God of Malice: A Dark College Romance (Legacy of Gods Book 1)

God of Malice: Chapter 16

Ever since the stupid initiation started, I’ve been feeling like Alice in Wonderland.

The amount of fuckery I witnessed in my attempts to keep a low profile is astounding.

I’ve wondered this before, but now, I’m sure.

The members of the Heathens are batshit crazy.

I saw the one in the neon yellow mask single-handedly beat like ten people to a pulp, with no weapon, then he laughed derangedly if anyone attempted to hit him.

Then, someone dressed all in black, including his mask, tilted his head at me and waved slowly, manically, and I swear I’ve never run faster in my life.

I thought that was the highest level of crazy, but I was proven wrong. As I hid behind a rock, I witnessed the white-masked one strap three people with a chain as they begged and wailed.

And then the most disturbed of the lot finished five with a baseball bat and I made the mistake of thinking running at that moment was better than staying in place to keep him from finding me.

When he threw the bat in my direction with the lethality of a sniper, I have no damn clue how I thought fast enough to use one of the unconscious students as a shield, then continue my run.

I definitely work best under pressure, dammit. Because I didn’t even focus on the burning of my muscles as I sprinted and jumped and used the amount of energy that could last me for months.

Despite my art student status, I’m actually a good runner and I love to jog, so I can at least trust myself to keep going whenever it gets to be too much.

Just how the hell did the dainty Devlin make it in this jungle? Though it probably wasn’t a full-on hunting session back during the initiation he participated in.

And the worst part in all of this? No, it’s not the screams, the wails, or the muffled sounds—although those still make me flinch every time. It’s not the sound of impersonalized speakers announcing the elimination of numbers.

It’s, in fact, feeling like a prey to that red fucking mask who keeps trailing my every move like a professional hunter. I made beelines, circles, and even went in chaotic lines, but he stayed hot on my trail every time.

My last resort was choosing a deserted rocky road that’s filled with tall trees. I could feel him close behind, so I found my current hiding place.

The tree.

I climbed it, pretending it was the treehouse back home that Landon taught me how to climb up for sport.

This pine tree is gigantic, though. It’s so tall that when I stare down, a slight acrophobia grabs hold of me.

But I rationalize that back to the fact that I’m not truly afraid of heights and this is just my anxiety taking center stage.

Inhaling deep, I wait a moment before releasing a long exhale. Red Mask follows the rocky path, probably thinking I continued on my way to the finish line.

I’m so glad I decided to stop and hide here for now. Hearing all the eliminations, I doubt there are many of the participants left. So I’d rather take it slower than rush into it and end up losing.

And seriously, I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere with this wanker tirelessly on my tail. Shouldn’t he be hunting the others instead of focusing on one?

The most important part is that he’s gone now. I watch his back disappear behind the trees and narrow my eyes. I’m ninety percent sure it’s Killian, especially due to the mask’s color, but he couldn’t have known I’d be here or specifically pick me as a target, right?

I shudder at the thought of what he’ll do if he finds out I’ve come to his club’s initiation.

He told me to be good and I definitely didn’t listen. If my past interactions with him are of any indication, this will end badly.

A sudden chill goes through me and I rub a hand against the side of my shorts while the other holds the branch for dear life.

Forget it. I’m simply not going to think about Killian right now.

I wait for a few minutes, until my feet and hands start to ache, then when I’m sure he’s most definitely gone, I slowly climb down. It’s easy to climb trees. All you have to do is make sure you have a strong foothold and that you’re holding a solid branch.

Once I’m halfway there, I peek down to measure the distance and shriek when I find a neon red mask staring up at me with a chilling calm.



The arsehole must’ve been waiting for me to come out from my hiding spot. I didn’t trick him into thinking I went in the opposite direction. He knew where I was the entire time and he’s the one who tricked me into showing myself.

I make a snap decision and climb up. It doesn’t matter if I stay at the top of this tree for a whole night as long as I stay away from the crazy bastard.

I’m not a meter up when something hits the branch I’m holding on to. The bat.

He threw it at the branch, causing it to snap in two. My foot slips and I grab the void in my attempts to catch another branch. The fall happens in slow motion and I feel every hit of air against my skin and the horrifying speed I’m sinking with.

