.”

He smiles, but it’s cruel and holds no welcoming whatsoever. “You think I’ll let you be with my sister?”

“You won’t have a say in it. She’s already mine. In every sense of the word.”

“This fucking—” He lunges at me with his fist raised, and I do the same, ready to pummel the fucker to the ground.

“Stop!” Annika jumps between us, her petite frame trembling despite her upright posture. “Stop it, please.”

“Consider yourself lucky.” Jeremy grabs her by the arm and starts toward the exit.

“You will not take her away from me.” I start toward them with every intention of spilling blood tonight.

Annika stares back, shakes her head frantically, and mouths, “Please. Trust me.”

My feet come to a halt despite myself.

She played dirty and asked me to trust her, so I can’t just pummel her brother and glue her to my side.

As much as I dislike letting her go, I choose to trust her.

Because, unlike her brother, I believe she’s an adult with her own decisions and choice.

Still, I fetch my phone and type her a text.

Creighton: You only have a day to make him change his mind or we’re doing it my way.

I’m unable to sleep.

An occurrence that’s never happened in my life.

Ever since I was a child, sleeping has been the one activity I could effortlessly fall into.

Not tonight.

I stare at my phone long enough to drill holes in it. Annika hasn’t replied, and I shouldn’t really be bothering her in case she’s busy talking with her fucker of a brother.

Or she’s asleep.

A few notifications from the group chat appear at the top of the screen, and since I’m bored, I click on them.

Remington: If any of you bitches try to sabotage my orgy, I swear on my lordship’s title that I will be coming after your balls.

Landon: I’ll join.

Remington: Not a fucking chance. You’ll just steal all the attention.

Landon: Don’t be stingy, Rems. Bros before hoes, remember?

Remington: Go find your own orgy. You don’t see me hijacking your fun. Besides, this is special since we’re celebrating my win tonight.

Landon: Bran wins all the time. You don’t see him flaunting his dick for anyone to see. Isn’t that right @Brandon King?

Remington: Or that’s what you think *laughing out loud emoji* *winking emoji* *side eye emoji*

Landon: Details?

Remington: Let’s just say Bran surprised my lordship and it takes a lot to do that.

Brandon: Shut up, Remi.

Remington: Yes, sir. Off to go now. If I somehow die in the throes of pleasure, write ‘He died doing what he loves the most’ on my tombstone and tell my parents and grandparents that I love them. My spawn, too. You better miss me @Creighton King

Eli: Pretty sure he won’t. In fact, he’ll be happy to be rid of your bothersome clinginess.

Remington: Shut up, you unfeeling, antagonistic, crazy psycho.

Landon: It’s true, though. Creigh couldn’t care less about you, no matter how much you try. How does it feel to be unimportant?

Creighton: You are important to me, Remi.

There’s a long pause, people typing at the same time. Then all the replies come at once.

Remington: Totally screenshotted that, will frame it and hang it in my room. You can’t take it back, spawn.

Landon: Who are you and what have you done with our silent Creighton?

Brandon: Is it really you, Creigh?

Eli: Emergency state. He must’ve been kidnapped.

Remington: You guys are just jealous. Go die.

Then he sends a series of evil laughing GIFs.

I throw my phone aside, use my hand as a pillow, and stare at the ceiling.

A dark ball jumps onto my chest and I sigh as Tiger decorates my T-shirt with his hair.

This cat is another reminder of Annika. Of her sweet smiles when she sees him and the baby voice she uses to talk to him.

“Listen here, you little twat.” I hold him up so I’m staring at him. “No more climbing onto her shoulder or head or I’ll throw you out on the streets.”

He merely glares at me with those hooded eyes the way snobbish cats do and attempts to scratch me.


I can’t believe I’m both talking to a cat and jealous of it.

My door slams against the wall as my brother strolls inside with the nonchalance of a jaded warrior.

Tiger jumps, then runs out, probably to find Brandon. He’s his favorite after Annika.

