Glamoured (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 6)

Glamoured: Chapter 26

“Do you mind if I take Tabitha around and introduce her to a few fae?” the queen asked me. “I won’t remove her from your line of sight.”

Despite calling my name before, Tabby appeared content in her grandmother’s arms, and I wanted the two to bond. “No worries at all. Thanks for checking first.”

She nodded, before turning toward the closest group of fae, who let out a boisterous cheer when the child entered their midst. “You really do celebrate your young,” I said, smiling at the happiness in the air. This was a nice atmosphere for Tabby to be in, and this night couldn’t have gone any better if I’d written it myself in a story.

I mean, outside of Len’s possible love interest. Which I was going to bring up very soon.

“They’re the greatest gifts we have,” he said. “In Faerie, power is there for the taking, eternal life available to those who want it, and gems fill our coffers. But children are rare and precious.”

Nodding, I turned away from the queen, giving her son all my attention. “I didn’t understand the absolute truth of that until Tabitha came into my life.” I paused, deciding now was as good a time as ever for my other questions. “Alright, I have two questions.”

Len relaxed against the nearby pillar, smiling down at me. “Hit me.”

Depending on his answers, he might get his wish.

“What’s your mother’s name?”

Calling her “the queen” all the time was getting a little old.

“Glendriel,” he said, that smile remaining in place.

Queen Glendriel. Regal and befitting a queen of Faerie.

“Okay, great. And who were you kissing just before you stood on the platform?”

The smile wavered but it didn’t fall. “Are you jealous, little Storm?”

Fucking hell.

Lie or the truth?

“Yes.” The truth it was. “But more than that, I don’t want to invest in something when the other party isn’t as equally invested.”

Len straightened, his expression serious. “You are the only female in my life. Romantically. From the moment I felt your energy, heard your call for help, I’ve been lost to all others.”

He looked like he was about to continue, but I didn’t need anything else. I’d seen something innocent, and he’d cleared it up. This almost felt like a grown-up relationship, and I was so here for it.

“Thank you for being honest with me,” I told him, relaxing. “I just didn’t want to keep wondering and considering worst case scenarios. Asking was the easiest option.”

Len leaned down so our faces were closer together. “I have no secrets from you, Sam. Never be afraid to ask me questions. We have lifetimes to learn about each other, and I personally can’t fucking wait.”

My lips tilted of their own accord. “And you think I have a dirty mouth.”

His eyes turned to my favorite winter storms. “You have no idea.”

Yeah, I was going to need a demonstration of that, because his expression was promising me all kinds of goodness.

“Now that your questions are out of the way,” Len said, still close enough that his icy power was coating my bare skin, “I think it’s time for us to attempt to unlock our memories. Mother will keep Tabby safe. It’s probably better she’s not in the house anyway, just in case there’s any energy blowback.”

Whoa! Was I ready for that? Leaving Tabitha here, in a room of virtual strangers, in the land of Faerie, went against every grain of my being. But, as I took a second to consider his proposal, I had to admit that he’d made some decent points. After Shadow almost killed me trying to lift the block, I knew there was a risk of energy explosion, which was a risk to Tabitha.

“Swear to me that my daughter will be returned to me as soon as we are done,” I said, my tone brittle. Blind trust was reserved for those without my history. “Give me your word.”

“I give you my word, vow, and promise,” he said without anger or hesitation. “Tabitha will be safe with my mother and returned to you the moment we’re done.”

Once again, my instincts told me I could trust him. And his mother.

“Okay,” I nodded, “but I want to say goodbye and explain what we’re doing, so she doesn’t think she’s being abandoned.”

Len nodded. “I’ll bring her to you. Wait here.”

He hurried off to Glendriel, and feeling a little parched I stumbled over to a nearby table of crystal glasses. Choosing one with clear liquid, I was anticipating the citrusy water again, but when a sweet fizz of blackberry hit my tongue, I paused. “Whoa.”