I screw my eyes shut for the fall. I’m definitely going to break a bone or two—

However, instead of the ground I expect to greet me, my entire body is enveloped by a strong grip. The cocoon I’m caught in sways a little from the thud of my fall but remains sturdy.

Cold air hits my face, and I realize it’s because my mask has been removed.

“So it is you. I had a feeling when I saw your little white panties through your shorts but couldn’t be sure.” His voice darkens to a chilling edge. “I thought I told you to be good and stay put tonight.”

I slowly open my eyes to find myself completely wrapped in Killian’s arms. The neon red mask with a stitched smile makes him appear frightening, manic even.

His muscles tighten around me until it’s almost suffocating, and I hate how glad I am for him catching me. Or how warm it feels in his embrace. It shouldn’t be like this.

Not when he’s the most ice-cold person I know.

“What the hell were you thinking when you broke the branch?” I breathe harshly, still under the spine-curling sensation of falling. “I could’ve dropped on the rock.”

“Which you didn’t, because I caught you. Now, tell me, Glyndon. What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I got an invitation.”

He remains silent, but I can see him narrow his eyes through the mask. “Bullshit.”

“I really did. You can find it in my phone that your creepy bunnies confiscated. Seriously, why did it have to be bunnies? They’re supposed to be cute, and you guys ruined their image by making them grotesque.”

“You’re the one who’s cute when you’re nervous. Can’t stop talking, huh?”

“Shut up and let me down.”

“No can do. How else are you going to pay for defying me if I release you?”

“Why…would I pay for anything?”

“Try again and in a less spooked tone, because your nervousness turns me on.”

“You’re sick.”

“And you’re a broken record.” He shoves his face against the side of my throat so he’s literally breathing down my neck, his hot breaths triggering my hitched breaths. “Why are you here, Glyndon?”

“I told you, I got an invitation,” I try to speak normally, but my voice comes out lower than usual.

“Do you attend every dangerous event you get invited to?”

“I just…got curious.” There’s no way I’ll tell him about Devlin when he could be in on the conspiracy with the rest of the club about his death.

His eyes darken behind the mask, and with the neon red, they’re downright terrifying. It’s like he’s taking his predator role way too seriously.

Or maybe it’s not a role for him. Maybe it’s his true self and whatever he shows the outside world is the actual role.

His voice echoes in the silence around us like a twisted melody. “Maybe you didn’t only get curious. Maybe you wanted the danger and to see for yourself what it means to be on that cloud of adrenaline. Maybe you just wanted to be hunted like an animal and then captured and ravaged in the most barbaric way. Is that what you wanted, little rabbit?”

I frantically shake my head, refusing to come to terms with the chills that cover my body or the tightening between my legs that’s been intensifying with each of his words.

“Are you telling me that if I rip your shorts and touch your cunt, I won’t find it soaking wet like when I came through your window last night?”

I freeze.


Did he just say that last night he came through my window? As in, that nightmare was real?

He puts me to my feet and some pebbles crunch beneath my shoes as I sway a little, both from the shock of the realization and the loss of his warmth.

I swear to God this bastard is playing a mind trick on me.

He has to be.


He towers over me, the sight of his mask adding more to his downright horrifying existence. “Your little body was writhing beneath me, you all but tried to ride my hand, remember?”

“That’s not true,” I whisper more to myself than to him. “I didn’t.”

“You hate it, don’t you? How much you want what I have to offer, how you ache for that feeling of letting go as you’re ravaged whole. For a moment, you want to stop being a good girl and just let whatever lurks inside you loose, isn’t that right?”

“I don’t want you.” I shake my head over and over, stepping back. “I don’t. I refuse to. I won’t.”

“Look at you being adorable.” Both darkness and amusement laces his tone. “Didn’t I say your nervousness turns me on? Let’s add your denial, too.”

My gaze automatically goes to his trousers and I nearly choke at the sight of the tent that’s bulging against the material. “Don’t, Killian.”

“Mmm. I really do love the sound of my name in your sweet little voice.”

I keep stepping back, but he matches my strides with nonchalant ones. “Would you stop if I begged you?”


“If I scream?”

“I’ll just muffle it.”

“If I hit you?”

“It’ll just piss me off and my actions will turn drastic. Highly not recommended.”

My shoes hit a rock and I yelp as I trip, but he grabs my elbow, keeping me upright.

“Stop acting like you don’t want it, Glyn. All the dramatics are starting to get on my last nerve.”

