Glamoured (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 6)

Glamoured: Chapter 56

The council of royals were easily able to handle the blessing and ascension to the throne for the new kings and queens, since their line of succession was already in place.

No need to vote. The mantle was inherited by blood or battle.

“They’ll vet them first, and ensure they weren’t involved,” Len told me as we left the room. “But by the new day, there should be two new royals.”

The smaller details like that weren’t my role here, so we left them to it, and Len and I spent that night at the silver palace. There was little sleep to be had again as he destroyed my body and soul until I couldn’t breathe or remember my own damn name. Our sweet daughter continued to sleep through the night like a perfect angel.

The next day as we made our journey to the Library of Knowledge, my steps were light as flickers of silver and gold energy pulsed through me. Excitement and anticipation filled my soul, and I couldn’t be sure if I’d ever felt this particular combination of emotions. Just seeing my pack, and the library again, had me buzzed up.

Even Tabitha noticed, patting my cheeks as we crossed from Len’s garden. “Happy,” she said, and I leaned over and blew a small raspberry on her cheek before kissing it.

“Very happy, baby,” I told her, kissing her cheek again. “We’re going to see our family. Your little baby family too.”

Tabitha would grow up with the other powerful offspring of the pack. Aurora and Damon would never fear her since they were children of gods too.

“How does your wolf feel now that your other power is unlocked?” Len asked me, and I loved that while we got the sense of each other’s emotions, there were still mysteries between us to be explored. It kept life interesting.

“She’s the same as she ever was,” I said, brushing a metaphorical hand across the dark fur of my wolf. “A true beast, but one who is tempered by the Faerie energy I used to create her. She will be part of me forever, but with my fae power unlocked again, she’s more of a spirit friend. I don’t have to shift, not that I ever had much urge, and she’s not burdened by that because she’s a created fae beast, not a true soul from the Shadow Beast.” I paused. “If that makes sense.”

“Perfect sense,” he said.

When we entered the library, it felt a little smaller and less powerful than the last time I’d stood in here. At first, I wondered if the room had changed somehow, before I realized it was me. My new power tinted the world in different shades and reminded me of my place in the scheme of it all.

“It feels less intimidating,” I told Len, breathing deeply. “More homey and comforting.”

He wrapped me in his arms, holding me and Tabitha for a beat. “This has always felt like home to me. Just as Faerie does. I’ve never seen a downside to two homes.”

There was literally not a single fucking downside.

“Home,” Tabitha echoed as she waved her arms and wiggled in my hold. She was getting bigger and stronger, so I had to really hold on to her when she was excited like this.

Len looked more relaxed as he pulled away. I loved the duality of who he was. On Faerie, he was a silver prince, with all the responsibilities that came from that role. He loved his world and fae, but it was clear that here he was calmer and carefree.

I felt the same way, as if here I could simply be Samantha, and not have to worry about the role of the Great Queen. Even powerful fae with responsibilities needed some downtime.

As we wandered out of the fae shelves, there was a small pop, and I almost dropped my baby when another child appeared in my arms. Aurora had zapped herself right to us, and before I could wipe the look of absolute shock off my face—I hadn’t even remotely felt her coming, and I could sense energy all around me—she was hugging Tabitha.

Len’s laughter broke me free from my surprise. “You look like you’re about to throw up and then cry,” he told me.

“Fuck,” I mumbled. “I almost dropped Shadow’s child. And my own.”

“Aurora!” Mera’s shout rang out through the library as she raced into view. “Holy shit, I’m so sorry.” Shadow was behind her, and even though he was walking at just a normal pace, he caught up to his frantic mate. “She keeps zapping herself to our pack members when they show up, and literally no one is ever ready for her.”

I could finally laugh now, relaxing as the unease in my chest faded. “I’ll be ready for her next time. She apparently just wanted to give Tabby a hug.”

Mera clapped her hands, her face clearing of any frustration. “Holy shifter pups. They’re so freaking adorable. I honestly would have ten more, but Aurora still doesn’t sleep through the night. And she’s a boob monster. The combination means I must tap into goddess powers just to function every day.”

She didn’t look tired. She looked luminous.

“We don’t need more babies,” Shadow said with a shrug. “Aurora is our perfect child.”

Mera rolled her eyes in my direction, before turning to the beast. “Babe, all of our children would be perfect, even if they had four fingers and one eye. I know it’s hard to imagine loving another as much as we love A, but it would happen naturally. I promise.”

He shrugged again, and it was clear he was all agree to disagree on this topic.

Aurora remained where she was, arms wrapped around Tabitha, the pair very content in my hold as I cuddled them close. Shadow’s eye was twitching, but it appeared that since his daughter was now choosing who to zap to, he could no longer tear the arms off anyone who touched her.

“So, what’s the plans for today?” I asked, conversationally.

Shadow turned to Len first. “The traitor royals of Faerie have been taken care of on your end?”

Len nodded. “Yep. Both royal houses have new leaders, and the council was informed that you disposed of the one who attempted to escape.”

Shadow nodded once, and that was the end of that conversation. A little murder chat and we were ready to move on. Mera rolled her eyes once more before smirking at me. “Males. Simple creatures.”

