Gilded captive heart

Chapter 28

The day after the successful council meeting, Nova found herself in the royal chambers alongside the three brothers, Erindor, Zyrell, and Lorvik. The room was filled with an air of anticipation, and Nova couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Erindor, the eldest and most diplomatic of the brothers, stepped forward with a scroll in hand. "Today, Nova, we shall begin preparations for your coronation. It's an important event for our planet, and we want it to be perfect."

Nova nodded, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "I'm ready."

The brothers and Nova spent hours discussing the details of the coronation. They deliberated over the date, considering the astrological significance and cultural traditions of their planet. Erindor's extensive knowledge of politics and diplomacy came into play as they discussed the guest list, including representatives from different regions.

They moved on to the ceremony itself, deciding on the location within the palace, the rituals to be performed, and the attire Nova would wear as she was crowned queen. Nova's eyes sparkled as she tried to envision herself in the regal gown described by the brothers.

As the planning continued, Zyrell, the more introspective brother, spoke up. "Nova, there's something you should be aware of. While the council has shown support, there are political challenges that lie ahead."

Lorvik, always the protector, added, "There are factions within the council, and not everyone is thrilled about your ascent to the throne. We need to be cautious."

Nova furrowed her brow, realizing that her role as queen would involve more than just ceremony and celebration. The brothers explained the complexities of the political landscape, the rivalries, and the need to maintain alliances and make strategic decisions.

Erindor assured her, "You won't be alone in this, Nova. We're here to guide you, and together, we'll overcome these challenges."

As the day came to a close, Nova had a clearer understanding of the responsibilities and obstacles that lay ahead. She knew that planning the coronation was just the beginning, and the path to becoming queen would require wisdom, strength, and unity with her beloved brothers.

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