Gilded captive heart

Chapter 3

As the three brothers, Zyrelle, Eryndor, and Lorvik, approached Earth aboard their ship, the Naboo, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty filled the air. Their ship glided gracefully through the atmosphere, and once they reached Earth's domain, they initiated a sophisticated cloaking mechanism, rendering their vessel invisible to human technology.

Upon their descent, they pinpointed an unpopulated area and beamed themselves down, hidden from the prying eyes of humanity. Cloaked from view, they walked through the streets, observing the humans going about their lives. Their keen eyes scanned the faces, searching for that elusive spark of connection.

Shop after shop, store after store, they scoured the town, their discerning gaze falling upon countless females, yet none resonated with them on a deeper level. The brothers knew they were looking for more than just physical appearance; they sought a kindred spirit, someone who would embrace the otherworldly love they had to offer.

Their journey brought them to a bustling bar establishment, where they observed the patrons mingling and conversing. It was here that they spotted her—Nova. She was seated at the bar, her body language a mixture of frustration and inebriation. Her words were slurred as she grumbled to the barkeep, her expressions animated and her spirit unapologetically vibrant.

They watched as she interacted with a blend of mirth and turmoil, her fiery demeanor drawing their attention. There was something about her that resonated with all three brothers—a spark of uniqueness that stood out in a world of mundane existence. Her uninhibited manner, her candid dialogue, and the way she wore her emotions on her sleeve intrigued them.

As Nova eventually left the bar, the brothers made their decision. She was the one who had piqued their collective interest. Guided by an unspoken connection, they shadowed her, cloaked in secrecy, as she made her way to her dwelling. The decision was made: Nova would become an integral part of their lives, a force that would challenge their understanding of love and duty, and propel them into an interstellar romance unlike any other.

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