GIFTED RILEY by Lacy Mierr

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Revenge Was In Sight


I watched with narrowed eyes as a man came forward into my room. He bowed his head to me like most of my men did to show respect. I didn’t know this man’s name, only that he was a human that answered

to me.

“What is it?” I asked as I looked through the papers on the desk in front of me.

“I come with news about the Lycan King.”

I took a look up at the man again then made a motion for him to continue with his report. I didn’t know why they always paused before letting me know what I needed to know. The faster they spat out their useless reports, the faster I was able to continue my searching.

“He only went to one of the packs for his Choosing Ceremony this year. That would be the Evermane pack,” the man in front of me started with. I looked up, intrigued to hear more. “He took back a she-wolf when they returned to his palace. I’m sure this she-wolf has to be his mate.”

I haven’t been this excited in all of my life. Finally, the lycan king’s weakness was set right in front of me for the taking. After all these

Chapter 23. Revenge Was in Sight

years, I have what I need to get my sweet, aged revenge. I would be able to do what I wished to get back at that man and I didn’t care who stood in my way.

Apologies to any poor woman that ended up tied to that monster. If she was even real, that is.

While excitement had my body shaking in my seat, I tried to remain calm as I stared down the only man to give me good news in years. “Let’s not act too rashly,” I hummed to the man. He nodded while he eyed my reaction. “Keep watching them, just as closely as you can without getting caught. I don’t want to show all my cards if she’s not the real deal.”

I don’t know why I even tried to explain myself. I had no need to. So I stopped, leaning back with a twisted smirk pulling at my lips.

“Wouldn’t want to find out later that she’s just taking over Victoria’s position,” I remarked. “It’s about time he got sick of that woman. I know I am and I never see her.”

The man shifted anxiously in his position, “Speaking of, sir. Victoria. has been trying to make contact with us. She wants to be brought back to the city, since she was forced to be a maid in the lycan’s castle.” There was a pause as I didn’t show any emotion at the not-so-new information. “She really doesn’t want to stay at the castle anymore.”

I grunted at the thought of her demands. Since the woman lost her position by the king, she no longer served any use to me or my cause.

“No need for all that h**e. Just off her next time you get the chance.” I remarked with little hesitation. “And I need a new insider. This time.

they need to get close to his mate. I don’t care how close they are to Nicolas.”

He nods at my demands like any of my soldiers would. I grinned, watching as he waited for his dismissal. Having so much power was fun when it wanted to be.

may be

“Alright, bring me the doctor. When he gets here, you dismissed for the time being.” He nodded again, leaving to fulfill my request. I sighed, turning back to the papers on my desk. However, this time, the words seemed to blur together as I couldn’t focus on them.

It didn’t take long for my personal doctor to enter the room. He was a round man with a bushy brown mustache and contrasting gray, balding hair. His eyes were a chocolate brown color, wide and terrified at my


“Doctor Cooper, how lovely it is to see you again.” I say as casually as I could manage. I wanted to get right to the point with it, but decided some pleasantries would be alright.

He nodded slowly, sweat dripping from his forehead as he stared at where I was in the room. I made a gesture to the chair in front of me. Which he took, albeit very hesitantly. He was even playing with his hands in his lap.

“You seem to be stressed, doctor. I was just looking to check in with

Chapter 23 Revenge Was in tight

your progress for now,” I explained to the old man. “How is your research going?” With the question, I stared into the eyes of the man across my desk. I wouldn’t tolerate any lies with such an important. question. He could see that, I was sure of it.

“It has been going… Well…” Perhaps if he wasn’t so nervous in his mannerisms or was more confident in his sentence, I would have believed him. Instead, my eyes narrowed at him.

I c**d my head to the side for him to explain some more to me. “Alright. Then am I to assume you have found the cure for my son while you have been at it?”

His anxiety reached a new peak in the seat in front of me. His head bowed to me, fearfully avoiding my scorching gaze. “Not… Uh, not quite yet, sir, but-.”

I stood in my spot, body shaking with anger now instead of the excitement I felt a minute ago. The doctor flinched back in his seat, trying to escape only to be trapped in the arms of the chair. “All this time and you have still found nothing?!” I snarled down at the feeble


He opened his mouth to try explaining himself or giving some sort of excuse. Excuses meant nothing to me. They never would mean anything. That was what stayed consistent with me and I was sure he

knew that.

“Do you not have enough incentive?!” He continued to try hiding from

Chapter 23. Revenge Was in Sight

my anger. I didn’t allow him to avoid this, though. I took a deep breath in. Talking through gritted teeth now, “How about this? If you don’t get this done for me in three months, I will kill your entire family!

Children, siblings, cousins, parents. I won’t stop until your bloodline is destroyed!”

“Is that incentive enough for you?”

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