“Please,” I whisper.

“Begging holds the importance of a fly to me.”

“Then what is important to you?”

“Right now? You and your virgin cunt.”

I want to scream, both from frustration and anger, at my reaction to his words. How can I want someone I hate? Someone who, without any sliver of doubt, fucking scares me?

And deep down, I know he just won’t stop until he takes my virginity. It’s a conquest, and he’s a true predator.

One with no limits.

Taking a deep breath, I choose another approach. “What if I told you that I need more time?”

“Hmm.” His finger taps on the side of my elbow. “You think I don’t know what you’re doing? You’re stalling so you can get more time to find a solution to get rid of me, but I’m telling you right now, it’s not going to work.”

“I just…want more time, please.”

His eyes flash with annoyance, probably too used to getting what he wants only to be told no, and I’m almost sure he’ll bend me over and fuck me anyway, but he releases my elbow. “Since you asked nicely, fine.”


“Do you want me to change my mind?”

“No.” I smile. “Thanks.”

“See? I can be nice.”

I snort, then puff out a breath and whisper, “Nice, my arse.”

“I heard that.”

I grin in an attempt to shoo the situation away. “Why do you do all of this?”

“All of this?”

“Being part of the Heathens, hunting down people. All of this.”

“Why are you asking?”

Despite my attempts for it not to, my body relaxes. “You keep pursuing me, but I know nothing about you aside from your being in the Heathens and a med student.”

A gleam of light flashes in his eyes. “Have you been asking about me, baby?”

“Didn’t have to. Annika doesn’t stop talking once she has a topic of discussion.”

“But you listened.” His gloating tone pisses me off.


“I thought you weren’t interested.”

I’m obviously drawn to him in ways I can’t understand, but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I admit that.

“Or maybe you’re just not interested in admitting it out loud.” His stance turns nonchalant as he seems to enjoy himself.

“Are you going to answer my question?”


“Aren’t med students supposed to protect their hands? Yet you fight and hunt and do all types of fuckeries that could get you hurt.”

He lifts his hands and studies them under the gloomy light as if it’s the first time he’s seen them. “The world is painted in different colors, depending on the angle you see it from. Every single ideal can be turned monstrous when it’s pushed to the limits. I’m the limits. I’m the edges humans are warned to stay away from but are attracted to anyway, because it’s just so different from what they know. And because I’m permanently on the edge, I need constant stimuli to remain functioning. Fighting, hunting, and being a doctor-in-the-making are those stimuli.”

So that’s his obsession. His way of driving away the emptiness is through unconventional methods. I understand why he has to do this, though I don’t agree with it.

His view of the world is fascinating, and if I didn’t want to escape him, I could listen to him talk about it all day.

“Why medicine, then? Its codes imply that you should save people.”

“And I do, after I see inside them.” His lips curve in a cruel smirk. “Look at your face becoming all horrified. Do I scare you, baby?”

“No.” I lift my chin. “I’m a King. We aren’t born to be scared of people.”

“Hmm. I like the whole family slogan thing. Are you close with them? Your family, I mean?”

“So what if I am?”

“Do they know you were thinking about throwing yourself off that cliff?”

I startle, my whole body going rigid. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“That night, you had this dead look in your eyes, like someone who was tired—not bored, just fucking exhausted.” He steps toward me and I retreat, matching his steps. “Did you think about how it’d feel at the bottom of that ocean with your head cracked against the rocks? How you’d be asphyxiated by the water for minutes on end? Death by drowning is the most difficult. You open your mouth, bubbles will float, but water is the only thing you’ll get into your lungs. You think you want to die, but the more you breathe in water and choke on it, the more you’ll regret it. So tell me, Glyndon, did you imagine that everything would be over if you just…let go?”

He’s…really a psycho, isn’t he?

There’s no way a normal person would talk so casually about such a topic, and with great detail, no less.

I slap both hands against his chest. “Stop it.”

“You’re trembling, baby. Did I hit a nerve?”

I glare up at him. “You have no right to judge me.”

“I’m not. I’m trying to get to know you better, like you did to me earlier.”

This bastard is escalating again. He didn’t like that I was asking questions, so he decided to go for the jugular to teach me a lesson.

Too bad for him, I’m not backing down.

“Couldn’t you just ask what my favorite color, band, and film are?”