Eli stops by the side of my bed, stares down at me with a critical gaze, and crosses his arms. “You’re not kidnapped. Wait, have you lost your phone…” he trails off, a frown etching between his brows when he sees it on the side table.

Instead of buggering off and leaving me alone, Eli sits on the edge of the mattress and runs his fingers beneath my chin. “What’s going on, baby bro? Is someone bothering you? Who should I maim to pieces, then dump their remains in the sea?”

“Forget it.”

“Bullshit. If it’s affecting you to the point that you’re not only texting, but also defending Remi instead of drowning in sleep, I need to know about it.”

I let out a long breath. Eli is no different than a dog with a bone, and he absolutely won’t leave me alone until he gets what he wants.

And at the moment, maybe I can use his ‘wisdom’ to find a solution.

“Jeremy caught me with Annika in a grocery store and she went back with him.”

Eli’s movements halt beneath my chin, but he doesn’t remove his hand. “And? Did you beat him to a pulp?”

“I wanted to. I still do, but Annika intervened.”

“I see.”

My eyes meet his muted ones, and it reminds me of those times we got in trouble—because of his anarchist plans—and he tried everything under the sun to come out unscathed.

Without implicating either of us.

Dad usually caught on to his schemes and punished him, though. But Eli didn’t mind as long as I wasn’t blamed for his actions.

The world might consider him abnormal, but he’s been my role model ever since I figured out what a role model means.

I sit up in bed and he leans against the headboard beside me, stretching his legs out on the mattress.

“How can I get her back without antagonizing her brother?”

“Why can’t you teach him a lesson or two? Maybe a few?”

“Because she loves him. She was ready to die in a fire with him, and while I’m game to beat him the fuck up for daring to come between us, I know I’ll lose her if I do.”

“Look at my little Creigh, all grown up and catching feelings.” He reaches his hand beneath my jaw.

I slap it away, glaring. “Are you going to help or are you going to sod off?”

“Fine, fine. For your information, I feel used for my genius neurons right now, but I digress.” He tilts his head in my direction. “What happened after she went with him?”

“She asked me to trust her. I told her I’ll only give her a day before doing it my way.”

Your way? Pretty sure that entails violence and sending him to the hospital. I thought you didn’t want her to hate you.”

“I don’t, but I’d rather have her hate me than not have her at all.”

“Oh? That’s interesting.” He hums for a beat. “But for now, do as she asked.”


“Trust her. Let her deal with him. She’s known him her whole life and, therefore, has the ability to convince him.”

“You don’t understand. She’s anti-conflict and acts like Mum does whenever you and Dad verbally spar. She’ll always, without a doubt, use herself as a sacrifice to bring peace to the situation. And that option is out of the question.”

“You’ll never really know until you let her do her thing. Trusting her as she asked will go a long way after this hurdle is cleared. Believe me when I say, women remember when you give them freedom. It doesn’t have to be real, and you can always watch from the background, but the smokescreen of it is enough. So be patient. If that doesn’t work, you can always do what you promised after the one-day deadline is over. We’ll raid the Heathens’ mansion together. Lan will take care of Kill—he can’t stand him after the whole Glyn thing. I’ll keep the crazy dog Nikolai down. Pretty sure Bran and Remi can hold off Gareth. And you’ll have fucker Jeremy all for yourself.”

I release a long breath, not wanting to agree with him but knowing it’s the wisest, most logical thing to do.

Eli leans his head on his crossed hands. “I never thought our baby Creigh would be so bewitched by a girl.”

“I’m not bewitched.”

“You can’t sleep because of her, have brought her here more times than I can count, mentioned her in a fleeting manner when talking to Mum—she won’t stop asking me about her, by the way, so compensate me for all the hassle—and you even told her about your childhood when you’ve never seen the need to mention it before. Oh, and you act like an unhinged caveman with serial killer tendencies whenever anyone, us included, goes near her. Bewitched is me putting it mildly.”