Taking another tentative sip, I almost moaned as the sweet and tart flavor coated my tongue. It was so damn good, and by the time Len returned with Tabitha in his arms, tracking me down at the refreshments area, I’d finished the entire glass. Looking between me and the empty crystal, his lips tilted in a crooked grin. “You’re going to regret that one tomorrow, Sam.”

Blinking slowly, I smiled broadly at him. “You’re very beautiful,” I said.

His grin grew, even as he shook his head. “You are beautiful, sweetheart. And I’ve got your baby so you can say goodbye.”

This was probably the point I figured out I was a tiny bit tipsy. Not enough to really impair my judgement, but enough to loosen my tongue.

Tabitha went eagerly into my arms, and I hugged her close, breathing in her delicate and floral scent. “I love you so much,” I gushed. “Mommy and Daddy are just going to see if we can lift the Faerie glamour. Are you okay staying with Granny Queen for a little while?”

Len snorted. “Granny Queen. She’s going to love that one.”

Ignoring him, I focused on Tabitha, who shot me a toothy smile. “Yes, Mamamama.”

I couldn’t help myself, leaning in and kissing her little cheeks over and over. “You are so clever, baby girl. We’re so proud of you.”

It hurt me to know she’d been suffering all those years on Earth. Weak, not getting the sustenance she needed. No matter how much Len reassured me she’d existed in a stasis, to see her so vibrant and healthy now broke me into pieces. There was no level of pain I could inflict on Alpha Lorenze that could make up for what he took from her. From us.

As soon as my memories were unlocked, I would go back and deal with him. For good.

Returning Tabitha to Len, he bowed his head to me before moving through the crowd once more to hand her to the queen. I followed, since there was no point waiting behind this time. “We will all guard her with our lives,” Glendriel assured me when I got closer. “Call if you need any energy assistance.”

Len nodded. “I have some ideas to try first, but if that fails, I’ll ask for help.”

Tabitha waved at us, and I blew her a kiss, all the while ignoring the ache in my chest at walking away from her.

“She’ll be fine,” Len assured me, his arm sweeping in behind my back as he guided me toward his house.

“I know,” I said. “If I thought she wouldn’t be, I’d never leave her with your mother. Queen or not.” Yeah, loose tongue was definitely in the cards, but Len showed no sign of being offended.

Curious fae watched us leave, but none commented or even attempted to stop the prince as we marched through. When we reached his bridge, he slowed his stride, and I enjoyed the quiet.

“You called me Daddy,” he said suddenly, and there was a rumble in his tone that had me sliding to a halt.

If he asked tomorrow, I was going to blame my next statement on the wine. “You’re definitely daddy material.”

His intensity grew. “I’ll take that as a compliment. But more than that, I’m honored by your inclusion of me toward Tabitha. It means everything, and I didn’t want the moment to pass without acknowledging it.” He stepped closer, his thumb brushing over my lip once more, and I was starting to think he had a small obsession with my mouth. “You slay me.”

“Fuck,” I breathed.

His lips twitched as his eyes darkened. “Always such a way with words.”

“That’s me,” I choked out. “A true wordsmith. Shame I’m more of a reader than a writer, because the worlds are really missing out on the amazing prose hidden in my brain.”

The twitch turned into a slow smile that wrecked my insides; they churned and burned, the need nearly sending me to my knees. What was in that fucking drink? And was I regretting it… or did I want more?

His chest rumbled, and I found my hands resting against the broad planes. Wait. Hands, what the hell are you doing?

Len reached up and wrapped both of his across mine, trapping me against him. “I find myself fighting the instinct to murder any who have touched you,” he said, leaning in to murmur the words. “It’s not a normal fae reaction. We’re possessive, yes, but also reasonable. I have zero fucking reason when it comes to you.”

I’d seen that in Shadow’s lair, and maybe this was still the fae booze talking, but I couldn’t believe I’d had doubts about him before. That had been a stupid moment of insecurity. Len was a grown-ass fae, and if he wanted to be with another, he would be. Dude was thousands of years old. He’d had all the time to choose, and all signs indicated he was choosing me.

