Genesis' Spirit of Goddess

Chapter 24.

Zion POV


“Uggghhh!!!” annoyed that I didn’t shut the blinds in my room as sharp rays of sunlight hit my face. Waking me up to a throbbing headache. I wish I could say that I’ll never drink with Zachary again but that’ll just be a lie. It’s like a tradition, every time we meet it usually starts with us drinking our problems away with the most expensive whiskey we have.

A flash of memory of last night; Azah she was here or was I just dreaming? I look at the side of the bed. No one. But her scent is still strong, confirming that she was sleeping here just minutes ago. This pissed me off.

Ignoring the hangover I took the nightstand and throw it at the wall in anger. Ruffle my hair frustration I began to scream into a howl. Punching the wall multiple times till my fist starts bleeding.


I hear footsteps rushing. Michael opens the door, while Josiah, Yeshua and Zachary are right behind him.

“ZI!” Zachary yelled leaping forward.

I am restless, boiling with fury. Kicking, punching almost everything that I see. Destroying my second nightstand, the headboard of the bed, leaving holes on the wall.

“Zion, I need you to calm down.” Yeshua is walking to me cautiously.

“Touch me Yeshua, and I’ll break you.”

Zachary tried to get close to me but Yeshua pushed him back.

“Zach! Don’t get close to him. He’ll kill you.”

“He's my brother Yeshua!”

“No. No, right now he's an untamed dire Alpha.”

“Zach, he is right.” Michael and Josiah pull Zachary out of the room.

“Zion, you need to calm down.” Yeshua's eyes glowed ocean blue-green as he spoke.


“Zion you need to calm yourself down, your emotions are heightened and your thinking straight. You could kill someone.”

I’m pacing back and forth. Stopping, and turn to look at Yeshua. He has his hands up in a defensive position, his eyes glowing and changing colours from blue-green to electric blue.

He can’t take me down alone. Blue wolf or not, one person can’t take a full-grown white dire wolf. It’s impossible.

Laughing with a tinge of anger “Try.”

The aura I’m emitting is undeniably more powerful than before. If it’s like this the day before my birthday, imagine the day of.

“Where is she? I won’t ask again, Yeshua!” I demanded.

“She’s… she’s..”

For the first time, Yeshua is frightened and unsure. I start walking to him and grab his neck with my hand.

“I don’t like repeating myself.”

“Alpha Zion please don’t,” Michael begs.

“MOVE!” I roared my command.

I start to shift…….


I open my eyes in panic. My breathing is unsteady, shuffling around with the duvet.


Hearing her sweet voice takes me from the reality of sound. Turning my whole world around. She’s here.

A giddy excitement crosses my lips, a smile I keep throughout as I can't stop looking at her in all her beauty. The mark on her neck, her beautiful plump lips, her cheeks, her nose, and her comforting eyes. My eyes could not escape.

“Zion are you..”

I embrace her tightly fearing that I’ll lose her again.

She’s mine.

“You're here.” I whisper softly to her ear.

“Yes I’m here.”


Azah POV

I’m sitting down on the living room rug as Zion retwist my dreads. It’s 5:00 am in the morning and both of us were not able to sleep. Especially Zion, he kept on having recurring dreams about his mother and her pack, and about me disappearing. I’m worried, but I didn’t want him to know. So I just made up an excuse as to why I wasn’t able to sleep.

“I’ve been gone for awhile, what’s the latest gist babe?”

Zion stayed silent for a moment before responding



“Yea..It’s your birthday today.” He said casually.

I snorted. Normal boyfriends, mates or whatever will usually shower their girl with gifts, and surprises but Zion.. Zion is different.

“Yeah, and? I don’t see any gifts.” I said sarcastically.


I turn my head to face him. “I don’t like surprises, if you have something for me I would rather you tell me.”

“Yeah. Yeah…. What if it’s not my surprise?”

“Spit it out.”

He turns my head away from him, facing the flatscreen tv while he continues to retwist my locs.

“Your friends have something planned. That’s all I’m gonna say. You said you don’t like surprises, now you won’t be surprised.”

True, I decided to drop the subject and ask about his wolf. “Your birthday is tomorrow? Is Zeus alright?”

Ever sense I arrived back from the spirit world not only did my powers grow in strength but I’ve learned a lot more about others. I partially know almost everything there's to know about this town's history. The one thing that shocked me was learning about Zion’s true identity.Zion is a white dire werewolf. The most powerful werewolf kind, and there’s only one pack that’s known for being a dire werewolf.

The Great Dire pack. A pack that has been hidden for generations, their whereabouts are unknown. Very few people in this pack know he's a white wolf, but a smaller portion knows that he’s a dire wolf. All of that may be revealed tomorrow to the entire town.As he transforms into a full adult dire wolf. Making him more aggressive in behaviour and power. Which is 20x times stronger since he is an Alpha. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow but I need to find a way to tame Zeus if anything.

Zion hasn’t responded for the last few minutes “Zion?”

He finishes twisting the last strand of my locs and oils the scalp afterwards puts in leave in conditioner. As he finished I stood up and sat on his lap.I place my hands on his cheeks so he won’t try to avoid eye contact. “Talk to me Zion.”

His strong hands pulls me closer, going underneath the oversized t-shirt I’m wearing. Cupping my ass with one hand while the other slowly traces my back up and down repeatedly. I shiver in response to his touch.

“Zion, seriously.”

He rested his forehead on my shoulder and inhale and exhale deeply. His hands continue to travel aimlessly around my body, he stops and finally breaks his silence.

“I can’t shift. Zeus only made a appearance once since you’ve left and that’s from last night when we marked you.”

“You can’t or you won’t?”

“He won’t shift. He is there I sense him, but he doesn’t want to shift.”

“We may need to talk to someone about this. Maybe my uncle.”

I lift his head back up to face me and said “I’m worried. It makes me worry more that there’s not enough information on how to fix this.”

“There is.”

“Perfect we can just go to my uncle Helios and fix it!” I said excitedly.

I look at Zion and saw his haunted expression. “I have to go back.”

“What?” I said in a soft whisper.

“I think these dreams are telling me something. They all come and go in a blurr. But there’s one voice I keep on hearing and that’s her voice, my mother’s voice. I don’t know how? It’s like I hear her from someone else. Other times I dream about losing it, I just get angry over anything. Then last night I saw another white wolf with red eyes, just staring.”

“Ok. Let’s call uncle Helios.” I got up from his lap, but instead he pulls be back down.

“Azah.” His tone sounds haunted when he says my name. “Helios will come to me. Let’s just cuddle here for a moment please.”

Confused I ask, “what do you mean?”

He presses a small kiss on my forehead.

“Have you forgotten one of your uncle’s power?

Master Helios is a Sorcerer Supreme with profound knowledge. Besides you, my dad, and Zachary he is the only one who knows of my true origin. Although, I have a feeling your aunt now knows too. She called me Alpha Zion Zeus. The only person who ever called me that once is your uncle, and that was to tell me that he knows.”

“So he is probably looking for something right now or knows what to do when the moment comes.”

“What moment?” Anxious to know.

“Let’s just wait for Master Helios. Right now let’s catch up on our sleep.”

“I love you.” I said while resting my head on his chest and laying on top of him on the sectional couch.

“I love you more”

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