Giles' Keeper

Chapter 17

The flowers are so beautiful, especially by the pond. The fish are stunning. Never have I seen such brightly colored fish, between the fish and the flowers I feel as though my eyes are always finding new things. “Let me guess, Giles is in a meeting with father?” A melodic and sultry voice speaks behind me making me jump as I glance towards them, hand on my chest.

“Wha-” I cut myself off with a sheepish smile having been day dreaming I hadn’t hear Cora approaching. A warmth settles in my chest as I feel Giles’ presence near, filling my mind in a soothing manner. “Yes- I believe so,” I offer her after I clear my throat, turning to give her room on the bench I’ve taken over.

“Typical of them, I swear father spends more time huddled up with him as of late. Has he even given Giles a chance to court you properly?” She questions as she floats elegantly towards the bench, settling in a proper way before she smooths her skirt out effortlessly. This entire family is stunning, I must look like a wet dog compared to them.

‘No such thing my sweet, don’t think so of yourself.’ Giles’ voice sounds like a gentle reprimand in my head making my flush worsen as I shake my head.

“Nonsense, he’s a King after all, I imagine he has a lot of work to do and to catch up with,” I excuse with a slight smile. Her features twist in confusion as her brow arches delicately.

“King? No, not yet anyway, he hasn’t been crowned yet. We must prepare for the coronation first,” she answers with a soft laugh, rolling her eyes at her brother I assume. “He can be a bit full of himself, he’s grown up with the title always spoken to him, it’s natural for him to just hear it.”

“Coronation? What exactly is that?” I question with a frown, feeling very out of my league. I don’t even know the simplest of thing about royalty. Cora glances at me before offering a shrug.

“It’s like a grand party where we announce our new King and Queen. In this case, where Giles will officially become King and where his Queen is announced. It’ll mark the start of a new era,” she offers simply before she starts to pick at her dress. “Can I ask you something?” Her voice takes on a timid note as she refuses to meet my stare completely.

“Of course, anything,” I answer immediately, watching as she smooths the fabric over her legs in a nervous action before staring at me, her eyes defensive. Their golden yellow a stark color that leaves me feeling electrified.

“You mustn’t speak a word to my mother. Or father,” she shakes her head waving her hand in an agitated manner. “For that matter, none of my brothers,” she finishes, her lips pursed as she waits.

“Is it bad?” I question watching as she snorts a delicate sound with a huff.

No, I just don’t need them in my business,” she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest before she corrects her slouched posture.

“Well, in that case, I won’t speak to them on the matter,” I offered her, hoping to quell her nerves about the matter. I wonder what has her so upset.

“Don’t even think about it. I don’t want Giles to be sneaking into your thoughts and catch wind of it- block the link if you will,” Cora stares at me in wait.

“What? Block the link? I don’t understand what that means,” I shake my head with a frown watching as she laughs, her eyes twinkling devilishly.

“Of course he wouldn’t tell you how to close the link,” she snorted with a cheeky grin. “I’ll be happy to ruin his day,” she announces smugly, making me stare at her.

“There’s a link? That I can block? What all don’t I know about this- bond,” I struggle to keep my hand still as I want to frantically pick at my skirts with a growing frown.

“Mates have what is called mind link- it’s a telepathic communication ability, it’s meant to keep mates together even in distance. Mates can feel each other’s feelings, hear thoughts if the link hasn’t been closed or even partially closed,” she explains freely, making me stare at her. Explains why he always knows how I’m feeling- and thinking. I don’t know if I should be creeped out or honored to be connected to him so deeply.

“So, it’s a two way path?” I ask her, earning a nod and a smile.

“It’s supposed to be beautiful, especially when you are mating. The pleasure is amplified- so I’ve heard,” she rushes to explain with a flush. “Most mates keep the link open, and share each other’s day as it happens. If they are hurt, the other will know immediately. Really, it’s a special thing.”

“It’s better than thinking I’m crazy,” I mutter, earning a laugh from her.

“No, you aren’t crazy, and Giles doesn’t have any powers over you- not in that matter any-how,” she reassured me with a slight smile. “But, since the oaf has not given you even the briefest of run downs on how to protect yourself or get a moment of reprieve. I’ll give you the secrets to it.” Cora winks at me with a small smile.

“I feel so out of my league with all of this.” I admit watching as she nods.

“You can come to me with all things girly and dragon related,” she offers kindly. “If you want to block him, it’s simple, you have to envision a wall, it’ll put up a physical block between you. If you think of a door, it’s more so muted but you can still reach each other. I’ve heard a lot of people will keep certain things mentally blocked inside of a box to keep secrets like surprises.”

Cora explains and I stare at her confused. “That sounds oddly easy.” She nods with a shrug.