“You don’t have a favorite color, since you wear all of them. Your favorite band is Nirvana since you have their songs in all your Instagram stories. Your favorite movie is Inception, per a painting you posted a year ago on your IG that was captioned, ‘Inspiration by my favorite film ever, Inception.’ You also love chocolate and cherry flavor ice cream—together—your paternal grandfather, and the shorts and tank top style. You have an inferiority complex due to your mother’s and brothers’ talent, which makes you look more and more uncomfortable in family pictures as time goes by. It probably started early on and accumulated over the years until it drove you to that cliff.”

My nails dig into his chest, wanting—no, needing—to inflict pain. “How…how the hell do you know all of that?”

“I’m good at observing and linking patterns.”

“A stalker, you mean.”

“If you prefer that label.” He wraps a hand around mine, pinning it on his chest. “You’re still shaking. Would you like me to drop the subject and let you go back to your safe cocoon like Little Miss Ostrich—”

“I didn’t want to kill myself.” I cut him off. “Yes, I’ve thought about it often, when the pain gets to be too much and I want it to just stop, but I still wouldn’t do it, because I’d regret it. I’d feel shitty for putting my family and friends through that, and maybe it wouldn’t work. What if the pain doesn’t stop, after all? What if it becomes tenfold worse?”

“You won’t feel anything postmortem.”

I snort, actually feeling light for talking to a heartless monster about it instead of someone who’d be hurt by my words. “Is that your idea of consolation?”

“I don’t know how to do that, but here’s what I do know.” He strokes my hand that’s beneath his. “I’ll make sure you never have those thoughts again.”

“Says the one who asked me to throw myself off a cliff so he could take a picture of my fall.”

“But you didn’t. As you said, you don’t want to kill yourself, and I believe you.”

My lips part. He…what?

Why would he believe me? Even I don’t believe myself sometimes. There’s an unreliable narrator in my head who keeps flinging me in all directions.

Forget it.

I’m simply not getting trapped in the web Killian is spinning.

Trying to remain nonchalant, I remove my hand from his hold. “Can you let me finish the initiation now?”

He taps a finger against his thigh. “Why are you so interested in joining our club?”

“Isn’t that where all the cool kids go?”

“Nice try, but no, it obviously isn’t your scene.”

“Because I’m a girl?”

“And a nerd and a scaredy-cat and an introvert. You name it.”

“I…can change.”


“What do you mean why?”

“Why would you change? You’re fine the way you are.”

My breath gets caught at the back of my throat. I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it as a compliment, which is why it sounds even more like a compliment. Dammit.

The effect he has on me isn’t funny anymore.

“I just want to join the club and add more fun to my life.”

“I’ll be all the fun you need.”

“Arrogant prick.”

“Heard worse.”

“Come on, let me join.”


“Why not?”

“Because I said so. Besides…” He shoves me against the tree and his arms cage me in from both sides. “You owe me one for being nice just now.”

His hand wraps around my waist and he pushes his erection against my stomach. The air crackles with tension as his cock slides up and down the sensitive flesh of my mound.

Clothes separate us, but I feel every stroke to the deepest part of me.

“You…said you’d give me time.” I choke on the word, not able to recognize my voice from the thickness of it.

“And I will. This has nothing to do with that.” He pulls down my top’s strap and it reveals the lace of my bra.

“Mmm. Red. Were you thinking of me when you covered these tits with my favorite color? Did you touch yourself in front of the mirror and come with my name on your lips.”

“N-no…” My shaky fingers slap against his chest, so utterly weak. “And how does this have nothing to do with it when you’re obviously touching me?”

“Never said I wouldn’t. I just said I wouldn’t take your virginity—for now.” He pulls down the other strap and glides his fingers against my bra until he finds the tips of my breasts. “Look at these little nipples being all hard before I’ve even touched them.”

He yanks down the bra to my stomach and I briefly close my eyes as my breasts bounce free. My nipples ache with want, hard and throbbing.

Maybe he’s right and I’m way worse than I thought.

His thumb and forefinger wrap around a nipple and twist. I shudder and clamp my lips against a moan as a zap of pleasure trickles down my stomach and to my pulsing pussy.

“Your tits are gorgeous, baby. All creamy and pink, not to mention they fit perfectly in my hands.” He cups them both, each in a strong palm as if to prove a point. “Mmm. So perky and beautiful, I want to torture them a little.”

