Give Me More (Salacious Players’ Club)

Give Me More: Chapter 29


I’m on a date. A certified date. My first, if we’re being honest. I mean, I’ve met up with other people before, but it was always with the intention to fuck. This evening, I’m sitting at a restaurant with Geo, the bartender, with the intention to actually get to know him.

It’s excruciating.

Not Geo—he’s great. He’s funny, down-to-earth, and likes to compliment me a lot. I could see us hanging out, getting drunk, watching a movie, waking up next to each other. I mean…the possibility is there, but the excitement? Not quite.

“So…you promised to share some stories from your trip. I want to hear all about those other clubs,” he says with a flirtatious smile as he sips on his margarita.

“Eh…” I scratch the back of my neck. “I don’t really want to talk about my trip, if that’s okay.”

He looks immediately apologetic. “Of course, that’s okay. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. It’s complicated, that’s all.”

“Because of Hunter…or because of Isabel?”


“I’m sorry. God, that was nosey of me,” he replies with a laugh. “Please ignore me. I always put my foot in my mouth when I drink.”

This time, I laugh, and it helps to ease some of the tension. “It’s fine, really. But to answer your question simply…yes.”



“Well,” he says, lifting his glass toward me. I pick up my drink and tap it against his. “To rebounds and fresh starts.”

I laugh again as I carry the glass to my lips. He studies me for a minute as he picks at his dinner. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Of course,” I reply. That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it?

“Have you ever dated a man before?”

“Um…Geo…I’ve never dated a person before.”

“Damn,” he replies with a chuckle. He really does have a cute smile, but I’m not feeling that intense chemistry I’m craving. Is this normal for dating? I mean…if we’re compatible and we get along, the physical chemistry will come. Won’t it?

I mean, I can imagine myself with him, his lips wrapped around my cock or his knees pressed to his chest while I bury myself inside him. But that’s all my brain can imagine. It always goes back to sex. The attraction to Geo is there…but the desire to call him and see him after that? Not so much.

“Yeah, I just never saw myself as being boyfriend material. And I always had my best friend to do things with on holidays or birthdays or vacations, so I never really needed anyone else.”

He nods, and I start to feel like I’m talking about Hunter too much. “But if you’re wondering if I could see myself settling down with a man…” I shrug. “Yeah. I don’t see why not.”

“You wouldn’t miss pussy?”

I nearly choke on my beer at his bluntness. As I wipe my face, I consider it. Would I?


After a few minutes of contemplation, he smiles. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“If it’s any consolation, I think I would miss dick just as much if I settled down with a woman.”

“Was that supposed to make me feel better?” he asks with a laugh, and now we’re both chuckling so hard, our faces are red.

“Sorry. This is awkward,” I say when our laughter dies down.

“Nah, you’re doing great.”

“Does this mean I get a second date?” I ask with a hopeful expression.

He drums his fingers against his glass as he thinks about it. “I don’t know if it’s a second date you need, Drake.”

My shoulders deflate as he shuts me down. Fuck. I’m starting to accept my fate of getting old and dying alone when he reaches across the table and touches my hand. When his eyes lift up to my face, there’s something sultry and inviting in his expression. And for the first time, I feel that spark of chemistry I so badly wanted. Suddenly, I’m thinking about taking him home and bending him over the back of his couch, so I can fuck him until he screams.

“And what is it I need?” I ask in a low murmur.

“I think you need a good fuck to get whatever happened on your trip out of your head.”

“And you…can help me with that?”

He leans in, tugging his lower lip between his teeth. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

Perfect. Yes, I’m going to get laid tonight. This is what I need.

I smile as I lean back, but something sour and wrong settles over me. I didn’t want this to be a one-night stand. I wanted this to be a real date, but maybe Hunter was right. I am just like my mother.

“Uh-oh,” Geo says. “What’s the look for?”

I force a crooked smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever passed up sex before.”

“Why start now?” he asks playfully.

