Giles' Keeper

Chapter 22

‘I can’t dance,’ I admit nervously to Giles as he wraps his arm around me guiding me towards the ballroom floor.

‘I’ll guide you my sweet,’ he assures me with a warm smile, gathering me into his arms and he begins an elegant dance. I feel as though I’m stumbling after him as he guides me through the steps.

‘I should’ve taken dance lessons for this.’ Had I known a dance was required I would’ve prepared, the weight of all of the stares makes my face heat shyly. I am not made out for all of this attention. It feels unusual to have so much attention directed at me. Even stranger to know that I’m a Queen now, Queen of Dragons. His laughter warms my mind. I watch as he winks and grins at me.

‘I think our first dance is going quite well, my sweet,’ he sings teasingly while spinning me in a circle, laughter bubbles from my lips as he stops and continues with the dance. My heart flutters at the romantics of our dance, enjoying the feeling of his strong body leading me through the elegant waltz. The song changes from the romantic slow serenade to something more fast paced and joyous.

‘I’ve enjoyed our dance, I don’t think I can keep up with this number,’ I laugh through the now strong link, feeling him wholly now. There’s no fleeting feelings of Giles, not warmth that comes and goes as we think of one another. It’s a constant reassurance of my mate, my life partner.

‘One day we shall share a dance to this tune my sweet, mark my words,’ Giles teases, kissing my temple lovingly as he guides me from the throng of dancers enjoying the well played music.

‘You sound so confident,’ I remark, leaning into him as I smile at the people who step aside, bowing elegantly towards us. I’ll never get used to this. The crowd parts for us as Giles guides me up a set of steps towards two massive thrones. Each one is intricately decorated, carved with fine details. The most lavish stones adorn each one, the cushions a soft bright velvet that melts against my skin.

‘I had this specially made my sweet, do you enjoy it?’ I stop staring up at him in shock before I glance back at the chair that matches his perfectly, smaller in seat, yet lacking no comfort or decorative adornments.

‘Specially made? Giles, you shouldn’t have,’ I sigh, sitting in the throne feeling myself sink into the plush soft cushions. ‘It is stunning… thank you.’ I squeeze his hand as he lifts mine to kiss my knuckles tenderly.

‘Of course I did. It’s tradition my sweet,’ he teases me before taking his rightful spot beside me. The dancers on the dance floor continue to dance merrily, the sight making me smile as the kingdom continues their celebration.

‘There’s many traditions here,’ I observe, earning a soft hum in response. The music slowly ends, leaving the soft chatter of the people. Cora grins at me with Jezebel as they make their way to their smaller thrones with the rest of the family. Where is Draven and Lennon? It makes me frown slightly as I look around for the couple.

‘Where are your parents?’ I finally question Giles turning as he smiles at me.

‘They are about ready to pass their crowns and gifts to us, officially crowning us King and Queen of Alodias,’ he states calmly as he squeezes my hand winking at me. ‘Don’t worry my love, soon we shall be tucked away in our quarters,’ he winks at me again, kissing my knuckles as naughty thoughts filter through my mind that makes me flush bright red. Nearly as red as the tapestry.

‘You and your naughty thoughts,’ I laugh trying to not squirm in my seat at the rush of warmth to my core.

‘Our naughty thoughts,’ he corrects with a smirk as music begins drawing my attention towards the steps, the court’s announcer stands, attire pressed.

“Today is the start of a new era, the reign of King Draven and his life partner, Queen Lennon, has come to an end, we shall welcome our new leaders. King Giles and his life partner Queen Nesta!” He steps from the center of the steps arm outstretched towards us in a show, Giles pulls me to stand beside him as Draven and Lennon make their way up the steps with small smiles.

I feel like I’m about to pass out. Draven stops in front of Giles as Lennon stops in front of me, her eyes glittering with warm happiness. “It is now that King Draven and Queen Lennon will pass their title and honor to our new King and Queen, they will bless their reign with gifts, and kind words to send us into our coming era blessed!”

Draven nods to Giles who takes a knee, bowing his head as his father lifts his elegant crown from his head to be placed on Giles. “On this day at this fine hour, let history be written that I, King Draven, step down from my throne, to give way to Alodias’ new leader, my son Giles Wingrove,” he pauses, setting the crown on his head. Giles stands as Draven bows regally. “Behold our new king, King Giles!”

Draven’s arms rise as cheers echo through the hall excitement at the proclamation. “Thank you father, for the years of teaching you have honored me with your wisdom,” Giles bows slightly as his father rises, reaching in his weapons belt for his gift.

“I gift you this sacred dagger of protection, may the need not arise for its use. But if it ever does, you shall be prepared to protect you life mate and this kingdom,” Draven holds the skillfully made dagger to his son. The blade is wavy, shining in the afternoon sun, the handle a deep mahogany with gems embedded. That is stunning.

“I accept your gift and will hold it by my side through my ruling,” Giles says, grabbing the dagger to sheath it on his weapons belt. It’s as if all eyes turn towards Lennon as she smiles warmly to me. I curtsey and take a knee before her as she offers her tender motherly smile, eyes filled with warmth.