He pinches a nipple and I whimper and pretend to push him away, but he pinches again, hard.

I scream, my back flinching against the harshness of the tree. He strokes the nipple, humming in that dark voice, “So sensitive, my little rabbit. I like it.”

He pinches and tugs with brute force, then strokes the pain away like a caring lover. The alternation between pain and pleasure leaves me hazy, and my trembling legs threaten to drop me.

“I bet you’re all soaking wet.” He reaches into my shorts and I bite my lip as his hand meets my underwear. “So fucking drenched, baby. Maybe I should acquaint your cunt with my cock, after all. They obviously need the introduction.”

I stiffen, my heartbeat skyrocketing. “You said you’d give me time.”

“Time is proportional and not exact. In fact, time can be fifteen minutes.”

My heart shrivels with a pang of disappointment that expands all the way to my dropping stomach.

I should’ve never believed him. I really shouldn’t have.

Despite the fear coursing through me, I glare at him. “Do whatever the fuck you want. Just know that I’ll never trust you. Never.”

“Relax.” His voice is casual, easy, even as he rubs both his fingers and his erection against my pussy. “I’ll keep my word.”

For some reason, he sounds sincere, but I know better than to trust the unhinged bastard blindly.

“On the other hand, you’ll give me your mouth.”


He points at my mask that’s on the ground. “Sixty-nine is a beautiful number. It’s fate, don’t you think?”

My face heats and I stare at him. “More like an unfortunate coincidence.”

He chuckles and slowly pushes me to the ground. I inspect our surroundings, my heart pounding stronger than usual. “What if someone comes along?”

“I’ll blind their eyes for looking at you naked.”

I want to think he’s joking, but I already know that Killian is the worst type of monster to ever exist.

A gorgeous monster.

A terrifying monster that my body mysteriously comes alive for.

My back meets the grass and I stare up to find the neon mask staring down at me, his knees on either side of my face.

From this position, he looks like a character from those slasher movies. A hedonistic, soulless devil.

He unbuckles his trousers and pulls out his very hard cock with purple veins on the side. I’m lightheaded and can’t help thinking about that first time on the cliff—how he thrust inside, how he eventually took control and fucked my face.

It seems like ages ago now.

And I can probably admit that strange arousal was due to being threatened with death if I didn’t give him what he wanted. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

It’s still the same Killian from back then, the dark, unhinged Killian. Now that I’m familiar with his nature, I found out just how deranged he could get, so how come I’m not as apprehensive anymore?

On the contrary, my thighs tremble and clench at the promise of what’s to come.

Is he brainwashing me?

Or maybe the gloomy, creepy setting is playing with my head.

“Can’t you remove the mask?”

“Why? Is it scaring you?”

If I say yes, he most definitely won’t remove it, and if I say no, then he’ll have no reason to remove it.

“I want to see your face,” I murmur. Because yeah, his face, as frightening as it is, is better than a mask.

“I’ll consider it if you make this good. Now, open. I need your lips on my cock, baby.”

I slowly do, my heart hammering. He slides inside, inch by inch, and I start licking. I’m still absolutely clueless on how to give a blowjob, but I’m supposed to be doing this, right?

He pulls out, tsking. “Don’t just lick it like it’s a Popsicle.”

Killian shoves three of his fingers in my mouth and deep-throats me, hooking against my tongue and twirling it. My legs jerk and I swear I’ve never been as turned on in my life as I am right now.

“Use your tongue for friction and quicken your pace. Don’t worry if you think you’re being too quick. You won’t hurt me.” He pops out his fingers, leaving a trail of saliva between them and my mouth, and before I can say anything, he shoves his cock back inside.

Harder this time.


My gag reflex kicks in, but I breathe through it and keep up, twirling my tongue like he told me to, over and over until my jaw hurts, but I don’t stop. I lick him with everything in me.

“Fuck, baby, that’s it. Mmm. You’re doing great.” His fingers get lost in my hair, digging into my skull. He keeps me immobile as he thrusts in and out, hitting deeper every time.

I reach out to get a better hold of his huge erection, but he tsks again. “No touching, just your mouth.”

My brow creases and I let my hands fall on either side of me. Seeming pleased with me abandoning the idea of touching him, Killian lifts the mask off his face and throws it away.

