Glamoured (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 6)

Glamoured: Chapter 9

Walking away from Clarity pack with Tabitha in my arms felt like a dream. My head grew fuzzy as adrenaline died off, and I hoped to fuck I didn’t pass out at some point. Mera never left my side, and I tried not to spiral into kicking myself once more for pushing this friendship away. I had to leave the past behind and focus on the future.

The trip into the white hallway that led from Earth to the library passed in a blur, and I wasn’t imagining the concerned looks being shot my way by both Mera and Shadow.

“You’ve got this,” she whispered to me.

I had to swallow a few times, before I had enough moisture in my mouth to speak. “It’s just surreal. Today was my doom, and somehow I was saved. When does that happen? It’s too good to be true, and I wonder if it’s just the prequel to losing Tabby for good.”

Speaking my true fear out loud allowed me to breathe more freely.

“Between the dozen or so gods and powerful creatures I know,” Mera said fiercely, “that won’t happen. Someone will have a solution. There’s always a fucking solution.”

Her passion awoke some of my own fire, cutting through the fuzziness of my brain. “Yes, shit, yes. You’re right. It’s just been a really fucked-up few years, but it’s turning. I have to believe that.”

“Damn right,” Mera said. “I’m going to cliché quote from a book, but this is the first day of the rest of your life. Past is dead. This is our future.”

Cliché or not, it was exactly what I needed to hear.

The white hallway ended as we entered the Library of Knowledge. I’d forgotten how awe-inspiring this room was. Looking like a cross between an ancient cathedral and the library of my dreams, it held millions of books from across the many worlds.

As we entered, I couldn’t help but flash back to the first time I saw it. It had been as broken and lost as I felt, and now it was brimming with energy, the massive ceilings carved with scenes of battle and life. The hundreds of shelves spanned across the space, guarding knowledge and doorways to multiple worlds.

This was almost its own little galaxy, and I could only hope my own redemption story was as beautiful as this library’s.

“Home,” Mera breathed, tilting her head back as she smiled. “Fuck Earth and all of its bullshit.”

Shadow let out a low chuckle, his amusement lightening the atmosphere even further. “Now you know why I left the shifters to their own devices. That world is out of alignment. It drains my energy.”

Mera didn’t argue, but I could see the wheels turning in her mind. Probably trying to figure out what the issue with Earth—and the alphas—really was. And more importantly, how they could rectify it at some point in the future.

She shook it off a beat later and focused on me. “Let’s deal with the memory blocks in your mind,” she said. “There’s no moving forward until that’s resolved.”

Hugging Tabitha closer to me, I pushed down my instinct to refuse. A quick glance at the library ceiling reminded me that I couldn’t rebuild without breaking a few walls first. “Okay,” I said with a nod.

The fear didn’t go anywhere, but I was facing it.

“Aurora needs to be changed and fed,” Shadow said shortly, moving once more. “And I’ll find Gaster to help with the memories.”

Mera nodded at the retreating back of her mate. “Okay, yes. We can meet back here soon.” She turned to me. “Gaster will be good to have as a backup. Shadow is powerful, but his energy is a bit like a steam train. Sometimes he goes hard and fast and breaks his surroundings.” Her lips twitched as she met my gaze. “I don’t want him to break you.”

A surprise smile crossed my lips too. “You know… me either.”

Her laughter was light as she stepped closer to run a hand across Tabitha’s hair again. She continued to hold the crystal mat in her free hand, and despite how weighty it looked Mera showed no sign of fatigue. “I still can’t feel her energy,” she said. “Does she need her mat?”

“Her energy is solid,” I replied, shifting her away from my chest so I could see her violet eyes. “In fact, she feels stronger than I’ve ever felt when I was with her. Shadow was right, that fucking alpha was deliberately weakening her so I’d assume she was frail and needed his miracle cure.”

My anger flickered strongly to life once more. I hoped that bastard was suffering in Clarity.

“Come on,” Mera told me. “You’ll want privacy for this next step. Let’s head into the lair.”

The lair. Shadow’s private dominion. I hadn’t been allowed past the entrance last time, and no lie, I was curious about what lay on the other side.

As we walked through the library, Mera was greeted, bowed to, and waved at a hundred times. Every being, from all walks of world, knew exactly who was in their presence, and she was treated like the queen she was. “Far cry from Torma pack,” I said, my chest warming at what I was experiencing. “You’re owning your glory, girl, and I’m so fucking proud of you.”