“Because I’m a fucking idiot.”

He lets out an easy laugh as he nods. “Love will do that to you.”

I said goodbye to Geo over an hour ago. I couldn’t even him give him the kiss I’m sure he was leaning in for. Now I’m sitting in my car in front of Isabel and Hunter’s house, debating on whether or not I want to go in. It’s only nine. They will still be up, but I don’t know if I can face them.

We’ve barely had to coexist in this house since we got back from our trip a few days ago. And I’m not really looking forward to the first time we will. So far, after only three days, things between us have not naturally fallen back into place like they were supposed to. I don’t know if it’s because we need more time together or more time apart, but this tension is going to be the death of me. I just want my friends back.

Finally gathering up some courage, I get out of the car and walk up to the front door with my spare key. As I step into the house, I smell the aroma of something sweet filling the space. There’s music playing from a speaker somewhere and I stop on the doormat as I watch Isabel cross the brightly lit kitchen in nothing but a T-shirt and apron. She’s sliding a muffin pan out of the oven as she sways her hips to the Sam Cooke song playing.

I scan the room for Hunter, and when I don’t see him, I almost turn around and walk out of the house. Not today. I cannot handle this temptation today.

But she sees me first, and it’s too late to bolt. “Hey!” she calls. “I’m baking cupcakes…” Her voice carries, and I know by the playfulness to it that she’s drunk.

“You are?” I ask as I close the front door and head into the large kitchen.

“Yep. I got vanilla and strawberry.” She reaches her finger into the batter, and holds it out to me. “Try it.”

My mouth forms a crooked grin as I step closer. With my eyes on her, I close my mouth around her finger and lick it clean of the sweet mixture. She whimpers at me as I do.

Releasing her finger, I ask, “Where’s Hunter?”

“Upstairs,” she replies, her expression turning somber.

“Everything okay?”

She glances cautiously up at the stairs. Then in a low whisper, she replies, “We haven’t been talking much the past couple days.”

“I’m sorry.”

She shrugs in return. Then she gets back to work on the cupcakes, scooping them out onto the cooling rack.

“What are you drinking?” I ask with a smile. Her face contorts in confusion as she stares at me.

“Drinking?” Then a moment later, realization dawns, and she giggles. “Oh, no. I’m not drinking. I took an edible. It helps me relax.”

“Ah…” I reply. And then I swallow down the sudden wave of guilt that rises. I hate that she has to take anything to relax. I hate that I’m part of the reason she can’t relax in the first place.

“Want one?” she asks. “They’re not very strong. I’m just a lightweight.” She giggles again, and I smile wide as I watch her laugh to herself.

“No, thanks. I’m okay.”

“Okay,” she replies with another cute shrug.

Sitting on the barstool, I watch her bake. Every step is engrossing. Her nimble fingers measuring the ingredients, pouring them into the mixer, wiping the flour from her nose. It’s everything I wish the date with Geo had been. If that date had been half as satisfying as watching Isabel bake, I would be busy fucking his brains out right now. But by no fault of his own, there was nothing between us, nothing close to this.

When I hear footsteps behind me, I tense. Hunter enters the room and stands next to me, watching Isabel too.

“She’s high, isn’t she?”

I laugh. “Yep.”

“She only bakes when she’s high.”

“I am not high,” she argues with a blush. “I had one cotton candy gummy bear an hour ago. Geez.” Then, she flips on the mixer too high and the flour erupts from the bowl, covering her face. She bursts into laughter, suddenly unable to even breathe, and it’s so fucking infectious that now I’m laughing. And when I look over at Hunter, he’s grinning from ear to ear too, his shoulders shaking with his own amusement.

“Red, you’re a mess.”

Finally, she stops laughing and plants her hands against the counter. Glaring at Hunter with a slightly glossy stare and a wicked grin on her face, she reaches into the bowl and proceeds to fling a handful of flour at her husband.

