Getting There: How I Learned to Love Dragons And Crazy, Talking Cats

Chapter 6

Andi and Scott sat in the backseat of Dad’s Land Rover. They left Scott’s Suzuki at the house. When they pulled up to the block of Cypress Court, they were stopped by a cordoned street of yellow caution tape and a line of black and white police cars.

Scott hunkered down in the seat moaning, “Oh crud. They’re gonna arrest me.”

Rick pulled the car to the curb and put it in park. He turned around to eye them, saying, “Did you tell us the truth, Scott? Is there something else I should know?”

Scott shook his head, “No sir. I just clobbered Dad and left.”

“Who called the police?”

“I did before I left.”

“Okay.” Rick let out breath then asked, “Did you see your father move or did he talk to you after you hit him?”

Scott’s face screwed up and tears burst forth as he howled, “You think I killed him?”

“I don’t know, you tell me.”

“No! He got up off the floor and Mom got him some ice for his nose. But she was screaming at me to get out.”

“Whew.” Rick nodded, “Good. I’ll go see what happened. You stay here.” He caught Scott’s worried face in the rearview mirror, “I mean it. No matter what happens you both stay here until I return.”

“Sure.” Scott slumped against the seat watching Rick Fallon striding up the street and ducking under the police tape. “Man, your dad is cool.” He squeezed Andi’s hand.

“Yeah, sometimes he is. I am sorry for the Spanish Inquisition. Dad is like that.”

“No, it’s okay, expected, I guess.”

“So, what do you think happened?”

“I don’t know.” He shivered and said, “I’m scared, but I am glad I have you guys. I probably would have bolted, you know?”


“Don’t know. I just had to get away. I felt terrible about hitting him, like it was a sin or something.”

“It is. Honor thy father? Remember that commandment from Sunday School?”

“Yeah. But would they arrest me for hitting him?”

“Maybe not. Like Dad said, you were protecting yourself and your Mom.” Andi tried to sound logical.

“He was drunk and out of control.” He nodded agreeing. “Yeah, I gotta make sure the cops know that.”

Andi sat quietly watching the emotions run across Scott’s face then when he leaned back and closed his eyes, she watched the neighborhood, aglow with flashing red, blue and yellow lights. People lined the walkways gawking at the police activity.

She silently wondered how people could be so violent with each other. It wasn’t the first-time Scott had gotten in trouble for fighting. He broke a kid’s nose on an opposing basketball team last season. He was thrown out of the game, but it was proven only an accident with flying elbows as he tried to guard the ball. The next game he was in. Still, he had felt badly about it and later got into a fight with some teammates because they had lost the game.

She studied him again, knowing that there was goodness in Scott, yet maybe Cat was right, he had no foundation of anything to believe in but himself. His bloated ego was on the court and around his friends. Maybe in private he was just a scared, insecure kid. Tonight’s incident probably didn’t help him gain any confidence. She silently prayed, God, help Scott and his family, they need your comfort and love.

Resting her head against his broad shoulder, she whispered, “I know how you feel. We’ll do this together.”

He only sighed and put his arm around her, settling again and soon was asleep.

She could have blissfully fallen asleep in his arms too, something she had dreamed about, but she kept watch over him, much like Cat had done for her. “Ha, I’m a Mama Cat now.” She snickered to herself.

Dad and two police officers approached the car. He opened the back door and said, “Scott, the police have some questions for you.”

Scott’s eyes flew open, tearful, he climbed out, his head low. “What can I do? Are Mom and Dad alright?”

They stepped away from the car. Andi couldn’t hear anything but she could see Scott drawing up, his fists clenching, then shouting, “No! This can’t be happening! How can they—I didn’t—”

He struggled as the officers put handcuffs on him then ushered him to a police van. After a minute, Dad got in the car. “This is bad, kiddo. Scott’s parents are both dead.”

“What? No way! He didn’t do it!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! He couldn’t. Dad, he felt horrible that he hit Petunia.”

“What is this?” He turned about querying, “He killed her?”

“Sort of. He clipped her. She was in the street, he almost wrecked trying to avoid her. That’s why he’s been so awful this week. He couldn’t tell me. And now this, his dad beat his mother up on Monday, which is when he hit Petunia.”

“Andrea, this is all a sickening thing. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“I do. What’s going to happen to him?”

“They are only taking him into custody for questioning. He might be released in the morning.”

“We have to help him. I know he didn’t kill them.”

“Let’s go home, baby. We can’t do anything for him tonight.” He patted the passenger seat, “Come sit up here, we need to talk. I know this week has been strange.”

“No kidding.” Andi reluctantly climbed in the front and shut the door, she sullenly put on her seat belt. “He knew the cops would do something to him.”

“Maybe not.” Rick answered as he put the car in gear, he made a U-turn and headed for home. “We need ice cream. Frosty’s is still open, what do you say?”

Andi shook her head.

“Come on, for old time’s sake, baby? We always could talk about anything over ice cream.”

“I want a brownie sundae then.” Andi muttered and sat up straight.

“Atta girl.”

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