Ghost in the Roses

Chapter 47

The longer I walk towards the Academy, the more prominent last night’s scars become. The whole damb sky is marked and traced with them. With each passing mile, the smoke trails of long-range cannons close in on their final destination. At the end of those grey arches, I can only imagine what lies at the end of them, but as frightening as the sky is, what’s on the ground is even more soul-piercing.

My way is covered with pale corpses of Royal Guards with their horses and knights with their dragons. They all held back the enemy for as long as they could so that the city had the time to evacuate and for that, they paid this heavy toll together. Creatures of all races and being lie still and as different as they all are, their uniforms unite them in their cause. Their silent stories of who they are and what they could have been are unbearably loud.

For the dead Rouge Red, however, I feel absolutely nothing, not even hate. I’m too numb to feel anything. Or so I thought. Something grabs my ankle, as well as my immediate attention. It's someone's hand. Someone's alive!

“I would go there if I were you, young knight,” it’s a fight to even speak for this person.

“Sir Nikal! Is that you?!” I drop to my knees.

“Yes, I am,” the dried blood shifts along with the frown on his brows.

“I’m Adrien Rivers. I’m your assigned apprentice,” I’m overjoyed to find some life here.

“Oh,” he smiles, “I was wondering what happened to you and even thought that maybe Rouge Red had you dead.”

“I’m alright. They captured me, but I’m alright now.”

“That’s why I brought your armor and some other of your stuff with me, in case I find you. In case you're still alive.”

In his other hand, he tugs at a bag partially stuck under the loose rubble.

“We need to get you out of here, Sir,” an idea on how to do that redirects me towards the bag.

At the bottom of the leather, I find my dragon whistle, my deactivated armor neatly placed in its box, the Sphinx’s Whisker, and to my absolute relief, my tiny vessel with the Blood Trail potion my friends and I created together.

Calling for help is an absolute must, but I hesitate to bring the whistle to my lips. What if she might not come? What if my September is not around to answer me any longer? My trembling hands almost want me to put it back away. But, not knowing for sure is just as bad, if not worse. With my eyes closed, I dare to know and send a high-pitched tune that only a dragon would hear.

“Listen, I know you don’t want to hear this, but I must say it - your dragon might not be alive and you can’t carry me all across the city, not with all my injuries,” my mentor speaks his mind.

“If she’s alive, we’ll find out soon enough,” my calls for her don’t stop.

“Rouge Red isn’t done, yet. There’s still some of the Academy left standing and they’ll keep on firing until nothing is left.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” but I do. He’s trying to build reasons on why I should get out of here, while I still can.

“Adrien, I appreciate what you’re trying to do for me -”

“I’m not leaving you, Sir!” For the first time, I snap at a superior.

“You should go, that’s an order.” his voice grows tired.

I ignore it. I refuse to do anything of such sort and continue to place my hopes on September being alive and well.

“September, if you’re still out there. Please, hurry,” my whispers disperse into the wind.

With no herbs or roots, I’m no help to Sir Nikal. Unlike the wizards and sorceresses, my conjuring won’t heal a scratch without them. Only September can bring him to where there might be a chance for help.

While waiting, I keep watch over my wounded mentor and keep the Sphinx’s Whisper at my side, just in case he takes a turn for the worse. He keeps telling me to leave and I keep hoping he’ll shut up about it.

It must have been a while now; the sun is setting. Sir Nikal has been asleep for hours. I’m almost used to this complete silence, but, am well aware that Rouge Red will return before night falls. I know that they're not done firing for the day.

A roar in the sky beats the cannons to it.

I jump back up on my feet. Oh, my gods! Is this September?!

High up in the sky, small and district figure circles over my location. To help her better locate me, I let out another whistle. She hears me and confident with where to go, my winged and very much alive friend begins her descent.

Speechless and choking on happy tears, I rush into September’s chest. With her head wrapped around me, I’m pressed even closer to her scales. Her entire body rumbles from the intense purring.

“I’m so happy you’re okay!” I cry.

She replies in soft growls, trying to motion at something in a hurry. Something must be headed this way.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t leave just yet September. I need you to get back high up into the sky and carry him to safety. Then come back for me. Hopefully, I find Nina and Kai by then,” I waste no time and get Sir Nikal onto her saddle. “Where’re Century and Marshmallow?”

With a whimper, she lowers her head.

“No, no,”I shake my head, “that can’t be true.”

A slow nodding of her head tells me that it is.

“Okay, okay, okay,” I suppress the heartache, “let’s get Sir Nikal out of here. I..., I still need to go find Nina and Kai."

And to do that, I take out the vessel and pop the cork. A pair of scarlet ribbons of mist stretches out of the tiny glass neck. Holding my breath, I pray that they flow West, the direction which the evacuation took. The route they take makes me gulp. The two blood trails merge together and stretch North instead, where the defeated Knight’s Academy lies. They’re out there. Together. Together, they never made it out of the city. Together, my friends wait and pray for help.

“September, we have no time to lose. Go find Lada. To find help, then find me. You see which way I’ll go. Remember it. Kai, Nina, and I will be waiting,” my forehead presses against hers. “Don’t worry. This will be over soon,” I pet the scales on her face.

As much as it hurts to have her leave, this is the best option. September seems to think so too and leaves, disappearing back into the glum grey sky. Under time pressure, I snatch the headpieces out of the bag and do the final preparation before continuing my personal mission. The two dragon scale clips on the sides of my head activate at the motion of my hand. Covered in armor, I race toward the smoke.

Hold on, Kai. Hold on, Nina. I’m coming. I’m coming.

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