He stands frozen, white powder covering his black button-up shirt, and we wait in anticipation for his reaction. Finally, his tongue peeks out from between his lips and licks up the bitter taste from his face. “Oh, you’re a bad little girl. You better fucking run.”

I watch with a smile when Isabel shrieks, beaming as she takes off, bolting into a run from her side of the kitchen. He rounds the island to catch her, but even stoned, she’s too fast. They’re both covered in baking ingredients and laughing as they run circles around the island, both laughing and smiling.

This is what I missed. This is definitely something we would have done before the whole threesome complicated everything. Call it wishful thinking, but it feels like we can finally move on and get back to the way things were.

“Save me, Drake!” Isabel screams as she crouches behind me.

“Get behind me.” I laugh, but before I can stand and block her from the threat of Hunter holding a bottle of chocolate syrup, I’m assaulted by a handful of vanilla frosting to the face.

Isabel squeals in laughter as she wipes it all over me, from my chin up to my hair. I don’t know how I missed her grabbing that in her dash around the counter. I’m sitting here in shock, and when she tries to run away, I snatch her by the waist and drag her toward me.

“I was going to help you,” I say in an ominous tone. “But now you’re screwed.”

Once I have her against me, I pin both of her hands behind her back and hold her tight. “Get her,” I say to Hunter, who smiles wickedly as he douses her with chocolate. She’s laughing and fighting against my grip as he pours it all over her head and face.

“Here you go, Drake. I made you a sundae. Have a taste.” Hunter says these words in a playful tone. A moment ago, I thought things had finally gotten back to normal, but I can’t help myself. This is definitely not normal. All of her fidgeting and fighting against my body has my cock twitching in my pants, and I do want a taste. So I drag her closer and lick a long line along the side of her face, and as I do so, she slows her struggling.

“Mmm…she tastes good,” I whisper in her ear.

“Take off her shirt,” Hunter commands, and I do. Releasing her hands, I hold her by the waist as I untie her apron and drag her shirt over her head. I’m holding her like a prisoner, even though I know well and good that she wouldn’t go anywhere now. Her smile is fading and in its place is a lustful expression aimed at her husband.

In nothing but her panties, she stands and waits as Hunter dribbles chocolate sauce across each of her nipples. She lets out a sweet little moan and he instantly takes the right one in his mouth and I take the left. Her cries grow louder as she reaches up to hold our heads there, lapping chocolate off her breasts.

When Hunter pulls his mouth away, he stares at her as he dribbles the sauce on her stomach, watching it drip down to the waistband of her pink cotton briefs.

I want to be the one to lick that chocolate away so bad, but I want to watch him doing it just as much. We’re being reckless and doing exactly what we know we shouldn’t right now. Any one of us could easily break up this sexy little food fight, but we don’t because like Geo said, love makes you a fucking idiot.

“Go ahead,” I say as I wrap an arm around her waist and hold her against me. Hunter drops to his knees and kisses his way down her stomach, covering his mouth with chocolate as he goes until he finally reaches her panties. Tugging them down, he doesn’t hesitate before he plants a warm, wet kiss between her legs.

She moans and writhes in my arms as he sucks on her clit, and my dick throbs as I watch them. I can’t keep my mouth off her, licking the sweet taste off her neck and finding her mouth so I can devour those sounds of pleasure.

He stares up at us as he fucks her with this tongue, my cock leaking as he slides his finger inside her. She’s trembling now, fidgeting and fighting against me as her orgasm approaches.

“I’m gonna…gonna…” She whimpers breathlessly. I pinch the chocolate-covered bud of her nipple as I kiss her neck and her body seizes up in my arms. “Yes, yes, yes,” she moans.

When her muscles finally turn soft and she relaxes against me, I assume it’s over. But she gives Hunter a devious look as she snatches the whipped cream can off the counter and glares at him.

“My turn,” she says wickedly, and he responds with an I dare you expression.

