Giles' Keeper

Chapter 12

We’re married? I stare at him and gasp as if I just remembered to breathe. I’m a Queen? “Deep breaths my sweet.” Giles murmurs with a worried frown. “Talk to me my sweet. What’s upsetting you?”

“This- it’s too much.” I pull my hand away, shaking my head. I died. Now I’m what-?

“What exactly is too much?” He asks calmly, his voice low and controlled. He’s always so poised.

“I died a peasant- now- now I’m supposed to be a Queen?” A scared laugh falls from my lips, it sounds pure of hysterics. “With magic? And dragons and I just- I’m not any of this.” My hands tremble as I struggle to find an exit. Surely this is all just nonsense. I can’t be a Queen, I don’t have a mother- how can I be a Queen?

Another hysterical laugh bubbles from my chest as I struggle for breath. “My sweet- of course you are this. You are a Queen, you’re my Queen. I know this is a lot to take in- right now. Your only focus is healing and adjusting.” Giles murmurs, reaching for my hand before he stops.

Adjusting?” I shake my head, wincing at the throbbing pain that ensues. How can I ever be a good Queen? “I’m not- Giles- I can’t do this.” I’d be a disgrace to him and the throne- I’m not Queen material.

“Are you done?” He asks with a small smile and I stare at him in shock. He’s so handsome I’d look like an absolute frump next to him- why would he want me next to him?

“I don’t know.” I answer honestly as I force a shaky breath past my lips. Are my hands shaking still? I can’t tell.

“My sweet, I don’t expect you to take the throne today or even tomorrow. I know this is a big shock.” He holds his hand out to me in a calm and patient manner. How can I ever be ready?

“I won’t be a good Queen.” I’m a peasant. An orphaned peasant at this point. Giles smiles, shaking his head amused. He looks at his hand with a knowing smile waiting for me to take it again. I don’t know if he’s confident or cocky- but he already knows me. I find myself placing my trembling hand in his, earning a solid and comfortable squeeze.

“My mother, Lennon, was a farmer’s daughter, my father rescued her from an arranged marriage. She too came from a humble beginning.” Humble? I’d call it poor.

“Your mother was a farmer’s daughter? Human?” Giles chuckles softly and nods before he brings my knuckles up to his mouth, planting kisses on each individual one. He’s going to melt my heart before I can even get out of bed.

“While her family never knew of my father’s existence, she had stumbled upon his hiding spot months prior to her wedding day. When she learned of the arranged marriage, she came to him in tears.” I thought that the dragon’s needed a keeper?

“She didn’t want to be married?” Giles shakes his head.

“The details of the man, I don’t know, my theory is she had felt the bond growing the more time they spent together.” He shrugs with a thoughtful frown, staring at the blankets lost in thought.

“Did he not need a Keeper?” He hums and meets my eyes, his eyes sparkle in the sunlight.

“Every dragon’s journey is different, we try to remain as self-sufficient as possible.” Giles releases a heavy, heartfelt sigh. “My father is like me, he was born with all of the gifts of the elemental dragons. It’s a blessing and a curse.” Elemental dragons?

“You share the… magic?” Is it magic or powers? Abilities maybe?

“The first born dragon of an elemental dragon, that has all of the elements within, should pass the tradition along. Every dragon born after is gifted an element to harness.” Giles goes on to explain. “Reznor should be the heir to the throne and should be able to harness all of the elements.” Giles lips thin for a moment before he leans back in his chair as if hurt by the information.

“Is he not taking the throne?” How large is your family? He’s mentioned a sister and just now a brother. Are there more? One for each element maybe? Giles shakes his head sadly.

“Mother had troubles with her first pregnancy, we’re not sure what went wrong, but Reznor was not granted the abilities to take the throne.”

“So, you have to have all of the abilities to take the throne?” I question him with a confused frown. I have so much to learn.

“Yes, an elemental dragon blessed with all elements has the knowledge and power needed to take the throne, only once he has found his true mate.” Giles explains and I stare at him. In other words, you being who you are has made me a Queen- how can I be fit-

“How am I fit to be a Queen? I grew up without a mother, Giles, lived in a poor village with a frail and failing farm. I’m anything but a Queen.” Giles shakes his head as his thumb caresses my knuckles in a gentle and explorative way.

“In my eyes, if you are worthy to hold the essence of my dragon, you are worthy of being my Queen.” He murmurs, before placing a tender kiss on my knuckles again. “Like I said before- I want you to adjust to this new state of being. It’s a lot to take in, I understand. You don’t have to worry about duties or anything like that- not until you’re ready.” He tries to reassure me, making me stare at him in confusion.

Duties? What does a Queen even do? I open my mouth to question him as my stomach releases one of the most loud and embarrassing snarls of hunger I’ve ever heard. That didn’t just happen. “I’m so-” Giles chuckles softly, kissing my knuckles with a lopsided smile.