And I regret my words from earlier.

A trail of blood trickles from his temple, over his lids, and down his cheek and jaw, giving him a strikingly dangerous edge.

He probably got it during all the hunting, but that’s not why I regret telling him to show me his features, it’s his face, dammit.

And how utterly handsome he is.

If he looked creepy earlier, then now, he’s a downright cruelly beautiful monster as he brutally drives in and out of my mouth.

He’s definitely not the type who finishes fast, even with the maddening rhythm he’s going at.

He cups my jaw then uses a finger to wipe across my bottom lip. “I love your mouth when it’s stuffed with my cock. You’re my perfect little cum hole, aren’t you?”

Logically, I should be offended, but the exact opposite happens. My pussy clenches and I rub my legs together in both shock and embarrassment.

“This mouth belongs to me now and you’ll let me use it whenever I please, won’t you?” He tightens his hold on my jaw and forces me to nod. “That’s a ‘Yes, Killian, my mouth and my every other hole are yours to use and fill up with cum.’”

I think I’m going to orgasm from his filthy words alone.

Could he not have a commentary about everything? Though I’m definitely on the edge from the dark, erotic, and yet completely casual way he says things like that.

He’s like a different species all on his own.

My jaw hurts from how long I’ve been sucking him off. He’s clearly enjoying it, judging by the groans and the occasional “Just like that, baby.” But there’s no sign of him finishing anytime soon.

His rhythm is insane and I can’t help being entranced and dripping in my knickers from just watching his pleasure. Is it normal that the thought of his orgasm is enough to make me get close to my own release?

Killian pulls out of my mouth and I think he’ll come, but then he maneuvers us so we’re lying sideways. Then he thrusts in again. My jaw still hurts, so I wince and nearly bite him.

I halt, my eyes widening.

“No teeth. Do it properly, little rabbit. Unless you want me to switch to your cunt instead?” I shake my head and pick up my rhythm.

He groans and I release a sigh, but it gets stuck in my throat when he lowers my shorts and knickers.

I don’t realize what’s going on until a loud sucking sound echoes in the air. I gasp around his cock as my whole body ignites.

“Stop and I’ll stop,” he whispers against my folds. “I’d hate to see this tight little cunt go unsatisfied.”

I muster up everything in me and suck as enthusiastically as I physically can.

He peppers kisses on my folds, then sucks on them with the expertise of a wicked sex god. I’m not completely used to that when he licks all the way to my slit and then down again. He whispers against my most sensitive skin, “Such a fast learner, my Glyndon.”

Then he drives his tongue inside me and pinches my clit.

I don’t know if it’s that or the way he called me his Glyndon, but I come uncontrollably, without any ounce of shame.

My hips jerk into his devilish mouth as he keeps thrusting in and out. My moans are muffled by his cock and it’s so erotic that I can’t help licking while moaning.

I think he likes it, too, because I feel him thickening inside my mouth with each moan.

Killian glides his tongue all the way out of my pussy and I clench, as if trying to keep him there.

“You taste like my new favorite meal.” He slides out from between my lips, grabs me by the hair, and tugs me to a sitting position. My eyes widen as he stands up and rams into my mouth again with a ruthlessness that leaves me breathless.

“So fucking good,” he mutters between merciless thrusts. “Not a bad idea to satiate you first. You’re oozing with sexuality and looking more and more like my favorite new fucktoy. The sweet little girl who never sucked a dick before, never had sex before, is now being deep-throated by me. You like how I’m confiscating all your control and using you to get off. In fact, you love it so much that you’re clenching your legs for another orgasm.”

I freeze, realizing what I’ve been doing, and Killian’s dark chuckle fills our surroundings.

“Look at you being all adorable.” With a hand in my hair, he pounds one final time and I can feel him stiffening before a salty taste explodes at the back of my throat.

Killian keeps his cock deep inside as I try to swallow everything.

“That’s it,” he muses. “Every last drop. Miss one and we’ll start all over again.”

His eyes shine with dark sadism and strange satisfaction as I do as he says, partly because I don’t mind this time.

Partly because I don’t actually have a choice.

He retrieves his phone as he wipes a streak of cum from my chin with his fingers before thrusting them inside my mouth again, then whispers, “You can hide from the whole world, but you don’t need to do so in front of me, baby.”


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