“It is, if both sides have their minds blocked- neither can read each other. If your mind has been blocked, you’ll feel a pushing or a pressure building in your mind when Giles tries to reach you, he does have a strong mind and likely can push through your walls, if he wanted to,” she warns me with a slight shrug.

“Is it painful?” I question watching as she shrugs again.

“I don’t believe so, but I don’t know what your pain tolerance is. It’s not comfortable, but it doesn’t hurt besides a mild headache,” she offers me before nodding. “Now try it, I want to talk to you about something.” It takes some effort before I feel a dulling of everything inside. A warmth that had been with me gone, leaving me feeling as if I’m empty. My chest starts to ache making me frown as I rub my heart.

“Am I supposed to feel so… icky?” I question watching as she gives a sheepish smile.

“For new mates, it can be a bit uncomfortable,” she admits before waving her hand. “But never mind we only have a short while.”

“Short while?” I question as she leans forward slightly.

“Giles won’t be able to help himself, he’ll have to come to you,” she explains briefly before she changes topics completely. “The human realm- can you tell me about it. Honestly,” her eyes glitter with interest. “Please?”

“Human realm? You mean the world outside of Alodias?” Cora frowns softly before she shrugs.

“Father has always referred to it as a realm,” she offers, a bit confused, making me shrug.

“I mean- of course I’ll tell you what you want to know. Was there anything specific you wanted to know?”

“Well- is it as bad and horrible as everyone says? I’ve always been told it’s disease riddled and full of lowly criminal humans who are so full of greed they refuse to help one another,” she asks in a soft whisper, leaning forward as if to conceal our conversation.

“Heavens no!” I gasp, shivering at her description. “Can I say it is prettier than Alodias? No, but I also can’t say that outside of here is disease riddled. There’s a lot of sickness and hardships within my town. More often than not we struggled to grow enough food,” I sigh as I stare at the ground unsure how to explain.

“So it’s not this evil place?” She questions softly, making me frown.

“No, but it is my home. I love it dearly, it is where I grew up, where I have-had family. We aren’t a bunch of criminals, not to say that there are none and that it’s like here. Completely…”

“Sheltered?” She finishes for me, making me shrug. My head starts to ache as I look towards the pond. I guess Giles is trying to reach me.

“Different. We didn’t have magic- my village knew nothing of magic, or mythical creatures. Sure there were tales and legends- but, not many believe them. We are so focused on finding a spouse to continue our family legacy and grow our farms to seek out such.” Cora nods slowly as she stares at the water with me.

“Is anyone still after magic?” She questions quietly. Good question.

“Before I knew what was really happening? No, I didn’t believe so. There are still believers of magic,” my throat tightens as I think back to that night, my chest tightening, headache increases. “Papa had told the village that I was being seduced by a monster- that he had powers. My family member killed his sister because he wanted to harness the magic.” I answer honestly watching as she gasps, her eyes glittering as she growls a deep angry sound.

My head explodes with a rush as the air crackles around her, her hair dances, raising off of her body. “Really? How dare they try to steal what isn’t theirs- they had no right!” She growls as her fingers clench, her eyes dancing with malice more, a spike of fear drives through my chest as I watch her.

“It wasn’t right- I wish I could say that they hadn’t done what they did, but-” Cora cuts me off with a strange hissing as the air crackles electricity sparks my skin making me lean away in shock as she releases a snarl of anger.

No but!” She stands up as a heat of crackling energy surrounds her, searing my skin as she stamps her foot, her hand thrusts to the ground and a loud crack sounds off. Making me leap off of the bench with a scream of shock. All at once, my head explodes and the ground shakes with an enraged growl that makes my heart plummet into my stomach.

The scent of burnt earth meets my nose as the garden turns into a hectic flurry of commotion. Bodies rush towards us as Cora seeth, forcing a harsh breath through her nostrils with a deathly glare towards the people around us before a body separates us, I’m pressed into their back with a low rumbling growl. “What is your problem with my mate?” Giles’ voice is nearly unrecognizable to me as he shakes, a fiery heat emits from his body as she hisses.

“Nothing you fool- would you quit that! I’m not about to launch a fireball,” Cora sneers to someone as I take a gasping breath shocked with the show of magic. What was that? Giles whirls around making me stumble before his hands grip the tops of my arms tightly and a harsh kiss is planted on my lips, making my body melt under the passion. My mind goes blank as I feel the emotion flow between us again, his fear and anxiety prevalent.

“And you- what were you thinking? Blocking me so soon? Do you want me to go gray already?” Giles shakes me carefully as he takes a breath, tightening his arms around me as he rests his forehead against mine with a soft breath. “Stand down- back to your posts. And you, Cora- we’ll speak later.” He picks his head off of mine to give her a heated stare, his eyes pointed in a harsh disappointed glare.

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