“It sounds as though your appetite is in check, I’m glad to hear that. How does a meal sound?” He asks with a smile, I blush more at his words shaking my head. Of all times to have my belly growl.

“Is losing your appetite normal for the… shift?” I question, rubbing my belly, the aches in my body have dulled the longer I’ve sat up. Or maybe I’ve just forgotten to pay attention. My head and throat seem to be the biggest problem areas as of now.

“The shift affects everyone differently. Some have very few side effects, other’s have long term problems to handle.” And that wasn’t important to mention?

“Long term? Like what?” He chuckles at my panicked state as he stands and moves the tray of tea from the bed.

“Most of the side effects are quite enjoyable- so I’ve heard.” He assures and I stare at him as if he’s a madman. Has he lost the plot living in a cave for so long?

“Most?” Giles chuckles softly winking at me.

“Aside from increased libido and appetite, some have some lingering faintness, weighted limbs, tingles in their bodies. Rare cases have there been fatalities, such as Joelene.” He offers his hand in a gentlemanly manner.

“Does the faintness, weighted limbs and tingles go away?” Am I feeling any of that? To test things out I shift up, my legs feel about as strong as a newborn lamb. My head rages with an ache, nearly making my eyes cross. Maybe I’m not as strong as he thinks I am.

“For Jezebel and my mother, they disappeared rather quickly.” Right, everyone is different. I feel like he’s had to repeat that many times today. “How do you feel?” He asks as he supports my weight that I lean into him.

“My head feels like it’s about to split, my throat is a bit sore. Other than my legs feeling like a newborn lamb- I think I’m ok?” My chest feels a bit tight on occasion, tender in spots. I have to wonder if the tender spots are where I was shot. So strange to say that and be standing. “How long has passed since… you know.” I can’t bring myself to bring up the events, even the thought makes my heart clench painfully.

“It’s been over a month-” My head whips around in shock sending me back on my backside to the edge of the bed.


“Easy my sweet, I don’t want your head spinning.” Giles steadies me with a gentle frown before nodding. “The shift takes a lot out of you my sweet, your body undergoes many changes to be able to bear healthy heirs.” I- a month, and heirs and- oh my heavens.

“How can I be alive and not eaten or drank a drop for a month? People die from that- I know that for a fact.” I stare at him bewildered. I look far healthier than last time- but even so, a month?

“I don’t know the logistics of it, my sweet. I know magic readied your body for our union and took care of you. I believe my ancestors took special care in guiding you through your rebirth.” He assures me with what, I’m sure he believes would be soothing to know. This is too much.

“What all even happens with rebirth? Do I now have magic- or abilities? Can I do- well, whatever it is that you do?” I wave a hand towards him suddenly queasy. This is far crazier than I ever imagined.

“I’m happy to answer your questions my sweet- but first I’d like to get some food for you. I know you’re used to limited resources, but not here, never again will you know what it is like to go to bed hungry. Neither will our children.” He promises with a small worried smile as he crouches in front of me, coming closer to my height.

Our children? “Isn’t it early to speak of children? I mean- I just met you.” I frown confused, rubbing my temples. “Well- you’re human? Were you always a dragon?” I pause again as I think back. Why are you asking such silly questions? You’re sounding more incompetent than you’ve already proven. “Never mind- you were trapped? As your Dragon. I still don’t understand what or why that’s- well that.” I huff, earning yet another chuckle from him.

“Deep breaths my sweet, I will answer all of your questions and more. Let me get you fed and taken care of. Ophelia can aid you in a bath after our meal- would you be comfortable dining at the royal table?” Aid in a bath? Royal table? My mind has become an echo of his words as I stare at him lost and out in the depths of the ocean drowning. He must pity me, and himself for having such a fool of a mate.

“You should share a meal with your family- if you have not done so in so long.” Giles brow arches as his lips stretch in a slow and knowing smile.

“I’ll only share a meal if I can have you by my side. Newly joined mates find it hard to be apart- with you now awake. I’d rather enjoy your company again- I’ve missed our conversations dearly my sweet.” I stare at his eyes trying to find the lie and struggle to see anything but warm happiness and dare I say love?

“I think I spent more time rambling your ear off or asking silly and mindless questions.” He hums before chuckling with teasing laughter in the depths of his magnificent eyes.

“I think my favorite evenings were spent listening to your delicate snores as you slept by my cave. You truly do make an adorable sight with your sleepy eyed rock encouraged bed head.” He teases me, making me blush and huff as I struggle to fight an embarrassed laugh.

“I spent many a night listening to your grumbling breaths too- I can’t imagine the snore you have.” I pray I never drool on my pillow with him around, I’ll never hear the end of it.

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