Getting There: How I Learned to Love Dragons And Crazy, Talking Cats

Chapter 10

Ain-u-tep pawed at Andi’s shoulder. “Kitten, you must awake, now.”

Andi sluggishly shook the hair from her face, she blearily eyed the cat. “What’s up?”

The cat hissed, “Sh, do not wake your companions. You must come now.”

Andi looked about finding she was still on the patio but it resembled the aftermath of a rocking party; leaves and palm fronds, refuse of fruit, monkeys and apes littered the tiles. A few were heaped together under a nest of broken tree branches. Their leader slept nearby, a big mound of golden fur with an arm about a muskmelon.

She rose to her feet and tiptoed away through the mess following the waving tail of the cat. They waded into the trees and spent some time walking. Soon, they found a path of bricks laid in the soil. The mosaics despite probably being centuries old were still jewel-like bits of scarlet, orange, deep blues and greens. She couldn’t quite figure out the patterns but she followed the path and cat anyway. The jungle began to recede away from a wall, the path broadening. They came to a metal gate bearing a sword and lions, surprisingly it was not rusted but glowed duskily. The manes of the lions were ruddy and the sword gleamed in gold. “What is this place?”

“A surprise.” The cat pawed at the gate and it creaked open.

They slipped inside then walked through a palisade of hedges and then Andi was overwhelmed by the brilliance of glittering crystal candelabras. A gold, sparkling lapis lazuli, ruby, and emerald encrusted throne sat on a dais and there in wonderful radiant glory stood The Sword. This time tall, muscular, his long hair braided into ornate shapes around a gold crown. He wore a gold breastplate, a kilted skirt touched his sturdy thighs. His arms were bare except for gold bands about his wrists. His feet were in leather sandals, with gold laces wound about his calves. In his right hand a huge scimitar with an engraved blade and gold and ivory jeweled pommel, rested across his chest. The left fist held a spear decorated with feathers and stones. At his feet lay many more spears and two men clothed in colorful robes knelt there.

Andi gaping at the splendor of Sefu asked, “Hey, is that the sword? Wow!” She rose on her toes to wave at him, but the cat hissed.

“Sh! Hold your tongue!”

“Behold your king!” A voice echoed. Andi spun about wondering at the familiar voice. A man stepped from the shadows into the light.

“Scott!” Andi stepped to intercept him, but the cat blocked her way.


Scott acted as if he did not know her. He was dressed in battle gear, although less ornate, looking like a Roman gladiator. The handsome leather armor accented his tanned muscular limbs. At his waist, a gilded short sword in a leather scabbard with red embossed lions hung ready for battle. One hand, gripped a broadsword with a gold and leather wrapped pommel. He stepped forward to then kneel behind the other men. He bowed his head and said, “I am here to serve you my Lord.”

Andi gasped and turned as many more men and some women came from the shadows in various types of antiquated armor. Other groups of soldiers wore a variety of military uniforms and carrying rifles, machine guns, and swords. She stepped back under the arch of the palisade as several phalanxes of troops marched forward.

“Are those Greeks?” Andi hissed to cat.

Cat sat tall, her tail curved about her tiny feet. She smiled up at Andi. “Isn’t Sefu magnificent?”

“I don’t understand this. Where did these people come from?” She whispered as she edged closer to the wall. More men were stamping into the huge hall. From somewhere, trumpets blared a fanfare and armored knights on horseback began to prance into the hall.

“This is amazing!”

Ain-u-tep sniffed and wiped her face with a paw, “Yes, he is an amazing man. You are to thank for rescuing him.”

“Me? You did that. I was just along for the ride.”

“No, we needed your power and the Jinni’s magic, to free him. And your friendship helped the Sword to go forward—”

“Forward? It looks like he is headed into a war. I didn’t sign up for that.” She heard a shout and witnessed a slight struggle among the crowds of warriors.

Scott thumped another man wearing tan camouflage and a helmet. Crying, he said, “We thought you were dead!”

The man crying too, hugged Scott, “I did too.” He looked up and about, “Where are we?”

