GIFTED RILEY by Lacy Mierr

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: A Mate and A Threat 


Fury propelled me into the room, slamming the door with a 

reverberating thud that mirrored the rage thundering in my chest. I had to tamp down the inferno. Riley couldn’t see me like this, not this unhinged. 

But those scars, a map of the cruelty her so–called family inflicted, ignited a primal hunger within me. Every fiber of my being yearned to dismantle the entire Evermane pack. Obliterate them. Make them pay a bloody price for what they’d done to my mate. 

Thank the moons Riley wasn’t a creature of vengeance. Even after their monstrous treatment, she clung to the delusion of protecting them. A heart of purest gold, that one. I wrestled with the impossible; respecting her wishes while refusing to let this transgression stand. 

A searing pang of regret clawed at me. Why hadn’t I found her sooner? Protected her from their savagery? The image of them groveling at her feet, a glorious sight of the power I’d bestowed upon her, offered a twisted kind of solace. 

They were a stain, unworthy of her mercy, unworthy of sharing her air. They deserved to suffer, especially that cowardly weasel, Noah. The thought of ripping his heart out, the same way I dealt with his father, held a dark attraction. But for Riley, I’d clench my fist and swallow the urge. 

I’d done the coward a favor. Killing his father made him Alpha by default. Deep down, I wouldn’t be surprised if the gutless wretch harbored a secret gratitude for my timely action, doing his di*ty work. 

Chapter 12. A Mate and A Threest 

But with Noah as Alpha, the pack was doomed. He was the same as hist father. Same greed, same selfishness, same hypocrisy dripping off him thicker than maple syrup. 

The Evermanes were never going to flourish under his watch, especially with that blonde disaster, Ava, by his side. A walking time bomb, a liability with legs if Noah had an ounce of wit left in his cowardly skull, he’d ditch her faster than a moldy sandwich. 

Their whole relationship was a joke. Two blind mice waltzing around, convinced they were soulmates. The only thing they truly shared was a talent for hurting my mate. Now that she’s gone, I wonder what glue even holds them together? 

Direct violence was off the table, so I needed a different kind of punishment. A way to keep them floundering, their pathetic pack at a constant disadvantage. Vera knew the drill – all support for the Evermanes dries up, effective immediately. Consider that a slap on the wrist, because believe me, this wasn’t about being merciful to them. It was all for Riley. 

Sure, she wouldn’t be thrilled about it, but hey, ignorance is bliss, right? 

Dwelling on their destruction wasn’t exactly calming my nerves. Better to focus on thoughts of her my mate, the one and only. Flawless. Perfect. And soon, I’d get to show her all the beauty the world has to 

offer. Just wait. 

There’s a sharp tap on the door, breaking into my thoughts. Three sharp knocks followed by a pause, before the heavy oak door creaks open a sliver. Vera, her white hair a stark contrast to the dark leather jerkin she wore, peeks in, her amber eyes scanning the room. 

“Alpha,” she murmurs, her voice low and urgent. 

Chapter 12: A Mate and A Threat 

The flickering firelight casts long, dancing shadows on the stone walls. 

I jolt upright, the worn wolfskin rug slipping beneath me. I shake my head, willing my previous thoughts out of my head. Whatever Vera had to say sounded urgent. 

“Vera? What is it?” The disquiet in her gaze unsettled me. I knew we had enemies, but now that Riley is with me, I didn’t want to have any dangers around her. 

“Reports just came in,” she begins, stepping fully into the room and closing the door with a soft thud. “Another hunter attack,” her eyes finally met mine, and I could see the urgency in them. 

I furrow my brows in deep concern. “Another one? So soon?” 

Vera nods, a grim line etching itself onto her usually stoic face. “It was closer this time. Not far from the Howling Pass. They seem to be moving faster, closer. Spreading out.” 

I growl, a low rumble vibrating in my chest. “Do they think they can just waltz into our territory like this?” 

“There’s…more,” she hesitates, her voice dropping to a hushed whisper. 

“More?” I stand, towering over her. 

Vera takes a deep breath, her gaze flickering to the flames and back. “The attacks are happening with… unnatural frequency. They’re coordinated, meticulous. Almost as if…” her voice trails off, and I know what she’s about to say, because I’ve known for a while too. 

I step closer, my presence filling the room. “Almost as if someone is orchestrating them?” 

Chapter 12 A Mate and A Threat 

Vera meets my gaze, a flicker of fear momentarily replacing the usual unwavering loyalty. … Yes. As if someone is guiding them, pushing 

them towards us.” 

“The attacks are happening frequently. There have been more attacks lately, and it seem organized, strategized. Almost as if…” 

A feral snarl rips from my throat, the sound echoing off the stone walls. “The thought occurred to me too. But it doesn’t matter who is behind it, they won’t withstand my wrath.” 

They’d bitten off more than they could chew. I wouldn’t just find the culprit; I’d unearth their entire nest. Annihilation. Complete and utter. Every fiber of my being bristled with a primal protectiveness. My people wouldn’t crumble beneath the weight of another human crusade. Not while I drew breath. 

This time wouldn’t be any different. My vengeance would echo through the very stones beneath their feet. 

“Here it is,” Vera said, a glint of mischief in her eyes as she produced a small vial from her pocket. “Just spread across her skin, and the scarring should fade.” 

I took the tiny medicine into my hands, inspecting it. “Thank you.” 

A wry smile played on Vera’s lips. “You truly care for her, don’t you? Going through all this trouble for a girl, even fetching her medicine. 

“She’s endured enough cruelty for a lifetime,” I growled, the words. laced with a ferocity born of protectiveness. “Not another ounce will be laid upon her.” 

Vera let out a low whistle. “Never thought I’d see the day. A hundred years of solitude, with a heart practically made of stone, and all it takes 

Chapter 12. A Mate and A Threat 

is a girl to crack your stony exterior. A woman in a monster’s heart.” 

I remained silent, the playful jab bouncing off my resolve. All the wars, 

the fear, the solitude they faded into insignificance. 


They didn’t matter after all. The only thing that matters is my little mate. She’s all I want, and all I need. 

I can’t wait to see her again. 

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