Gifting Me To His Best Friend (A Touch of Taboo)

Chapter 10

I fight my own orgasm, fight not to close my eyes and miss a moment of this. It doesn’t seem to matter what I want. My body takes over, pleasure washing over me in waves. God, it’s so good. Too good. Can a person die from too much pleasure?

I barely manage to open my eyes in time to watch Derek lace his fingers through Grayson’s hair and move his hips, beginning to fuck my husband’s mouth. I can tell the exact moment he comes because Grayson moans around his cock. Oh my god. I move before I have a chance to think, climbing down Derek’s body to haul Grayson up and kiss him. I can taste Derek’s saltiness on his tongue and it drives me crazy.

Grayson topples me back onto Derek’s chest and moves up between our spread legs. He looks down at me and then over my shoulder at Derek. He doesn’t have to speak. His thoughts are written all over his face, boiled down to a single possessive word. Mine.

He guides his cock into me, just too shy of being too rough. I start to reach for him, but Derek catches my wrists. “You’ve caused enough trouble today.”

“It won’t be enough until you fuck.”

His laugh is strained. “Jesus, Emma.”

“She has no problem asking for what she wants.” Grayson begins moving, fucking me against his best friend’s chest as Derek holds me down. Each stroke feels like he’s claiming me, like he’s making a promise to Derek.

Derek shifts my wrists to one of his big hands and skates the other down my stomach to play with my clit as Grayson fucks me.

I’ll never get used to this. The sheer decadence of having two sets of hands on me. Of being pressed between two bodies. It’s a fast-growing addiction I don’t have the self-preservation to curtail. I want, want, want. More, more, more. I come again, and Grayson follows me over the edge, grinding into me, his eyes gone wild. He half-slumps onto us and laughs roughly. “I’m going to crush you.”

“I can take it,” Derek growls at my back.

“Still.” Grayson shifts to the side and takes me with him, dragging us all over onto our sides. He props his head in his hand and gives a startling open grin. “Merry Christmas.”

It is Christmas, isn’t it?

I stretch between them, enjoying the feeling of my skin rubbing against theirs on either side. “Merry Christmas.”

Derek’s stomach chooses that moment to make a large growling sound. Grayson laughs a little. “I’ll get breakfast started.” When I start to rise, he gives my shoulder a nudge. “Stay. I’ll call when it’s ready.”

I watch him rise and stride out of the room. If I didn’t know better, I’d say my husband is running from what he just did. It doesn’t make any sense. The line’s been crossed. Last night. This morning. There’s no point in trying to go back. Why would he want to?

Derek’s arms come around me and he pulls me back against his chest. “Pretty sure this goes down as most memorable Christmas ever.”

“Pretty sure?” I inject my tone with some mock outrage and turn in his arms. “You’re going to irreparably damage my self-esteem if you tell me I don’t measure up to the bicycle you got when you were eight.”

He grins. “It was a really cool bike. It had flames on it and everything.”

“So rude.” I laugh and snuggle closer. “Merry Christmas, Derek.”

His expression goes soft and he smooths my hair back from my face. “Merry Christmas, Emma.”

It strikes me that this is the final day. Christmas. By morning tomorrow, we’ll go back to being the two most important people in Grayson’s life who don’t exchange bodily fluids. Something like panic flutters in my chest. I thought it would be simple to put Derek back in the “safe” box in my mind once this was over, but now I don’t know if it’s possible. “What if this was a mistake?”

His fingers feather over my temple. “This stops when you want it to. If you’re not comfortable with it, we can stop now.”

But what if I don’t want it to stop?

I don’t say it. It feels like a betrayal to take this gift Grayson gave me—gave us—to ask for more. “I’m okay.” I manage a smile. “It’s just a little surreal that this is happening at all.”

“Fuck yeah.” He leans down and brushes his mouth against mine.

I should leave it at that, but I’ve never been good at sitting back and letting something I want drift past. I run my hands up his broad chest. “It’s the same for you, you know. If you want to stop, we stop.” I hesitate. “If you don’t want to fuck Grayson, you don’t have to. I just—”

Derek catches my mouth with his. He kisses me hard, hard enough that I can’t help writhing a little, my body already demanding more despite the two outstanding orgasms I experienced not too long ago. When he finally lifts his head, we’re both breathing hard. He runs a big hand down my back and over my ass. “It’s complicated.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“Guess not.” His gaze falls to my mouth and he looks like he’s considering kissing me until I forget what we were talking about. “But it’s the truth. It’s complicated.”

“Uncomplicate it.”

Derek huffs out a laugh, though it sounds strained. “Grayson is…” He rolls onto his back, but keeps me tucked against his side. “We’ve been friends for most of our lives.”

I have to press my lips together to keep from peppering him with questions, from dragging his thoughts out one by one. He’ll tell me or he won’t. I have to learn some freaking patience.

