Give Me More (Salacious Players’ Club)

Give Me More: Chapter 41



Six months later

“It’s done!”

Two pairs of footsteps echo through the house as they come to see my handiwork. I’m pretty proud of this one, to be honest. It wasn’t easy, but it had to be done. As much as Isabel loves being sandwiched between us, two six-foot-plus men cannot comfortably share a king-size bed with a girl in between, at least not for any prolonged length of time.

And sleeping in the guest room was out of the question. I tried it one night, and they lost their fucking minds. It had them thinking I was pulling out of the relationship, wanting my space, and regretting the decision to make this thing real.

I wasn’t doing any of those things. I was just looking for a good night’s sleep, without worrying about smothering Isabel in her sleep.

Besides, the guest bedroom is under renovations now anyway.

As they walk into the room, Isabel’s eyes widen. “It’s perfect!”

“It’s a good thing you built us a giant master bedroom,” Hunter replies.

“Yeah, maybe you saw this coming.” Isabel is smiling as she walks over to the now giant bed. “So this is two kings?”


“That’s way too big,” she replies with a laugh, arching her back like she’s trying to stretch muscles she can’t reach anymore.

“Well, we need big,” Hunter adds, walking over to rub her round belly and kiss her on the temple.

“Oh, hell no.” I drop the drill in my tool bag before glaring at them. “I didn’t build this bed to fit them, too. I’m building them cribs, remember. They can sleep in those.”

Isabel is biting her lip as she leans against Hunter, both of them looking too fucking smug as if they know I’m probably going to cave and let those two little brats take up my precious bed space. I’m thirty-five years old and I got this far never sharing a bed with anyone. Now I’m expected to share it with not just two, but four people.

Okay two people and two perfect little babies.

My babies.

Well…my in the loose non-technical way. We have a theory about who got her pregnant. Isabel swears she was supposed to get her period after that day she and I shared in the bathroom, and she definitely had it before… But then again, we did have a lot of sex after Hunter came home, so who’s to say, really. And we’re not playing any of that we don’t want to know because it doesn’t matter crap. Isabel wants to find out for sure, so if they are mine, she and Hunter can try after these two are out. Or vice versa, if they’re his.

More than two kids…wonderful. Not exactly what I had planned for my future. I was a scoundrel, and I was okay with that. I had it all mapped out to work at Salacious as long as I could, maybe help build a whole new club somewhere, enjoy as much sex as physically possible, and never be tied down to anyone.

I was okay with that.

But this…this I’m more than okay with. I still work at Salacious. There’s already talk of building a whole new club. I have way more sex than I ever thought physically possible, and I’m tied down to the two people who make life worth living.

“So…can we get a mattress on this thing?” Isabel asks, waddling her giant belly toward her beloved yoga ball where she sits, a sudden expression of relief morphing her features. She only has three months left, but I have no idea where she’s going to put it. She already looks ridiculous with her tiny frame and protruding stomach. And yet…no woman has ever looked more beautiful to me.

“You get two mattresses,” I reply. “They’re still rolled up in the garage. They’re those fancy new foam ones that are supposed to be good for you. You’re going to love them. I’ll go grab them.”

“I’ll help,” Hunter replies, quickly following me down the stairs. Once we reach the garage, I bend over to flip open the first box, and not surprisingly, Hunter is there, grinding himself against my ass. I smile as I thrust it back against him. In turn, he digs his hands in my hair, now finally long enough to grip, as he pulls me up and slides the other hand around my throat.

“God, I love watching you bend over.”

“I can tell,” I reply with a wicked smile. He kisses my neck and my body starts to rev up in response. “We don’t have time for this.” The fight in me is gone as the hand at my throat slides down to my waiting cock, stroking it to life.

“Get hard for me. We only have a minute.”

“You’re getting me hard right now,” I reply breathlessly.

Quickly, I spin around and shove him against the wall, stealing his mouth with mine as he works in a rush to get our cocks out. I growl into his mouth as he wraps his large hand around both of them together, stroking them between us.

Shoving his hand aside, I press him tighter against the wall, squeezing our cocks between our bodies and grinding hard to get the pressure we’re craving. He lets out a loud sound that I know Isabel must have heard. I slam my hand over his mouth as I grind harder and faster.

We don’t sneak around because she doesn’t like us being together, but times like these, when we should definitely be doing something other than making each other come, we figure it’s best not to flaunt the fact that we are.

“Harder,” he grunts, so I give him what he wants, biting his bottom lip as I do.

Without warning, he explodes between us, warm cum staining my dark blue V-neck. I have no right to complain because I’m right behind him, making the mess even bigger until we don’t know whose cum stain is whose. We’re panting into each other’s mouths as he mumbles, “We’re going to get in trouble for that.”

“Worth it.”

With a laugh, we finally pull away. My shirt comes off in a quick swipe, and I toss it at Hunter, who quickly takes it to the laundry room as I finish getting these mattresses ready. We carry them upstairs while they’re still rolled up, and we find Isabel glaring at us from her exercise ball.

“That took a while,” she says with a grimace.

“He started it,” I say with a smile as I lean down to kiss her perfectly freckled cheek.

“I believe you,” she replies, turning her attention to Hunter, who only shrugs in response as if that’s the best defense he has. “You owe me.”


Getting the mattresses unrolled and on the bed is easy, but we reward ourselves by lying flat on them together as Isabel browses through the baby name book Mia bought her the second she found out.

“What about Austin?” she asks, when I feel myself dozing off. I screw up my face as I glare at her.

“They’re both girls.”

Isabel shrugs. “So? We had our first kiss in Austin.”

Hunter seems to let the idea settle for a moment before responding. “I like Austin.”

“Austin and Phoenix.” The names roll off my tongue comfortably, striking a sudden pang of something in my chest. Like visiting a place you’ve never been that instantly feels like home.

I know it won’t feel real until they’re here. And maybe even then it probably won’t feel real. I have no clue. But the idea of suddenly being a father floors me every time I think about it. I went from a party of one to five, practically overnight, and I know they’re nervous about me, thinking that I might freak out at any moment because this is too much.

And while I can’t promise I won’t freak out, this isn’t too much for me. It’s just right. It’s a chance to have a family the right way, to give them the life I never had. To give my kids the father I always wanted, and I know Hunter feels the same.

It might have started with a kinky arrangement, but it led us here, right where we’re supposed to be.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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