Giles' Keeper

Chapter 10

It’s so beautiful out here. I lay on the stone floor of the cavern, my head sticking out of its mouth to enjoy the night sky and its multitude of dark clouds. They roll through the deep blue sky obscuring the glittering stars. “I will never get over how beautiful the sky is… What is it like to fly?” I whisper, afraid to speak so loud to break the tranquility. The ground rumbles softly, a rolling thunder of a growl.

It doesn’t sound threatening or harsh, as if he’s pondering his response. ‘There’s a rush, to feel the air smooth over my body, the adrenaline that fills one’s soul. It’s a beautiful experience, maybe one day you’ll feel the rush too.’ He answers, a plume of smoke dances above me making me smile as I watch the tendrils dance in the cool air, the fire crackles, surprisingly still alive. I didn’t think I gathered that much wood.

“I wish, I think it’d be freeing to touch the sky… Like the owl… or you have.” Not that it’ll ever happen. I sigh, the thought is nothing more than a dream, being a human and far from anything mythical. I wonder what it’ll take for Giles to be free again. In all of our conversations, I’ve never once received a straight answer. He’s only ever spoken of the legend, in cryptic answers.

The first born daughter of the Keeper is said to be the key to any King’s plight. Joelene has since passed, so does that mean he is stuck here? Imprisoned in this Cavern until his dragon no longer exists? I frown at the thought, it saddens me immensely. ‘You shouldn’t fall asleep out here my soul… It isn’t safe out here, especially after that storm. You’ll be chilled to the bone.’ He sighs, the smoke dances above me in its intricate dance.

“I don’t want to go home alone. Papa, took Mable out- I’m not sure when he’ll return.” Where did he go? Did he visit Mrs. Gingham… Maybe they are connecting with one another. The thought fills my heart with hope briefly.

‘All will return to its rightful place in due time my sweet.’ I’m not so sure, with how angry Papa was, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to go back to how things were. He struck me with his cane. My shoulder still aches from where he thumped me with his cane.

“Maybe.” I try to agree and see the brighter side even if I’m not so sure.

‘Head home my sweet, you are weary- it’s hard to process with your head so muddled.’ He reassures me and I nod, pushing to sit up. It’s best I lay in bed some, the cavern floor isn’t exactly comforting.

“You’re right… Thank you for the conversation and the fire.” I smile, glancing at the vestiges of the fire. Only the red embers remain, emitting warmth that spreads through the stone with ease.

‘Always for you my sweet. Good night and safe travels.’ I bid him farewell in response and headed home, the night considerably calmer than it was on the trip out. I listen to the silent and a chill races down my spine. It’s so quiet. Even the crickets have fallen dormant, there’s something eerie in the lack of life in the woods. The moon is high, dulled by the drifting clouds. Even its beauty doesn’t compare to the eeriness.

The crunching leaves are muffled by the standing leaves, soaked through by the heavy rain they bend under my weight before disintegrating. My eyes scan the thick woods as my breath catches in my throat. The wind carries the scent of fire and alcohol. Why? I know it’s not from Giles, nor is it remnants from our fire. “Kill the demon!” Voice shout in the distance, the wind obscures its clarity.

I freeze, heart thundering in my chest as it comes again. “Kill the demon! He’s seducing my daughter! Kill the demon and save my daughter!” A voice shouts that I could recognize in my sleep and I want to weep as I stumble back, the shouts continue, the angry cries of hysteria. Each time growing louder. What has Papa done? They are coming after Giles.

“Oh my…” I whisper, stumbling backwards before I race towards him, tears falling as his betrayal sinks in. They want to kill Giles? For what? He’s done nothing. The wind picks up and I cry, unable to help myself. “Giles? They wish to hunt you.” I whisper cry, shaking as I stumble over rocks, hitting my knees. How do I protect him? I tighten my fingers around my bow scared for his life.

The wind shifts, the smell of smoke comes from both directions, it clashes behind me as if carrying the smell towards the cavern. ‘My sweet? Why are you returning?’ Giles asks, his voice thick as if he had been asleep.

“Papa- I think, I think he’s brought a mod to harm you.” I rush as I nearly fall to the clearing, pushing upwards I stand at the cavern greedily gasping for air as I stare into the darkness. Is this because I disobeyed him? Was he this angry with me? He wishes to harm Giles?

‘Breathe my sweet-’ I shake, clutching my bow, shakily I ready an arrow.

No! Giles, you have to leave, find hiding. Papa- I heard him, he’s brought a mob to harm you, they want to kill you.” I struggle to steady myself.

‘I do not run from my battles, I refuse to leave you on this front alone.’ He murmurs, the ground starts to shake as the earth is streaked with sharp bright blasts of light as lightning strikes. Why would Papa be so cruel?

“I can’t fight them- there’s too many. I can hold them off, please Giles. Fly away- find safety. You’re not safe here.” I argue, trying to keep my pounding heart from leaping out of my chest. I can’t fight them off for long.

‘You aren’t alone my sweet, we will stand together.’ In the distance the angry mob shouts again, their voices getting louder as they draw near, sounds of hooves beat against the muddy earth. They are so close now. Thunder claps above us as another streak of lightning strikes the earth, it cracks trees, the sound splinters as I hear shouts.