While I’m wrestling with myself, he keeps going. “There was always something more, but the timing was never right, you know? We went to separate colleges and I had a boyfriend when I came back home for Christmas. Then I was single at graduation, but he was talking about moving in with that guy he’s been fucking semi-regularly.” He studies the ceiling as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world. “We were both single for a hot minute before he met you, but I was stuck in London for a few months working with a new client. By the time I got back, he’d met you and that was that.”

My chest pangs and I sit up. “I didn’t know.”

“We’ve never talked about it.” He still isn’t looking at me. “Easier to just be friends and stay in each other’s lives. And, fuck, Emma, I like you. You’re cool as shit, and you’re good for him. He lights up whenever you walk into a room. I can’t hold it against either of you.” Derek gives a faint smile. “Though I’m not even going to lie; wanting both of you has been irritating as fuck.”


“It’s enough. It will be enough.” He moves before I can come up with a response, toppling me back to the bed and kissing me hard. He slides down my body, pausing to worship my breasts for several long moments before he kisses his way down my stomach.

“Derek, we haven’t—” My breath hisses out at the first long drag of his tongue. “You can’t distract me with this.”

“Mmm.” He works my clit slowly. “If you say so.”

“If you don’t want to—”

He exhales harshly and lifts his head. “I want to, Emma. I want to so fucking bad, I can barely stand it. My control is hanging by a thread. So yeah, if it happens today, I’ll happily fuck Grayson. Is that what you want to hear?”


He laughs, and this time it doesn’t sound quite so rough. “But not yet. First I’m going to give your pretty pussy the attention it deserves.”

I lace my fingers through his hair and lift my hips. “I still can’t believe we’re doing this.” There are other things that need to be said, subjects that need to be broached, but now isn’t the time. I’ve pushed both Derek and Grayson enough for the moment. Even I know when to dial it back. Sometimes. “It feels wicked.”

“You taste wicked.” He gives me another lick. “Even more wicked than normal because I can taste him in you.”

I rub myself against his mouth a little. “You did promise to clean me up.”

Derek’s laugh vibrates through my body. “That I did.” He takes his time, eating me out slowly as if he doesn’t really give a fuck if I come or not. As if he’s doing it purely for the pleasure of having my taste on his tongue. Or maybe it’s the taste of Grayson that has him kissing my pussy so thoroughly.

Time ceases to have meaning. There is just this moment, this pleasure. At some point, I look up and find Grayson leaning against the doorframe and watching us. The heat in his eyes… God, he looks at us like he owns us. So possessive. So sexy.

He clears his throat. “Breakfast is ready.”

Derek sucks on my clit. “I’m not done.” His big hands bracket my thighs, holding me in place. The reality of have him licking my pussy while my husband watches has my orgasm drawing closer.

And then it gets better because Grayson crosses to the bed and leans down to grip the back of Derek’s thick neck. “You can have her for brunch, too, if you want, but you both need an actual meal. Make Emma come. Now.” When Derek just keeps up those long, lazy licks, Grayson curses. “Fine. I’ll do it myself.” He reaches down with his free hand and spears me with two fingers. It takes him half a second to find my G-spot and then I’m orgasming. My toes curl and my spine arches and I think I might be shrieking but I can’t hear myself over the buzzing in my head.

Grayson tows Derek up and kisses him. For a second, I think we might just keep going, but he finally lifts his head and gives us an indulgent look. “Breakfast. Now.”

“Yes, Sir.” I make a half-hearted salute with one hand.

Derek laughs and hauls me up with him. We go our separate ways long enough for me to pull on my robe and the guys to grab their lounge pants. I stop in front of the windows in the living room. Snow falls so thick, I can’t see the trees that were so prominent in the view yesterday. Or the mountains. Or anything but white. White that’s building up against the glass. I frown at it. That has to be at least a foot of snow and it’s showing no signs of stopping. “Um.”

“Yeah.” Grayson doesn’t look over as he goes about dishing up three plates. “I called down to the lodge while you were occupied. The storm came in fast and is expected to linger in the area for another day at least. They won’t be able to clear the roads until it passes, and it might be longer to get to the farther cabins like ours.”

I blink. “Our flight is tomorrow.”

“Doesn’t look like we have a snowball’s chance in hell of making it.” He doesn’t seem the least bit upset by this. Neither of us have work until after the New Year, but we had planned on spending the next week winding down and taking care of some projects that we had been putting off forever. Painting the living room. Finally go through the stuff in storage so we can donate what we don’t want and keep the few irreplaceable things. Not to mention I was looking forward to a week of just us. Life can get so busy, it’s easy to become ships passing in the night. I mean, we’re hardly at that point, but it happened to my parents and I work hard to ensure it doesn’t happen to me and Grayson, too.

That said…

I look at Derek. He’s grabbed a plate from Grayson and eats, very pointedly not looking at either of us. If we’re forced to stay here… “I guess we’re snowed in.”

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