“On this day at this fine hour, let history be written that I, Queen Lennon step down from my throne, to give way to Alodias’ new Queen, King Giles life partner, Queen Nesta Wingrove,” she announces as she lifts her beautiful crown from her head, placing it delicately on mine. She bows, kneeling beside her husband as I stand. “Behold our new Queen Nesta!” Lennon’s arms raise, earning the same cheers that Giles had gotten.

I stand up feeling overwhelmed by the weight that has settled on my head. “Thank you Lennon, I look forward to standing beside my life partner, ruling together,” I announce with a smile. She reaches into her pocket to remove her gift to me, a delicate broach. The dragon shaped broach is beautiful, colored with the gems, one to represent each element.

“I gift you the family heirloom, our dragon; may you be blessed with fertility, and safe pregnancies as you and Giles start your own family,” Lennon announces as she pins the broach to my gown.

“I accept your gift and the honor that follows, thank you Lennon,” I curtsey to her watching as both Draven and her stand up, bowing one final time before they turn and head towards the empty thrones.

“Our new King and Queen! May this era be blessed! We shall share a feast and dance through this night! Bless our royal family’s union on this day as we commence!” The court’s announcer calls over the crowd once Draven and Lennon have taken their seats. “As we gather for our feast, any gifts for our new King and Queen may be left before them,” he finishes by stepping to the side.

As guards stand three steps down, making a show of where the gifts can be left. Giles grabs my hand waiting for me to take my seat before he takes his, watching over the crowd as they shuffle about placing their gifts down and staring in awe. It makes me want to hide behind Giles at the stares. ‘Will it get easier?’

‘What?’ He questions, squeezing my hand sweetly as his eyes scan the crowd.

‘The weight of all of the stares; they feels so heavy,’ I admit to him watching as his beautiful eyes pan to meet mine.

‘Soon you won’t notice them, you’ll-’ his eyes change and he releases a hiss startling me as he stands. It’s as if everyone freezes and in that moment everything stills. A pained snarl shakes the castle before screams of agony and rage shatter my hearing. The castle shakes, stone crumbling. “Take to the sky!” Giles shouts at the top of his longs, his powerful legs carry him to the window that has been opened and he leaps.

Men take off after him leaping from the open windows and I watch in surprise as dragon’s shoot upwards, snarls and growls of rage sound off my chest squeezes painfully. “This way my Queen- we must hurry!” Ophelia cries, hand grasping my arm pulling me upwards before I can understand what happened.

“Ophelia!?” I gasp, pain shoots up my arm as she drags me behind the thrones, guards automatically on us, holding a door to a stale smelling stairway.

Come on! We have no time,” she cries, dragging me into the darkness. I listen to the fading cries of the people and pain filled shrieks.

“What is happening?” I cry frantically, glancing back as a torch is brought down, the bright light of the castle is closed off as the stone door is dragged shut behind us.

“My lady, no time to explain, please enter the stronghold,” the gruff voice of the guard urges as they close in behind us. No time to explain?

“This way my Queen, hurry! Lift your skirts and run!” Ophelia cries urgently, nearly tugging me over as she rushes forward. I struggle to grasp the layers of my skirts as I feel a painful divide within.

“Are we under attack?” I finally question, putting my foot down. The guard nearly runs into me as he stops, angry frown on his features.

“Ask when you are safe my lady,” he states, hand on my back as he ushers me forward with a respectful hand on my back.

“Yes! Now we must take cover, hurry along, please,” Ophelia begs, pulling my arm again as she starts to run down the long corridor, turning the corner it nearly topples me over as she continues to yank on my arm. “Send Corban down, please? He can guard us,” Ophelia states pointedly towards the guard.

“But-” I gasp at her as she shoves a door open with surprising strength, her eyes lighting up as she drops my arm darting into the room with a sigh of relief. Pain pulses through my body as I stop and stare at the guard.

“Go- aid the battle, we are safe here,” I grit my teeth at the waves of hot pain pulses through my body. Something’s not right. The guard pauses, lips pinched unsure of my declaration. “Go! They need the help,” I assert, watching as he glances backwards, seeing the second guard’s expression before he nods.

“Keep the door locked, someone will fetch you when things are safe,” he states before running the opposite way. The pain doesn’t end as I shut the door, turning to face Ophelia hearing her scared cries as she stands in Corban’s arms. Both oblivious to my stare as they embrace, she looks up at him and kisses him soundly.

“Oh-” I gasp, blushing at their affection. Ophelia turns eyes wide before Corban places her behind him with a nervous frown.

“I forbid you from speaking on this! You shall not mention what you witnessed,” he proclaims, a stark difference to his normal gentle tone.

“Please, don’t speak in such a manner to her!” Ophelia struggles to stand in front of him, walking towards me as I stand there confused. “Please, my lady, you mustn’t say a word,” tears glisten in her eyes as she pleads with me.

“You two are-”

“No!” Ophelia’s hand covers my mouth in a rush, shaking her head pleadingly.

“Please, say nothing,” she whispers tears falling down her cheeks in her fear. I touch her hands as I glance at Corban and look back at her.

“I won’t,” I promise softly as I remove her hands, the heat growing in my body that makes my eyes slam shut.

“Oh no,” Corban mutters as his hands grasp my arms, making me stare at him confused. “One has fallen,” he mutters mysteriously, my chest tightening.

“One has fallen?” Ophelia questions, her voice sounding distant as I stare at the pair, the lights growing dim as I blink, feeling faint it all goes black.

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