GIFTED RILEY by Lacy Mierr

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Into the Unknown


I ripped off my sweaty clothes and practically bolted out of the training hall. The air c*d w**ith tension you could practically taste it. Something big was happening, judging by the identical grim expression everyone seemed to be sporting.

My stomach churned with worry. Nicolas had practically vanished, leaving me with a million unanswered questions. But then again, even if he’d stuck around, I doubted he’d spill the beans. Mate or not, he still kept me at arm’s length sometimes.

Not knowing was agonizing. I fought the urge to gnaw on my nails. raw. That’s when I spotted a maid practically sprinting past. My chance! I barked out a question.

“What’s going on?”

The maid’s eyes darted around like a cornered animal, then she scurried past without a word. Frustration gnawed at me. I scanned the hall again. Another maid, this one trailed by a hulking wolf guard, rushed by in a blur.

Two more guards followed, their movements mirroring the first pair.


Chapter 20 Into the Unknown

“Hey!” I called after them, my voice echoing in the tense silence. “Can someone tell me what’s going on?”

But they barely spared me a glance as they rushed away. The same pattern repeated itself over and over again. Finally, I slumped back, defeated. No one was giving up any information,

Standing there, amidst the whirlwind of activity, I felt like a ghost. Why was everyone keeping me in the dark? I left one pack because I wasn’t loved, and it seems nothing’s changed here.

Yes, it hurt. I felt hurt and mistreated, watching everyone walk past me, without a glance in my direction, without hearing my voice.

But a small part of me expected this. I don’t have a wolf, and no matter what Nicolas says to make me feel better, I still wasn’t a part of the Lycan pack. If I were truly a member of the Lycan pack, then I would be able to communicate with them seamlessly. But whenever they mindlinked with each other, I was the only one who couldn’t receive mindlinks.

The isolation was suffocating. I felt more lost than ever before.

Even though I was ostracized in the Evermane pack, a pariah no one wanted to associate with, I was still a member of the pack. I still belonged; I had a voice. I knew what was happening, when it was. happening.

Here, though? I wasn’t marked, and I had no real membership in the

Chapter 201 kono The Iknown

Lycan pack.

The realization slammed into me, a s**r punch to the gut. I fought back tears. Poor, pathetic Riley, stuck in a saddening conundrum again. All I wanted was to belong somewhere, to be part of something more, a part of a community. Even the maids felt more at home than I did.

No matter how Nicolas reassured me, I didn’t feel like his mate. I felt like a s**e, a prisoner. And this detached attitude from the pack only made things worse.

The hallway had finally cleared out. There wasn’t a soul in sight, just me and my pathetic feelings..

Finally coming to terms with my unimportance in the pack, I made my way to my bedroom, the echo of my footsteps reminding of how lonely

I felt.

Why did Nicolas even bring me here? He should have just let me be free on my own. Free to make my own decisions, to be free of these suffocating feelings that threatened to take permanent hold of my heart.

Hot tears burned in the back of my eyelids, threatening to spill over. I stubbornly held it in. I was done crying. Tears had been my companion for a while now and I wanted that to change. Not one more drop!

I quickened my pace to the bedroom. Even if I did c**k, I didn’t want. to do it out in the open. I wouldn’t be able to guess when they would

return… from wherever it is they went.

I pushed the door open, collapsing on the floor. My face was dry with unshed tears. I gave myself a pat on the back for not succumbing to my frantic emotions.

My eyes darted around the room, taking in the extravagant

surroundings. Like everything else in this palace, it felt utterly alien. No personal touches, no warmth, nothing that said “Riley” amongst the plush furniture and shimmering fabrics. It was a sterile set piece, not at lived-in space.

But then, something on the table caught my attention. It was the tiny vial of ointment Nicolas applied on my scars

I approached it hesitantly, a knot of confusion tightening in my gut. Beside the vial lay a single, folded note. Unfurling it with trembling fingers, I read the simple message: “Remember to apply.”

The note left me reeling. One minute he was out of my reach, completely closed off. And the next, he was the doting mate, caring about me and protecting me.

Was he deliberately trying to confuse me? Or was there actually something real beneath that stoic façade? Could it be concern, or maybe even… affection? Maybe he wasn’t so cold. Maybe there was something for me here after all.

A pang of disappointment shot through me as I scanned the empty.

Chuter 20 Into the Unknown

room. Where was Sara? Her presence, any presence, would have been welcome to rid me of this horrible loneliness. But like everyone else. she seemed to have vanished into thin air. A sigh, heavy with frustration, escaped my lips. I needed to distract myself.

Then it hit me Nicolas’ office. Sara had mentioned its location in passing. The directions hadn’t seemed particularly complicated, but could I really find it?

What if I got caught? Probably not, I reassured myself. He was undoubtedly out gallivanting with everyone else. His office was the perfect place for me to get all the answers I so desperately wanted. To figure out what was going on and why everyone was acting so strangely.

That was the most important thing. I would deal with whatever consequences this invasion of privacy would cost me later.

I made my way out of the room. Following Sara’s instructions, I walked down the hall and turned right. Heart hammering against my ribs, I squeezed through the musty passage, the air thick with dust.

The corridor snaked its way deeper into the palace, the only sound my own shallow breaths and the distant echo of footsteps. Finally, I emerged into a dimly lit alcove. I wondered for a brief second if I was on the right path, but there was no turning back now.

Hesitantly, I brushed my hand against the wall. On the far right was a huge, intimidating door.

Chapter 20 into the Unknown

That must be his office, I thought.

The subtle sound of voices drifted through the door. Nicolas’ and Vera’ s. I was shocked. I didn’t expect him to be in the palace, much less in his office with Vera.

My hand hovered above the door. Since he’s here, what do I do? Do I still go in? Or do I go back and try again another day. I wouldn’t get anything out of him if I go in now, was it still worth it?

Before I could make a decision, I heard the deep bass of his voice say, “Come in, Riley.”

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