Well, fuck.

Am I that obvious?

“I like spending time with her. She’s the light I never thought I needed and the one person who can fill up the hollowness.”

“Ouch, I’m wounded. I thought filling up the hollowness was my role.”

“You’re empty yourself. How the fuck will you be able to fill up someone else?”

“By illusion?” He grins. “Jokes aside, you’re not hollow. You just had shitty biological parents, who I’m sure are rotting in the devil’s lair as we speak.”

I snicker.

“I take it you’re finally putting it behind you if you’re talking about it to your girl?”

Your girl.

I like the sound of that. In fact, I like it so much that I wish I could have him say it again and record it this time.

“I’ll never be over it,” I tell him. “I’ll have my revenge.”


“You heard me.”

“You’re avenging those useless parents?”

“I’m avenging the three-year-old version of myself who was driven to the gates of hell.”

“And how the fuck do you intend to do that, genius? By taking a trip back in time? You can’t ask Mum and Dad. Not only will they not answer, but the last time you asked, Mum was depressed for an entire month, thinking she was doing something wrong. In her mind, you being interested in your past is in direct correlation with your birth parents, and if you want to know about them, it means she failed as a mother.”

“I won’t get Mum and Dad involved and neither will you. I have other methods.”

“Such as… Wait a fucking second, were you getting all mushy with Lan because of this?” His brow furrows. “You can’t trust that snake. Any action he takes is purely for self-serving purposes.”

“And you’re different because…”

“I’m you brother. I wouldn’t hurt you.”

I release a sigh. “I know. But let me have this, Eli. If I don’t, I’ll never find the closure I need. I’ll never be…whole.”

“Bloody hell. Mum would undoubtedly cry if she heard that.”

“Don’t ever mention this to her.” I stare at the wall. “I hate this part of me that’s unable to move on from the past, despite having Mum, Dad, and our whole family. I tried to leave it behind, but the demons never disappear.”

My brother remains silent, probably because he doesn’t understand what the fuck I’m talking about, but he’s still there for me, listening and offering a part of himself he never gives anyone.

And I’m grateful for that.

After a while, he inches closer. “What’s the information you gathered from that slimy fucker Lan?”

“He said I was born in the United States, in New York City, to be more specific. He’s currently searching for my birth last name and the circumstances that surrounded all that hell.”

“You could’ve hired a PI instead of relying on that snake.”

“I did, but all information about my past was wiped clean. Probably by Dad and our grandfathers.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised. They never liked to talk about your past. So in that case, how can Lan get his hands on the information concerning your past?”

“He said he had a hunch, that he won’t reveal yet, and he figured out another way to get information.”

“Sounds fishy.”

“Lan’s hunches are always right.”

“And always get those involved in deep shit.”

“I’ve come this far. It goes without saying that I’m ready to make some sacrifices.”

“Some are more than you can pay.”

“I’ll deal with those when they happen.”

He shakes his head, seeming absolutely displeased. Eli has always hated it whenever I put myself in an unfavorable position.


“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine,” I say.

“Who’s worried, you little shit? If you have the audacity to get hurt, I won’t let you live it down.”

A small smile grazes my lips.

He side-eyes me “Why are you smiling like a creep?”

“It’s weird how you hate everyone but have always refused to leave me alone.”

“Didn’t have a choice. When Mum and Dad shoved you in my face, I had two options, like you or kill you. I would’ve gone for the second one, but I figured that would be frowned upon by our parents, so I had no choice but to like you.”

“Must’ve been a struggle.”

“I know, right? The worst of all. You’re a lucky son of a bitch.”

“Thanks, Eli.”

He grabs me by the shoulder and runs his fingers under my chin. “There’s no thanks between brothers, punk. Now, let’s use the free time you have for something productive.”

“Such as?”

A wolfish grin stretches his lips. “Landon is stalling and is probably gatekeeping information to keep a leash on you. I have the perfect solution to force his hand.”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.