I watch curiously as she turns toward me. With her bottom lip pinched between her teeth, she drops a dot of cream against my neck. I feel it seeping down into the collar of my shirt as I stare at her. Then she looks at Hunter, her brows raised as she steps out of the way.

I freeze, eyes wide as I stare at her. Then it dawns on me what she’s doing.

We’re playing that game.

It’s silent as we wait for him to make up his mind. This is huge for him. The pressure to finally fess up to what he wants, no matter if he’s really ready for that or not. And maybe he doesn’t want that anymore. Maybe what happened in Nashville was a one-time thing and he decided he doesn’t like being with men.

The problem is that Hunter doesn’t back down. He’s too proud, too stubborn, and just like the bet we made in Austin, he never loses.

My heart picks up speed as he closes the distance between us and he spares me one last glance before he attacks my neck with his lips. I don’t even have the brain cells left to try and talk him out of this or make sure it’s really what he wants because his lips on my neck feel too fucking good. Goosebumps erupt over every inch of my body as he sucks the tender flesh where Isabel put the sweet cream. I find my hands reaching for him as he licks and nibbles on my neck, my dick twitching in my boxers.

As Hunter pulls away, I feel as if my legs might give out beneath me. He’s staring at me with a hungry gaze, but before he moves toward me again, Isabel steps closer.

“You’re a mess, Drake,” she says in a sweet tone. “Let’s take this off.” Suddenly, my shirt is being pulled over my head, and she’s squirting cream all over my chest.

I let out a grunt as Hunter quickly licks it up, kissing his way across my pecs and then down my abs. He stays on his feet as he devours every inch of my chest and stomach, and I feel as if I might be dying. It doesn’t feel like he’s being dared to do this anymore. It feels like he wants to.

“God damn,” I mutter as his tongue traces a line above the top of my jeans. I’m going to fucking blow in my pants. Isabel watches, her lips parted as she takes long, heavy breaths, clearly aroused by her husband licking another man.

When Hunter rises to his feet, he turns to kiss her, hard and passionately, and it gives me a moment to catch my breath. I should walk away now. We are stumbling into dangerous territory, but I might as well be drunk on his touch because there’s no righting this collision course we’re on now.

As Isabel kisses her husband, he begins taking off his own clothes, unbuttoning his flour-drenched shirt and chocolate-soaked pants. And when her carnal gaze meets mine, I take it as my cue to do the same.

I barely even register taking my boxers off because I’m too focused on this moment. The three of us naked together—again. And I reach for her, but she pushes my hand away. Pulling from Hunter’s kiss, she faces me. With a fierce sort of courage, I’ve never seen on Isabel before, she places the whip cream can against my hard, jutting cock and draws a long line of soft white cream from the base to the tip.

And I expect her to lick it off. But she looks at him, and I freeze.

She can’t be serious. He’s not ready for that.

“Isabel…” I say, but her eyes don’t leave his face.

He barely, just barely, hesitates. I figured he’d put up more of a fight and I don’t know if he’s kneeling in front of me because she basically dared him to or because he really wants to, but the vision of Hunter kneeling in front of my hard cock and staring at it hungrily has me feeling dizzy.

Then he looks up at me and I feel more tethered to him than I’ve ever felt before. This is us. The same us we’ve always been. The us we were always meant to be, and for this one perfect moment, he’s not caught up in his head or hearing his father’s scornful voice. It’s just me and him.

As he runs his tongue around the head of my cock, I suck in a breath through my teeth. My body is on fire as I watch him lick the cream off, a little clumsy at first, but suddenly ravenous after he gets his first taste. Then he opens his mouth and pulls me in, keeping his lips tight around me as he reaches as far back as he can.

I have to resist the urge to come already. This is too much—too fucking much. He’s stubbornly trying to take me deeper with each stroke of my cock down his throat. When he finally gags, I grab his hair to pull him off. I’m not ready to come yet, but if he doesn’t stop doing that I’m definitely going to blow.