“Kill the demon! He has my daughter! Kill him now!” Papa’s voice shouts over the harsh winds, his voice carrying towards us. The mob chants ‘Kill the demon! The demon must die!’ Over and over, raising over the thundering hooves and harsh pants of animals. Standing with my back to the cavern I stiffen my upper lip, eyes watering. Can I fight my father? The clearing bursts to life with thundering hooves, enraged faces meet mine as their animals slide to a stop.

“The demon must die!” A voice shouts, a torch is shoved into the air, rallying the troops behind the new leader. “Burn the girl! The devil has touched her soul! She’s tainted.’ What have you done Papa? I watch as Papa glances behind him, shaking his head, bow in the air.

“It’s not too late- she can be saved! We must kill the demon! To free his hold over her!” Papa shouts, wheezing as he struggles for breath.

“Leave! Leave now! There is no demon, no being besides my own here!” I shout over the lightning as it strikes the trees, blocking the path. The tree shatters, sending splinters into the crowds. Horses rears crying in upset as they dump riders, running to the woods in fear.

“Don’t be fooled by your daughter’s image! It isn’t her anymore! The demon has corrupted her! Tainted her with evil!” The voice shouts, earning screams in agreement.

“Nesta! Leave the demon! Show you aren’t tainted! That your mind hasn’t been corrupted!” Papa shouts, stepping closer. I raise my arrow, stopping him, my heart shatters.

“There is no demon here, only monsters- in front of me.” Papa’s eyes harden as he shakes his head.

“Nesta… Walk away, this is a man’s business, not a woman’s.” The ground shakes as lightning strikes the ground sending debris skyward as it covers people earning shrieks of terror.

“The demon! Kill her, burn her on a stake, she wields the devil’s magic!” A man shouts raising his ax as he rushes me. I aim towards his chest firing as pain radiates from my heart. I’m just as much of a monster.

Nesta! Leave now!” Papa screams as the man falls to the ground, gasping for breath his hand touches the arrow, suddenly pale under the dark sky.

“K-k-kill th-the we-wench.” The man gasps out, the crowd rushes forward screaming as I ready another arrow.

“Don’t come closer!” I shout over the roaring wind that whips through the clearing, extinguishing any flames with ease. A shout sounds as Papa nears and I aim at him, crying. Can I hurt him?

“Nesta, leave hi-” Papa’s voice silences as a heavy thud fills the air, his eyes grow glossy before he falls in slow motion, blood trickling from his head wound.

“Papa!” I scream staring at his lifeless body, his features blank, void of life. I scream again, feeling the earth shake, the rain pelts bodies relentlessly

“Kill the demon and his wench!” A voice screams before pain blossoms through my stomach, I’m knocked backwards as another arrow drills into my chest, gasping out as I fall. I’ve failed. Sharp points of rain pelt my body, soaking me through my gowns. The ground shakes as a deathly roar screams louder than the raging storm. Lightning strikes the earth multiple places at a time earning terror filled screams.

Giles…” I cough, a thick substance fills my throat, the metallic taste sours my tongue. Steam billows from the cavern as rocks pummel the ground, the earth quaking in its rage, a crack forms as boulders spit from the mouth towards the crowds. My eyes burn from the prominent rain as if ice is stabbing my eyes. Smoke dances above my face before a bright ball of fire bursts from above, the cavern explodes, stones shatter to a fine dust that rain from above.

Sharp screams can be heard as I stare endlessly at the large tan expanse that moves above, the trees burst, exploding under the heat. Blinking, it’s all silent, smoke reaches into the sky above the cinders of what once was the clearing. The storm thickened as thunder clapped. Is the earth shaking? Opening up? I blink again, unable to recognize my body as it floats, the pain that engulfed me, gone.

‘My sweet, breathe for me.’ Wind tangles my hair, the floating feeling increases as I blink again, the tan expanse close enough to feel. Is it real? My hand touches the scales, blood smears the light tan scales. Am I dead? Is this an angel? Coughing, blood splatters the canvas, a lump is lodged in my voice. Am I drowning? My head screams as I listen to the drone of wind on wind, fighting against another force, or object.

‘Stay with me my soul.’ Giles voice sounds in my head and I smile, blinking again my sight goes dark, no longer can I see the scales. Maybe I’m dead. I can’t feel pain anymore, I feel so light.

“Gil-Giles-” I whisper, gasping as my lungs are clogged, filled with the thick metallic substance. The wind stops, the rain ceases to exist.

‘On this night, blood was sacrificed, a life was given in protection. I offer thy body as a vessel- to be accepting of the magic of life. I ask, on this night, magic grants this vessel life and accepts her to wield the power for only good. Moon and Sun, with open arms, welcome my soul to her rebirth.’ Giles voice raises to the heavens, touching the earth, the warmth of the scales holding me release.

Air flies by my ears, my golden brown hair dances in the wind. A thick body knocks the wind from my lungs, coughing as it encases me, the large body in the air releases a pain filled cry as it soars high, circling. The light that filters through the thick water, starts to illuminate the pond, it glows, lighting the sky from below. Muffled sounds drown out my pain as it seeps from my body, melting from my awareness.

Is this what death feels like?

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