Glamoured (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 6)

Glamoured: Chapter 22

When Len left, I was alone with Tabby. It was the first time I’d ever been alone with my daughter, and I was nervous as fuck.

Angling our bodies so we were lying in the middle of the bed, we rolled to face each other and our gazes met. “So,” I said with a low laugh as she stared at me with those luminescent purple eyes, “apologies in advance for anything I screw up. I’m kind of new at this, but I can promise that I’ll always do everything in my power to be the best momma ever. To not let you down. To keep you safe and ensure your happiness. You’re the greatest part of my life, and I don’t want to fail you again.”

She smiled and cooed, and I found myself grinning harder. “Your little toothies are bigger already,” I told her, marveling at how strong and healthy she appeared. Len hadn’t even brought her crystal mat with him, because in this world she didn’t need it.

Tabitha reached out and I extended a finger so she could wrap her tiny hands around it. She went to sleep like that, just holding on to me like I was the comfort she needed—and no lie, I watched her sleep for what felt like hours, tears streaming down my face as my heart tried to carve itself from my chest. This little angel owned it anyway; might as well give it to her.

Eventually I had to get up and use the bathroom, so after securing pillows all around her, I washed up and removed my jeans, prepared to sleep for a few hours. If I were to get through everything heading my way, I needed to be significantly less exhausted.

Hopefully, if Len figured out clothes for the dinner, he’d also find one or two sets of everyday wear. Not to mention a toothbrush would really come in handy right about now. Hairbrush too.

Out of the bathroom, I snuggled in next to Tabby—who hadn’t moved an inch—and let the exhaustion drag me under. With it, though, for the first time was happiness. No matter what happened, today had been better than I could have hoped for.

The longest day of my life had started as the worst, but the ending… definitely the best.

Nothing woke me. No sound or touch, but I felt him in the room. With exhaustion still clouding my mind, I blinked my eyes open, catching a glimpse of Len. He was sitting in a chair near the bed, watching over us. My stomach clenched tightly at the look on his face, and I wondered what had held him captive in our room, keeping an eye on us as we slept.

His actions could have felt creepy, but he’d sat far enough away that the vibe was more protective.

Glancing down, I realized the weight across my chest was Tabitha. She’d moved onto me in her sleep, and somehow looked bigger again, her waves of hair longer as they drifted around her precious face.

“She moves toward you in her sleep,” Len told me as he remained motionless. “I know you’ve been worried that you missed the chance for a true bond with her, but I can assure you, she already adores her mama.”

Sliding my hand up and across her back, I held her protectively. “She destroys me with her presence,” I admitted. My voice broke as another tear escaped. Not like I hadn’t shed plenty as I watched her earlier. “And I have no damned idea how to be a mother, but I’m determined to learn and grow into one that she’ll be proud of.”

Len’s voice was rough. “I have no idea how to be a father either, but I already know she’s blessed enough to have two parents who care enough to worry they aren’t good enough. With that, we’ll always strive to be better for her. To make the world better for her.”

There was a catch in his tone with that last line. Lifting my head to see him clearly, I said, “You’re worried about what’s going to happen at this meeting in three days.”

He stood, and as he moved closer I noticed that he’d shed his coat and was wearing more casual clothing: a plain black shirt, well-fitted across his broad shoulders. The material descended into black pants, encasing long legs.

Len in black was almost too much for this shifter.

He sat on the edge of the bed. “It does worry me,” he said, “because I sense that they’re going to follow through with the severing of the line, no matter what the decision of the royal council is. Fredrick doesn’t like to be told no, and he abhors rules.”

He ran a hand through his silver hair, leaving it tousled in the most delicious way. “He’s one of the few fae that rushes into plans. Generally, since we’re very long lived, we don’t feel the same urgency as other races.”

“How long since the Great Queen was here in Faerie?” I asked.

He paused, his lips twitching. “At least a thousand years. So, yeah, I guess it’s not a rush. But it feels like we’re being pushed when the last meeting was only a couple of days ago.”

“You should trust your instincts on this,” I told him. “If your gut is saying that something is off with this Fredrick, it probably is. I say, go in expecting the worst, and then you’ll be prepared to deal with it.” Tabitha shifted on me, and I patted her back a few times. “If it turns out that he’s not up to anything, then all that happens is you’re overprepared. It’s a win-win.”

Len nodded. “Very wise. I will be on high alert for this meeting.” His expression softened. “Have you rested enough? Would you like some food?”

My stomach made a rumbling sound, and I tried to remind it we’d eaten in the Library of Knowledge only a few hours ago. Maybe all the travel between worlds burned calories. “I could eat,” I admitted.

He pulled himself to stand and I forced my mouth to close. Drooling was not appropriate with a baby on my chest. But damn, I’d never been so acutely aware of another person before. There was no explanation for it, outside of a true mate connection. I’d had a shifter mate, but Mera and Shadow told us that we could have more than one mate. Especially if there was a mix of genetics, and evidence was pointing to me being part fae, somehow.

“I’ll return shortly with food,” Len said.

When he left, I was able to focus and extricate myself from underneath Tabitha. She stirred briefly, but then I patted her back for a moment and she settled. When I entered the bathroom this time, I blinked at the multitude of changes. The previously empty white shelves that lined either side of the mirror were full of toiletries.

How in the gods? How had Len done this?

Opening more drawers, I found makeup and hair care essentials. I honestly had no idea how he’d procured all of this without leaving the house—to prevent the glamour triggering and stealing our memories once more—but he’d figured out a way.

This fae prince was disarming me, and I wanted to hate it, but it was impossible. Not when every part of me was filled with lust, want, need, confusion, and breathless anticipation of what he’d do next.

Not wanting to leave Tabby alone for too long, I quickly brushed my teeth and fixed up my hair. I was wearing my shirt and underwear still, so I pulled on the jeans I’d left in here earlier, and when I returned to the room, Len was also back.

He’d brought a table with him this time and it was set with a large array of food dishes. He gestured toward one of the two chairs, and I moved slower, working to keep my composure. He held my chair out for me, and as I sat Len helped me scoot forward.

When he was sitting opposite me, I didn’t even glance at the food.

My entire focus was on the fae prince.

On the questions burning inside me.

“So… the bathroom products, the food, and all this talk of family,” I said bluntly. “Are you seducing me?“

Because it’s fucking working.

He flashed me that breathtaking smile, his silvery skin and hair standing out against the darker backdrop of his clothing. “Why? Are you seduced?”

There he went again, reading my mind. He needed to be taught a lesson. “Not even remotely,” I shot back, the biggest liar in the room.

His expression didn’t falter. If anything, his smile grew. “Guess I’ll have to try harder, then.”

Holy beast of the shifter gods.

I was fucked. So completely and totally fucked.

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