Gilded captive heart

Chapter 10

Nova's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as they walked through the castle's corridors. She couldn't shake off the astonishment that had settled within her—the fact that she had been chosen, out of all possible candidates, by these alien brothers. And the revelation that they were royalty, rulers of their world, only deepened her sense of disbelief. She found herself grappling with the weight of her new reality, trying to understand why they had traveled so far to seek a mate.

Unable to contain her thoughts, Nova's grip tightened on Eryndor's hand, surprising him as she guided him into an empty room. She drew in a deep breath, gathering her courage, and looked up into his purple eyes. Her question was sincere and tinged with a mix of curiosity and disbelief, "Why did you guys travel far away from your planet to look for a mate? You guys seem to have beautiful females everywhere who wouldn't think twice to marry you guys."

Eryndor's expression softened as he sensed the genuine curiosity in her words. He guided her to a seat in the room, his own breath steadying as he prepared to answer her. With a measured sigh, he began to explain, "Nova, our world operates under a council. They have a persistent belief that a ruler should have a mate—a queen—to stand by their side and ensure the continuation of our lineage."

At the mention of lineage, Nova's posture stiffened. The idea of heirs and responsibility was a lot to process, and Eryndor seemed to sense her unease. He hurried to reassure her, "Don't worry, we're not rushing anything. We are fully committed to going at your pace."

As he continued, Eryndor shared the intricacies of their world's governance and their determined search for a mate. He explained how they had purposefully sought out females from outside their countries' rule, aiming to find someone who would stand strong in the face of adversity, unswayed by the council's influence.

"The female we choose," Eryndor emphasized, "needs to be someone who can challenge us, who can bring a unique perspective to our roles, and who can help shape the future of our people."

Nova's mind raced as she absorbed his words. It was a lot to take in—the weight of their responsibilities, the intricacies of their society, and the expectations that rested upon their choice. She looked at Eryndor, her gaze a mix of curiosity and understanding. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place, revealing a complex tapestry of duty and desire, tradition and individuality.

In that moment, as Eryndor's purple eyes met hers, Nova felt a connection—a bridge between their worlds that went beyond the physical. As they sat in that room, the uncharted territory of their shared journey stretched before them, filled with challenges and discoveries that neither of them could have anticipated. And as they navigated this uncharted path, Nova couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead, both for herself and for the intricate web of connections that had woven her into the lives of these three alien brothers.

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