Andi could not stay silent or still. She wound her way between the men and came to Scott. She flung herself at him. “Scott! What are you doing here?”

“Andi!” he held her at arm’s length for a moment then hugged her hard. “You are a sight for sore eyes!”

“You were in jail.”

“Jail? What the hell have you been up to kid?” Dylan gave him a noogie-rub.

“Mom and Dad are,” Scott began, his face clouding redly.

“Look, the important thing here is how did you two end up here? I know how and why I am here.” Andi said, stopping Scott from revealing terrible news. She studied Dylan’s face, it was young, handsome, and very much like Scott’s. Scott looked older, and more fit, perhaps it was the armor that improved his looks.

“I have no idea,” Dylan began, “I was on post, a car pulled up to the gate and these kids and a woman got out of it. I went to tell them to get back in the car and go, when I think the car exploded,” he swept a hand over his eyes.

Scott goggle-eyed, gasped. “We were told you saved the woman and kids from a bomber. You died.”

“I died?”

Scott nodded then gripped his brother around the neck and hugged him hard. “Man, I have missed you. Mom and Dad are gonna be—” he crumpled against his brother. “Oh, this is horrible,” he began to cry.

Dylan frowned. “What the heck are you blubbering about, kid?”

Andi tapped Dylan, he looked down at her. “Hey. Andi?” his eyes growing wide. “Boy, have you grown up. You are so pretty. Wow!” he knocked Scott’s arm, “So what’s she doing here?”

Both pairs of dark eyes landed on her. Andi nearly flinched, but then stood taller. “I am with him,” she pointed to the glorious king on the dais.

“He’s your boyfriend?” Scott choked out.

“No, stupid. I rescued him from prison and we came here to find his palace and everything he once knew destroyed.”

Dylan looked up and about, the helmet rocked on his head, whistling, he said in awe, “Some palace.”

“This isn’t his palace it’s over there in the jungle.” She waved a hand airily.

“I still don’t understand why we are all here.” Dylan stroked his stubble-rough cheek.

Andi looked about the crowded room, “I think King Sefu called you all to be his army.” She turned back to them. “There is a war coming, and I think he wants to prevent it, or at least be ready for it.”

“Heck, I’m ready. Semper Fi, kid.” Dylan puffed up his chest and gripped a fist over it. He elbowed Scott, “What about you, bro? You still wanna be a pacifist like the folks?”

Scott shook his head. “No man, I want to be with you. There is something very wrong here” he glared at Andi for a moment, then said huskily, “I’m in all the way.”

“Good. Together, we’ll be a dynamic duo.” Dylan said, putting his arm about Scott’s shoulders and they turned away into the crowd. “Let me give you a few pointers. Trust no one, but your own …”

Andi felt alone again in the crowd. She shifted and pushed her way through, heading to the front of the hall. There, the king sat on his throne conversing with several men, all in different uniforms from various ages. She had a sudden moment of insight.

Studying the men with the king, she noticed a man in a dusty grey uniform with gold epaulets and double-breasted brass buttons, a plumed hat under his arm. He wore long sideburns and had shoulder-length hair curled on the ends. His eyes were blue like robin’s eggs. The other man next to him wore dark blue, his slim figure in a military stance at ease. His dark hair and beard were neatly trimmed. His nose was prominent but he wore a simple smile as he conversed with the king.

Andi noted the man next to the King, who wore a long, braided queue, a black ribbon bound his hair. He had a long rifle in his arms. He wore a tan shirt open to the chest, the voluminous sleeves rolled to his elbows. He wore slim leather pants and knee-high boots. Andi’s eyes roved around the room noting the various groups and troops of warriors. It looked like a movie set.

Men stood at ease conversing with each other, some laughing, many spoke in foreign tongues. There were men wearing dark green kilts and wearing sheepskin leggings and cloaks made of plaid or furs. Some burly men she assumed were Norsemen by their hugeness, wearing furs, with their blond or red hair in braids. Some had tattoos on their faces and brawny arms. Women with long braided hair stood near, their faces painted or tattooed, many had bows and quivers full of arrows. Some leaned on spears. The men held enormous double-headed axes and longbows, spears, and huge swords hung at their belts.