“Fuck,” I say in a long, drawn-out groan.

I hear the can of whip cream hit the floor as Isabel jumps into my arms, kissing my face before pulling my lips to hers. Then Hunter stands and joins our kiss, devouring her mouth and then mine until we are a tangle of tongues and lips and heat.

Hunter’s body is pressed against mine, and when I feel Isabel squeeze our cocks together, stroking them as one, I growl into her mouth.

“I want you both inside me,” she mumbles sweetly against my lips. “Like this.” Her bold green eyes stare at me, and I pause.

God damn…this woman. From the stories Hunter told me, I knew she was freakier than her sweet, shy personality led everyone to believe, but this? I did not expect this.

She strokes us together, and the heat from his cock against mine is so intense and inviting, how could I possibly say no? Hunter and I glance at each other, but we’re both so lost to the lust of the moment that we are useless to protest against anything.

Letting go of our cocks, she wraps her hands around my neck, and I pull her into my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist. Hunter squeezes her between us until I feel him wrap his hand around our cocks. She’s tense in my arms, and for a moment I’m worried this won’t work. I don’t want to hurt her, and just as her wet cunt touches the head of my dick, I pull her away.

“Wait,” I stammer. “Condom.”

Her shoulders melt away from her ears as she smiles and leans her forehead against my temple. “Drake, I trust you.” Then, she pulls her lips to mine.

“We both do,” Hunter adds. “You’ve never had a positive test result and she’s on the pill.”

His fingers graze my hip, just below Isabel’s legs, and I get chills from his touch.

“She’s so wet and ready for us,” he says, and she whimpers as he runs his fingers through her folds. Then he’s gripping our cocks again, and I lower her body down until I feel just how wet she is.

She squirms and gasps as we work our way inside her, slowly to allow her body to accommodate our sizes. But once we slide just a few inches in, Isabel lets out a breathy cry of pleasure.

“Tell me how that feels, baby,” Hunter whispers against her cheek.

“It’s so tight, so…full.”

Her arms are clutched around my neck as I slowly start to bounce her on our cocks. She hums in my ear.

“Yes. More.”

“I don’t want to hurt you,” I reply, my voice strained by the overall sensation of this. I feel them both so closely, we are practically one.

“You won’t. I promise. Just fuck me.”

Her sexy plea is enough to drive me wild. Holding her under her knees, I bounce her harder on us, letting the sound of her cries guide me. Hunter is grunting with each thrust, his lips so close to mine, I feel his breath on my face.

And just when I least expect it, he leans his head forward to kiss me, another rough, carnal kiss.

“Oh God, yes,” Isabel cries out. “More. Harder.”

I have to pull away from Hunter’s mouth to slam her down on our cocks even harder, and she lets out a guttural cry as I do.

“I’m gonna fucking come,” Hunter mumbles, barely keeping it together.

“Me too,” I grunt.

“Please don’t stop,” she begs. “It’s so good.” It’s not easy, but we hold our orgasms at bay long enough to feel her spasm and tremble in our arms.

But when I feel Hunter’s cock start to twitch inside her, I lose it. It’s too fucking hot and filthy. Soon, we’re both filling her up as she slumps in my arms.

I want this moment to last forever, the three of us in a tight embrace with Isabel’s petite body swelled between us. It doesn’t matter that my face is starting to itch where the frosting has crusted or that Isabel is covered in chocolate, or that the kitchen is a disaster. I never feel as whole as I do when I’m with them.

The three of us are gasping for air together as Hunter and I pull out of her. He takes her from me, never letting her feet touch the floor as he carries her in a cradle hold toward the stairs. Just when I think I’m going to get left behind again, he turns toward me.

“Come shower with us,” he says, and I hate my stupid fucking heart for the way it beats faster at those words.

“I’m coming,” I reply, following closely behind him. Because that’s what I do.

That’s what I always do.

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