My reason toward you,” I whispered back, “appears to be a little faulty these days too.” Leaning forward, the need to taste Len was a driving force. But before I could fall into his mouth—well, more like chest due to our height difference—he wrapped his arm around me and got us walking once more, across the bridge and into his house.

The tremble in my limbs remained as we entered the front door, and this time instead of going up the stairs, Len led me to the right, opening a nondescript white door. Lights brightened as we walked inside—without him hitting a switch of course—and when I saw the contents I wanted to run around hugging every shelf.

“Wow,” I gushed, “another library. I feel like I’ve died and gone to book heaven being around you band of merry bastards.” Mera called them something like that, and while I couldn’t remember the exact saying, I loved the concept.

Walking toward the closest of the shelves, I noted that the room was much smaller than Shadow’s—this was more of a huge study—but had the same dark wooden shelves lining the walls.

“I’ve always had an area specifically for books,” Len said, following me deeper into the room. “Shadow and I first grew a friendship in battle, but we deepened it through a mutual love of knowledge, information, and stories.”

“Books make me happy,” I said with a small, contented sigh. Running my hands across the spines, I briefly wished one of my skills included absorbing stories via touch. I’d never have enough time to read all the ones I wanted. “When I open a book, it feels like opening a treasure chest. You never know what you’ll uncover. An adventure without even having to leave your house.”

Len nodded. “You won’t have to worry about living your adventures through books any longer. I’ll take you on as many as you want.”

“And there you go seducing me again,” I replied, trying to keep the breathiness I was feeling from my voice. “I’d love to do both. Read and live adventures. Eventually.”

“You will.”

A statement. No hesitation. Len was confident that we would deal with the glamour, deal with Faerie, and find this life of adventure.

It was everything I’d wished for. Not just for me, but for Tabitha.

“We should get started,” Len said, more serious. “This room is magically enforced to contain the energy of some powerful books and crystals. It’s the strongest room in the house, and should work as a safehold to attempt a memory retrieval.”

My hand stilled on the spine I was touching. “I’m nervous,” I admitted. “The pain when Shadow…” Gods, the pain. It had been so bad that I’d called a fae from another world to me, which was still hard to believe.

Len reached me in two strides, hands wrapping around my biceps as he held me firmly. “I promise to do whatever it takes to keep you safe, but pain is often part of the journey. If it becomes too much, if you reach breaking point, all you have to do is tell me. We will find another way.”

“I’m pretty tough,” I said, hoping to convince the both of us. “I can take it. I need these memories back, so short of literally breaking my brain, I want you to push all the way.”

Worry creased his brow as he released a long breath. “Full disclosure, I’ve attempted to break the glamour on my own brain without any success. As I try, the power slips away, and I’m led back to you. This started with you, and I can only hope if we figure out your block, mine will release as well.”

“Okay, that makes sense,” I said with a rapid series of nods. “So, what do we do first?”

“Change,” he told me. “Get comfortable. I will set everything up to protect you.”

He released me, leaving an icy burn where he’d touched. “You’ll need to unlace me,” I reminded him, hoping for more of that ice across my bare skin.

Comfortable clothes were going to include an underwear change. I’d been aroused so much tonight; at this point my panties were nothing more than a damp fucking rag.

Before I could act on my current need, Len finished loosening the back of my corset and I focused on catching the dress before it fell. “Return quickly,” he said in a low rumble. “We don’t want to waste time.”

Actually, I wanted to waste time. All the fucking time. My addled, horny, semi-drunk brain could think of nothing better than wasting time with the fae prince. I mean, what if we learned shit in the past that ruined everything for us? That destroyed this fragile but beautiful relationship we were building? What if the dream turned into a nightmare?

I might never have the chance again to be half naked with this sexy man, and I wasn’t wasting it. Nope.

The wine had spoken. We were taking a chance tonight.

Turning in a somewhat graceful motion, I took Len by surprise when I stepped right into him. Tilting my head back, I let my hair fall down my back as I moistened my lips. His gaze followed the motion, and before he could say anything I pushed myself up and wrapped my arms around his neck for enough leverage to finally, fucking finally, slam my mouth against his.

I was kissing the fae prince and I had zero regrets.

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