Ghost in the Roses

Chapter 35

What a way I choose to start gambling and I’m wishing I would have done some prepping with something simpler, like poker or roulette. As we glide past the towns and valleys, I fear that at any moment Lada might call my bluff, but never does. She’s too entertained by the views, especially by the twinkling glow of the illuminated nightlife below us. I lied to Lada and lured September into helping me do my dirty work on the same day. It’s amazing what a manipulative asshole I can be when the occasion calls for it.

“Thank you for this, Adrien,” she presses her cheek against my back.

Don’t thank me yet.

At last, we’re here, just in time for the early morning song. The songbirds hiding in the trees greet the rising sun and a fountain’s waters contribute its whispers to nature’s melody. Last night’s scent of nutmeg still lingers in the misty air; jasmine must be blooming nearby.

I help Lada down and let a trainer take September into his temporary care.

“This place is beautiful, but...”


“I get a strange feeling like I’ve been here before,” Lada squints at the simple elegance of the mansion. Its long rectangular shape divides this green paradise into the front and back gardens.

“I think you have, a long time ago.”

“Where are we, Adrien?” her wide eyes stay glued to the countryside estate. “Where did you bring me?”

“Don’t worry. You’re safe here."

Her old memories begin to flood her eyes and if I'm not careful they'll drown me.

“What queen lives here?” she frowns.

“She wants to meet you.”

“What queen lives here?” that gaze takes an aim at me.

“The Green Queen, your aunt. I’m here to pick up her resignation from the throne. Maybe you can talk to her?”

“I have nothing to say to her...or to you!” she turns and begins to walk away from me.

“Don’t you want to know why she did what she did? I know I do.”

But she keeps on going.

“Or is living on pieces and slices of information that are conveniently cut into conspiracies and rumors enough for you? Does the lack of truth the only thing that justifies your vendetta?” I lay down my cards.

“Do you get some sick pleasure from twisting my arm?” she stops and trembles in pain.

“No, I don’t. But I’m sick and tired of the truth being twisted and I know you are too. You deserve the truth and this could be your chance to get it,” I feel bad for coming down so hard.

Her breathing slows down to cool the hot embers in her blood and the redness on her face fades away. Gradually, her firestorm passes and I’m allowed to get close. She lets me take her hand, ready to face the Green Queen.

Without lifting a finger, we enter the palace through the massive doors. The Green Queen stands in the center of the foyer while her servants keep a distance, ready to please. Wow, now I can see why the kings and queens might have so much trouble letting their titles go.

“Your Highness,” I bow.

“Not for long, Cadet Rivers,” she shakes her head at my formality.

“Then let’s shake hands as friends,” I offer a new way of greeting her.

“Of course,” warmly, she extends her arm and welcomes the gesture.

“And this is Lada Ruslaevn, daughter of Prince Vita,” I introduce her to the queen.

“I’m so glad you decided to come to see me.”

“I couldn’t resist the invitation. I have a lot of questions,” Lada awkwardly steps a little closer.

“Of course. I have a lot to show you. Would you like Cadet Rivers to join us? My office assistants are in my office, still working on the documents, so there will be a wait for him.”

“I think I would like him to stay behind. I’ll be a lot more comfortable if there isn't an extra pair of ears just listening,” she looks at me, hoping for compliance.

“That’s perfectly fine. I’ll wait here,” I absolutely have no problem with that.

“This way, Lada,” the Green Queen motions her niece to follow.

“This way please, Cadet Rivers,” a butler leads me to the opposite wing of the palace.

“Yes, of course,” I follow.

“You’ll be waiting at the drawing room, there’re refreshments for you and the caterers will plate anything you’d like,” the dignified man explains the course of my visit.

“Thank you. I am hungry, but may I use the restroom and freshen up? It’s been a long trip and I’d like to wash up before I hit the sky again.”

“Of course, this way,” he makes a turn.

I don’t know how he can tell which door is which, but he finally stops somewhere in the middle of this mass reserve of entries. “Here you are, Cadet Rivers. There are plenty of towels and soap ready for your use.”

“Thank you,” I disappear behind the door and lock it.

Thank the stars there’s a window! Okay, time to get to work.

Very carefully, I peel off the film of my palm that shook the Green Queen’s hand and secures it between the tissues. With her fingerprints tucked away in my blazer’s pocket, I step out of the window and begin my climb to higher floors.

I secure my grip on the stone decoration of the outer wall and with a deep breath dig the toe of my boots into the space between the blocks. Whatever story the Green Queen will tell Lada, I’ve got to find out if any of it will hold water. An unlocked balcony on the fourth level grants me access to the floor that I otherwise would be turned away from going in.

“Are the documents ready yet? The cadet is already here to collect them!” there are voices in the hall, frantic and loud.

I take a quick look and see a professionally dressed lady get flustered at someone at the other side of one of the many doors.

This must be where the queen’s office is. Keeping behind the green curtains, I wait for the last of the aids to leave. It’s silent at last; no more shouting and paper shuffling.

Click! Uh-oh. That’s the sound of the lock. Luckily, the last aid neglects to notice me sneaking behind her and I catch the closing door before I allow it to shut completely.

Whatever it is I’m looking for, I have to find it fast. It won’t be long till the palace staff will start missing me. That metal vault door in the wall looks promising and the stolen fingerprints do the trick of opening it.

It’s a walk-in and is the size of a closet. There are files and files on rows of shelves. I have no time to go through them all and decide to scan them all. Out of my pocket, I take out the glass sphere, activate it, and with its beams of light copy everything around me. Verifying and authenticating this large collection is something I’ll have to do when Lada and I are out of here.

Before I dash out, I discard the film into the flames of the fireplace and hustle climbing down back into that bathroom.

My fingertips are sore and my toes are blistered by the time I make it back to the open window.

Knock! Knock! Someone’s at the door.

“Sir? Are you alright? Sir?”

Shit! It’s that butler! How long has he been knocking?

“I’m alright! I’m alright!” my loud voice masks the shutting off of the window.

“Sir, your food is getting cold and the documents are ready. The staff is waiting for your signature to verify the pick-up.”

I recollect myself and exit. The butler is surprised that my appearance has not only didn’t improve but has gotten worse. Confused, he frowns at my messy hair and wrinkled-up uniform.

“Phew! Oh, dear gods! You do not what to go in there right now, my friend!” I wipe the sweat off my forehead, since appearing to be this disgusting is the only alibi I can think of.

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