She let out a shriek when Shadow scooped her up in his arms. “We’ll be right back,” he called, already turning and sprinting away. “Keep an eye on Aurora.”

Apparently, he did run if the situation warranted it.

Len and I exchanged a laugh, before we continued deeper into the library. My arms and heart felt stupidly full, a sensation that only increased when Simone and Lucien popped out of a crimson-colored door as we passed by.

“Sam!” she cried, cheeks pink, and huge smile on her face as she raced forward to hug me and the two girls. “I thought I felt your powerful, gorgeous presence here.”

I couldn’t hug her back, but I smacked a kiss on her cheek as she pulled away. “Here and ready for family dinner. I’m starving.”

No rebirth or godlike powers would change the fact that food, and family gatherings to eat food, were my happy places.

“Shadow and Mera will be back in a few minutes,” Len said drily. “The beast got a little handsy.”

Lucien chuckled, stepping closer to Simone, pulling her against him. “Understandable.”

The pretty pink flush in her cheeks made sense now, and since I’d spent the last twelve hours being thoroughly loved by my mate, I totally got it. True mate bonds were intense.

“Oh, we have to show you the new play area,” Simone said suddenly, pulling from Lucien’s hold to wave us all down a small hall until she reached another door, this one white and discreet. “Mera has been renovating and adding rooms to the library like you wouldn’t believe. I haven’t even seen Shadow grimace about it. What his Sunshine wants, his Sunshine gets.”

I loved that for her as much as I loved Simone’s glow of contentment and happiness. There was very little in this world that I enjoyed more than seeing my friends and family succeed and grow into the best versions of themselves. It heightened my own happiness to new levels.

Another version of magic, but this one built on love.

When we reached the door, Simone popped it open and we entered a gigantic space. It had soft padded floors, a dark purple in color. The walls appeared to be padded as well, in a cheery yellow. Near the back corner was a small playground, with swings, slides, a fort, and other play equipment. There was also a reading nook, surrounded by shelves and books, a sandpit—I had no idea how it remained so immaculately clean, but it had to be magic—along with baskets and bins of toys.

“Even though your children are all powerful mini-gods, this is baby proof,” Simone said with a huge grin. “And will age with them as they grow and develop. Shadow’s energy surrounds it so no one can enter unless they’re authorized.”

We’d had no trouble entering, so he’d already input our energy into the security.

Lucien was smiling too. “It’s a safe space for the kids to run wild with each other, and we can all relax here and eat our meals.” He pointed to the top right corner where a huge timber table sat with dozens of chairs around it, designed for large family gatherings.

“Not that we’re totally giving up the table in the dining hall,” Simone added. “It’s the backup.”

Moving farther into the room, I placed Aurora and Tabitha down on the soft floor, and they immediately crawled off toward a mat that had blocks and other little puzzles and toys.

“Aw, damn,” I breathed, before sighing when strong arms came around me and I slumped back against Len.

“It’s a lot,” he said, minty breath hitting my senses.

I swallowed roughly. “I’m just not even sure what to do with all my emotions. It’s going to take some getting used to.”

“For me too,” he said with a brush of his lips against my skin. “But first, we eat.”

My stomach rumbled in agreement.

We turned to find Simone and Lucien at the table, watching Aurora and Tabitha, who were working together on a puzzle. I wouldn’t have been remotely surprised to wander over there and find they’d solved world hunger or some shit. They were most definitely the powerful, change the world types.

We took our seats, and a second later Angel and Reece strolled into the room, looking very regal. Damon was in their arms, and the moment he caught sight of the girls he disappeared from his mother’s arms and reappeared beside Aurora and Tabby. The three spent a few seconds hugging and babbling away, before they settled back into their puzzle.

“Well, that’s a bit freaking cute!” Angel exclaimed as she took the seat beside me. “We’re so lucky that our babies will grow up together.”

“You are,” Simone said with a wistful smile. “Crimson and I haven’t decided if we want offspring yet. We’re pretty happy in the honeymoon phase.”

Breathless laughter filled the room from the doorway, and we turned to find Mera there, clothes askew and hair a tumbling mess of curls. “Trust me, friend. That phase never ends. Baby or not.” She shook her head, like she was trying to clear the sex fog Shadow had her under.

Speaking of, the beast entered a moment later, his energy slamming against all four walls of the playroom.

“What do you think of the room?” Mera asked, settling in beside Simone. “Amazing, right? It’s such a great and safe space for them, not that I’m particularly worried, since our kids are all but unbreakable. But it’s nice to let them just go crazy and run free.”

“They also shouldn’t be able to zap themselves out of here,” Shadow added.

Extra bonus when you had powerful god babies.

“I absolutely love this space,” I told them. “And the kids appear to enjoy it too.”

As I said that, there was a whoosh of energy across my skin, and Tabitha was back in her wolf form.

The table grew silent for many seconds before Shadow let out a hearty bark of laughter. “What do you know, the second generation of the pack is going to be stronger than ever.”

Understatement of the year.

Another buzz of power, and Tabitha returned to her fae form, while Aurora and Damon didn’t blink an eye. They were going to be well prepared for whatever this crazy universe threw at them.

We’d all be prepared.

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