Andi swiveled in a slow turn scanning the room: Knights, Crusaders, Norsemen, maybe those were Huns in their dark furs. She guessed some were Mongolians wearing helmets and carrying swords and bows, they stood with small horses. There were Confederate and Union armies from America’s Civil War, there were more modern-day soldiers in camouflage and fatigues armed with modern weapons, including Dylan in desert fatigues who was supposed to be dead.

“It’s an army of the Dead!” Andi exclaimed to herself amid the throng and roar of the many armies. Yet these men and women were not decaying corpses, but living, breathing, handsome examples of the eternal warriors and heroes. She felt tears run down her cheeks.

“Of course. No one in modern times would come to Sefu’s aid, they did not know him. But armies of older times might have known of his kingdom, especially if his family lived from the 1600’s to just a hundred years ago.” Andi wanted to tell Cat that she figured it out. She wanted to ask Sefu if she could go home now that he had his army of heroes. But, there was a sudden wind that swept through the room, stilling everyone’s conversation.

Cat suddenly appeared near, hissing, “Arkan’s scale … you must use it!”

People looked up and around as a red flaming orb shot through the hall, some ducked low and cried out. The orb zoomed about like an angry wasp then headed for the dais.

An eerie voice boomed, “A pitiful king and his little weak minions. You will all die.”

King Sefu stood, his stance wary as he asked in a stentorian voice, “Who dares to come here in the guise of fire? Stand like a man and challenge me.”

A pillar of fire then ignited from a pool of water, it rose, and for a moment, Andi thought it was Arkan as it flamed and grew larger. But what stepped from the fire was clearly humanoid. Although the man’s eyes burned bright like molten gold. His hair writhing in flames like a Medusa. His arms were huge like tree trunks, his limbs covered in armor were enormous. She almost snickered thinking the man looked like a Transformer or Iron Man. But his booming voice curdled her previous thoughts. She cowered behind the ruby scale.

“You will all die, today. You will meet my formidable army on the plains,” he motioned away with a sword that sparked and spat lightning bolts. It struck down a group of men near the dais. They all lay dead and in flames. Andi’s breath caught in her throat when he spoke again.

“Child! You do not belong here with these pitiful wretched creatures. Come with me, I shall show you a magnificent world. They would have you living and dying in pain under my hand. Come!” He beckoned through the crowd.

Andi felt compelled, all true thought not her own. “I will obey.”

Ain-u-tep appeared and scratched Andi’s hand. “No! Do not go. Resist.”

“I want to, but,” her head snapped to see the flaming monster.

“Resist. Put your hand on your pendant. Wish yourself home.”

Andi feeling her feet moving and the crowds of men stepping aside like the Red Sea parting for Moses, cried out. “NO! I want to stay with King Sefu! I will protect him and his kingdom!” Her arm involuntarily lifted the shield before her.

A clap of thunder broke into the hall, shattering the stone crystal, glass, and mosaics all around. Andi opened her eyes to see Sefu smiling at her, his hand open to her. She ran to him and under his powerful arm he then turned to his foe.

“Jameel Jafir Habidi, I banish you from my presence. Go from this world. Take your dark creatures and leave.”

Andi couldn’t resist, “Yeah, do not pass Go or collect two hundred dollars, get outta here!”

There was mixed laughter, but the flaming entity held its hand out again. “Come, child.” When she did not budge, its eyes moved over the crowd. “Come, Ain-u-tep. I know you are here. I know your magic. You cannot defeat me. Join me, now!”

Andi gasped when she saw the black cat flying over the heads of the army.

“NO! She is my cat!” Andi held the pendant, “I wish Ain-u-tep home.”

The cat vaporized into black smoke. Andi felt herself melting in Sefu’s arms. “NO! I want to stay.” Tears clouded her eyes as Sefu’s astonished dark face blurred and she was plunged into darkness.

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