Gilded captive heart

Chapter 12

Nova and Eryndor stood in the hallway, watching as Kira's demeanor shifted abruptly when she learned that the brothers had already found a mate. Kira's expression twisted into one of disgust as she glanced at Nova, belittling her with a dismissive tone. "Surely you're joking," she sneered. "Not this... this whatever she is. She doesn't have the qualities the council members want.

Eryndor let out a sigh, his gaze steady and resolute. He was well aware that the council's influence would be hard to escape. "Of course," he muttered, his tone resigned. "The council will find some way to weasel their way into finding our mate."

As Kira's words hung in the air, Eryndor pulled Nova close, his actions a silent declaration of his commitment. With a steadfast expression, he spoke, his voice firm, "Yes, she is our chosen female for all the brothers."

Both Kira and Nova tensed at the revelation. Nova knew that now was not the time for dissent, especially not in front of this alien woman who had woven herself into their lives. With an unexpected surge of courage, Nova seized the moment. With a strength she didn't realize she had, she grabbed Eryndor's face and planted a passionate kiss on his lips.

The unexpected act left both Kira and Eryndor momentarily stunned. Even Nova herself was taken aback by her own boldness. However, this was no time to be timid, especially when it came to asserting her place in their world. She wasn't about to let Kira come between her and the brothers.

With a screech of frustration, Kira stomped off, her presence vanishing down the corridor. Nova pulled away from the kiss, a mix of surprise and determination in her eyes. Eryndor was left in a daze, a look of pure bliss on his face.

As the echoes of the moment lingered, Nova and Eryndor exchanged a meaningful glance. In that single kiss, Nova had boldly marked her territory, showing not just Kira, but all who may try to challenge their connection, that she was willing to fight for her place in this new world.

The hallway fell into a hushed silence, the air charged with unspoken emotions. Nova's heart raced, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. She had taken a step—a daring, unexpected step—toward cementing her role as their chosen mate. And as she stood there, locked in Eryndor's gaze, she couldn't help but wonder how this bold move would ripple through the intricate dynamics of their shared journey, shaping the relationships and connections that were forming between her and the three alien brothers who had turned her world upside down.

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