Mera’s glow would have blinded a human. “It took me a long time to realize that I had worth. Shadow built me up, but I took it from there, and even now, I continue to grow.”

“You were always a fighter,” I reminded her. “You refused to deal with Torma. You tried to make it better. I’m the one who needs to step up and find some worth.”

My hand was engulfed in her free one. “You’re a fucking warrior. From here on out, there’s no more talk of weakness. Most would not have survived what you did, and we will walk the path of queens together.”

This moment cemented something I’d always believed but hadn’t experienced: the true mate to your soul might actually be one of your girl friends.

“Thank you,” I whispered. “I will find the path, I promise.”

Mera didn’t have an ounce of doubt on her face, and I strived to mimic that level of confidence as we continued to stroll through the library. When we finally reached the swirling portal, Mera stepped through and pulled me with her. A weird wash of energy surrounded us before we emerged into another library.

“Holy shit.” I blinked a few times to ensure I was seeing clearly. The light was low, almost as if everything were lit by firelight, warm and comforting. “How many libraries do you have? I mean, not that you could have too many or anything, but damn…”

“Right?” Mera said with a happy sigh, spinning on the spot as if taking in the vibe of the place. “Books just make me so happy. The scent. The feel. The look of them lined up in chronological order to complete a series.” The genuine happiness on her face was cute as heck.

“It’s where dreams are made,” I agreed. “I’ve had to lose myself in books so much over the last few years. It feels like I’ve read literally every fantasy and romance that’s been written.”

Mera leapt toward me, face bright as her eyes grew super wide. “Holy shit, girl. I cannot wait until Simone gets back from Valdor. I’m telling you, there’s an entire world of fiction you haven’t discovered yet. We are starting a fucking book club.”

Future. Hope. The oddest concepts, and yet I was feeling it more than I could remember in a long time. Just the thought of being around for a book club… with a true pack… and Tabitha healthy and alive… I wanted for nothing else.

“I’m totally in,” I said. “That’s the sort of girls’ night I dreamed about.”

“It’s gonna happen.” Her determination told me that it would, no matter what the future held for us. “But first, let’s get your memories back.”

She led me toward a lounge area, where there was an actual roaring fireplace, surrounded by a bunch of very comfortable-looking couches. “Sit,” she said. “Shadow will be here in a moment.”

I didn’t question how she knew that; it was no doubt a part of their bond.

As I sat, I laid Tabby along my thighs, keeping a hold on her sides. She wiggled against me gently, and I loved to see her freedom of movement. It was a true gift to even have time to examine her, from her shimmery skin and blond curls to her eyes, which were truly mesmerizing. It almost looked like slivers of crystal were embedded in the rich amethyst color. Even dressed in the threadbare grey jumpsuit, she shone like a jewel.

“There’s no hiding that she’s otherworldly,” Mera said as she peered over my shoulder. She placed the crystal mat beside me on the couch, before reaching for a throw that was draped over the end of the same chair. “Let’s give her some time to recharge.”

It was a good idea, and despite my sorrow at letting her go so soon, I didn’t hesitate to lift and move her closer. “Yes, let’s do it.”

Mera draped the throw across the smooth purple surface, and as I gently placed Tabitha down I leaned in and pressed my lips to her cheek. Breathing in that floral scent which I had no reference for, I choked down some sobs. “I have loved you for a thousand lives,” I breathed against her soft skin. “I will never let you go again.”

A muffled sob joined in with mine, and I turned to see Mera with her hand pressed against her mouth, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes. “You’re killin’ me, Smalls,” she sobbed. “I don’t even cry. Stupid baby hormones.”

“I love you too, Mera,” I said suddenly.

Fuck, okay, that was probably a weird thing to say to someone I’d only known briefly, but it was true. I’d known from our first meeting that she was a soul-sister, and… I’d missed her.

Her tears slowed as she stared, wide-eyed. She recovered near instantly from her shock, as she leaned over to throw her arms around me. “I love you too, Sam! I’ve missed and worried about you so much. I couldn’t be fucking happier that you’re here with us now.”

My eyes closed briefly as I absorbed the warmth in both her hug and her words. I’d been alone a lot of my life, but that wasn’t the case any longer. Friends and my daughter. We just had to figure out how to get Tabitha back to full health, unlock my memories, and then I could daydream about having a true pack.

It was all I wanted, and I was going to ensure that it happened.

No matter the consequences.

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